60 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to estimate the farm cost allocation coefficients from whole farm input costs. An entropy approach was developed under a Tobit formulation and was applied to a sample of farms from the 2004 FADN data base for Alentejo region, Southern Portugal. A Generalized Maximum Entropy model and Cross Generalized Entropy model were developed to the sample conditions and were tested. Model results were assessed in terms of their precision and estimation power and were compared with observed data. The entropy approach showed to be a flexible and valid tool to estimate incomplete information, namely regarding farm costs. Keywords: Generalized maximum entropy; costs; estimation; Alentejo, FADN

    Ecophysiology of after-fire resprouts of Arbutus unedo L

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    Plant-water relationships, leaf morphology and concentrations of pigments, proline, soluble sugars, anthocyans and nutrients of after wildfire resprout leaves of Arbutus unedo L. were com-pared with those of same age sprout leaves in unbumed plants. In spring samples, several significant differences appear: after-fire resprouts showed some juvenile characteristics, such as high tissue elasticity, small cells, low specific leaf weight, high Chla/Chlb ratio and a high anthocyan content; on the other hand, unbnrned plants showed drought tolerance characteristics by osmotic adjustment and lower tissue elasticity, larger cells, higher specific leaf weight and lower Chla/Chlb ratio. In fall samples, both kind of shoots showed drought tolerance by osmotic adjustment, low tissue elasticity, large cells and high specific leaf weight. Results show that after-fire resprouts have, at the beginning of their development, higher morphological and physiological plasticity that the new sprouts of unburned plants.Es comparen les relacions hídriques, la morfologia foliar i les concentracions de pigments, prolina, sucres solubles, antocians i nutrients de les fulles de rebrots d'Arbutus unedo L. després d'un incendi, amb iguals característiques de les fulles de brots de plantes no cremades de la mateixa edat. A les mostres de primavera apareixen diverses diferències significatives: els rebrots, després del foc, presenten característiques juvenils, com són alta elasticitat dels teixits, cèl·lules petites, baix pes específic foliar, alta relació Chla/Chlb i un elevat contingut d'antocians; d'altra banda, les plantes no cremades presenten característiques de tolerància a I'eixut per ajustament osmòtic i baixa elasticitat dels teixits, cèl·lules més grosses, pes específic més alt i relació Chla/Chlb inferior. A les mostres de tardor els dos tipus de brots presenten tolerància a I'eixut per ajustament osmòtic, baixa elasticitat de teixits, cèl·lules grosses i pes específic foliar alt. Els resultats mostren que els rebrots després del foc tenen, a I'inici del seu desenvolupament, una plasticitat morfològica i fisiològica superior que els brots nous de les plantes no cremades

    The Second District Schools of Barcelona (1904-1921), a model school in its time

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    En aquest treball es relata la història de les Escoles del Districte Segon de Barcelona. Unes escoles que van existir des de l’any 1904 fins l’any 1921. Les Escoles del Districte Segon eren unes «escoles catalanes» que han estat oblidades malgrat el seu model educatiu innovador i la importància de les persones que van estar implicades en la seva creació i al llarg de seva curta existència. Unes escoles catalanes on la llengua vehicular era la catalana i en la que s’impartien les disciplines habituals a més de gimnàstica, solfeig i cant, al llarg de tot el seu procés formatiu, amb la finalitat de donar una educació integral. La manera d’aprofundir en el seu coneixement es realitza mitjançant les persones que les van imaginar, planificar o dirigir i en els seus professors i alumnes.This paper tells the story of the Escoles del Districte Segon of Barcelona. Some schools that existed from 1904 until 1921. The Escoles del Districte Segon were «Catalan schools» that have been forgotten despite their innovative educational model and the importance of the people who were involved in its creation and throughout its short existence. Some Catalan schools in which the vehicular language was Catalan and in which the usual disciplines were taught in addition to gymnastics, sol-fa and singing, throughout its entire formative process, in order to give an integral education The way to deepen their knowledge is done through the people who imagined, planned or directed them and in their teachers and students.En este trabajo se relata la historia de las Escoles del Districte Segon de Barcelona. Unas escuelas que existieron desde el año 1904 hasta el año 1921. Las Escoles del Districte Segon eran unas «escuelas catalanas» que han estado olvidadas a pesar de su modelo educativo innovador y de la importancia de las personas que estuvieron implicadas en su creación y a lo largo de su corta existencia. Unas escuelas catalanas en las que la lengua vehicular era la catalana y en las que se impartían las disciplinas habituales además de gimnasia, solfeo y canto, a lo largo de todo su proceso formativo, con la finalidad de dar una educación integral La manera de profundizar en su conocimiento se realiza mediante las personas que las imaginaron, planificaron o dirigieron y en sus profesores y alumnos

    Competitividade do açúcar brasileiro no mercado internacional

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    The study objectifies, by means of a group of indicators, to evaluate the competitiveness of the Brazilian sugar in the international trade. The indicator market-share evidenced its significant importance, considering that Brazil was responsible for 40,61% of the sugar commercialized in the international market in 2005. About the competitiveness front to other countries and other products, the indicator relative advantage in the export also discloses the advantage competitive of the Brazilian sugar. As for participation of the sugar in the total of the Brazilian exportations, the growth is substantial, having increased its representation in 95% in the analyzed period. The participation of the commercial balance of the sugar in the GIP Brazilian agricultural also was increasing in the analyzed period, considering that in 1994 the sugar represented less than 1% of the GIP agricultural and arrived to represent 3.53%, in 2002. These data ratify the importance of the Brazilian sugar in the generation of income and detach its increasing competitive advantage before the too much producing and exporting countries.Competitiveness, Sugar, Exportations, International Relations/Trade,


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    Este artigo procurou analisar as fontes de crescimento do Valor Bruto da Produção (VBP) da cana-de-açúcar em Minas Gerais e São Paulo, de 1995 a 2011, por meio da decomposição nos efeitos área, rendimento e preço. A análise empírica do trabalho está baseada no modelo shiftshare. Nos cálculos agregados dos dois estados, no período total, o efeito área obteve maior relevância, seguido do efeito preço. Em São Paulo o efeito área foi o mais significativo, enquanto em Minas Gerais ambos, efeito área e efeito preço, apresentaram elevada variação positiva entre 2003 e 2011, os quais corroboraram com o crescimento do VBP nos últimos anos. Comparados os dois estados, os resultados mostraram que Minas Gerais apresentou taxas superiores de crescimento no VBP vis-à-vis São Paulo

    Os Mercados de Terra e trabalho na (re)estruturação da categoria social dos fornecedores de cana do Estado de São Paulo: análise de dados de campo

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    This paper discusses the role of the land and labour markets on the cane growers` productive (re)structuring in São Paulo State. The analytical material was obtained through structured questionnaires applied in a sampling of cane growers of this area. The results have shown the intensification and wideness of social heterogeneity inside this social group after deregulation in this sector, as well as was increased the importance of land and labour markets in the cane growers activities viability.O artigo discute o papel desempenhado pelos mercados de terra e de trabalho na (re) estruturação produtiva dos fornecedores de cana do estado de São Paulo. O material empírico analisado foi retirado de questionários estruturados, aplicados a uma amostra estratificada proporcional de fornecedores de cana do estado de São Paulo. Os resultados indicaram que a heterogeneidade social desse contingente social ampliou-se após a desregulamentação, assim como foi ampliada a importância dos mercados de terra e trabalho na viabilização dos produtores de cana que permaneceram ativos

    The roses ocean and human health chair: A new way to engage the public in oceans and human health challenges

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    Involving and engaging stakeholders is crucial for studying and managing the complex interactions between marine ecosystems and human health and wellbeing. The Oceans and Human Health Chair was founded in the town of Roses (Catalonia, Spain, NW Mediterranean) in 2018, the fruit of a regional partnership between various stakeholders, and for the purpose of leading the way to better health and wellbeing through ocean research and conservation. The Chair is located in an area of the Mediterranean with a notable fishing, tourist, and seafaring tradition and is close to a marine reserve, providing the opportunity to observe diverse environmental conditions and coastal and maritime activities. The Chair is a case study demonstrating that local, collaborative, transdisciplinary, trans-sector, and bottom-up approaches offer tremendous opportunities for engaging coastal communities to help support long-lasting solutions that benefit everyone, and especially those living by the sea or making their living from the goods and services provided by the sea. Furthermore, the Chair has successfully integrated most of its experts in oceans and human health from the most prestigious institutions in Catalonia. The Chair focuses on three main topics identified by local stakeholders: Fish and Health; Leisure, Health, and Wellbeing; and Medicines from the Sea. Led by stakeholder engagement, the Chair can serve as a novel approach within the oceans and human health field of study to tackle a variety of environmental and public health challenges related to both communicable and non-communicable diseases, within the context of sociocultural issues. Drawing on the example provided by the Chair, four principles are established to encourage improved participatory processes in the oceans and human health field: bottom-up, “think local”, transdisciplinary and trans-sectorial, and “balance the many voices”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Roses Ocean and Human Health Chair: A New Way to Engage the Public in Oceans and Human Health Challenges

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    Involving and engaging stakeholders is crucial for studying and managing the complex interactions between marine ecosystems and human health and wellbeing. The Oceans and Human Health Chair was founded in the town of Roses (Catalonia, Spain, NW Mediterranean) in 2018, the fruit of a regional partnership between various stakeholders, and for the purpose of leading the way to better health and wellbeing through ocean research and conservation. The Chair is located in an area of the Mediterranean with a notable fishing, tourist, and seafaring tradition and is close to a marine reserve, providing the opportunity to observe diverse environmental conditions and coastal and maritime activities. The Chair is a case study demonstrating that local, collaborative, transdisciplinary, trans-sector, and bottom-up approaches offer tremendous opportunities for engaging coastal communities to help support long-lasting solutions that benefit everyone, and especially those living by the sea or making their living from the goods and services provided by the sea. Furthermore, the Chair has successfully integrated most of its experts in oceans and human health from the most prestigious institutions in Catalonia. The Chair focuses on three main topics identified by local stakeholders: Fish and Health; Leisure, Health, and Wellbeing; and Medicines from the Sea. Led by stakeholder engagement, the Chair can serve as a novel approach within the oceans and human health field of study to tackle a variety of environmental and public health challenges related to both communicable and non-communicable diseases, within the context of sociocultural issues. Drawing on the example provided by the Chair, four principles are established to encourage improved participatory processes in the oceans and human health field: bottom-up, "think local", transdisciplinary and trans-sectorial, and "balance the many voices"