Business and Public Administration Studies (E-Journal, Washington Institute of China Studies - WICS)
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268 research outputs found
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Quality - the most important factor in the time of the ongoing economic crisis
Until now, does not explicitly define essence of quality in relation to insurance services. Concern about the quality of services in the financial market, including insurance is ac-companied by any action related to the safety of customers and insurance companies. The existing literature does not clearly identify the model of quality of insurance services, which would be regarded as optimal and model for all coun-tries. Even more does not give an unambiguous answer to the question whether the quality of services in a separate in-stitution represents a better solution than to develop one of the standard models. Therefore, in the process of business management becomes increasingly important the quality of management [Altkorn J. Kramer T., 1998; Bardini J.P., 2006; Bennion F., 1969; Christopher M., Payne A., Ballan-tyne D., 1991; Cummins J. D., Doherty N. A., 2005; Garczar-czyk J. (red.), 2002; Horovitz J., 2006 Łańcucki J., 2008; Mayerson A. L., 1962; Payne A., 1996; Porter M. E., 2001; Rogoziński K., 2000; Grzebieniak A., 2015]. The quality of service is the final product of complicated process of man-agement and operation of an insurance company [Przybyt-niowski, J.W., 2022, pp. 25-70]
Modern Japanese project management – a literature review
This article provides an overview of Japanese project management methodologies and their importance in the global business world. It discusses the origins of kaizen, lean management, Gemba, Just-In-Time, kanban, and 5S and their effectiveness in improving productivity and competitiveness. The article also explores the differences between Western and Japanese project management philosophies, highlighting the emphasis on flexibility and process orientation in Jap-anese methods. The article suggests that cross-cultural learning and collaboration can lead to improvements in project management practices and identifies the strengths of Japanese project management as continuous improvement, cus-tomer focus, attention to detail, and teamwork. The paper also recognizes the weaknesses as funding, slow decision-mak-ing, lack of self-confidence and cultural barrier. The impact of Japanese culture on work practices is also discussed, in-cluding its emphasis on adaptability, collaboration, long-term partnerships and trust, and workplace atmosphere. Over-all, the article provides insight into the world of Japanese project management and its potential to influence global busi-ness practices
Mark M. Michalski: Editorial
The Journal of Business and Public Administration wel-comes and is pleased to introduce two new Editors: Dr Jaro-slaw Wenancjusz Przybytniowski of the Department of Man-agement at Jan Kochanowski University as an Academic (Theme) Editor and Dr Dominik Dziekanski of Economic Department at Jan Kochanowski University as a Technical Editor.Journal opens with an article by professor Przybyt-niowski, titled: Competitiveness of financial distribution channels in the time of the ongoing crisis. It presents an as-sessment of service provision by insurance companies. The author shows a critical link between customers’ expectations and relationship management as of paramount importance in cultivating loyalty and continuous flow of profitable busi-ness. Just as a ditty tells us: there is no better business than repeat business. Insurance companies form a system of channels to provide the insurance services in the most opti-mal way to achieve their own goals. They allow the potential customers to use the services of channels with which the in-surance company distributes its products. Managing cus-tomer relationships is an important element of nurture loy-alty. However, it must be accompanied by appropriate measures to maintain the relationship at every level of or-ganization. The aim of this article is to analyze the insurance market in Poland from side of insurance an insurance medi-ation
Competitiveness of financial distribution channels in the time of the ongoing crisis
Insurance companies forms the system of channels to provide the insurance services in the most optimal way to achieve they own goals. They allow the potential customers to use the services of channels with which the insurance company distributes its products. Managing customer relationship is an important element of nurture loyalty. However, must be accompanied by appropriate measures to maintain the relationship at every level of organization. The aim of this article is analyze the insurance market in Poland from side of insurance an insurance mediation
Books that are noteworthy
The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism, by Martin Wolf, Penguin Press, 496 pp., 2023
Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Strug-gle Over technology and Prosperity, by Daron Ace-moglu and Simon Johnson, 2023
The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Cata-strophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China Hardcover, by Kevin Rudd, 2022
Voluntary Insurance in the Process of Service Quality Improvement Jarosław Wenancjusz Przybytniowski, Wydawnictwo Rys: Poznan, Po-land (2023). ISBN: 978-83-67287-74-
Market competitiveness of insurance services in Poland. Theoretical and practical determinants of research
The work is an analysis the aim of which is to answer the thesis that the level and proper system of insurance service quality management plays an increasing role in forming the competitive position of particular insurance institutions, while the current financial crisis created the need for the increase in insurance awareness of these companies. The main aim of the Authors is to analyse the main trends in the changes in the process of insurance service provision by insurance institutions, in terms of damage liquidation quality
Scrum in video games development – Literature review
The video game industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. In consequence, projects of video game development get progressively bigger and more complex. Scrum is the most commonly used methodology in software development; therefore it is often used in video games development as games are essentially combination of software, art and sometimes science. The aim of this re-view is to provide overlook on Scrum as a methodology used in Software devel-opment, describe in short what characteristics the video games development has and how well Scrum fits into the current state of video games development. It also presents advantages and disadvantages noticed by previous researchers with using Scrum inside and outside of video games industry. The information contained in this article may be useful for people that already work with Scrum outside of video games industry, as well as people working in video games industry not working with Scrum. Both groups may get familiarized with challenges and benefits of using Scrum in context of video games industry and with review of articles based on real life examples contents of this article contains tips valuable to people struggling with Scrum implementation in their video games development projects and how to enhance this meth-odology with other methodologies to achieve most beneficial outcome
Can perspectives of concept formation derive a definition of inequality that can be better measured and targeted by digital trade policy interventions?
The present essay aims to raise a reflection on alternative concepts and definitions of inequality by discussing possible applications of concept formation perspectives that have been developed in philosophy and social science. The necessity for furthering conceptualization works on inequality arise because the concept of ‘inequality’ lacks a precise, universal definition that can be relevant to the complexities that social science entails. In this context, the present essay aims to discuss general perspectives of concept formation in philosophy and social science to reflect on deeper considerations that defining a concept, such as inequality, needs to address. For materializing this objective, this essay will also revise com-mon definitions of inequality concepts that are recurrent on the literature, followed by a discussion on how perspectives of concept formation might lead to alternative ways for deriving a definition of inequality. While stating a universal, precise definition of inequality may be challenging, this essay may also intend to reflect on how perspectives of concept formation can suggest alternative concepts and definitions of inequality that can be addressed by research objectives, such as the role digital trade policy could play in reducing some form of inequality between and within countrie
Of service provision on the example of motor insurance
Negative factors which have recently appeared in the financial market, as well as in the insurance market (continuingfinancial crisis) threatened the consumer market, undermining the trust of customers to the legal system and financialinstitutions. The main aim of the Author is to analyse the main directions of changes in the process of providing motorinsurance services in insurance institutions, with a particular focus on damage liquidation, using the Servqual researchmethod. This work is an analysis to prove the thesis that the level and the appropriate system of managing service qualityof motor insurance is becoming increasingly important in the position of an insurance institution, and the financial crisiscreated a need for the growth of insurance awareness of customers of insurance companies. It is a continuation of studies(PRZYBYTNIOWSKI, 2013abc), conducted within the framework of the research project no. SUPB.RN 21.12
The Suspension of Venezuela from Mercosur: Economic and Political Impacts for Brazil
Venezuela's entry into Mercosur (the Common Market of the South) in 2012 represented an opportunity for a nexusbetween the Amazon Basin, the River Plate Basin and between the different cooperation projects that exist among them.This movement could, therefore, serve as an impetus for regional development through economic, political, energy andsecurity integration. However, in 2017 the Andean country was suspended from the bloc. This paper aims to identify themain economic and political impacts of this suspension for Brazil. A causal hypothesis testing methodology is used throughprimary data collection and a specialized literature review is also done to answer: what are the economic and politicalimpacts, for Brazil, of Venezuela's suspension from Mercosur? The hypothesis is that Venezuela's suspension from Mercosurhas deteriorated bilateral trade with Brazil; the possibility of economic integration between the northern and southernregions of the continent and consequently, stability and regional development. The hypothesis has only been partiallyproven. The negative effects mentioned were detected during the period under review. However, the Andean country hadnot carried out its economic and political integration when it was suspended from the bloc. Thus, its suspension was notthe cause of these problems, but only an aggravating element of these economic and political impacts that mostly arisefrom its internal political and economic crisis and the posture of Brazilian alignment with other countries, to the detrimentof autonomous regional development. In other words, Venezuela's suspension of Mercosur was configured as an interveningvariable in the impacts analyzed