13 research outputs found

    Konflik Psikologis Tokoh Yudhis dalam Novel "Posesif" karya Lucia Priandarini

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    This study aims to describe how the factors that cause psychological conflict and the consequences of psychological conflict on the character Yudhis innovel Posesif Lucia Priandarini's. The method used is descriptive qualitative method using data collection techniques, namely the data is read, the data is marked, the data is grouped, the data is analyzed, the data is presented, the data is concluded. Based on the research conducted by the researcher, it can be concluded that there are seven factors that cause psychological conflict and four consequences that arise from the psychological conflict of Yudhis character innovel Posesif Lucia Priandarini's


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan penilaian otentik pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia SMA beracuan Kurikulum 2013 pada tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Deskripsi pelaksanaan penilaian otentik meliputi deskripsi tingkat ketercapaian pelaksanaan penilaian otentik, kendala yang dialami guru dalam melaksanakan penilaian otentik, dan upaya yang dialkukan oleh guru dalam mengatasi berbagai kendala pelaksanaan penilaian. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional survey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru Bahasa Indonesia SMA di Gunungkidul yang telah menerapkan Kurikulum 2013, yaitu SMAN 1 Wonosari, SMAN 2 Wonosari, SMAN 2 Playen, dan SMAN 1 Karangmojo. Sampel yang dipilih adalah guru Bahasa Indonesia kelas X sebanyak tujuh orang. Data dikumpulkan melalui angket, wawancara, pengamatan pembelajaran, dan analisis dokumen. Data angket dianalisis dengan teknik statistik deskriptif untuk mengukur tingkat ketercapaian pelaksanaan penilaian otentik. Data dari sumber yang lain dianalisis dengan teknik analisis kualitatif untuk mengetahui berbagai kendala yang dialami guru dalam melaksanakan penilaian dan upaya yang dilakukan oleh guru untuk megatasi berbagai kendala tersebut. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa guru telah melaksanakan penilaian otentik dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam Kurikulum 2013. Ketercapaian pelaksanaan penilaian otentik di empat sekolah tersebut termasuk dalam kategori ‘Sedang’. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai perolehan angket serta didukung oleh fakta-fakta lapangan dari data kualitatif terkait ketercapaian tersebut. Di tahun pertama penerapan Kurikulum 2013 tersebut, para guru mengalami sejumlah kendala dalam pelaksanaan penilaian otentik. Kendala utama yang dialami guru adalah pada teknik penilaian dan penyekoran. Meskipun demikian, para guru melakukan sejumlah upaya untuk mengatasi kendala yang mereka alami. Para guru masih terus berusaha untuk menerapkan penilaian otentik sesuai Kurikulum 2013 dengan lebih baik

    Analisis Konflik Tokoh dalam Novel Pak Guru Karya Awang Surya

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    Literary work as an imaginary, fiction that offers a variety of human and human problems, life and life. One form of literary work is novel. In Awang Surya's novel Pak Guru, there are various kinds of conflicts. Research problems: (1) How is the conflict between the characters in the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya? (2) How do the authors present the character conflicts in the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya? This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of library research and uses descriptive methods. The data source used is the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya consisting of 48 chapters and 328 pages. Data collection techniques through hermenuetic techniques, namely read, note and summarize. In analyzing the data, it refers to various relevant theories, namely using the theory of Nurgiyantoro (2009 and 2013) about character conflict and using the theory of Sukada (1993) about how the author expresses character conflict. The results of the study concluded that the conflicts contained in the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya were (1) internal conflict and external conflict. The internal conflicts experienced by the figures of Musa and Nasimah, the external conflicts occurred with the figures of Musa and SDN teachers, Musa and Pak Sarkowi, Musa with Alfan, Musa with Bu Eni, Musa with Nasimah. (2) The author's way of expressing character conflict in an analytical and dramatic manner.   Keywords: Literature, Conflict, Internal, External, Analytical, Dramati

    Analysis of the Key Success Factors for Commercializing Innovation

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    The development and commercialization of new technologies have inherent uncertainties and associated risks. Many researches conducted by Indonesian R&Ds never reached the diffusion stage, i.e., the commercialization process. Therefore, Indonesia needs a strategy to translate promising technologies into a stream of economic returns for its stakeholders. This study analyzes the critical success factors (KSF) for commercializing innovation. It used new product development literature and TOE (technology–organization– environment) framework and developed a research model to investigate the determinants of commercialization of innovation. In choosing the selected vital success factors, a hierarchy of KSFs was defined. It also used the Analytic hierarchy process to help experts rank the importance of identified KSFs. The KSF hierarchy is constructed with two levels: a critical comprising three dimensions and a detailed level of nine individual factors. The result shows that the experts believe that in the top-level, technology is the most critical dimension followed by environment and organization. Technology is the primary consideration for the company before launching their product to the market. Market demand has the highest rank from the environmental dimension. Lastly, experts suggest that the organization network is the most significant to grasp investors and potential markets for successful commercialization


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    Krisis Ekonomi yang terus, melanda Indonesia dewasa ini, tanpa kita tahu kapan berakhirnya, persaingan ketat antar perusahaan agar perusahann tetap survive dalam menjalankan usahanya, mengharuskan perusahaan unluk mempunyai tenaga tenaga yang terampil dan ahli dalam bidangnya. Keahhan dan ketrampilan yang dimiliki karyawan akan terwujud bila pihak manajemen mengetahui dan memenuhi kebutuhan karyawannya, Salah satu kebutuhan karyawan adalah pengembangan karier

    A Vector AutoRegressive (VAR) Approach to the Credit Channel for the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Mauritius

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    This paper is an attempt to determine the presence and empirical significance of monetary policy and the bank lending view of the credit channel for Mauritius, which is particularly relevant at these times. A vector autoregressive (VAR) model of order three is used to examine the monetary transmission mechanism using quarterly data from 1985Q1 to 2006Q4. The variables Gross Domestic Product (GDP), price level, money supply and credit to private sector are considered. The results of econometric analysisshow the effectiveness and relevance of monetary policy and of a credit channel in the short-run. Changes in the monetary policy variable (M2) affect the credit variable (CPS) in the short-run. Output (GDP) increases temporarily, while the effect of a monetary stimulus on prices is a persistent increase.Keywords: Monetary Transmission Mechanism, Credit Channel, VARmodel

    Analisis Konflik Tokoh Dalam Novel Pak Guru Karya Awang Surya

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    Analysis of Character Conflict in Pak Guru's Novel Awang Surya's work. Literary work as an imaginary, fiction that offers various problems of man and humanity, life and life. One form of work literature is a novel. Like other literary works, in novels there are conflicts too or problems that are often raised by the author to represent the idea exist in everyday life, with the above facts, the author is interested in conducted a study entitled "Analysis of Character Conflict in Pak Guru's Novel" Awang Surya's work". Research problems (1) How is the conflict of characters in the novel? Mr. Guru by Awang Surya? (2) How does the author express the conflict of characters in the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya? This research uses qualitative approach with the type of library research and using the method descriptive. Data collection techniques through hermenuetic techniques. In analyzing the data refers to various relevant theories, namely using the Theory of Assessment Nurgiyantoro's (2009) fiction about character conflict and the theory of literary criticism development Indonesia Sukada (1993) on how the author presents character conflicts. Results The study concluded that the conflicts contained in the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya is (1) internal conflict and external conflict. Internal conflict is a conflict that occurs in the heart, soul of a character or temporary story characters External conflict is a conflict that occurs between a character and something else outside himself, perhaps with the natural environment or perhaps the human environment. The internal conflict was experienced by the characters of Musa and Nasimah while the external conflict happened to the figure of Musa and the teachers of SDN, Musa and Mr. Sarkowi, Musa with Alfan, Musa with Bu Eni, Musa with Nasimah. (2) Author's way Presenting character conflicts analytically and dramatically. Analytics is the way The author describes the conflict of the characters in the story directly explaining the name characters and physical images while dramatic is in an indirect way, namely through conversations or dialogues described by characters when facing problem. The dominant character conflict expressed by the author is the character conflict analytically, because the author describes the story more provide direct explanations without dialogue. Then the author's way revealing character conflicts dramatically illustrated by dialogue directly between the characters contained in the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya


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    This study aims to describe how the factors that cause psychological conflict and the consequences of psychological conflict on the character Yudhis innovel Posesif Lucia Priandarini's. The method used is descriptive qualitative method using data collection techniques, namely the data is read, the data is marked, the data is grouped, the data is analyzed, the data is presented, the data is concluded. Based on the research conducted by the researcher, it can be concluded that there are seven factors that cause psychological conflict and four consequences that arise from the psychological conflict of Yudhis character innovel Posesif Lucia Priandarini's

    Penurunan Risiko Kambuh Dan Lama Rawat Pada Klien Stroke Iskemik Melalui Rencana Pemulangan Terstruktur

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    A research to examine the effect of structured discharge planning for the ischemic stroke patients in decreasing the recurrence risk factors and length of stay, and improving functional status has been conducted in a hospital in Bukittinggi. This quasiexperimental research included 43 subjects (20 subjects as the intervention group and 23 subjects as the control group). The findings of the study demonstrated that there is difference in recurrence risk factors (p= 0.00, α= 0,05 ) and length of stay (p= 0,02; α =0,05) but no difference in functional status (measured by Barthel Index) between two groups. This finding showed that structured discharge planning has significant effect to reduce recurrence of risk factors and length of stay of the ischemic stroke patients. This study can be an evidence to be incorporated in the ischemic stroke nursing care in the hospital as well as home care. Further, it is recommended to examine the patien\u27s support system on reducing stroke recurrence, complication, and disability

    Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated from Subclinical Mastitis Milk of Etawah Crossbreed Goat

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    Klebsiella spp. is a common bacteria causing mastitis. Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella varicola is the most infected Klebsiella spp in the dairy farm. This study used 16 milk samples from 8 lactation goats in Sahabat Ternak farm, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Samples were tested by california mastitis test (CMT) reagent to determine the mastitis status, inoculated on blood agar (BA) then on Mac Conkey Agar (MCA) as a selective media for Gram negative bacteria. The colonies from BA and MCA were stained by Gram staining to determine Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria and its cell morphology. The colonies from MCA were identified by biochemical tests such as sugar fermentation tests (glucose, lactose, maltose, and saccharose), arginine, ornithine decarboxylase, indole, citrate, urea hydrolysis (Christensen’s method), lysin and malonate. The result of mastitis test showed 5 goats were positive result and 3 samples were negative. Bacterial staining showed 2 samples were Gram-negative, rods and the others were Gram-positive, coccus. The samples with rods shapes were continued by biochemical tests. The characterization result of biochemical test indicated that the rods shapes bacteria were Klebsiella pneumoniae. These bacteria identification conducted in Laboratorium Preklinis Program Studi Kesehatan Hewan, Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada and the result confirmation using positive control of  Klebsiella pneumoniae conducted in Balai Laboratorium Kesehatan Yogyakarta. These results showed that milk from Etawah crossbreed goat was infected by Klebsiella pneumoniae