12 research outputs found

    On Deraeocoris lutescens (Schilling) and Pinalitus atomarius (Meyer-Dür) in Sweden (Heteroptera: Miridae)

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    Deraeocoris lutescens (Schilling) and Pinalitus atomarius (Meyer-Dür) are recently recorded as new to Sweden from the Stockholm area, even though both have previously been mistakingly listed from Sweden in the World catalogue of Miridae by Schuh (1995). The predatory species D. lutescens, first caught in 1990, is evidently a newcomer and a southern immigrant to the Swedish fauna, currently occurring commonly on its preferred host trees in city parks and suburban areas of Stockholm. P. atomarius, a phytophagous species associated with conifers, was collected, locally in large numbers, on silver fir, Abies alba. The latter, recognized here as the primary host-plant of P. atomarius, is not native to Sweden or neighbouring countries, but planted for ornamental purposes. Biological and distributional data on the two species are summarized and notes on their taxonomy and current classification are given. Literature records indicate a recent, northward expansion of some more southerly species of Heteroptera, mainly several arboreal Miridae, noted also in other parts of Western Europe

    Synthesis, Properties and Bonding in Hume-Rothery Transition-metal Gallides and Indides

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    In this work the intermetallic systems formed by transition-metals from group 5 to 9 with Ga, In and Zn have been experimentally and theoretically studied in detail. Syntheses, compositional analyses, X-ray and neutron diffraction (single crystal as well as powder) and measurements of physical properties, e.g. magnetic susceptibility and resistivity has been made for all compounds. Electronic-structure calculations has been made for all examined compounds and was used jointly with the experimental methods to get a deeper understanding of the main issues dealt with, i.e. the atomic structure, structural stability and bonding of the investigated compounds. The examined compounds crystallize in one of the three structure types PtHg4 (cubic, MnGa4 and CrGa4), V8Ga41 (trigonal, Cr8Ga29.8Zn11.2, Mn8Ga27.4Zn13.6, V8Ga36.9Zn4.1 and V8Ga41) and the FeGa3 type (tetragonal, FeGa3, CoGa3, CoGa2.76(2)Zn0.24(2), CoGa2.27(2)Zn0.73(2), CoIn3, CoIn2.50(1)Zn0.50(1), CoIn2.27(2)Zn0.73(2) and RuGa3). The important features such as atomic structure, electronic structure, structural stability and bonding in these groups of Hume-Rothery compounds are now well comprehended

    Legitimizing Public Policy : Citizen’s Juries in Municipal Energy Planning

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    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the search of for effective tools for public participation in general and public deliberation in specific in strategic environmental assessment (SEA) through an experiment with citizens’ juries in municipal energy planning. The experiment with a deliberative democratic tool is thought to lead to more legitimate public policy decisions. The experiment combines design principles of citizens’ juries with scenario methodologies (Shell/GBN). The evaluation of the experiment is structured around a framework of analysis derived from Jürgen Habermas’s notion of discourse as an ideal democratic procedure. The results show that the citizens’ jury enabled a constructive exchange of information and arguments and co-operation between ordinary citizens and experts. This indicates that citizens’ juries is a participatory tool that can be used to represent a means for reforming SEA in a more deliberative democratic direction. But the analysis also revealed a number of distortions in the communicative process. These distortions indicate how the deliberative democratic potential can be further increased through revisions of the institutional arrangements of the decision-making process. Furthermore, regarding effects of deliberation, it is clear that the participatory process generated new and fruitful ideas and that the citizens increased their knowledge through participating in the process

    Variations of the FeGa3 structure type in the systems CoIn3-xZnx and CoGa3-xZnx

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    We present an investigation of the quasibinary systems CoIn3-xZnx and CoGa3-xZnx which were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction experiments and, in the case of CoGa3-xZnx, additionally by neutron powder diffraction experiments. The limiting compositions were found to be x=0.81(2) and x=0.73(2) for COIn3-xZnx and CoGa3-xZnx, respectively. The isotypic binary compounds CoIn3 and CoGa3 crystallize with the FeGa3 structure type (tetragonal, space group P42/mnm, Z=4) in which the p-block atoms form an array of columns of centered cubes defined by two different crystallographic sites. The substitution of In or Ga by Zn takes place in an ordered fashion and produces "colored" variants of the FeGa3 parent structure: In both systems Zn enters exclusively the position corresponding to the cube centers. Additionally, in CoIn3-xZnx this position is substituted in such a way that for a composition CoIn2.5Zn0.5, columns of Zn- and In- filled ln(8) cubes along the c axis alternate. The latter substitution pattern is accompanied by a symmetry lowering of the parent FeGa3 structure: The structure of CoIn3-xZnx is described by the space group P4(2)/m in which the cube center position is split into two separate sites. By performing first-principles electronic structure calculations we investigated the general bonding situation of the compounds CoIn3 and CoGa3 and the particular electronic effect when incorporating Zn. With respect to the density of states of the binary compounds the exchange of Ga or In by Zn virtually affects only the electronic states just below the Fermi level. On increasing Zn concentration a dip is created in the density of states which approximately coincides with the location of the Fermi level for an electron count corresponding to limiting composition of the two systems. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA)

    Energiplanering med strategisk miljöbedömning i Finspång

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    Denna rapport är en del av slutrapporteringen från två av projekten i programmet ”Miljöstrategiska verktyg”. Projekten är Utveckling av verktyg för strategisk miljöbedömning och medborgarmedverkan (MiSt-projekt 1) samt Scenariometoder i strategisk miljöbedömning (MiSt-projekt 7). I samarbete med Finspångs kommun har ett gemensamt projekt utvecklats för att ta fram en ny energiplan i kommunen. Programmet "Miljöstrategiska verktyg", MiSt, är ett tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprogram finansierat av Naturvårdsverket. Programmet leds från Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. I programmet studeras verktyg som kan underlätta miljöbedömning i strategiskt beslutsfattande på olika nivåer, från nationell till lokal. Förståelsen och basen för utveckling av verktyg och rekommendationer om verktyg i olika planerings- och beslutsprocesser baseras på empirisk forskning på fall inom flera sektorer. Målen för MiSt-programmet: • Kritisk undersökning av verktygens funktion • Teoribaserad förståelse av deras verkan • Utveckling av råd om effektiv användning av verktyg och kombinationer avverktygDenna rapport beskriver genomförandet av två forskningsprojekt inom Naturvårdsverkets program Miljöstrategiska verktyg (MiSt). Projekten är Utveckling av verktyg för strategisk miljöbedömning och medborgarmedverkan (MiSt-projekt 1) samt Scenariometoder i strategisk miljöbedömning (MiSt-projekt 7). Dessa två forskningsprojekt har i samarbete med Finspångs kommun genomfört ett gemensamt projekt för att ta fram en ny energiplan i kommunen. Denna process har således utgjort arenan för båda forskningsprojekten. Processen har utformats för att testa ett antal verktyg för strategisk miljöbedömning och medborgarmedverkan. Rapporten har skrivits gemensamt av forskargruppen. Huvudansvarig har varit Anders Mårtensson. Rapporten beskriver processen från start till det stadium då kommunens arbetsgrupp är inne i slutskedet av framtagandeet av energiplanen. Här redovisas inga resultat av vare sig forskningen runt processen eller resultat av energiplanens genomförande. Resultat kommer att redovisas i en separat utvärderingsrapport samt i artiklar i vetenskapliga tidskrifter. En särskild rapport behandlar den kvantitativa miljöanalysen. Kommande rapporter publiceras på MiSts hemsida www.sea-mist.se.Programledare: Lars Emmeli

    FeGa3 and RuGa3: Semiconducting intermetallic compounds

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    The intermetallic compounds FeGa3 and RuGa3 were prepared from the elements using a Ga flux and their structures were refined from single-crystal X-ray data. Both compounds crystallize with the FeGa3 structure type (tetragonal, space group P4(2)/mnm, Z=4). Electrical resistivity measurements revealed a semiconducting behavior for FeGa3 and RuGa3, which is in contrast to the good metallic conductivity observed for the isotypic compound CoGa3. The origin of the different electronic properties of these materials was investigated by first-principle calculations. It was found that in compounds adopting the FeGa3 structure type the transition metal atoms and Ga atoms interact strongly. This opens a d-p hybridization bandgap with a size of about 0.31 eV in the density of states at the Fermi level for 17-electron compounds (i.e., FeGa3 and RuGa3). The electronic structure of CoGa3 (an 18-electron compound) displays rigid band behavior with respect to FeGa3. As a consequence, the Fermi level in CoGa3 becomes located above the d-p hybridization gap which explains its metaltic conductivity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA)