913 research outputs found

    Orientacje sprawcze i wspólnotowe współczesnej młodzieży

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    The primary aim of the article is a discussion on the youth's orientation in the social aspects of life in theoretical and empirical perspective. The research subject raised in this article is to show the image of the today’s youths from the perspective of peers by the designation of some aspects, especially social orientations, that are being only fragments of the necessary conditions to seize the situation of young people

    Czas codzienny i czas odświętny – ich przenikanie w stylach życia współczesnej młodzieży

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    Contemporary socio-cultural situation based on globalization make that many categories, concepts and theories required decontextualization, then recontextualization and redefinition. This process also applies to so intuitively obvious category, which is time. The specificity of the „survival” of time, perception and understanding have changed significantly influenced by current trends of modern times, such as the primacy of pleasure, the cult of success, mainstream consumerism, mass media influence. Because of these issues important and necessary it seems that re-thinking on modern understanding of time as a sociocultural category, which characterizes the quality and style of life of individuals as it exists in the current, post-modern space-time. This article provides theoretical considerations on the nature and specificity of everyday time and festive time in the context of current sociocultural based globalization processes. Assuming that the time and its fulfillment, or lifestyle are subject to the relationship of interdependence, the analysis will undergo a proposition about the consistency / heterogeneity of the individual’s life style presented in the context of the division of temporal existence of the unit on time everyday and festive time. Considerations will address today’s youth. It results from the specific lifestyle of this age group, which is due to the peculiarities of the development phase and the „soak” contemporary trends, in particular understands everyday / celebrating.Contemporary socio-cultural situation based on globalization make that many categories, concepts and theories required decontextualization, then recontextualization and redefinition. This process also applies to so intuitively obvious category, which is time. The specificity of the „survival” of time, perception and understanding have changed significantly influenced by current trends of modern times, such as the primacy of pleasure, the cult of success, mainstream consumerism, mass media influence. Because of these issues important and necessary it seems that re-thinking on modern understanding of time as a sociocultural category, which characterizes the quality and style of life of individuals as it exists in the current, post-modern space-time. This article provides theoretical considerations on the nature and specificity of everyday time and festive time in the context of current sociocultural based globalization processes. Assuming that the time and its fulfillment, or lifestyle are subject to the relationship of interdependence, the analysis will undergo a proposition about the consistency / heterogeneity of the individual’s life style presented in the context of the division of temporal existence of the unit on time everyday and festive time. Considerations will address today’s youth. It results from the specific lifestyle of this age group, which is due to the peculiarities of the development phase and the „soak” contemporary trends, in particular understands everyday / celebrating

    Situaciones de reflexión y sistematización ortográfica en el primer ciclo

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    En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta que pretende ser un aporte para que los docentes continúen pensando en cómo enseñar ortografía en las aulas. Es decir, la enseñanza de la ortografía en uso. La secuencia que presentamos fue pensada como un conjunto de situaciones de sistematización de conocimientos puestos en uso y reflexionados, de manera de brindar a los alumnos oportunidades de construir regularidades referidas a un mismo problema ortográfico. Las clases se desarrollaron con un grupo de niños de 8 años de clase media urbana que concurren a 3º año de Escuela Graduada: “Joaquín V. González” dependiente de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. En el contexto de un proyecto de escritura de recomendaciones sobre obras de teatro ya leídas, se propuso a los niños esta secuencia de reflexión ortográfica con la intención de que pudieran apropiarse de los siguientes propósitos: - Reflexionar sobre las regularidades contextuales del sistema de escritura para que los niños puedan apropiarse de conocimientos cada vez más estables sobre la ortografía. - Establecer relaciones ortográficas entre palabras de una misma familia. - Introducir el análisis de la estructura interna de las palabras en el curso del trabajo con parentescos lexicales (raíz, afijos).Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Society Oriented to a Global Change in the Consciousness of Young People

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    The primary aims of the article are the evaluation of the peers’ generation by a group of young people and the views and opinions of the researched group on society in constant global change. Young people constitute a social group that is particularly involved with the reality of permanent change. Aside from changes existing in the outside world, young people are challenged by a number of changes coming from their inner psychosocial state. Young people are therefore, so to say, in a double situation of being ‘in-between’ – the inner and the outer one. It is a difficult task for young people to find permanent ‘land’ in the ‘liquid sea’ of omnipresent changes. Because of those issues, young people of secondary schools became the object of the theoretical analysis and the research process, the choice made due to developmental changes of adolescence corresponding to the idea of research.3018921111Studia Edukacyjn

    Les étrangers naufragés sur le littoral charentais (xviie-xviiie siècles)

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    Les navires et équipages étrangers qui font naufrage sur les côtes charentaises constituent un bon révélateur des trafics maritimes reliant l’Europe du Nord aux ports du Golfe de Gascogne. Les marins étrangers, jetés sur des rivages inconnus, sont néanmoins soumis aux règles communes à tous, définies par l’ordonnance de la Marine de 1681 qui protège les marins et les épaves. Celle-ci est bien appliquée dans l’ensemble tant pour le sauvetage, l’accueil et la récupération des épaves, les étrangers étant soumis au droit commun. De la même façon, leurs navires connaissent pour plus d’un quart d’entre eux les affres du pillage, leur statut d’étranger ne les protégeant ni plus ni moins que leurs homologues français. Cette absence de spécificité nationale dans le naufrage met finalement en évidence une communauté internationale des gens de mer et des sociétés littorales qui fonctionnent selon des règles communes et dans lesquelles s’intègrent les marins étrangers.The ships and their crews shipwrecked on the coasts of Charente give us a pretty clear idea of the shipping traffic going on between Northern Europe and the different ports of the Baye of Biscay. Even if foreign sailors end up on some unknown coasts they are submitted to common rules applying to everyone and defined by the Navy Ordinance of 1681 protecting survivors of a shipwreck and their ships. Theses rules were properly applied to all rescue missions concerning French ships as well as foreign ships. Similarly, “pillage” concerned a foreign ship one out of four times. Their foreign status was neither a protection nor a danger; they were as much exposed as the French ships. This lack of national specificity shows the presence of an International sailing community and shows that shipping companies act according to common rules including foreign sailors

    Wyniki badań naukowych a scenariusz filmowy, czyli od danych empirycznych do fabuły filmu

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    This article is an attempt to show the relationship between the findings and the scenario film in the results of research conducted by Jacek Kurzępa and the film Piggies directed by Robert Gliński. This is an exemplification contribution to the debate on the role of film in education and educational function of the film, which can be an attractive and effective means of communication.This article is an attempt to show the relationship between the findings and the scenario film in the results of research conducted by Jacek Kurzępa and the film Piggies directed by Robert Gliński. This is an exemplification contribution to the debate on the role of film in education and educational function of the film, which can be an attractive and effective means of communication

    Detection of Orbital Debris Collision Risks for the Automated Transfer Vehicle

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    In this paper, we present a general collision risk assessment method, which has been applied through numerical simulations to the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) case. During ATV ascent towards the International Space Station, close approaches between the ATV and objects of the USSTRACOM catalog will be monitored through collision rosk assessment. Usually, collision risk assessment relies on an exclusion volume or a probability threshold method. Probability methods are more effective than exclusion volumes but require accurate covariance data. In this work, we propose to use a criterion defined by an adaptive exclusion area. This criterion does not require any probability calculation but is more effective than exclusion volume methods as demonstrated by our numerical experiments. The results of these studies, when confirmed and finalized, will be used for the ATV operations

    Causative and Community Orientations of Contemporary Youths

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    The primary aim of the article is a discussion on the youth's orientation in the social aspects of life in theoretical and empirical perspective. The research subject raised in this article is to show the image of the today’s youths from the perspective of peers by the designation of some aspects, especially social orientations, that are being only fragments of the necessary conditions to seize the situation of young people.21351518Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacj

    Plan de empresa para la implantación de un hotel ecosostenible en la playa de Gandía

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    [ES] Este proyecto está enfocado en el equilibrio entre el Turismo y la sostenibilidad del planeta. Es un modelo poco habitual en nuestro país, en el que observamos un gran potencial de cara el futuro, cada vez la gente se encuentra más concienciada con el medioambiente y el cuidado del planeta. Nos encontramos en Gandía en la temporada de máxima afluencia y nos hace preguntarnos, y si tuviéramos un hotel donde la gente pudiera disfrutar de sus vacaciones sabiendo que están cuidando del planeta?. Estas dos variables, conocimiento del medio ambiente y el posicionamiento de Gandía de cara al turismo nacional, nos plantea la posibilidad de crear un hotel en donde los clientes puedan disfrutar de la costa mediterránea a la par que contribuyen y aprenden a cuidar del planeta.[EN] This Project is focused on the equilibrium between vacation and sustainability. It’s a rare model in our country, in which we can observe a high potential towards the future, due to the increasing awareness of people towards the environment. Which bring us to the point on wondering, locating ourselves in Gandia between march and November when beaches are crowded, what if we had a hotel where people could enjoy their vacation knowing they´ll be looking after the planet. These two variables, environmental knowledge and Gandias pull on national tourism, we plan on building a hotel in which clients can enjoy the Mediterranean coast at the same time they contribute and learn to take care of the planet.Peret Noguera, P. (2021). Plan de empresa para la implantación de un hotel ecosostenible en la playa de Gandía. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/173098TFG