1,890 research outputs found

    Drinking patterns among Portuguese university students: gender differences and association with self-perception of mental health

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    Alcohol abuse is one of the most concerning risk behaviours in higher education. Therefore, this study aims to: characterize alcohol consumption among Portuguese university students; investigate gender differences; analyse the association between alcohol use and the perception of mental health. 174 Portuguese students completed a questionnaire about risk behaviours and rated their self-perceptions of mental health. Results show that 17.3% of the students haven’t consumed any alcohol during the last month, while, on the opposite side, 11% of those who drank, reported having binge episodes at least twice a week. Men drank significantly more often; more drinks at a time and had more risk behaviours associated with alcohol, than women. A significant, yet very weak, positive correlation was found between the amount of alcohol consumed and the self-perception of mental health. Results are debated in light of relevant literature and suggestions for prevention are discussed.This investigation was supported by a FCT scholarship (SFRH/BD30085/2006

    Supermarkets in Portugal: corporate social responsibility image, attitude towards the brand and purchase intention

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    Recently, companies developed strategies which may influence their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) image. This paper discusses the image of four different supermarkets with stores in Portugal. The research compares CSR image and brand attitude of the four supermarkets. Empirical evidence shows that different supermarkets belonging to the same company have different CSR image and brand attitude. The research also confirms that there is positive correlation between CSR image and attitude towards the brand. Further, the results offer empirical evidence that CSR image and brand attitude influence purchase intention of supermarket brands. Finally, brand purchase intention is highly influenced by attitude towards the brand than CSR image.Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Port

    Liquid biopsy: circulating tumor cells utility in precision medicine

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    Metastatic disease is the leading cause of cancer associated deaths. Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) are responsible for tumoral dissemination, as they are able to be released from the primary tumour and establish distal metastatic foci. The objective of this doctoral thesis is to increase the knowledge of CTCs, through the use of liquid biopsy. To this aim, with the use of blood samples from metastatic cancer patients we identified key biomarkers for cancer progression. In this context, different experimental approaches were considered: the validation of new technologies for the study of CTCs, the isolation and molecular analysis of CTCs and the establishment of in vivo models

    A psychomotor rehabilitation intervention to improve health and well-being indicators of institutionalized older adults.

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    INTRODUCTION Institutionalization tends to exacerbate the usual fragility and disability associated with the ageing process (Heppenstall, Wilkinson, Hanger, Keeling, & Pearson, 2011). In turn, poor health and well-being compromise older adults’ quality of life. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of a psychomotor rehabilitation program on health and well-being indicators of institutionalized older adults. METHODOLOGY A total of 42 nursing home residents (84 ± 6.2 years) participated in the study: 21 were allocated to the experimental group (EG: engaged the rehabilitation program twice a week for 75 min), and 21 were allocated to the control group (CG: maintained daily institution activities). The Mini Mental State Examination was used to screen severe cognitive impairment as an exclusion criteria. Mood states, pain, disability and self-rated health were assessed through the Profile of Mood States, the P4 Pain Scale, the Barthel Index, and the EuroQol visual analogue scale, respectively. After finishing the study, the CG attended the rehabilitation program.RESULTS Comparisons showed that: in terms of mood states, both groups showed improvements in tension, whereas only the EG demonstrated improvements in depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, and confusion (treatment effect: -0.23 to -2.60); the EG experienced a decrease in pain (treatment effect: 0.21 to 0.50), while the CG showed an increase; finally, in terms of the disability level and the self-rated health the EG experienced no changes, whereas these indicators worsened in the CG (p <0.05). CONCLUSION The psychomotor program was able to revert the expected loss of health and well-being characteristic of older people, particularly the institutionalized ones. Specifically, the program was effective in improving the mood states and in decreasing pain of the nursing home residents, as well as in maintaining their disability level and health status. These findings suggest that the general adherence of nursing home residents to psychomotor rehabilitation programs may improve the quality of life of our oldest adults

    Supplementary Health System in Brazil: Business Model Not Threatened by Socioeconomic Crisis

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    Objective: The performance of the supplementary health system (SSS) in Brazil depends on the country's ability to generate employment and income. Yet, on the other hand, even in the face of the economic crises that have hit Brazil in recent years and, more sharply, after the Covid-19 pandemic, the SSS ended 2021 with continuous growth in the number of beneficiaries. This perspective suggests possible causes to explain this contradiction while questioning the role of the State in providing a constitutional right for Brazilians. &nbsp; Theoretical framework: Brazilian health system can be divided into three segments: a public segment financed by the State (Unified Health System, SUS), a private segment, and a supplementary health segment, the latter two with public and private funding. The Supplementary Health System (SSS) represents a highly regulated area. &nbsp; Design/methodology/approach: The methodology of this work followed the rigor and steps to develop a current perspective on supplementary health in Brazil. Insights from this perspective shed light on the subject of supplementary health by providing insight into existing issues, concepts and prevailing notions about health systems. &nbsp; Findings: The healthcare system in Brazil is complex and combines market elements of public and social interest in a single environment. In this way, the question remains whether business models geared to the base of the economic pyramid (BoP) community have focused exclusively on making a profit by “selling to the poor” or whether they have brought a valuable commitment to social development in the country. &nbsp; Research, Practical &amp; Social implications: This question deserves attention due to the de-prioritization of health on the political agenda in an election year and the critical post-Covid-19 pandemic situation. Social policies in Brazil need to go beyond guaranteeing access to credit compensating for the lack of public provision, at the risk of mortgaging the SUS as a sign of modernity and progress. &nbsp; Originality/value: This perspective suggests possible causes to explain this contradiction while questioning the role of the State in providing a constitutional right for Brazilians

    Projectos de Instalações em Edifícios

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    O presente relatório vem na sequência do trabalho desenvolvido durante aproximadamente nove meses no estágio efectuado na empresa Compasso Ecológico – Tecnologias Eco-eficientes para Edifícios Lda, Alcobaça, no âmbito do Mestrado em Instalações e Equipamentos em Edifícios do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra. A Compasso Ecológico é uma empresa que tem por missão e área de actividade a realização de projectos de uma forma correcta e eficaz seguindo normas estabelecidas para que o projecto possa garantir conforto e segurança. No decorrer do estágio foram realizados vários projectos, sendo alguns deles feitos em grupo, estimulando-se assim o espírito de trabalho de equipa que é uma característica essencial de qualquer engenheiro na sua vida de trabalho activa. Foi tida sempre uma participação activa em todas as actividades desenvolvidas na empresa, conseguindo-se assim estar sempre a par das inovações tecnológicas e aprofundar os conhecimentos adquiridos durante o percurso académico de uma forma prática. As acções efectuadas durante o estágio, incidiram-se sobretudo na realização de projectos de Infra-estrutura de Telecomunicações em Edifícios (ITED), projectos de Instalações Eléctricas, projectos de Segurança Integrada, utilização do software Revit Mep para projectos de Aquecimento, Ventilação e Ar Condicionado (AVAC), realização de folhas de cálculo e vistorias às instalações.Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbr

    Educação Para a Saúde Baseada em Evidências

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    Resumo Este artigo descreve a forma como o conceito “evidência” evoluiu na área da saúde e os princípios e metodologias adotados na sua exploração, especialmente na educação para a saúde. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados Pubmed/Medline para identificar publicações originais, editoriais e artigos de revisão sobre a temática em estudo, com recurso às seguintes palavras-chave, “health education”, “evidence based medicine”, “evidence based public health”, “health promotion”, “evidence based health promotion”. A utilização do termo “evidência” tornou-se corrente no âmbito do debate em saúde pública e na avaliação das práticas clínicas, em particular na área da prevenção e promoção da saúde. A medicina baseada na evidência consiste numa abordagem que visa integrar o conhecimento clínico individual com a melhor evidência disponível resultante de uma investigação sistemática. A abordagem baseada na evidência alargou-se, gradualmente, a outras esferas, desde a saúde pública, às intervenções comunitárias, passando pela educação para a saúde. Assim, surgiram novos conceitos como a saúde pública ou promoção da saúde baseada na evidência. No entanto, novos desafios se colocam quando se pretende explorar o efeito de intervenções nas comunidades, envolvendo novas abordagens na exploração da melhor evidência disponível. O debate sobre a promoção e educação para saúde baseada na evidência tem-se centrado em duas questões essenciais: qual o tipo de evidência que deve ser explorada de forma a estabelecer a sua efetividade e quais as metodologias mais adequadas na exploração dessas evidências.Abstract This paper focuses on how the concept of evidence evolved in the health domain, the principles and methodologies adopted in its exploitation, especially in health promotion and education. We performed a search in the Pubmed/Medline to identify original publications, editorials and review articles about the subject in study using the following keywords, "health education", "evidence based medicine", "evidence based public health", "health promotion", "evidence based health promotion". The use of the term ‘evidence’ in the evaluation of medical practices has become widely debated in the public health domain, particularly in the field of health promotion and health education. The evidence-based medicine aims to integrate the individual clinical experience with the best available evidence based on systematic reviews. The evidence approach gradually extended to other domains, from public health to health promotion or education. Consequently, new concepts emerged such as evidence-based public health or evidence-based health promotion. Still, new challenges arise when assessing the effect of interventions among communities, involving new approaches when exploring the best evidence. The debate on health promotion and education based on evidence has focused on two main concerns: what type of evidence should be explored in order to establish its effectiveness and which are the most appropriate methodologies for the exploitation of this evidence

    A Epidemiologia. De Hipócrates ao século XXI

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    Resumo A epidemiologia é a ciência que estuda a distribuição dos estados de saúde/doença e os seus fatores condicionantes e determinantes nas populações humanas. A epidemiologia permite ainda a avaliação da eficácia das intervenções realizadas no âmbito da saúde pública, bem como descreve as diferenças existentes na saúde das populações e procura as explicações etiológicas para essas desigualdades. O presente artigo faz uma resenha histórica da evolução do conceito de epidemiologia e descreve o contributo dos principais responsáveis por essa evolução, desde Hipócrates até ao seculo XXI. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados Pubmed/Medline para identificar publicações originais, editoriais e artigos de revisão sobre a temática em estudo, com recurso às seguintes palavras-chave, epidemiology, public health, evidence based public health, historical evolution of epidemiology, epidemiological research in health.Abstract Epidemiology is the science that allows us to study the distribution of the state of health/illness and their conditioning and determining factors in human populations. Epidemiology also allows the assessment of the effectiveness of interventions in the field of public health, as well allows to describe the differences in the health of populations and the search for etiological explanations for these inequalities. This article is a historical overview of the evolution of the concept of epidemiology and describes the contribution of the main responsibles for this evolution, from Hippocrates to the twenty-first century. We performed a search in the Pubmed/Medline to identify original publications, editorials and review articles about the subject in study using the following keywords, “epidemiology”, “public health”, “evidence based public health”, “historical evolution of epidemiology”, “epidemiological research in health”

    “The impacts of the brand value assigned by consumers on their brand attitude and purchase intention: The analysis of Hassu and Saudade Jewels brands”

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    The present research aims to analyze the relationship between brand equity, brand attitude and purchase intention in Hassu and Saudade Jewels brands. Therefore, following Yoo and Donthu's model, brand equity was divided into three dimensions: brand awareness + brand associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty, and these dimensions were used as antecedents of brand attitude. In addition, brand attitude was measured as an antecedent of purchase intention. The study contributed by applying these models to the context of the Flamingo S.A. company. It was decided to investigate two different brands: Hassu brand and Saudade Jewels brand, to recognize the differences between their publics. In this sense, a quantitative methodology was used, having obtained 181 valid answers through the application of a questionnaire. For data analysis Exploratory Factor Analysis was used, as well as the statistical tests necessary to validate the research hypotheses were performed. The results of this study suggest that brand equity applied to the brands under study is composed of 2 dimensions (Brand Awareness + Brand Associations and Perceived Quality + Brand Loyalty). Likewise, it was found that brand awareness + brand associations and perceived quality + brand loyalty have a positive impact on brand attitude which, in turn, has a positive impact on the intention to purchase, being these results valid for both brands

    Relações afectivas sexuais e distúrbios do comportamento alimentar em contexto de obesidade - uma revisão sistemática

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    A componente afectivo sexual emerge como variável importante para a intimidade emocional e física tanto de homens como mulheres (Ambler, 2012), considerada integrante das relações íntimas (Bethany, 2008), pelo seu carácter promotor de bem-estar físico e emocional (Birgitta, 2004). A obesidade assume-se como uma das pandemias com mais rápido crescimento (Bajo, 2010),e como factor de risco para muitas doenças crónicas (diabetes e doenças cardiovasculares), com evidências de que os pacientes obesos podem sofrer de depressão e vice-versa (Kadioglu, 2009; Larsen, 2007). A correlação entre estas duas variáveis, aparece em estudos que mostram que a imagem corporal e a auto percepção do corpo são uma característica essencial em experiências sexuais, especialmente em mulheres (Alba, 2013; Arcelus, 2012). Verificar a associação entre as relações afectivas sexuais e auto imagem em pessoas com os distúrbios do comportamento Foi elaborada uma RS criando uma síntese concisa da melhor evidência disponível, para conhecer o estado da arte relativamente à relação colocada entre as variáveis em estudo Foi selecionada uma amostra de 20 artigos científicos, cujos critérios de inclusão foram: publicação entre 2006 e 2014, em jornais científicos indexados como: B-On, Scielo, Pubmed, Medline e Web of Knowledge, e nestes que incluíssem as palavras-chave: eating disorders, sexuallity, body image.surge a necessidade de o compreender em todas as suas dimensões. Foca-se que os DCA apresentam estados emocionais mais negativos, todavia, estes dados são baseados na observação clínica e não em investigação científicaPesquisas sugerem: relações íntimas/sexuais estão associadas com distúrbios do comportamento alimentar; pior funcionamento sexual em pessoas obesas leva-as a ingerir maior quantidade de alimentos; quanto maior o IMC maior prejuízos com a relação e comportamento sexual; obesidade não afecta a disfunção sexual pela diminuição de hormonas sendo a sexualidade afectada devido a estados emocionais mais depressivos. Defende-se que o acto de comer e a satisfação sexual estão relacionados, sendo que comer só por si é um prazer, convertendo-se numa substituição do prazer sexual, apresentando-se como resposta contra insatisfações sexuais e para esconder desejos sexuais e fugir ao sexo. Embora se aponte para uma reduzida satisfação sexual em pessoas obesas há estudos que refutam essa teoria uma vez que a diminuição de hormonas não é sign