655 research outputs found

    Uniform asymptotic estimates of hypergeometric functions appearing in Potential Theory

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    19 pages, no figures.-- MSC1991 codes: 33C05, 33C55, 31B15.MR#: MR1393128 (98b:33007)Zbl#: Zbl 0864.33001The solution of a Dirichlet problem for the Laplace-Beltrami operator with Bergman metric in the unit ball in the complex nn-dimensional space can be expressed in terms of integrals of which the kernel can be expanded in spherical harmonics. The coefficients in this expansion contain ratios of Gauss hypergeometric functions of the form F(p,q;p+q+n;r2)/F(p,q;p+q+n;1)F(p,q;p+q+n;r^2)/ F(p,q;p+q+n;1). The paper studies the uniform asymptotic behaviour of F(q,mq;q+mq+n;t)F(q,mq;q+mq+n;t) for large values of qq. Several results are formulated as inequalities for certain integrals containing ratios of hypergeometric functions [Zentralblatt MATH].Research of the second author was supported by a grant of the CICYT, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain.Publicad

    Distortion of boundary sets under inner functions and applications

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    10 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: 30C85, 30D50.MR#: MR1183352 (93k:30014)Zbl#: Zbl 0765.30011An inner function is a bounded holomorphic function from the unit disc Δ\Delta of the complex plane such that the radial boundary values have modulus 1 a.e. . If EE is a Borel subset of Δ\partial\Delta we also define f(E)=\{e\sp{i\theta}/\lim\sb{r\to 1} f(re\sp{i\theta}) exists and belongs to E}E\}. Let M\sb \alpha, \text{cap}\sb \alpha and dim denote respectively the α\alpha-dimensional content, α\alpha- dimensional capacity and the Hausdorff dimension. In relation to the available results the authors in this paper prove that if ff is inner, f(0)=0f(0)=0, and EE is a Borel subset of Δ\partial\Delta then M\sb \alpha(f\sp{-1}(E)) \geq C\sb \alpha M\sb \alpha(E) and for 0α<10\leq\alpha<1, \text{cap}\sb \alpha(f\sp{-1}(E)) \geq C\sb \alpha \text{cap}\sb \alpha(E). An immediate consequence of course is \dim(f\sp{-1}(E))\geq \dim E. They also give examples to show that the inequalities cannot be reversed [source: Zentralblatt MATH].The first author was supported in part by a grant from CICYT, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain.Publicad

    Distortion of boundary sets under inner functions. II

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    33 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: 32A30, 30C85, 30D50.MR#: MR1379286 (97b:30035)Zbl#: Zbl 0847.32005We present a study of the metric transformation properties of inner functions of several complex variables. Along the way we obtain fractional dimensional ergodic properties of classical inner functions.Publicad

    Isoperimetric inequalities in Riemann surfaces of infinite type

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    75 pages, 1 figure.-- MSC2000 code: 30F45.MR#: MR1715412 (2000j:30075)Zbl#: Zbl 0935.30028Research partially supported by a grant from Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia), Spain.Publicad

    Quantitative mixing results and inner functions

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    19 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: 30D05, 30D50, 37A05, 37A25, 37F10, 28D05, 11K55.MR#: MR2262783 (2007j:37003)Zbl#: Zbl 1125.30019We study in this paper estimates on the size of the sets of points which are well approximated by orbits of other points under certain dynamical systems. We apply the results obtained to the particular case of the dynamical system generated by inner functions in the unit disk of the complex plane.D. Pestana was supported by Grants BFM2003-04780 and BFM-2003-06335-C03-02, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain. J. L. Fernández and M. V. Melián were supported by Grant BFM2003-04780 from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain.Publicad

    La borrosidad como epistemología de la interacción social: algunos alcances y potencialidades

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    Comunicació presentada al "1er Congreso de Doctorandos/as en Psicología Social", Bellaterra del 8 al 11 de febrer de 2000.En este trabajo se describen la teoría de los conjuntos borrosos de L. A. Zadeh (antecedentes, características e implicaciones) y las áreas en las que se ha aplicado la borrosidad en psicología y psicología social (desarrollo evolutivo, procesamiento de estímulos, percepción de la información, prototipos y otras aplicaciones). A partir de esto, se sugiere cómo la borrosidad podría ser útil en el estudio de la interacción social, asumiendo el carácter simultáneamente vago y preciso de la realidad, y la utilización de conceptos como la noción de sí mismo desde una visión compleja, que considere, desde la perspectiva del pluralismo, diversas posturas teóricas y metodológicas.In this work are described the L. A. Zadeh's fuzzy set theory (its antecedents, characteristics and implications), and the areas in which the fuzziness has been used in psychology and social psychology (evolutive development, stimuli processing, information perception, prototypes and other applications). Related to this, it is suggested how fuzziness could be helpful to study social interaction -if it is assumed the reality simultaneous vague and precise character-, and the usefulness of concepts as the self notion from a complex vision, that is, considering several theoretical and methodological positions in a pluralistic perspective

    Generalized weighted Sobolev spaces and applications to Sobolev orthogonal polynomials, I

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    36 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: 41A10, 46E35, 46G10.-- Part II of this paper published in: Approx. Theory Appl. 18(2): 1-32 (2002), available at: http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/handle/10016/6483MR#: MR2047389 (2005k:42062)Zbl#: Zbl 1081.42024In this paper we present a definition of Sobolev spaces with respect to general measures, prove some useful technical results, some of them generalizations of classical results with Lebesgue measure and find general conditions under which these spaces are complete. These results have important consequences in approximation theory. We also find conditions under which the evaluation operator is bounded.Research by first (J.M.R.), third (E.R.) and fourth (D.P.) authors was partially supported by a grant from DGI (BFM 2000-0206-C04-01), Spain.Publicad

    Approximation theory for weighted Sobolev spaces on curves

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    17 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: 41A10, 46E35, 46G10.MR#: MR1882649 (2003c:42002)In this paper we present a definition of weighted Sobolev spaces on curves and find general conditions under which the spaces are complete. We also prove the density of the polynomials in these spaces for non-closed compact curves and, finally, we find conditions under which the multiplication operator is bounded on the completion of polynomials. These results have applications to the study of zeroes and asymptotics of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials.Research of V. Álvarez, D. Pestana and J.M. Rodríguez partially supported by a grant from DGI, BFM2000-0206-C04-01, Spain.Publicad

    Weighted Sobolev spaces on curves

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    45 pages, no figures.-- MSC1987 codes: 41A10, 46E35, 46G10.MR#: MR1934626 (2003j:46038)Zbl#: Zbl 1019.46026In this paper we present a definition of weighted Sobolev spaces on curves and find general conditions under which the spaces are complete for non-closed compact curves. We also prove the density of the polynomials in these spaces and, finally, we find conditions under which the multiplication operator is bounded in the space of polynomials.Research of second (D.P.), third (J.M.R.) and fourth (E.R.) authors was partially supported by a grant from DGI (BFM 2000-0206-C04-01), Spain.Publicad

    Generalized weighted Sobolev spaces and applications to Sobolev orthogonal polynomials, II

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    32 pages, no figures.-- MSC1987 codes: 41A10, 46E35, 46G10.-- Part I of this paper published in: Acta Appl. Math. 80(3): 273-308 (2004), available at: http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/handle/10016/6482MR#: MR1928169 (2003h:42034)Zbl#: Zbl 1095.42014^aWe present a definition of general Sobolev spaces with respect to arbitrary measures, Wk,p(Ω,μ)W^{k,p}(\Omega,\mu) for 1p1\leq p\leq\infty. In Part I [Acta Appl. Math. 80(3): 273-308 (2004), http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/handle/10016/6482] we proved that these spaces are complete under very mild conditions. Now we prove that if we consider certain general types of measures, then Cc(R)C^\infty_c({\bf R}) is dense in these spaces. As an application to Sobolev orthogonal polynomials, we study the boundedness of the multiplication operator. This gives an estimation of the zeroes of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials.Research partially supported by a grant from DGES (MEC), Spain.Publicad