1,741 research outputs found

    Appendix I: References Cited

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    Annual summary of field crop insect management trials, Department of Crop Services, University of Illinois. Providing accurate and unbiased evaluations of insect control products and management strategies to assist growers in Illinois.University of Illinois Extension and Department of Crop Science

    The Battle over Sunrise Rock: Examining the Constitutionality of Government Land Transfers to Private Entities

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    Among the 1.6 million acres of southern California’s Mojave National Preserve stands a small cross, erected nearly a century ago as a memorial to veterans who died in World War I. Located in a remote site in the desert atop an outcropping known as Sunrise Rock, the cross, standing between five and eight feet tall,may appear to be of little significance to the average passerby. However, this seemingly inconsequential monument may have substantial implications for the federal government’s ability to transfer land to private entities. The location of the cross in the federally-owned Preserve has sparked widespread debate over whether it violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, which guarantees that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”The Establishment Clause is generally interpreted to guarantee citizens the right to be free from the government’s endorsement of a particular religion.Opponents of the cross have sought its removal for more than a decade, arguing that its location on the Preserve constitutes governmental endorsement of Christianity

    Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Joint Health and Osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal diseases in the world. Our laboratory has shown that epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling is involved in the process of cartilage degeneration in OA. Regulation of EGFR signalling by mitogen-inducible gene 6 (Mig-6) and dual specificity phosphatase 1 (DUSP-1) allows for signal modulation, and mouse models have linked these proteins to joint pathologies. Failure to control EGFR signalling may be involved in OA progression leading to my overarching hypothesis: regulation of EGFR signalling is essential for maintenance of joint health. I initially tested the role of Mig-6 in cartilage health using cartilage-specific deletion of Mig-6 in a mouse model. Using various histological and imaging techniques, we demonstrated that these animals show increased anabolic activity in articular cartilage, as well as the formation of chondro-osseous nodules in their knee joints within the first 3 months. These mice did not develop severe OA as I predicted, however, there were early signs of developing articular cartilage pathology. To assess the role of Mig-6 in elderly cartilage, we employed the same mouse model but aged these animals to 21 months, near the end of their life span. These KO animals exhibited similar knee phenotypes, however, no abnormal growths were observed in the ankle and elbow joints which showed enhanced cartilage thickness. Only minor signs of OA were noted. Using an inducible system to delete Mig-6 from cartilage of 3 week old mice, we found limited evidence of increased anabolic activity at 12 weeks. These studies demonstrate that Mig-6 may be playing an important role during development and that loss of Mig-6 may positively impact cartilage health. Finally, I examined the knee joints of whole body Dusp1 null mice at 21 months of age for signs of OA. Both Dusp1 null and control mice showed similar signs of OA, indicating that DUSP-1 mediated regulation of signalling downstream of EGFR is not essential to prevent spontaneous OA progression. Taken together, these data demonstrate that EGFR signalling regulated by both Mig-6 and DUSP-1 is important in joint homeostasis, and has revealed a potential target in Mig-6 for future cartilage regenerative treatments

    Special Hydrocarbon Tax And Taxation Of Shale Gas In Poland

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    Shale gas is considered as a new unconventional resource which may help to diversify the supply and increase accessibility of the gas among the final recipients. The exploration activities of shale gas in Poland are conducted since 2011. It was related with so-called gas revolution – a phenomenon that affected the gas extraction in the United States and Europe. The emergence of the possibility to extract shale gas, previously inaccessible owing to technological limitations, places before Poland the perspective of a significant increase in the production of natural gas and crude oil (Elaboration of government draft Bill on a Special Hydrocarbon Tax).According to the information of polish Energy Regulatory Office, at the end of 2011, there were 109 entities which carried out an activity related to the shale gas exploration. Since then, the growing importance of shale gas was recognized as a potential source of tax revenue. The impact of the shale gas business was significant. Just a few years after the beginning of the gas exploration, the Special Hydrocarbon Tax Bill was adopted on 25th July 2014. The regulations came into force on 1st January 2016

    New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, the Year in Review: 2006-2007

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    NYS IPM Type: Annual ReportThe Director's message, highlights of the year's projects and campaigns, and a financial report

    Elements of IPM for Winter Squash and Pumpkins in New York State

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    NYS IPM Type: Vegetables IPM ElementsNYS IPM Type: IPM ElementsA checklist of IPM practices for winter squash and pumpkin growers in New York State. Practitioners can use this document to track their IPM implementation and accrue points to assess their level of adoption of IPM practices

    The Soybean Aphid

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    The soybean aphid native to Asia and is now widespread throughout the Midwestern United States.Originating text in English.Citation: Purdue University. (2002). The Soybean Aphid. Purdue University. https://web.archive.org/web/20030428024417/http://www.btny.purdue.edu/devel/buckthorn/page2.htm

    Health indicators of influence of swimming on school children's health

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    Plivanje se prvi put spominje 1531. godine, u knjizi The Book Named The Governour, u kojoj Sir Thomas Elyot zagovara plivanje kao važan element obrazovanja. Plivanje je aktivnost kretanja živih bića kroz vodu, koja uključuje održavanje na površini vode i kretanje u željenom smjeru. Znanje plivanja čovjeku omogućuje da se njime koristi kao sredstvom sporta, razonode ili rekreacije. Vrlo je važno i pri elementarnim nepogodama i drugim nezgodama kao mogućnost samozaštite i zaštite drugih. Plivanje je važno za pravilan rast i razvoj djece. Ono razvija temeljnu motoriku i doprinosi razvoju kognitivnih sposobnosti. Plivanje je natjecateljski sport, stoga razvija samopouzdanje, natjecateljski duh i upornost. Pridonosi povećanju snage i izdržljivosti mišićnog sustava, poboljšanju cirkulacije, povećanju pokretljivosti zglobova, povećanju vitalnog kapaciteta pluća te povećanju mobilnosti grudnog koša. Plivanje pomaže osobama s tjelesnim oštećenjima, a u podučavanju plivanja osoba s tjelesnim oštećenjima popularan je Halliwick koncept. Halliwick konceptom se unapređuje kontrola disanja, koordinacija pokreta, neovisnost o aktivnostima dnevnog života, opća tjelesna spremnost i zdravlje, samopoštovanje, interpersonalna komunikacija te sposobnost za kreiranje i sudjelovanje u igri. Kako bi se dobio uvid u prikaz koliki je utjecaj plivanja na zdravlje čovjeka, proučena su prijašnja istraživanja u području zdravstvenog utjecaja plivanja na zdravlje, kao i njihovi rezultati. Može se zaključiti, kako plivanje, kao i bavljenje bilo kojim sportom ima velik i važan utjecaj na zdravlje čovjeka. Istraživanje se dalje može provoditi empirijski, longitudinalno proučavajući skupinu djece određene dobi, no zbog dugotrajnosti provedbe, provedena je anketa kojom su ispitani stavovi i zadovoljstvo učenika, drugog razreda OŠ Ivana Mažuranića, obukom plivanja koja predstavlja prvi doticaj s plivanjem, kao i mogućnost daljnjeg bavljenja plivanjem. Kako se većina učenika namjerava nastaviti baviti aktivno ili rekreativno plivanjem, može se zaključiti da su rezultati istraživanja pozitivni. Kako bi se pokazalo kako plivanje uključiti u program razredne nastave, održan je sat na temu Važnost plivanja za zdravlje. Na održanom satu prikazani su važnost i utjecaj plivanja na zdravlje čovjeka, u urgentnim situacijama, plivanje kao oblik kineziterapije, plivanje kao sportsko natjecanje ili kao oblik rekreacije

    Zygfryd Gardzielewski – toruński twórca kultury. O perspektywach popularyzacji spuścizny artysty typografa

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest perspektywom popularyzacji spuścizny toruńskiego artysty typografa. Zarysowana krótko obecna sytuacja, w jakiej znajduje się polska typografia, jej rozwój, potrzeby oraz jej postrzeganie, sprzyja podejmowaniu takich działań. Dokonano też przeglądu stanu inicjatyw popularyzatorskich związanych z osobą i dorobkiem Zygfryda Gardzielewskiego w regionie, które przedstawiają się –  niestety – bardzo skromnie, a o czym warto wspomnieć choćby z racji podsumowania obchodzonego w ubiegłym roku 100-lecia urodzin toruńskiego typografa. Zaproponowane w artykule pomysły popularyzatorskie nie wyczerpują wszystkich możliwości, choć wyznaczają pewne podstawowe kierunki, podkreślają wartość nowej marki dla Torunia i regionu. Wskazują na jej duży potencjał, ale jednocześnie uzmysławiają, jak wiele jest do zrobienia na płaszczyźnie dystrybucji idei pozostawionego dziedzictwa, żeby został o nią poszerzony wymiar polskiej kultury w świadomości odbiorców nie tylko w naszym regionie.The article discusses the prospects for popularizing the heritage of Torun artist typographer. Briefly outlined the current situation in which Poland is typography, its development, its needs and perceptions, favors taking such action. There have been also reviewed the status of popularizing initiatives connected with the person and achievements of Siegfried Gardzielewski in the region that are as - unfortunately - very modestly, but about what it is worth mentioning even by virtue of a summary of last year celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Torun typographer. Proposed in the article popularizing ideas do not exhaust all possibilities, but set certain basic directions, they highlight the value of a new brand for Torun and the region. They point to its great potential, but also make clear how much is to be done at the level of distribution abandoned the idea of heritage that was about it expanded dimension of Polish culture in the public's mind, not only in our region