3,049 research outputs found

    Evaluación del modelo de simulación CERES-maize aplicado a una variedad de maíz en oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia

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    El modelo de simulación de crecimiento y producción de maíz (Zea mays L.) CERES-Maize bajo DSSATv3.5, se evaluó a nivel del trópico con datos experimentales del ensayo Culticore establecido por CIAT en convenio con Corpoica en el cual se estudiaron sistemas en monocultivo y en rotación con soya, en la Estación Experimental de Carimagua, localizada a 4°30' Latitud Norte y 71°30' Longitud Occidente, ubicada a 160 m.s.n.m., con una temperatura promedio de 27°C y precipitación anual promedio de 2.200 mm, en suelos bien drenados clasificados como Oxisoles Tropeptic Haplustox, franco arcilloso, Isohypertermico. Inicialmente se ajustaron los seis coeficientes genéticos de la variedad, los cuales se calibraron con base en la experimentación en campo en las localidades de Carimagua, Palmira y Santander de Quilichao. La evaluación del modelo presentó estrecha relación entre lo observado y lo simulado para las principales variables de respuesta. La validación con base en datos del experimento de campo Culticore presentó relación muy estrecha (r2 = 0.95) entre lo observado y lo simulado, lo cual indicó que el modelo explica acertadamente la producción de grano y de biomasa y otros parámetros como las épocas de floración y días a cosecha de la variedad. = Intensification of agricultural production on the acid-soil savannas of south America (mainly Oxisols) is constrained by the lack of diversity in acid (aluminum) tolerant crop germplasm, poor soil fertility and high vulnerability to soil physical, chemical and biological degradation. The model of simulation of growth and production of maize CERES-Maize DSSATv3.5, was evaluated to level of the Tropic. In 1993, a long-term field experiment was established in Carimagua, Colombia, (4°36 N, 71°19 W and 160 m altitude). The averange annual rainfall and temperature are 2200 mm and 26 °C, respectively, with a dry season from December to March in soils well drained have been defined as fine, kaolinitic, Isohyperthermic Haplustox (clay loam soil). In orden to study the influence of various systems on soil quality and system productivity on a savanna Oxisol. Initially there adjusted six genetic coefficients of the variety (Sikuani V110), which were calibrated by base in the experimentation in field in the localities of Carimagua, Palmira and Santander de Quilichao. The evaluation of the model presented narrow relation between the observed and the simulated data for the principal variables of response. The validation with base in information of the field experiment Culticore, it presented very narrow relation (r2 = 0.95), between the observed and the simulated data; which indicated, that the model explains good the production of grain and of biomass and other parameters as the epochs of flowering and days to harvest of the variety

    Variance components and repeatability of productive and textil traits of the fiber of Huacaya alpacas (Vicugna pacos) raised in a communal system

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    A trial was conducted with 41 alpacas (22 males and 19 females) during the years 2009 and 2010 in the rural community of Santo Doming de Cachi in the Junín region of Peru, to estimate components of phenotypic variance, phenotypic correlations and repeatability of the average fiber diameter (AFD), coefficient of variation of same (CVAFD), dirty fleece weight (DFW), fiber curvature (FC), and staple length (SL). Animals born in 2008 were sheared annually, along with measurement of each of the characters under study. Samples of fiber were taken at midside of each animal. The results show that alpacas of the study area produce fleece of adequate weight and fibers of the desired fineness, with low CVAFD and that the yearly increase in staple length meets the requirements of the textile industry. Animal age had an effect on AFD, FC and SL, but not on CVAFD nor DFW, while sex affected only DFW and SL. The genetic + permanent environmental variances (VG + VAP) of ADF and FC were greater than the temporary environmental variances (VAT), while the opposite was true for CVAFD, DFW, and SL variances. The phenotypic correlations among the five characters studied were mostly on the order of 0.28, some being negative and others positive, while the two correlations of AFD with CVAFD and CVAFD with FC were not significant. The negative correlation of AFD with FC was the one of highest magnitude. As for repeatability estimates, the highest was that of AFD (0.71 ± 0. 08), and the lowest that of SL (0.29 ± 0.15)

    Zika virus tropism and interactions in myelinating neural cell cultures: CNS cells and myelin are preferentially affected

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    The recent global outbreak of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection has been linked to severe neurological disorders affecting the peripheral and central nervous systems (PNS and CNS, respectively). The pathobiology underlying these diverse clinical phenotypes are the subject of intense research; however, even the principal neural cell types vulnerable to productive Zika infection remain poorly characterised. Here we used CNS and PNS myelinating cultures from wild type and Ifnar1 knockout mice to examine neuronal and glial tropism and short-term consequences of direct infection with a Brazilian variant of ZIKV. Cell cultures were infected pre- or post-myelination for various intervals, then stained with cell-type and ZIKV-specific antibodies. In bypassing systemic immunity using ex vivo culture, and the type I interferon response in Ifnar1 deficient cells, we were able to evaluate the intrinsic infectivity of neural cells. Through systematic quantification of ZIKV infected cells in myelinating cultures, we found that ZIKV infection is enhanced in the absence of the type I interferon responses and that CNS cells are considerably more susceptible to infection than PNS cells. In particular, we demonstrate that CNS axons and myelinating oligodendrocytes are especially vulnerable to injury. These results have implications for understanding the pathobiology of neurological symptoms associated with ZIKV infection. Furthermore, we provide a quantifiable ex vivo infection model that can be used for fundamental and therapeutic studies on viral neuroinvasion and its consequences

    SuperSweet—a resource on natural and artificial sweetening agents

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    A vast number of sweet tasting molecules are known, encompassing small compounds, carbohydrates, d-amino acids and large proteins. Carbohydrates play a particularly big role in human diet. The replacement of sugars in food with artificial sweeteners is common and is a general approach to prevent cavities, obesity and associated diseases such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Knowledge about the molecular basis of taste may reveal new strategies to overcome diet-induced diseases. In this context, the design of safe, low-calorie sweeteners is particularly important. Here, we provide a comprehensive collection of carbohydrates, artificial sweeteners and other sweet tasting agents like proteins and peptides. Additionally, structural information and properties such as number of calories, therapeutic annotations and a sweetness-index are stored in SuperSweet. Currently, the database consists of more than 8000 sweet molecules. Moreover, the database provides a modeled 3D structure of the sweet taste receptor and binding poses of the small sweet molecules. These binding poses provide hints for the design of new sweeteners. A user-friendly graphical interface allows similarity searching, visualization of docked sweeteners into the receptor etc. A sweetener classification tree and browsing features allow quick requests to be made to the database. The database is freely available at: http://bioinformatics.charite.de/sweet/

    Sistema de información para el manejo, control de las calificaciones y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la institución educativa privada campo hermoso en Bogotá, Colombia

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    El proyecto de investigación se basa en la implementación de un sistema de información, diseñado como apoyo para los docentes de la Institución Educativa Privada Campo Hermoso. Buscando acercar un poco más a los padres de familia e involucrarlos más en los procesos de enseñanza – aprendizaje de sus hijos. Para su desarrollo fue necesario conformar un equipo de trabajo llevando a cabo una investigación acción participativa –IAP- involucrando docentes, directivos, padres de la Institución y practicantes de la universidad Minuto de Dios. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer que el Sistema de información favorece que los padres estén informados en tiempo real del rendimiento académico de sus hijos

    Sistema de información para el manejo, control de las calificaciones y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la institución educativa privada campo hermoso en Bogotá, Colombia

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    El proyecto de investigación se basa en la implementación de un sistema de información, diseñado como apoyo para los docentes de la Institución Educativa Privada Campo Hermoso. Buscando acercar un poco más a los padres de familia e involucrarlos más en los procesos de enseñanza – aprendizaje de sus hijos. Para su desarrollo fue necesario conformar un equipo de trabajo llevando a cabo una investigación acción participativa –IAP- involucrando docentes, directivos, padres de la Institución y practicantes de la universidad Minuto de Dios. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer que el Sistema de información favorece que los padres estén informados en tiempo real del rendimiento académico de sus hijos

    Substitutions near the hemagglutinin receptor-binding site determine the antigenic evolution of influenza A H3N2 viruses in U.S. swine

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    Swine influenza A virus is an endemic and economically important pathogen in pigs, with the potential to infect other host species. The hemagglutinin (HA) protein is the primary target of protective immune responses and the major component in swine influenza A vaccines. However, as a result of antigenic drift, vaccine strains must be regularly updated to reflect currently circulating strains. Characterizing the cross-reactivity between strains in pigs and seasonal influenza virus strains in humans is also important in assessing the relative risk of interspecies transmission of viruses from one host population to the other. Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay data for swine and human H3N2 viruses were used with antigenic cartography to quantify the antigenic differences among H3N2 viruses isolated from pigs in the United States from 1998 to 2013 and the relative cross-reactivity between these viruses and current human seasonal influenza A virus strains. Two primary antigenic clusters were found circulating in the pig population, but with enough diversity within and between the clusters to suggest updates in vaccine strains are needed. We identified single amino acid substitutions that are likely responsible for antigenic differences between the two primary antigenic clusters and between each antigenic cluster and outliers. The antigenic distance between current seasonal influenza virus H3 strains in humans and those endemic in swine suggests that population immunity may not prevent the introduction of human viruses into pigs, and possibly vice versa, reinforcing the need to monitor and prepare for potential incursions