48 research outputs found

    Posso participar? Actividades de desenvolvimento pessoal para pessoas idosas

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    Posso entrar? Posso participar? Sim, entre Sr. Carlos. Entrem todos. Venha para aqui Sra. Crisanta, sente-se ao pé do Avô Jorge e da Avó Albertina. Está aqui um lugar D. Dinorá. Deixem a Frau Fraubel ficar aí que ela tem mais dificuldades com o português. Ainda não chegou o Lanza? Não deve tardar. Como foi a semana? Este livro pretende abrir portas para aqueles que desejam participar de forma mais construtiva na promoção da autonomia e do bem-estar das pessoas mais velhas.Parte de quatro ideias chave que são trabalhadas ao longo de seis temas/capítulos (a felicidade, os projectos, as relações interpessoais, o auto-conhecimento, a memória e o corpo). As ideias chave são que nos desenvolvemos ao longo de todo o ciclo de vida; que esse desenvolvimento pode ser promovido e que uma das formas de o fazer é trabalhar em grupo tendo por base histórias e exercícios. Do fascínio do encontro e da dança entre as nossas limitações e a nossa transcendência, este livro pretende ser um convite a participar na vida na sua plenitude e desafio

    Portuguese Version of the Ageing Attitudes Questionnaire (AAQ): Validation of the Psychometric Properties

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    The Ageing Attitudes Questionnaire—AAQ was validated for the Portuguese population to understand the importance of attitudes towards old age and their impact on the subjective wellbeing of older adults. A sample of 400 subjects (from 18 to 93 years) answered a socio-demographic questionnaire, and the AAQ, composed of three subscales (psychosocial losses, physical change, and psychological growth). The CFA confirmed the tri-factorial structure with very good adjustment of the model to the data, with the Cronbach alpha of the total scale scoring 0.84 and ranging from 0.65 to 0.77 for each factor. A total of nine items were omitted for poor factor loadings (<0.50), namely in factor 1 items 9-17-20, in factor 2 items 7 and 24 and, finally, in factor 3 we omitted items 4-18-19-21. Notwithstanding, three items below the criteria were maintained, as they conceptually fit into the factor. Of the final 15 AAQ items, 5 belong to the Psychosocial Loss Factor, 6 to Physical Change Factor, and 4 to Psychosocial Growth Factor. This tree factor model explained 50.1% of the total variance. In conclusion, this study supports that AAQ has acceptable validity, confirming the composite reliability and the discriminant validity, but not the convergent validity. Through multigroup analysis, the invariance of the scale was confirmed. This validation is of pivotal importance once it allows measuring attitudes towards ageing in the Portuguese population, thus facilitating the prevention of ageism and the promotion of well-being across the lifespan.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relations between elder abuse, ageism and perceptions of age

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    The purpose of this study is to understandif the Ageismand perceptions of age of a group of elderly people is related with their experiences of being abused, mistreated or suffer from negligence. 33 older subjects were assessed with QEEA – Questions to Elicit Elder Abuse, Ageism Survey and POA – Perceptions of Aging. The findings show some evidence of the correlations between discrimination, perceptions of ageingand abuse. A prevention program designed to prevent abuse and based in active and participative methodologies– The Transparent Hands project– is presented as a tool to help and overcome the attitudinal resistances to change preconceptions of age.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O ageism e os maus-tratos contra a pessoa idosa

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate if social discrimination based in age (Ageism) is related with risk of elder abuse, mistreatment and /or negligence. 54 subjects participated in this study and were distributed by two groups: old people (N=33) and care providers/punctual assistance of eldery (N=21), to whom were administered, besides a socio-demographic interview, an elder abuse evidence instrument (QEEA – Questions to Elicit Elder Abuse) and Ageism related instruments Ageism Survey in eldery) and ARPI – Relacionamento com Pessoas Idosas - in care providers. The results, based on the general indices of these questionnaires, don’t find any correlations between the two phenomena. However, a deeper analysis of the ageism items allows to confirm the existence of correlations between some of these items and the elder abuse evidence.Avec cette étude on a voulu savoir si la discrimination sociale due à l’âge (ageism) se rapportera au risque de l’abus, maux traits et/ou négligence sur personnes âgées. 54 personnes ont participé, distribuées par deux groups: Personnes âgées (N=33) et Prêteurs de soins/assistance ponctuelle aux personnes âgées (N=21), à qui ont été administrés, au-delà d’une interview sociodémographique, un instrument relatif aux indications d’abus (QEEA – Questions to Elicit Elder Abuse) et instruments concernant au Ageism (Ageism Survey dans le cas de personnes âgées et ARPI – Relation avec les personnes âgées – dans le group de prêteurs de soins). Les résultats aperçus au niveau des indices généraux des questionnaires, n’ont pas possibilité aucune corrélation entre les deux phénomènes. Pourtant, une analyse plus mince des items des instruments concernant à la discrimination sociale à permis vérifier l’existence des corrélations entre quelque de ces items et les indications d’abus.Com este estudo pretendeu-se averiguar se a discriminação social com base na idade (Ageism) se relaciona com o risco de abuso, maus-tratos e/ou negligência contra as pessoas idosas. Participaram 54 sujeitos, distribuídos por dois grupos: Pessoas Idosas (N=33) e Prestadores de cuidados/assistência pontual a pessoas idosas (N=21), a quem foram administrados, para além duma entrevista sociodemográfica, um instrumento relativo aos indícios de abuso (QEEA – Questions to Elicit Elder Abuse) e instrumentos referentes ao Ageism (Ageism Survey no caso das pessoas idosas e ARPI – Relacionamento com Pessoas Idosas - no grupo de prestadores de cuidados). Os resultados apurados a nível dos índices gerais dos questionários, não permitiram encontrar nenhuma correlação entre os dois fenómenos. Contudo, uma análise mais fina a nível dos itens dos instrumentos respeitantes à discriminação social permitiu verificar a existência de correlações entre alguns desses itens e os indícios de abuso

    Atividades ocupacionais com sentido e valoração da vida em centenários

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    In the last decades we have witnessed the proliferation of international studies on centenarians, following the trend of increase in this age group in industrialized countries.This study is embedded in the PT100 Project – Oporto Centenarian Study and aims to describe occupational patterns of people with or over one hundred years and their relationship with the valuation and sense of life. The sample comprises individuals aged between 100 and 105 years old (M = 100.93 years; SD = 1.43) and was assessed in several types of activities by means of the extended version of the Victoria Longitudinal Study Activity Questionnaire (VLS) (Jopp &amp; Hertzog, 2010) and the Older American Resources and Services (OARS) (Rodrigues, 2008). Valuation of Life was assessed with the Lawton’s Valuation of Life Scale (VOL) (Lawton et al., 2001). The results highlight the central role of religious/spiritual activities and reinforce the importance of existential meanings in a very advanced age.Nas últimas décadas tem-se assistido à proliferação internacional de estudos sobre centenários, seguindo a tendência de aumento deste grupo etário nos países industrializados. Integrado no projeto PT100 – Estudo dos Centenários do Porto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar padrões ocupacionais de pessoas com cem e mais anos e a sua relação com a valoração e sentido de vida. A amostra é constituída por idosos com idades entre os 100 e os 105 anos (M = 100.93 anos; DP = 1.43) e foi avaliada em vários tipos de atividades através do Questionário Aumentado de Atividades do Victoria Longitudinal Study (VLS) (Jopp &amp; Hertzog, 2010) e do Questionário de Avaliação Funcional Multidimensional de Idosos (OARS) (Rodrigues, 2008). Para a valoração da vida foi aplicada a Valuation of Life Scale (VOL) (Lawton et al., 2001). Os resultados apontam para a centralidade de atividades religiosas/espirituais que reforçam a importância dos sentidos existenciais na longevidade avançada

    Escala de Autoeficácia para a Atividade com Sentido: Encontrando sentido no envelhecimento ativo

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    Aims: This article aims to deepen the psychometric study of the Self-Efficacy for Meaningful Activities Scale (EAASentido) through reliability and validity analyses. The scale was developed under the theoretical constructs of self-efficacy, self-directed learning and meaning factors of older people within the context of the European project PALADIN and was intended to be a useful device for the assessment of the confidence of seniors for getting involved by themselves with meaning activities.&nbsp;Method: A sample of 503 seniors and older people from the North and Centre regions of Portugal was studied with a mean age of 71.66 (ranging from 51 to 96 years old). The subjects answered to the following scales and questionnaires: Self-Efficacy for Meaningful Activities Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale, Satisfaction With Life Scale, Meaning in Life Questionnaire, Self-Efficacy for Self-Direction in Health Scale and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living.&nbsp;Results: An internal consistency of 0.94 was obtained (alpha of Cronbach) and the construct validity showed very good indicators. Concerning principal components analysis, three dimensions emerged from the data and not the five initially conceptualized: 1) activities of personal development and social participation, 2) instrumental activities, and 3) spiritual/religious activities. Resulting from the principal components analysis, we propose the reformulation of the scale, eliminating five complex items. The final 15 items still showed very good reliability (0.92).&nbsp;Conclusions: Based on the results obtained we can conclude that the Scale with 15 items is a consistent and adequate measure to assess to what extent older people have confidence in their ability to get involved in several meaningful activities by themselves. The scale shows good construct validity. However in future studies it is suggested to continue the evaluation of its dimensional structure notably through confirmatory factor analyses.Objetivos: O presente artigo apresenta um estudo que visa aprofundar as qualidades psicométricas da Escala de Autoeficácia para a Atividade com Sentido (EAASentido), através de análises de fidelidade e validade. A escala foi desenvolvida a partir dos constructos teóricos da autoeficácia, da aprendizagem autodirigida e da atividade de pessoas de idade avançada no âmbito do projeto europeu PALADIN, com o objetivo de criar um instrumento apto a avaliar até que ponto os seniores se sentem confiantes para realizarem atividades com sentido, por si próprios.&nbsp;Método: A investigação é de natureza não experimental e incidiu sobre uma amostra de 503 seniores e idosos das regiões Norte e Centro de Portugal com uma média etária de 71,66 (51 a 96 anos) a quem foram aplicadas a EAASentido, a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, a Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale, a Satisfaction With Life Scale, o Meaning in Life Questionnaire, a Escala de Autoeficácia para a Autodireção na Saúde e a Instrumental Activities of Daily Living.&nbsp;Resultados: A consistência interna encontrada foi de 0,94 (alfa de Cronbach) e a validade de constructo revelou muito bons indicadores. No que respeita à análise de componentes principais, os resultados apontaram para três dimensões e não as cinco inicialmente previstas: atividades de desenvolvimento pessoal e participação social, atividades instrumentais, e atividades espirituais/religiosas. Analisadas as saturações dos itens propôs-se a reformulação da escala, eliminando cinco itens. A consistência interna global dos 15 itens manteve-se elevada (0,92).&nbsp;Conclusões: Conclui-se que a EAASentido, com 15 itens, é bastante consistente e adequada para avaliar em que medida os seniores têm confiança na sua capacidade para se envolverem em atividades com sentido (em termos de indicador global), possuindo boa validade de constructo. Em estudos futuros sugere-se a continuidade da avaliação da sua estrutura dimensional, nomeadamente através de análises confirmatórias

    Positive development based on the teaching of personal and social responsibility: An intervention program with institutionalized youngsters

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    From the standpoint of the school settings, sport participation constitutes a key strategy concerning the manifestation of positive behaviors that result from the development of personal and social responsibility. Based on the TPSR model, the goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of an intervention geared toward teaching life skills through sport to youngsters who had been committed. The participants were evaluated before and after the intervention. After the initial evaluation, they were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The experimental group took part in the community football program, while the control group attended physical education classes not based on the TPSR model. The experimental model consisted of 3 weekly sessions over the course of 6 weeks, which totaled 18 sessions. This investigation supplied empirical evidence concerning the potential of community sport programs in the teaching and development of life skills deemed necessary for an adequate reintegration of such at-risk youngsters. The model was shown to be valid both in stimulating changes of attitudes and in promoting the adherence to socially positive behaviors. The effectiveness of the model, as well as its unique approach, make its application attractive to both the youngsters and the professionals. This program facilitates the training of youngsters to act, in the sense of promoting both their autonomy and the acquisition of a system of ethics and moral values within a culture of responsibility for how decisions affect the individual and the community. Finally, this intervention generated empirical support in favor of the argument that sport constitutes a unique opportunity within the educational process to establish values, beliefs, attitudes, and practical habits pertaining relationships and cooperation that generate social responsibility in individuals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desarrollo personal en grupo con mayores a través de técnicas de expresión corporal y psicodrama: Un estudio de caso

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    La tendencia al aumento de la población de edades superiores a los 65 años supone simultáneamente preocupaciones y desafíos. De estos se derivan los esfuerzos llevados a cabo para mantener la calidad de vida de esta población, reforzar las estructuras informales y comunitarias de apoyo a los mayores y combatir los prejuicios relativos al envejecimiento, que condicionan el tipo de intervenciones a desarrollar. En este artículo se presentarán los resultados de una experiencia terapéutica con un grupo de personas de edades comprendidas entre los 70 y los 91 años. La intervención ha durado 6 meses y se han utilizado, además de técnicas verbales, técnicas de expresión corporal y psicodramáticas. La evaluación, para la cuál se utilizó el EASY CARE (sistema rápido de evaluación del bienestar físico, mental y social del mayor) y las opiniones de los propios implicados, ha revelado un aumento de la calidad de vida percibida por los mayores y el desarrollo de algunas habilidades cognitivas. También se ha notado la disminución de los niveles de depresión y de incapacidad funcional. Estos resultados sugieren la importancia de este tipo de intervención en el desarrollo de la calidad de vida y en la prevención de su deterioro, en las poblaciones de edad avanzada. ------ ABSTRACT ------ Older people are living longer and staying healthier and more active much later in life. This fact brings up problems and challenges. Namely, how to maintain the quality of life, how to provide opportunities of self development, improvement and, finally, how to address the prejudices related to the aging process that foster difficulties in the developing interventions. In this article we present the results of a therapeutic experience with a group of persons with ages between 70 and 91 years old. The duration of the intervention was one year and included verbal, corporal expression and psicodramatic techniques. The results where assessed applying the EASY CARE (a tool for integrating the assessment of a service user’s physical, mental and social well-being) and the subjective view of the people involved. The results indicated enhancement of the quality of life and of the cognitive abilities of the subjects in our sample. These outcomes suggest the importance of this kind of intervention for the promotion of the quality of life of the aged