13 research outputs found


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    The problem that underlies this activity is to see the condition of the school environment that requires counseling about the use of electrical equipment. The existence of teachers regarding the installation and maintenance of electrical installations in the regions is not well understood, very different from teachers who are in urban areas and moreover those with a background in electrical engineering vocational schools who are classified as advanced both in terms of knowledge level and skills in practice. On the basis of this condition guidance or counseling is carried out for these teachers. Even if they have the skills to install electrical installations, it is hoped that teachers will be able to maintain, repair and install electrical installations, even if they are simple ones. The method used in Community Service activities at SMK N 1 Cisarua, namely Lectures, discussions and exercises. The instructor explains material about the use of electronic devices followed by discussion and questions and answers, while the implementation can be carried out by the teaching team at each school who can consult with the lecturer about saving electricity. As a result of this counseling and training, teachers at SMK N 1 Cisarua can understand the importance of electrical energy and how to use electrical energy efficiently. The conclusion from this activity is that the teaching team at SMK N 1 Cisarua can save electricity in the school and its surroundings so as to reduce the cost of electrical energy.Masalah yang mendasari diadakannya kegiatan ini yaitu melihat kondisi lingkungan sekolah yang memerlukan penyuluhan tentang penggunaan peralatan listrik. Keberadaan guru-guru tentang pemasangan, pemeliharaan instalasi listrik di daerah belum dipahami dengan baik, sangat berbeda dengan para guru yang berada didaerah perkotaan dan apalagi yang berlatar belakang dari SMK jurusan listrik yang tergolong maju baik dari tingkat pengetahuan, dan keterampilannya dalam praktek. Atas dasar kondisi ini dilakukanlah bimbingan atau penyuluhan kepada para guru-guru tersebut. Bahkan dengan dimiliki keterampilan pemasangan instalasi listrik diharapkan pula para guru mampu memelihara, memperbaiki dan memasang instalasi listrik, walaupun yang sederhana. Metoda yang digunakan pada kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di SMK N 1 Cisarua, yaitu Ceramah, diskusi dan latihan. Instruktur menjelaskan materi tentang penggunaan perangkat elektronik dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dan tanya jawab, sedangkan penerapannya dapat dilakukan oleh tim pengajar di sekolah nya masing-masing yang dapat konsultasi dengan dosen tentang penghematan energi listrik.  Hasil dari penyuluhan dan pelatihan ini, guru SMK N 1 Cisarua dapat memahami pentingnya energi listrik dan cara memanfaatkan energi listrik secara efisien. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini yaitu tim pengajar SMK N 1 Cisarua dapat melakukan penghematan energi listrik di lingkungan sekolah dan sekitarnya sehingga mampu menekan biaya energi listrik

    Factors Associated with Prenatal Ultrasound Utilization

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    Background and objectives Ultrasound is commonly used in pregnancy and serves a very important purpose in maternal and fetal screening and diagnosis. However, when not medically necessary it may have an economic impact and may lead to unnecessary interventions. The purpose of this dissertation was to increase the knowledge about prenatal ultrasound utilization which has not been adequately explored. The specific objectives of this dissertation were to 1) study the relationship between having single versus multiple prenatal care providers and the number of prenatal ultrasounds in the USA, 2) explore the factors associated with the timing of the first prenatal ultrasound in Canada, and 3) assess the relationship between the number of prenatal ultrasounds and primary caesarean delivery in Canada and the USA. Methods Responses from two national, cross-sectional surveys were analyzed to address these objectives. The two surveys were the Maternity Experiences Survey from Canada and the Listening To Mothers III survey from the USA. Negative binomial (for objective 1), multinomial (objective 2) and binary (for objective 3) logistic regression models were used to analyze the data. The provided survey weights were applied to both surveys to make the data nationally representative. Bootstrap weights were also applied to the analyses involving the Maternity Experiences Survey. Results The results of objective 1 showed no significant relationship between having single versus multiple prenatal care providers and the number of prenatal ultrasounds in the USA. The findings of objective 2 showed that multiple factors were associated with the timing of prenatal ultrasound in Canada including province of prenatal care, maternal age and country of birth. The results of objective 3 showed a significant relationship between the number of prenatal ultrasounds and caesarean delivery in Canadian multiparas and primiparas as well as in American multiparas. Conclusions The findings of this dissertation form a baseline of attributes of prenatal ultrasound utilization in Canada and the USA and may be used to inform efforts aimed at the optimization of prenatal ultrasound utilization. Future studies can further investigate these relationships, perhaps using more robust databases that may allow for better control of confounding variables

    Characteristics of patients receiving midwife-led prenatal care in Canada: results from the Maternity Experiences Survey (MES)

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    Abstract Background The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of women in Canada who received care from a midwife during their prenatal period. Methods The findings of this study were drawn from the Maternity Experiences Survey (MES), which was a cross-sectional survey that assessed the experiences of women who gave birth between November 2005 and May 2006. The main outcome variable for this study was the prenatal care provider (i.e. midwife versus other healthcare providers). Demographic, socioeconomic, as well as health and pregnancy factors were evaluated using bivariate and multivariate models of logistic regression. Results A total of 6421 participants were included in this analysis representing a weighted total of 76,508 women. The prevalence of midwife-led prenatal care was 6.1%. The highest prevalence of midwife-led prenatal care was in British Columbia (9.8%), while the lowest prevalence of midwife-led prenatal care was 0.3% representing the cumulative prevalence in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and Yukon. Factors showing significant association with midwife-led prenatal care were: Aboriginal status (OR = 2.26, 95% CI: 1.41–3.64), higher education with bachelor and graduate degree attainment having higher ORs when compared to high-school or less (OR = 2.71, 95% CI: 1.71–4.31 and OR = 3.17, 95% CI: 1.81–5.55, respectively), and alcohol use (OR = 1.63, 95% CI: 1.17–2.26). Age, marital status, immigrant status, work during pregnancy, household income, previous pregnancies, perceived health, maternal Body Mass Index (BMI), and smoking during the last 3 months of pregnancy were not significantly associated with midwife care. Conclusions In general, women who were more educated, have aboriginal status, and/or are alcohol drinkers were more likely to receive care from midwives. Since MES is the most recent resource that includes information about national midwifery utilization, future studies can provide more up-to-date information about this important area. Moreover, future research can aim at understanding the reasons that lead women to opt for midwife-led prenatal care

    Factors associated with the timing of the first prenatal ultrasound in Canada

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    Abstract Background The aim of this study was to investigate the factors associated with the timing of the first prenatal ultrasound in Canada. Methods This was a secondary data analysis of the Maternity Experiences Survey, a cross-sectional survey covering different aspects of pregnancy, labour, birth and the post-partum period. Bivariate and multivariate multinomial logistic regressions were performed to assess the relationship between timing of first prenatal ultrasound and different independent variables. Results 68.4% of Canadian women received an optimally timed first prenatal ultrasound, 27.4% received early ultrasounds and 4.3% received late ultrasound. The highest prevalence of early ultrasound was in Ontario (33.3%) and the lowest was in Manitoba (13.3%). The highest prevalence of late ultrasound was found in Manitoba (12.1%) and the lowest was in British Columbia and Ontario (3.5% each). The highest prevalence of optimal timing of first prenatal ultrasound was in Quebec (77%) and the lowest was in Ontario (63.2%). Factors influencing the timing of ultrasound included: Early – maternal age < 20 (adjusted OR = 0.54, 95%CI:0.34–0.84), alcohol use during pregnancy (adjusted OR = 0.69, 95%CI:0.53–0.90), history of premature birth (adjusted OR = 1.41, 95%CI:1.06–1.89), multiparity (adjusted OR = 0.67, 95%CI:0.57–0.78), born outside of Canada (adjusted OR = 0.82, 95%CI:0.67–0.99), prenatal care in Newfoundland and Labrador (adjusted OR = 1.66, 95%CI:1.20–1.30), Nova Scotia (adjusted OR = 1.68, 95%CI:1.25–2.28), Ontario (adjusted OR = 2.16, 95%CI:1.76–2.65), Saskatchewan (adjusted OR = 1.50, 95%CI:1.05–2.14), Alberta (adjusted OR = 1.37, 95%CI:1.05–1.77) British Columbia (adjusted OR = 1.90, 95%CI:1.45–2.50) and Manitoba (adjusted OR = 0.66, 95%CI:0.45–0.98) Late – unintended pregnancy (adjusted OR = 1.89, 95%CI:1.38–2.59), born outside of Canada (adjusted OR = 1.75, 95%CI:1.14–2.68), prenatal care in Manitoba (adjusted OR = 2.88, 95%CI:1.64–5.05) and the Territories (adjusted OR = 4.50, 95%CI:2.27–8.93). An interaction between history of miscarriage and having ‘other’ prenatal care provider significantly affected timing of ultrasound (adjusted OR = 0.31, 95%CI:0.14–0.66). Conclusion Only 68% of Canadian women received an optimally timed prenatal ultrasound which was influenced by several factors including province of prenatal care, maternal age and country of birth, and an interaction effect between prenatal care provider and history of miscarriage. These findings establish a baseline of factors influencing the timing of prenatal ultrasound in Canada, which can be built upon by future studies

    Respiratory symptoms and functions in barn workers

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    Balbay, Ege Gulec/0000-0002-1557-7019WOS: 000333867800005PubMed: 24742035Introduction and aim. The presented study was undertaken to investigate the respiratory health problems in family barns with one or more cows and at least one family member working in the barn. Methods. 150 workers (128 female, 22 male) from 4 villages of Yigilca district near the city of Duzce in north-west Turkey were enrolled in this study between October December 2011. An Occupational and Environmental Chest Diseases questionnaire developed by the American Thoracic Society, pulmonary function test, physical examination and investigation for nasal eosinophil were performed in all subjects. Results. The mean age of workers was 47.7 +/- 14.2 years. Cough was present in 24% of subjects. The rates of phlegm, wheezing, chest tightness and dyspnea were 13.3%, 6%, 6% and 27.3%, respectively. Obstructive ventilatory pattern was observed in 37 workers (24.6%). 43 workers (28.6%) showed restrictive ventilatory pattern. Nasal eosinophilia was detected in 47.3% (71/150) of the subjects. Pulmonary functions of workers with nasal eosinophilia did not differ from the other workers. There were statistically significant negative correlations between the duration of working in barns and respiratory functions. Conclusions. Pulmonary functions of barn workers have been found to be decreased related to the duration of barn working. Furthermore, respiratory symptoms increased in relation with both barn working and biomass consumption. Precautions should therefore be taken to ventilate both barns and houses