53 research outputs found

    Роль генотипа, состава среды и типа экспланта в формировании первичного каллюса изогенных линий пшеницы

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    The processes of callusogenesis induction of winter wheat Triticum aestivum L., cultivar Myronovskaya 808 isogenic by genes of the control of type Vrn and rates Ppd of development were investigated. In the studied genotypes genotypic dependence of callusogenesis processes was noted and it was shown that callusogenesis and the type of callus tissue were caused by the type of explants. It was established that the callus from mature germs and leaf explants had morphogenetic potential. The distinctions among isogenic lines in callus tissue cell sizes and rate of primary callus formation were revealed.Исследованы процессы индукции каллюсогенеза изогенных по генам контроля типа Vrn и темпов Ppd развития линий озимой мягкой пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) сорта Мироновская 808. У изученных генотипов установлена генотипическая зависимость частоты каллюсогенеза, а также показано, что эффективность процесса и тип каллюсной ткани обусловлены выбранным эксплантом. Установлено, что морфогенетическим потенциалом обладают каллюсы из зрелых зародышей и листовых эксплантов. Выявлены различия среди изогенных линий в размерах клеток каллюсных тканей и скорости их формирования

    Genotype by yield × trait (GYT) biplot analysis for the identification of the superior winter and facultative barley breeding lines

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    Received: January 25th, 2023 ; Accepted: May 21st, 2023 ; Published: June 17th, 2023 ; Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] the present study, in a panel of promising winter and facultative barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeding lines, the peculiarities of yield performance and its combination with resistance (tolerance) to the most common under conditions of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe abiotic and biotic stresses have been determined. In 2016-17–2018-19 the breeding lines were differentiated based on grain yield, thousand kernel weight, frost resistance, leakage of electrolytes, relative drought tolerance, lodging resistance, and resistance to powdery mildew (caused by Blumeria graminis (DC.) E. O. Speer, f. sp. hordei emend. É. J. Marchal (anamorph Oidium monilioides Link)), spot blotch (caused by Cochliobolus sativus (anamorph Bipolaris sorokiniana [Sacc.] Shoem.)), and leaf rust (caused by Puccinia hordei Otth.). GYT (genotype by yield × trait) biplot model was used for comprehensive evaluation of the breeding lines by a combination of yield with a complex of traits. As a result, the winter breeding line ‘Pallidum 5096’ and facultative breeding line ‘Pallidum 5110’ superior to others in terms of yield × traits combinations have been identified. These breeding lines as new varieties ‘MIP Atlas’ and ‘MIP Yanus’ accordingly have been submitted to the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination for further State Qualification Examination. The winter (‘Pallidum 5134’, ‘Pallidum 5097’, ‘Pallidum 5024’, ‘Pallidum 5090’, and ‘Pallidum 5130’) and facultative (‘Pallidum 5153’, ‘Pallidum 5102’, ‘Pallidum 5126’, and ‘Pallidum 5131’) breeding lines can be used as valuable genetic sources in breeding programs in Ukraine and some other Central a nd Eastern European countries

    Experimental study of injector based on the spark source with titanium cathode saturated with hydrogen

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    The results of experimental study of short-pulse proton injector for various variants of construction of pulse spark ion source are considered. The experimental results of study of regimes of both ignition and discharge support within the source with stabilized pulse feeding (~10 μs, 5 Hz). Of special concern the increasing of the cathode electrode lifetime. The results ofmeasurements ofboth absolute and partial (in spices) density ofion beam are presented.Представлені результати іспитів короткоімпульсного інжектора протонів для різних варіантів виконання конструкції імпульсного іскрового джерела. Приводяться експериментальні результати відпрацьовування оптимальних режимів порушення і підтримки розряду в джерелі зі стабілізованим імпульсним живлення (~ 10 мкс, 5 Гц).Представлены результаты испытаний короткоимпульсного инжектора протонов для различных вариантов выполне- ния конструкции импульсного искрового источника. Приводятся экспериментальные результаты отработки оптимальных режимов возбуждения и поддержания разряда в источнике со стабилизированным импульсным питанием (~ 10 мкс, 5 Гц)

    Measurement of the Ds lifetime

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    We report precise measurement of the Ds meson lifetime. The data were taken by the SELEX experiment (E781) spectrometer using 600 GeV/c Sigma-, pi- and p beams. The measurement has been done using 918 reconstructed Ds. The lifetime of the Ds is measured to be 472.5 +- 17.2 +- 6.6 fs, using K*(892)0K+- and phi pi+- decay modes. The lifetime ratio of Ds to D0 is 1.145+-0.049.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Search for the decay K+ to pi+ gamma gamma in the pi+ momentum region P>213 MeV/c

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    We have searched for the K+ to pi+ gamma gamma decay in the kinematic region with pi+ momentum close to the end point. No events were observed, and the 90% confidence-level upper limit on the partial branching ratio was obtained, B(K+ to pi+ gamma gamma, P>213 MeV/c) < 8.3 x 10-9 under the assumption of chiral perturbation theory including next-to-leading order ``unitarity'' corrections. The same data were used to determine an upper limit on the K+ to pi+ gamma branching ratio of 2.3 x 10-9 at the 90% confidence level.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; no change in the results, accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Confirmation of the Double Charm Baryon Xi_cc+ via its Decay to p D+ K-

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    We observes a signal for the double charm baryon Xi_cc+ in the charged decay mode Xi_cc+ -> p D+ K- to complement the previously reported decay Xi_cc+ -> Lambda_c K- pi+ in data from SELEX, the charm hadro-production experiment (E781) at Fermilab. In this new decay mode we observe an excess of 5.62 events over an expected background estimated by event mixing to be 1.38+/-0.13 events. The Poisson probability that a background fluctuation can produce the apparent signal is less than 6.4E-4. The observed mass of this state is (3518+/-3)MeV/c^2, consistent with the published result. Averaging the two results gives a mass of (3518.7+/-1.7)MeV/c^2. The observation of this new weak decay mode confirms the previous SELEX suggestion that this state is a double charm baryon. The relative branching ratio Gamma(Xi_cc+ -> pD+K-)/Gamma(Xi_cc+ -> Lambda_c K- pi+) = 0.36+/-0.21.Comment: 11 pages, 6 included eps figures. v2 includes improved statistical method to determine significance of observation. Submitted to PL

    First Measurement of pi e -> pi e gamma Pion Virtual Compton Scattering

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    Pion Virtual Compton Scattering (VCS) via the reaction pi e --> pi e gamma was observed in the Fermilab E781 SELEX experiment. SELEX used a 600 GeV/c pi- beam incident on target atomic electrons, detecting the incident pi- and the final state pi-, electron and gamma. Theoretical predictions based on chiral perturbation theory are incorporated into a Monte Carlo simulation of the experiment and are compared to the data. The number of reconstructed events (9) and their distribution with respect to the kinematic variables (for the kinematic region studied) are in reasonable accord with the predictions. The corresponding pi- VCS experimental cross section is sigma=38.8+-13 nb, in agreement with the theoretical expectation sigma=34.7 nb.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, 25 references, SELEX home page is http://fn781a.fnal.gov/, revised July 21, 2002 in response to journal referee Comment

    Total Cross Section Measurements With π- , Σ- And Protons On Nuclei And Nucleons Around 600 Gev/c

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    Total cross sections for Σ- and π- on beryllium, carbon, polyethylene and copper as well as total cross sections for protons on beryllium and carbon have been measured in a broad momentum range around 600GeV/c . These measurements were performed with a transmission technique in the SELEX hyperon-beam experiment at Fermilab. We report on results obtained for hadron-nucleus cross sections and on results for σtot(Σ-N) and σtot(π-N) , which were deduced from nuclear cross sections. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.57901/02/15277312Langland, J.L., (1995) Ph.D. Thesis, , University of IowaKleinfelder, S.A., (1988) IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 35 (1)Dersch, U., (1998) Ph.D. Thesis, HeidelbergBiagi, S.F., (1981) Nucl. Phys. B, 186, pp. 1-21Bellettini, G., (1966) Nucl. Phys., 79, pp. 609-624Schiz, A.M., (1980) Phys. Rev. D, 21, pp. 3010-3022Murthy, P.V.R., (1975) Nucl. Phys. B, 92, pp. 269-308Caso, C., (1998) Eur. Phys. J. C, 3. , http://pdg.lbl.gov/1998/contents_plots.html, and data on total cross sections from computer readable filesSchiz, A.M., (1979) Ph.D. Thesis, , Yale University(1973) Landolt Börnstein Tables, 7. , Springer editionEngler, J., (1970) Phys. Lett. B, 32, pp. 716-719Babaev, A., (1974) Phys. Lett. B, 51, pp. 501-504Glauber, R.J., (1959) Boulder Lectures, pp. 315-413Franco, V., (1972) Phys. Rev. C, 6, pp. 748-757Karmanov, V.A., Kondratyuk, L.A., (1973) JETP Lett., 18, pp. 266-268Burq, J.P., (1983) Nucl. Phys. B, 217, pp. 285-335Gross, D., (1978) Phys. Rev. Lett., 41, pp. 217-220Beznogikh, G.G., (1972) Phys. Lett. B, 39, pp. 411-413Vorobyov, A.A., (1972) Phys. Lett. B, 41, pp. 639-641Foley, K.J., (1967) Phys. Rev. Lett., 19, pp. 857-859Fajardo, L.A., (1981) Phys. Rev. D, 24, pp. 46-65Jenni, P., (1977) Nucl. Phys. B, 129, pp. 232-252Breedon, R.E., (1989) Phys. Rev. Lett. B, 216, pp. 459-465Amos, N., (1983) Phys. Rev. Lett. B, 128, pp. 343-348Amaldi, U., (1977) Phys. Rev. Lett. B, 66, pp. 390-394Amos, N., (1985) Nucl. Phys. B, 262, pp. 689-714Akopin, V.D., (1977) Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 25, pp. 51-55Amirkhanov, I.V., (1973) Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 17, pp. 636-637Foley, K.J., (1969) Phys. Rev., 181, pp. 1775-1793Apokin, V.D., (1976) Nucl. Phys. B, 106, pp. 413-429Burq, J.P., (1982) Phys. Lett. B, 109, pp. 124-127Dakhno, L.G., (1983) Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 37, pp. 590-598Kazarinov, M., (1976) Sov. Phys. JETP, 43, pp. 598-606De Jager, C.W., (1974) At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 14, pp. 479-508Donnachie, A., Landshoff, P.V., (1992) Phys. Lett. B, 296, pp. 227-232Lipkin, H., (1975) Phys. Rev. D, 11, pp. 1827-1831Barnett, R.M., (1996) Phys. Rev. D, 54, pp. 191-192Carroll, A.S., (1979) Phys. Lett. B, 80, pp. 423-427Badier, J., (1972) Phys. Lett. B, 41, pp. 387-39

    Total Cross Section Measurements with pi-, Sigma- and Protons on Nuclei and Nucleons around 600 GeV/c

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    Total cross sections for Sigma- and pi- on beryllium, carbon, polyethylene and copper as well as total cross sections for protons on beryllium and carbon have been measured in a broad momentum range around 600GeV/c. These measurements were performed with a transmission technique adapted to the SELEX hyperon-beam experiment at Fermilab. We report on results obtained for hadron-nucleus cross sections and on results for sigma_tot(Sigma- N) and sigma_tot(pi- N), which were deduced from nuclear cross sections.Comment: 42 pages, submitted to Nucl.Phys.