34 research outputs found

    Amphibiomorphic modeled and painted pottery from argentine patagonia and Central-Southern Chile. Functional interpretation and identification of species based on mimetic and aposematic traits

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    This work aims to identify attributes or features related to endemic amphibians in modeled and painted pottery from central-southern Chile and north-western Argentina. From this work, we were able to identify four species of amphibians represented in certain types of modeled and painted pottery, and we also complemented this data with modern references and ethnohistorical chronicles of the potential use given to this pottery in particular. This contribution postulates that some elements of the black-onred pottery of the Early Ceramic Period of Araucaniá in central-southern Chile and of Patagonia in northwestern Argentina, seek to highlight amphibiomorphic characteristics such as exophthalmia (protruding eyes) and aposematism (brilliant coloring and brightness of the vessel by using an engobe decoration). Based on the ethnohistorical data of the area, it is also proposed that these vessels could be linked to the exclusive use of highly toxic substances. Finally, the results allowed us to explore the close ecological interaction between human groups and woodlands.Fil: Perez, Alberto Enrique. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Schuster, Veronica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Jofré, Daniella P.. Universidad Católica de Temuco; Chil

    First portable X ray fluorescence analysis of rock art in patagonia Argentina

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    En este trabajo se presentan por primera vez en Patagonia argentina, los estudios realizados in situ con un equipo portátil de fluorescencia de rayos X para identificar la composición pigmentaria de pinturas rupestres. Se estudiaron cinco sitios arqueológicos con manifestaciones rupestres de la localidad Las Chapas (Chubut) que se caracterizan por representar motivos geométricos y abstractos habitualmente monocromáticos. Las pinturas se presentan en ocasiones muy desvaídas y/o con un espesor muy delgado, motivo por el cual, no han podido ser implementados otros análisis a la fecha. Los resultados obtenidos son orientativos y requieren de técnicas complementarias, no obstante, en las pinturas rojas y amarillas bien conservadas se destaca la participación de minerales de Fe como materia pigmentaria que fueron interpretados como hematita e hidróxidos de hierro respectivamente. En la elaboración del color blanco se presume la utilización de yeso debido a la presencia de S y Ca en las lecturas. Complementariamente se dan a conocer potenciales fuentes primaria de materias primas pigmentarias de color negro y amarillo.The first results of portable in situ XRF analysis performed in rock art in the Argentinean Patagonia, with the aim of determine the pigments of the paintings, are presented in this work. Five archaeological sites with rock art in Las Chapas, Chubut, were studied. The paintings are characterized by red monochrome geometric and abstract motifs. As the paintings are very deteriorated or in very thin layers no other technique could be applied to study them before. The results are only indicative and they require additional techniques to determine mineral pigments, however in the well preserved red and yellow paintings, the color is attributed to the presence of minerals with Fe, like hematite or limonite respectively. Additionally, potentially primary sources of black and yellow pigments are given to know for the first time.Fil: Massaferro, Gabriela Isabel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico de Geología y Paleontología; ArgentinaFil: Schuster, Veronica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Perez, Alberto Enrique. Universidad Católica de Temuco; Chil

    First non-destructive chemical analysis of archaeological obsidian from the low-middle Chubut river valley. Patagonia Argentina

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    Teniendo en cuenta los resultados preliminares presentados podemos señalar que en lalocalidad Las Chapas, en el tramo inferior-medio del río Chubut, las poblaciones cazadoras-reco-lectoras se abastecieron preferentemente de las fuentes más cercanas (Telsen y Sacanana) a distancias aproximadas entre los 150 y 250 km. De esta manera, el presente trabajo ha contribuidoal conocimiento existente (Boschín y Massaferro 2014, Stern 2018) respecto de la distribucióny circulación de las distintas variedades de obsidianas en la meseta centro-norte de la provinciadel Chubut.Fil: Schuster, Veronica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Massaferro, Gabriela Isabel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico de Geología y Paleontología; ArgentinaFil: Perez, Alberto E.. Universidad Católica de Temuco; Chil

    An integrated calcium imaging processing toolbox for the analysis of neuronal population dynamics

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    The development of new imaging and optogenetics techniques to study the dynamics of large neuronal circuits is generating datasets of unprecedented volume and complexity, demanding the development of appropriate analysis tools. We present a comprehensive computational workflow for the analysis of neuronal population calcium dynamics. The toolbox includes newly developed algorithms and interactive tools for image pre-processing and segmentation, estimation of significant single-neuron single-trial signals, mapping event-related neuronal responses, detection of activity-correlated neuronal clusters, exploration of population dynamics, and analysis of clusters' features against surrogate control datasets. The modules are integrated in a modular and versatile processing pipeline, adaptable to different needs. The clustering module is capable of detecting flexible, dynamically activated neuronal assemblies, consistent with the distributed population coding of the brain. We demonstrate the suitability of the toolbox for a variety of calcium imaging datasets. The toolbox open-source code, a step-by-step tutorial and a case study dataset are available at https://github.com/zebrain-lab/Toolbox-Romano-et-al

    Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p–Pb collisions at

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    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Base neurale du mouvement après effet dans la larve du Poisson Zèbre

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    L'un des principaux objectifs des neurosciences est de comprendre comment les fonctions cognitives sont codées par la dynamique des grands réseaux neuronaux. L'étude de la perception sensorielle a principalement été axée sur l'enregistrement de l'activité neuronale induites par des stimulations sensorielles. Une approche alternative réside dans l'utilisation des illusions sensorielles. Ainsi, la perception sensorielle peut avoir lieu en l'absence de stimulation physique externe. Nous avons utilisé une approche multidisciplinaire combinant l'imagerie calcique à deux photons, le comportement moteur et l'optogénétique. Nous avons pu montrerque la larve de poisson zèbre est capable de percevoir " l'effet après mouvement " (EAM). En utilisant l'optogenetique (halorhodopsine) nous avons été capables d'inhiber les mouvementes oculaires pendant la présentation du stimulus conditionné (SC). Nous avons montré que les mouvements des yeux lors du SC ne sont pas impératifs pour l'induction de l'EAM, ce qui suggère que l'EAM n'est probablement pas d'origine musculaire. En utilisant la microscopie à deux photons nous avons montré une habituation de neurones tectales au cours de l'EAM. Cette habituation se dégrade selon une échelle de temps qui correspond au comportement oculo-moteur, lors de l'EAM. En revanche, les cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine ne sont pas habitués. Ceci indique que le toit optique, mais pas la rétine, joue un rôle prépondérant dans l'induction du EAM. Cette approche multidisciplinaire permet de comprendre de façon plus approfondie les mécanismes neuronaux sous-jacents au EAM, et de spéculer sur le corrélat neuronal de la perception du mouvement.One of the main goals in neuroscience is to understand how cognitive functions are encoded by the dynamics of large neuronal networks. The main stream to study sensory perception has mainly focused on sensory stimulation and neuronal recordings of the induced neural responses. An alternative approach is the use of sensory illusions, in which sensory perception take place in the absence of physical external stimulation. For this purpose, we have used a multidisciplinary approach combining the zebrafish larva as the experimental model, two-photon calcium imaging, motor behavior and optogenetics. We showed that the zebrafish larva is capable of perceiving motion after-effect (MAE). Using optogenetics (halorhodopsin) to prevent eye movements during the presentation of the conditioning stimulus (CS), we showed that pursuit eye movements during CS are not imperative for the induction of MAE, suggesting that neither muscular fatigue nor eye-muscle proprioception feedback play a role in the generation of MAE. Furthermore, we used two-photon microscopy in combination with transgenic fish expressing GcaMP3 . We first observed that during MAE, neurons in the optic tectum (the largest and highest visual brain center of the larva) were strongly habituated. This habituation later decayed with a temporal scale that matched that of the optomotor MAE-like behavior. In contrast, no significant habituation was observed in the retina, Thus, we suggested that the optic tectum but not the retina plays a role in generation of MAE. Our approach contributed to a more comprehensive view of the neuronal mechanisms underlying MAE, and shed light on the neuronal correlate of motion perceptio

    Base neurale du mouvement après effet dans la larve du Poisson Zèbre

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    L'un des principaux objectifs des neurosciences est de comprendre comment les fonctions cognitives sont codées par la dynamique des grands réseaux neuronaux. L'étude de la perception sensorielle a principalement été axée sur l'enregistrement de l'activité neuronale induites par des stimulations sensorielles. Une approche alternative réside dans l'utilisation des illusions sensorielles. Ainsi, la perception sensorielle peut avoir lieu en l'absence de stimulation physique externe. Nous avons utilisé une approche multidisciplinaire combinant l'imagerie calcique à deux photons, le comportement moteur et l'optogénétique. Nous avons pu montrerque la larve de poisson zèbre est capable de percevoir " l'effet après mouvement " (EAM). En utilisant l'optogenetique (halorhodopsine) nous avons été capables d'inhiber les mouvementes oculaires pendant la présentation du stimulus conditionné (SC). Nous avons montré que les mouvements des yeux lors du SC ne sont pas impératifs pour l'induction de l'EAM, ce qui suggère que l'EAM n'est probablement pas d'origine musculaire. En utilisant la microscopie à deux photons nous avons montré une habituation de neurones tectales au cours de l'EAM. Cette habituation se dégrade selon une échelle de temps qui correspond au comportement oculo-moteur, lors de l'EAM. En revanche, les cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine ne sont pas habitués. Ceci indique que le toit optique, mais pas la rétine, joue un rôle prépondérant dans l'induction du EAM. Cette approche multidisciplinaire permet de comprendre de façon plus approfondie les mécanismes neuronaux sous-jacents au EAM, et de spéculer sur le corrélat neuronal de la perception du mouvement.One of the main goals in neuroscience is to understand how cognitive functions are encoded by the dynamics of large neuronal networks. The main stream to study sensory perception has mainly focused on sensory stimulation and neuronal recordings of the induced neural responses. An alternative approach is the use of sensory illusions, in which sensory perception take place in the absence of physical external stimulation. For this purpose, we have used a multidisciplinary approach combining the zebrafish larva as the experimental model, two-photon calcium imaging, motor behavior and optogenetics. We showed that the zebrafish larva is capable of perceiving motion after-effect (MAE). Using optogenetics (halorhodopsin) to prevent eye movements during the presentation of the conditioning stimulus (CS), we showed that pursuit eye movements during CS are not imperative for the induction of MAE, suggesting that neither muscular fatigue nor eye-muscle proprioception feedback play a role in the generation of MAE. Furthermore, we used two-photon microscopy in combination with transgenic fish expressing GcaMP3 . We first observed that during MAE, neurons in the optic tectum (the largest and highest visual brain center of the larva) were strongly habituated. This habituation later decayed with a temporal scale that matched that of the optomotor MAE-like behavior. In contrast, no significant habituation was observed in the retina, Thus, we suggested that the optic tectum but not the retina plays a role in generation of MAE. Our approach contributed to a more comprehensive view of the neuronal mechanisms underlying MAE, and shed light on the neuronal correlate of motion perceptio

    Components of fishing technologies (Traful instruments) in andeanlakes and forests of north-west Patagonia, Argentina

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    Seventy years after they were first described, the function of Traful Instruments is still uncertain. From their morphological design and the associated environmental and archaeological contexts, we postulate that they are part of a specialized 'composite instrument' for fishing. While their characteristics are unique in the context of the lakes and rivers of North-west Argentinean Patagonia, similarities were found with the line-weights which are widely distributed in Magellanic marine contexts

    Intraoperative transfusion practices in Europe

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    Transfusion of allogeneic blood influences outcome after surgery. Despite widespread availability of transfusion guidelines, transfusion practices might vary among physicians, departments, hospitals and countries. Our aim was to determine the amount of packed red blood cells (pRBC) and blood products transfused intraoperatively, and to describe factors determining transfusion throughout Europe. We did a prospective observational cohort study enrolling 5803 patients in 126 European centres that received at least one pRBC unit intraoperatively, during a continuous three month period in 2013. The overall intraoperative transfusion rate was 1.8%; 59% of transfusions were at least partially initiated as a result of a physiological transfusion trigger- mostly because of hypotension (55.4%) and/or tachycardia (30.7%). Haemoglobin (Hb)- based transfusion trigger alone initiated only 8.5% of transfusions. The Hb concentration [mean (sd)] just before transfusion was 8.1 (1.7) g dl and increased to 9.8 (1.8) g dl after transfusion. The mean number of intraoperatively transfused pRBC units was 2.5 (2.7) units (median 2). Although European Society of Anaesthesiology transfusion guidelines are moderately implemented in Europe with respect to Hb threshold for transfusion (7-9 g dl), there is still an urgent need for further educational efforts that focus on the number of pRBC units to be transfused at this threshold