405 research outputs found

    Campions del motociclisme

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    Definición y organización del espacio sacro. Apuntes sobre referencias y significados: lo sagrado y lo profano en el contexto urbano del siglo XX

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    [CASTELLÀ] Aproximación a realidades que mueven el hecho arquitectónico como el dinamismo entre sagrado y profano en la arquitectura y el contexto urbano del siglo XX. Y, a su vez una confrontación con algunos ejemplos concretos que lo muestren de forma innovadora. Se han escogido algunas obras de Gaudí no sólo para analizar el impacto de su dinamismo sagrado-profano en el urbanismo barcelonés, sino también porque, a pesar de su cercanía, sigue siendo una arquitectura descontextualizada. [ANGLÈS] Approach to the dynamism between sacred and profane in the architecture and urban context of twentieth century. And turn a confrontation with some specific examples that show what innovative ways. We have chosen some works of Gaudí not only to analyze the impact of dynamic sacred-profane in Barcelona urbanism, but also because, despite its proximity, remains a decontextualized architecture.Peer Reviewe

    Exploring the Effects of Different Types of Diets on Preventing and Managing Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

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    Diabetes is a major health problem that is becoming an epidemic in major countries of the world. Diabetes can affect people of all ages and of all races. However, there is a higher risk of developing diabetes for certain groups of people. As of today, there is still no cure for diabetes. The treatment plan for patients diagnosed with diabetes is to control the level of blood glucose through different interventions. The progression of diabetes is influenced by food behaviors, and diet control is an important aspect of management of this disease. There are different types of diet recommended that will not affect blood glucose levels. However, these types of diets do not coincide with many people\u27s culture and dietary habits. This paper consists of six studies that explores the effect of different types of diet on maintaining or preventing DM2. Studies are divided into two categories: weight loss targeted diet and disease specific to ethnic groups. Studies from both categories show positive effects on the glycemic index of individuals with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. The studies in this literature highlights the effects of diets that are fiber-rich diets rich in fiber, but carbohydrate rich diets, on which some cultures rely, are not included. Further research is needed. A research proposal is described at the end of this paper

    Hannah Höch: el fotomuntatge com a cartografia de la violència

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    Este artículo se basa en una lectura de los fotomontajes de Hannah Höch de los años veinte del s. XX desde el punto de vista de la violencia y como consecuencia de la experiencia traumática de la Primera Guerra Mundial. La crisis política de la República de Weimar y el Dadaísmo berlinés, son tratados a partir de las ideas de Salomo Friedlaender, Bertold Brecht y Walter Benjamin, así como aspectos como lo grotesco, la ironía, la obra de arte en la época de la reproductibilidad técnica, la subjetividad i la alteridad. La fotografía de Germaine Krull, el primitivismo en la danza, las máscaras y la importancia de la etnografía, se ponen de manifiesto también en esta lectura del dadaísmo de Höch, juntamente con una interpretación de género en la que la figura de la mujer es representada de un modo completamente innovador en su significado de lucha y resistencia partiendo también de los escritos de Rosa Luxemburg. El concepto de Atlas o Lebenscollage es tratado como una obra conceptual desde las nuevas lecturas de los archivos de artistas, poniendo de manifiesto su importancia en al arte del siglo XX y XXI e inaugurando un nuevo concepto de post-fotografía en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas

    Visiones desde el Desierto. Las Metamorfosis de Dorothea Tanning

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    This paper offers an overview of the oeuvre of Dorothea Tanning (1910-2012) based on the iconography and hermeneutics of images relating to identity, trauma and violence. Tanning was not only a painter, but also a sculptor, writer, poet and outstanding chess player, who single-handedly pursued her artistic career through the best part of the twentieth century until her death. In addition, reference will be made to artists with links to Surrealism, such as Leonora Carrington, Dora Maar, Maya Deren and Louise Bourgeois, in order to frame the aspects discussed here in a wider context of female artists. Thus, Tanning will serve as a paradigmatic example of a sensitivity tending towards the mysterious, the occult and trauma in general.Este artículo plantea una visión de la obra de Dorothea Tanning (1910-2012) a partir de la iconografía y de la hermenéutica de las imágenes relacionadas con la identidad, el trauma y la violencia. Artista poco conocida de la época tardía del surrealismo: pintora, pero también escultora, escritora, poeta, gran jugadora de ajedrez, y que recorre solitariamente algunas décadas del arte del siglo XX hasta su muerte. Asimismo, artistas con vínculos con el surrealismo serán citadas en este artículo, como Leonora Carrington, Dora Maar, Maya Deren o Louise Bourgeois, para situar las coordenadas comentadas dentro de una corriente más amplia de mujeres artistas. Tanning es el ejemplo paradigmático de una sensibilidad con querencia por lo misterioso, el ocultismo o por las obras del trauma en un sentido más general

    Apunts entorn de l'obra pictòrica de Mercè Rodoreda

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    Sunedison - an analysis of the biggest bankruptcy case in the renewable energy sector

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    In April 2016, SunEdison Inc. filed for bankruptcy as its debt obligations were impossible to maintain due to successive losses over the last three years, combined with a swift stock price decline since the summer of 2015. Financial media directs the blame towards the complexity of SunEdison’s business model, overconfidence and excessive risk taking. This work project investigates in more detail the renewable energy market, the fundamental drivers of SunEdison’s business model, the financial contracts prevailing, its functioning, benefits and drawbacks, the credit reliability of the company and, finally, the main failures in its strategy

    Using Augmented Reality and Internet of Things to improve accessibility of people with motor disabilities in the context of Smart Cities

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    Smart Cities need to be designed to allow the inclusion of all kinds of citizens. For instance, motor disabled people like wheelchair users may have problems to interact with the city. Internet of Things (IoT) technologies provide the tools to include all citizens in the Smart City context. For example, wheelchair users may not be able to reach items placed beyond their arm’s length, limiting their independence in everyday activities like shopping, or visiting libraries. We have developed a system that enables wheelchair users to interact with items placed beyond their arm’s length, with the help of Augmented Reality (AR) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies. Our proposed system is an interactive AR application that runs on different interfaces, allowing the user to digitally interact with the physical items on the shelf, thanks to an updated inventory provided by an RFID system. The resulting experience is close to being able to browse a shelf, clicking on it and obtaining information about the items it contains, allowing wheelchair users to shop independently, and providing autonomy in their everyday activities. Fourteen wheelchair users with different degrees of impairment have participated in the study and development of the system. The evaluation results show promising results towards more independence of wheelchair users, providing an opportunity for equality improvement.This work was partly funded by the Spanish Government through projects TIN2012-34965 PIGALL, TIN2011-27076-C03-02 CO-PRIVACY, TIN2014-57364-C2-2-R SMARTGLACIS, TEC2015-71303-R SINERGIA, and TSI-020602-2012-147 IRIS. The authors also acknowledge support from Obra Social “la Caixa” -ACUP through project 2011ACUP00261