82 research outputs found

    CP decomposition and low-rank approximation of antisymmetric tensors

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    For the antisymmetric tensors the paper examines a low-rank approximation which is represented via only three vectors. We describe a suitable low-rank format and propose an alternating least squares structure-preserving algorithm for finding such approximation. The case of partial antisymmetry is also discussed. The algorithms are implemented in Julia programming language and their numerical performance is discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 table


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    Literasi baca tulis merupakan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh siswa dalam kegiatan membaca dan menulis. Kemampuan literasi baca tulis harus dimiliki oleh siswa untuk mempelajari berbagai bidang ilmu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab rendahnya kemampuan literasi baca tulis siswa kelas 2 dan upaya yang dilakukan guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi baca tulis siswa kelas 2 SDN 4 Buwun Mas. Jenis penelitian menggunakan Kualitatif dengan design penelitian Deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitan yaitu 6 orang siswa kelas 2 SDN 4 Buwun Mas, guru wali kelas 2, dan kepala sekolah. Objek dalam penelitian ini yakni faktor penyebab rendahnya kemampuan literasi baca tulis siswa dan  Upaya  yang dilakukan oleh guru di SDN 4 Buwun Mas untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi baca tulis siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi menggunakan lembar observasi, wawancara dengan pedoman wawancara dan dokumentasi transkip hasil wawancara dan hasil kemampuan literasi baca tulis siswa kelas 2 SDn 4 Buwun Mas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab rendahnya kemampuan literasi baca tulis siswa disebabkan oleh dua faktor yaitu faktor internal     dan faktor eksternal. Faktor Internal meliputi rendahnya kemampuan intelektual siswa, dan rendahnya motivasi serta minat siswa dalam belajar. Eksternal meliputi kurangnya perhatian orangtua, ketersediaan fasilitas belajar, kemampuan guru, pelaksanaan GLS belum optimal, dan kurangnya pemanfaatan sarana prasarana sekolah. Upaya yang dilakukan guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi baca tulis siswa yaitu memberi motivasi, pemilihan bahan bacaan yang  sesuai, dan peningkatan kemampuan guru


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    Regional transmission and distribution challenges has evolved and changed a lot in recent years. Four contradictory influences increasingly affected the operations of Slovenian and Croatian electricity systems. Regional electricity systems experienced increasing support of RES integration to meet the EU targets, a lower electricity consumption due to the economic crisis, a growing lack of centralized electricity production for electric system support and the high interconnectivity between the neighboring control zones. TSOs and DSOs observed growing network overvoltage issues as well as a decrease in secondary reserve capacities. Such situation starts to impact national and regional renewable integration targets affecting the security of supply at European level. SINCRO.GRID joint investment project addressed the above-mentioned issues in a sustainable manner. Such cross-border systemic approach will bring synergetic benefits. It will enable an acceptable level of security of operation for at least the next ten years hosting levels of RES in line with the trends foreseen to reach the 2030 targets safely. The project is going to integrate new active elements in the transmission and distribution grids. It leans on the following main pillars: deployment of six compensation devices, deployment of advanced dynamic thermal rating (DTR) systems, deployment of electricity storage systems, integration of distributed renewable generation (DG) and deployment of a virtual cross-border control center (VCBCC). A key aspect of the SINCRO.GRID project lies in the synergy brought by the simultaneous innovative deployment of a portfolio of mature technology-based solutions bring high benefits and positive externalities for the region and European Union


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    Regional transmission and distribution challenges has evolved and changed a lot in recent years. Four contradictory influences increasingly affected the operations of Slovenian and Croatian electricity systems. Regional electricity systems experienced increasing support of RES integration to meet the EU targets, a lower electricity consumption due to the economic crisis, a growing lack of centralized electricity production for electric system support and the high interconnectivity between the neighboring control zones. TSOs and DSOs observed growing network overvoltage issues as well as a decrease in secondary reserve capacities. Such situation starts to impact national and regional renewable integration targets affecting the security of supply at European level. SINCRO.GRID joint investment project addressed the above-mentioned issues in a sustainable manner. Such cross-border systemic approach will bring synergetic benefits. It will enable an acceptable level of security of operation for at least the next ten years hosting levels of RES in line with the trends foreseen to reach the 2030 targets safely. The project is going to integrate new active elements in the transmission and distribution grids. It leans on the following main pillars: deployment of six compensation devices, deployment of advanced dynamic thermal rating (DTR) systems, deployment of electricity storage systems, integration of distributed renewable generation (DG) and deployment of a virtual cross-border control center (VCBCC). A key aspect of the SINCRO.GRID project lies in the synergy brought by the simultaneous innovative deployment of a portfolio of mature technology-based solutions bring high benefits and positive externalities for the region and European Union

    BPC 157 as a Therapy for Retinal Ischemia Induced by Retrobulbar Application of L-NAME in Rats

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    Providing NO-system importance, we suggest that one single application of the NOS-blocker L-NAME may induce retinal ischemia in rats, and that the stable pentadecapeptide BPC 157 may be the therapy, since it may interact with the NO-system and may counteract various adverse effects of L-NAME application. A rat retinal ischemia study was conducted throughout 4 weeks, including fundoscopy, behavior presentation, tonometry, and histology assessment. Retrobulbar L-NAME application (5 mg/kg; 0.5 mg/0.1 ml saline/each eye) in rats immediately produced moderate generalized irregularity in the diameter of blood vessels with moderate atrophy of the optic disc and faint presentation of the choroidal blood vessels, and these lesions rapidly progressed to the severe stage. The specific L-NAME–induced vascular failure points to normal intraocular pressure (except to very transitory increase upon drug retrobulbar administration). When BPC 157 (10 μg; 10 ng/kg, as retrobulbar application, 1 μg; 1 ng/0.1 ml saline/each eye) is given at either 20 min after L-NAME or, lately, at 48 h after L-NAME, the regular retrobulbar L-NAME injection findings disappear. Instead, fundoscopy demonstrated only discrete generalized vessel caliber irregularity with mild atrophy of the optic disc, and then, quite rapidly, normal eye background and choroidal blood vessels, which remain in all of the subsequent periods. Also, histology assessment at 1, 2, and 4 weeks shows that BPC 157 counteracted the damaged inner plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer, and revealed normal retinal thickness. The poor behavioral presentation was also rescued. Thus, while further studies will be done, BPC 157 counteracted L-NAME–induced rat retinal ischemia

    Real-time monitoring shows substantial excess all-cause mortality during second wave of COVID-19 in Europe, October to December 2020.

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    The European monitoring of excess mortality for public health action (EuroMOMO) network monitors weekly excess all-cause mortality in 27 European countries or subnational areas. During the first wave of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Europe in spring 2020, several countries experienced extraordinarily high levels of excess mortality. Europe is currently seeing another upsurge in COVID-19 cases, and EuroMOMO is again witnessing a substantial excess all-cause mortality attributable to COVID-19.Funding statement: The EuroMOMO network hub at Statens Serum Institut receives funding from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Solna, Sweden, through a framework contract 2017-2020.S

    Dorm-Room Tapes

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    The idea behind this project is to write, compose, produce, mix, and master an album’s worth of music in various subgenres of pop/hiphop/RnB, in collaboration with my colleagues here at Berklee. Depending on the timeframe I am thinking about including a music video for one of the songs as a visual aid and extra marketing step for releasing the project. In terms of sounds that will be used, they are stylistically unique, so they will be changing from song to song, however there will of course be a few reoccurring ones such as jazz bass, rhodes, some live drums, and so on. One of the biggest challenges here I think will be choosing and gathering individuals that would fit for their respectful songs, as well as managing the recording process, as time is limited, and people have more projects to focus on. The goal of this project is to create a professional sounding album that will showcase the talents and collaborative skills of my colleagues as well as my own.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1267/thumbnail.jp

    Förbindelseprov, kom!

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    Polisen har på senare år infört det nya avlyssningssäkra radiosystemet RAKEL som har inneburit en hel del förändringar beträ%ande hur poliser i yttre tjänst kommunicerar med operatörer inne på länskommunikationscentralen. Meningen med studien var att undersöka hur kommunikationen mellan poliser i yttre tjänst och operatörer inom länskommunikationscentralen sker. För att undersöka situationen har intervjuer med poliser från yttre tjänst samt ledningspersonal hos länskommunikationscentralen gjorts. Studien visar att det !nns ett välfungerande kommunikativt samarbete som genom olika kommunikationsverktyg gör det möjligt för poliser i yttre tjänst att snabbt ta del av viktig information. Det framgick också att valet av kommunikationsverktyg inte alltid överensstämmer i den utsträckning som är önskvärd från ledningens sida

    Reliability updating of existing bridges based on proof loading

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