228 research outputs found

    GOMOS: Gobal Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars

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    In this paper we report on the progress and status of the Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars (GOMOS) instrument, and imaging spectrometer under development for flight on the European Space Agency's Polar Orbiting Earth Mission (POEM-1) mission in 1998. Employing occultation of stars as a light probe of the Earth's atmosphere from a sun-sychronous polar orbit, the instrument will monitor ozone and other atmospheric trace gases over the entire globe. Atmospheric transmission resolution of approximately 1.7 km. When data are combined regionally, it will be possible to detect ozone concentration trends as small as 0.05 percent/year, depending on the degree of combination

    Pathological Angiogenesis Requires Syndecan-4 for Efficient VEGFA-Induced VE-Cadherin Internalization

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    Objective: VEGFA (Vascular endothelial growth factor A) and its receptor VEGFR2 (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2) drive angiogenesis in several pathologies, including diabetic retinopathy, wet age-related macular degeneration, and cancer. Studies suggest roles for HSPGs (heparan sulfate proteoglycans) in this process, although the nature of this involvement remains elusive. Here, we set to establish the role of the HSPG SDC4 (syndecan-4) in pathological angiogenesis. Approach and Results: We report that angiogenesis is impaired in mice null for SDC4 in models of neovascular eye disease and tumor development. Our work demonstrates that SDC4 is the only SDC whose gene expression is upregulated during pathological angiogenesis and is selectively enriched on immature vessels in retinas from diabetic retinopathy patients. Combining in vivo and tissue culture models, we identified SDC4 as a downstream mediator of functional angiogenic responses to VEGFA. We found that SDC4 resides at endothelial cell junctions, interacts with vascular endothelial cadherin, and is required for its internalization in response to VEGFA. Finally, we show that pathological angiogenic responses are inhibited in a model of wet age-related macular degeneration by targeting SDC4. Conclusions: We show that SDC4 is a downstream mediator of VEGFA-induced vascular endothelial cadherin internalization during pathological angiogenesis and a potential target for antiangiogenic therapies

    Pathological Angiogenesis Requires Syndecan-4 for Efficient VEGFA-Induced VE-Cadherin Internalization.

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    Objective: VEGFA (Vascular endothelial growth factor A) and its receptor VEGFR2 (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2) drive angiogenesis in several pathologies, including diabetic retinopathy, wet age-related macular degeneration, and cancer. Studies suggest roles for HSPGs (heparan sulfate proteoglycans) in this process, although the nature of this involvement remains elusive. Here, we set to establish the role of the HSPG SDC4 (syndecan-4) in pathological angiogenesis. / Approach and Results: We report that angiogenesis is impaired in mice null for SDC4 in models of neovascular eye disease and tumor development. Our work demonstrates that SDC4 is the only SDC whose gene expression is upregulated during pathological angiogenesis and is selectively enriched on immature vessels in retinas from diabetic retinopathy patients. Combining in vivo and tissue culture models, we identified SDC4 as a downstream mediator of functional angiogenic responses to VEGFA. We found that SDC4 resides at endothelial cell junctions, interacts with vascular endothelial cadherin, and is required for its internalization in response to VEGFA. Finally, we show that pathological angiogenic responses are inhibited in a model of wet age-related macular degeneration by targeting SDC4. / Conclusions: We show that SDC4 is a downstream mediator of VEGFA-induced vascular endothelial cadherin internalization during pathological angiogenesis and a potential target for antiangiogenic therapies

    Beta 1-integrin-c-Met cooperation reveals an inside-in survival signalling on autophagy-related endomembranes

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/R.B.M. was a recipient of a UK Medical Research Council (MRC) studentship, MRC Centenary Award, Barts and The London Charity (472/1711) and Rosetrees Trust (M314), N.K. was a recipient of an MRC studentship (MR/J500409/1), C.J. was a recipient of the Barts and The London Charitable Foundation Scholarship (RAB 05/PJ/07), L.M. was supported by CR-UK, Breast Cancer Now (2008NovPR10) and Rosetrees Trust (M346), A.H. was a recipient of a CR-UK studentship (C236/A11795). P.J.P. was supported by CR-UK. J.I. was supported by grants from the Academy of Finland, ERC Starting grant, Finnish Cancer Organisations and Sigrid Juselius Foundation. S.K. was supported by the MRC (G0501003) and The British Lung Foundation (CAN09-4)

    GPR surveys and RPA aerial photography using in conducting geocryological studies on the Oka plateau in the Eastern Sayan ridge

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    The results of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) studies of permafrost and aerial photography, carried out at key sites in the Sentsa River valley (Oka Plateau, Eastern Sayan Ridge), are presented.For geophysical studies, an OKO-2 GPR completed with an AB-90 shielded antenna unit was used with a maximum sounding depth of up to 20 m and a resolution of 0.5 m. To account for the landscape elevation, the Trimble TS635 tacheometer and the Leiсa DISTO D 510 rangefinder performed hypsometric measurements with a step of 1.0 m. Aerial photography was carried out by a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) DJI Inspire 1 Pro, equipped with a Zenmuse 3X camera (a resolution of 3840×2160 pixels) with a spatial resolution of 5.7–7.8 cm/pixel (in different years).In the structure of frozen lacustrine-alluvial sediments, three GPR complexes are distinguished, corresponding to the active layer and frozen rocks with different amounts of schlieren, lenses and layers of texture-forming ice. The orthophoto map and tacheometric survey analysis showed that the destruction of frost mounds occurs from the second half of April to the first half of October. The most significant relief change is due to the thawing of icy pulverescent clayey silts. It leads to subsidence blocks in the ledge of the Sentsa River terrace. Lateral river thermoerosion also contributes to the frost mounds destruction

    Neuropilin-1/GIPC1 Signaling Regulates α5β1 Integrin Traffic and Function in Endothelial Cells

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    Neuropilin 1 (Nrp1) is a coreceptor for vascular endothelial growth factor A165 (VEGF-A165, VEGF-A164 in mice) and semaphorin 3A (SEMA3A). Nevertheless, Nrp1 null embryos display vascular defects that differ from those of mice lacking either VEGF-A164 or Sema3A proteins. Furthermore, it has been recently reported that Nrp1 is required for endothelial cell (EC) response to both VEGF-A165 and VEGF-A121 isoforms, the latter being incapable of binding Nrp1 on the EC surface. Taken together, these data suggest that the vascular phenotype caused by the loss of Nrp1 could be due to a VEGF-A164/SEMA3A-independent function of Nrp1 in ECs, such as adhesion to the extracellular matrix. By using RNA interference and rescue with wild-type and mutant constructs, we show here that Nrp1 through its cytoplasmic SEA motif and independently of VEGF-A165 and SEMA3A specifically promotes α5β1-integrin-mediated EC adhesion to fibronectin that is crucial for vascular development. We provide evidence that Nrp1, while not directly mediating cell spreading on fibronectin, interacts with α5β1 at adhesion sites. Binding of the homomultimeric endocytic adaptor GAIP interacting protein C terminus, member 1 (GIPC1), to the SEA motif of Nrp1 selectively stimulates the internalization of active α5β1 in Rab5-positive early endosomes. Accordingly, GIPC1, which also interacts with α5β1, and the associated motor myosin VI (Myo6) support active α5β1 endocytosis and EC adhesion to fibronectin. In conclusion, we propose that Nrp1, in addition to and independently of its role as coreceptor for VEGF-A165 and SEMA3A, stimulates through its cytoplasmic domain the spreading of ECs on fibronectin by increasing the Rab5/GIPC1/Myo6-dependent internalization of active α5β1. Nrp1 modulation of α5β1 integrin function can play a causal role in the generation of angiogenesis defects observed in Nrp1 null mice

    Interplay between cell adhesion and growth factor receptors: from the plasma membrane to the endosomes

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    The emergence of multicellular animals could only take place once evolution had produced molecular mechanisms for cell adhesion and communication. Today, all metazoans express integrin-type adhesion receptors and receptors for growth factors. Integrins recognize extracellular matrix proteins and respective receptors on other cells and, following ligand binding, can activate the same cellular signaling pathways that are regulated by growth factor receptors. Recent reports have indicated that the two receptor systems also collaborate in many other ways. Here, we review the present information concerning the role of integrins as assisting growth factor receptors and the interplay between the receptors in cell signaling and in the orchestration of receptor recycling