1,745 research outputs found

    WETWALL - an innovative design concept for the treatment of wastewater at an urban scale

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    Rising temperatures, increasing food demand and scarcity of water and land resources highlight the importance of promoting the sustainable expansion of agriculture to our urban environment, while preserving water resources. Treating urban wastewaters, such as greywater and hydroponic wastewater, may represent a strategic point for the implementation of urban farming, ensuring food security, reducing pressures on water resources and promoting climate change mitigation. The WETWALL design concept proposes a unique ecotechnology for secondary wastewater treatment at an urban scale, which brings the novelty of a modular living wall hybrid flow. This concept is based on the integration of two established nature-based solutions/ecomimetic designs: constructed wetlands and a modular living walls. First presented is an overview about the state of the art in the scope of living walls treating wastewater, in order to identify the main design aspects related to the performance of such systems, which mainly concerns the removal of nitrates and phosphates. Second, the WETWALL design concept is presented. A scheme regarding the selection of the main components, such as plants and substrate, is proposed, and potential structure developments and operation strategies are discussed. In addition, considering the scope of integrating the circular economy with the design process, potential interactions between this technology and the urban environment are discussed. The main goal of this article is to substantiate the potential of the WETWALL design concept as an innovative wastewater treatment at an urban scale.Biggest thanks to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – Brazil (CNPQ), for their financial support (doctoral fellowship). The authors also would like to thank the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), the Aarhus University (Denmark) and the research groups GREA (2014 SGR 123), DIOPMA (2014 SGR 1543) and GICITED (2014 SGR 1298)

    An adaptive methodology for the improvement of knowledge acquisition by a multimedia web tool

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    Adaptive learning is a method that personalizes the teaching-learning strategies in accordance with the needs and preferences of each student. This article describes the design, the implementation and the tests of a web application developed with adaptive learning in order to improve student knowledge acquisition and to simplify the teacher’s work. The tool uses EventSource technologies combined with heuristic functions to produce a predictive algorithm, which is capable of being adapted to the students in a customized way by presenting the content adjusted according to their cognitive needs. The design is based on the hypothesis that the acquisition of knowledge can be improved by using a computing application which presents a syllabus to be learned in various forms. In this way, the application determines students’ progress within the content of the material, which is classified by branches of knowledge. The tool was applied to one group of students and the data that we obtained was compared with the results of the rest, subject to the usual knowledge transmission system. The results obtained not only improve the academic results, but also enhance the heuristic decision-making about the content to be taught.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Influence of collision energy on the dynamics of the reaction O(1D) + CH4(X1A 1) → OH(X2Π) + CH3(X2 A2'')

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    We studied the effects of collision energy (ET) on the dynamics of the title reaction using the quasiclassical trajectory method on an analytical triatomic potential energy surface we had derived for this system. We compared the dependence of the scalar and two-vector properties of the reaction on ET with experimental data and obtained a quite good agreement. The results can be explained in terms of the coexistence of two microscopic reaction mechanisms: insertion and abstraction. The former mechanism is the most important one, although the contribution of the latter increases with ET

    Upper Barremian−lower Aptian charophyte biostratigraphy from Arrifes section (Algarve Basin, Southern Portugal): correlation with dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy

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    The Arrifes section (Algarve Basin, Southern Portugal) has been studied from the viewpoint of charophyte biostratigraphy. The previous sedimentological studies in this section showed that it is built of the interbedding of continental and marine facies that contain both marine and continental palynomorphs (pollen, spores, and dinoflagellates), providing an excellent sedimentary context to perform direct correlations between marine and continental domains. In the present work, the identified charophyte biozones have been correlated with dinoflagellate biozones previously recognized in the Arrifes section, being the first time that these two biochronologies can be directly correlated. From the charophyte biostratigraphy viewpoint, two assemblages are distinguished. The older one is found between 65 and 135 m of the stratigraphic section, and it is composed of the species Echinochara lazarii, Atopochara trivolvis var. triquetra, A. trivolvis var. trivolvis, Clavator grovesii var. jiuquanensis, Clavator harrisii var. harrisii, C. harrisii var. reyi, and C. harrisii var. zavialensis. This assemblage belongs to the upper Barremian-lower Aptian Clavator grovesii var. jiuquanensis Eurasian biozone and also to the Ascidiella cruciata-Pseudoglobator paucibracteatus European biozone and it is described in beds with the dinoflagellate cyst Subtilisphaera scabrata (lower to lowermost upper Barremian) and Odontochitina operculata (from upper Barremian upwards). The younger charophyte assemblage is found between 135 and 155 m of the stratigraphic section, and it is composed of the species A. trivolvis var. trivolvis, Clavator grovesii var. corrugatus, Clavator harrisii var. harrisii, C. harrisii var. reyi, and C. harrisii var. zavialensis. This assemblage belongs to Clavator grovesii var. corrugatus biozone, previously assigned to upper Aptian (Clavator grovesii var. lusitanicus biozone). However, in the Arrifes section, this assemblage is found in beds assigned to the dinoflagellate cyst Odontochitina operculata (from upper Barremian-lower Aptian). The direct correlation of the base of the C. grovesii var. corrugatus biozone with the dinoflagellate cyst O. operculata, indicates that the base of the Clavator grovesii var. corrugatus biozone is in the upper lower Aptian, which is slightly older than was previously suggested, and it is extended until the middle Albian

    Treinta años de investigación y desarrollo de boyas Lagrangianas en el Instituto de Ciencias del Mar

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    Since the mid-1980s, physical oceanographers at the Institute of Marine Sciences have been involved in the use of Lagrangian drifters as a complementary technology for their oceanographic research. As Lagrangian observations became more feasible, these researchers continued developing their own drifters in what was to be the seed of current technological activities at the Physical and Technological Oceanography Department. In this paper we overview the work done during the last 30 years with special focus on Lagrangian developments from the initial activities to the latest developments. In addition to basic oceanography research applications, Lagrangian technological developments include prototypes for measuring surface and subsurface ocean properties, for tracking purposes in search and rescue operations and pollution events, and for monitoring ice motion and thickness in the Arctic. The paper emphasizes original and unpublished technical aspects related to the latest developments.Desde mediados de la década de los 80, los oceanógrafos físicos en el Instituto de Ciencias del Mar se involucraron en el uso de boyas Lagrangianas como una tecnología complementaria para su investigación oceanográfica. A medida que las observaciones Lagrangianas se volvieron más factibles, los investigadores continuaron desarrollando sus propios flotadores en lo que se convirtió en la semilla de las actuales actividades tecnológicas llevadas a cabo en el Departamento de Oceanografía Física y Tecnológica. En este artículo se presenta una visión general del trabajo realizado durante los últimos 30 años, con especial énfasis en el uso de flotadores a la deriva y desarrollos propios desde su inicio hasta las aplicaciones más recientes. Además de estudios básicos de investigación oceanográfica, los desarrollos tecnológicos llevados a cabo incluyen prototipos para medir las propiedades superficiales y sub-superficiales, para tareas de seguimiento en operaciones de búsqueda y rescate y eventos de contaminación marina o para monitorizar el grosor de la capa de hielo y su movimiento en el Ártico. En este trabajo se hace hincapié en aspectos técnicos originales e inéditos relacionados con los últimos desarrollos

    A hierarchical approach for generating regular floorplans

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    © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe complexity of the VLSI physical design flow grows dramatically as the level of integration increases. An effective way to manage this increasing complexity is through the use of regular designs which contain more reusable parts. In this work we introduce HiReg, a new floorplanning algorithm that generates regular floorplans. HiReg automatically extracts repeating patterns in a design by using graph mining techniques. Regularity is exploited by reusing the same floorplan for multiple instances of a pattern, as long as neither area, wire length or existing hierarchy constraints are violated or compromised. The proposed scheme is targeted towards early system-level design of chip multiprocessors (CMPs). Experiments show the scalability of the method for many-core CMPs and competitive results in area and wire lengthPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Integrated multi-stratigraphic study of the Coll de Terrers late Permian-Early Triassic continental succession from the Catalan Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula): A geologic reference record for equatorial Pangaea

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    The most severe biotic crisis on Earth history occurred during the Permian-Triassic (PT) transition around 252 Ma. Whereas in the marine realm such extinction event is well-constrained, in terrestrial settings it is still poorly known, mainly due to the lack of suitable complete sections. This is utterly the case along the Western Tethys region, located at Pangaea's equator, where terrestrial successions are typically build-up of red beds often characterised by a significant erosive gap at the base of the Triassic strata. Henceforth, documenting potentially complete terrestrial successions along the PT transition becomes fundamental. Here, we document the exceptional Coll de Terrers area from the Catalan Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula), for which a multidisciplinary research is conducted along the PT transition. The red-bed succession, located in a long E-W extended narrow rift system known as Pyrenean Basin, resulted from a continuous sedimentary deposition evolving from meandering (lower Upper Red Unit) to playa-lake/ephemeral lacustrine (upper Upper Red Unit) and again to meandering settings (Buntsandstein facies). Sedimentary continuity is suggested by preliminary cyclostratigraphic analysis that warrants further analysis. Our combined sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical data infer a humid-semiarid-humid climatic trend across the studied succession. The uppermost Permian strata, deposited under an orbitally controlled monsoonal regime, yields a relatively diverse ichnoassemblage mainly composed of tetrapod footprints and arthropod trace fossils. Such fossils indicate appropriate life conditions and water presence in levels that also display desiccation structures. These levels alternate with barren intervals formed under dry conditions, being thus indicative of strong seasonality. All these features are correlated with those reported elsewhere in Gondwana and Laurasia, and suggest that the Permian-Triassic boundary might be recorded somewhere around the Buntsandstein base. Consequently, Coll de Terrers and the whole Catalan Pyrenees become key regions to investigate in detail the Permian extinction event and the Triassic ecosystems recovery

    Adaptive clock with useful jitter

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    Report - Departament Ciències de la ComputacióThe growing variability in nanoelectronic devices due to uncertainties from the manufacturing process and environmental conditions (power supply, temperature, aging) requires increasing design guardbands, forcing circuits to work with conservative clock frequencies. Various schemes for clock generation based on ring oscillators have been proposed with the goal to mitigate the power and performance losses attributable to variability. However, there has been no systematic analysis to quantify the benefits of such schemes.This paper presents and analyzes an Adaptive Clocking scheme with Useful Jitter (ACUJ) that uses variability as an opportunity to reduce power by adapting the clock frequency to the varying environmental conditions and, thus, reducing guardband margins significantly. Power can be reduced between 20% and 40% at iso-performance and performance can be boosted by similar amounts at iso-power. Additionally, energy savings can be translated to substantial advantages in terms of reliability and thermal management. More importantly, the technology can be adopted with minimal modifications to conventional EDA flows.Postprint (published version

    Consistency of pacing profile according to performance level in three different editions of the Chicago, London, and Tokyo marathons

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    [EN] Running pacing has become a focus of interest over recent years due to its relationship with performance, however, it is still unknown the consistency of each race in different editions. The aim of this study is to analyze the consistency of pacing profile in three consecutive editions of three marathon races. A database of 282,808 runners, compiled from three different races (Chicago, London, and Tokyo Marathon) and three editions (2017, 2018, and 2019) was analyzed. Participants were categorized according to their time performance in the marathon, every 30 min from 2:30 h to sub-6 h. The relative speed of each section for each runner was calculated as a percentage of the average speed for the entire race. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) of relative speed at the different pacing section, taking into account the runner time categories, was excellent over the three marathon editions (ICC > 0.93). The artificial intelligence model showed an accuracy of 86.8% to classify the runners' data in three marathons, suggesting a consistency between editions with identifiable differences between races. In conclusion, although some differences have been observed between editions in certain sections and marathon runner categories, excellent consistency of the pacing profile was observed. The study of pacing profile in a specific marathon can, therefore, be helpful for runners, coaches and marathon organizers for planning the race and improving its organization.Oficial-Casado, F.; Uriel-Molto, J.; Jimenez-Perez, I.; Fagundes Goethel, M.; Pérez-Soriano, P.; Priego-Quesada, JI. (2022). Consistency of pacing profile according to performance level in three different editions of the Chicago, London, and Tokyo marathons. Scientific Reports. 12(1):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-14868-61912

    Possibilitats de la web 2.0 per a la producció de continguts de forma cooperativa i interactiva en les assignatures d'història de la comunicació

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    El professorat que imparteix Història de la Comunicació i altres assignatures afins, ha anat desenvolupant diferents materials didàctics que ara estem revisant i actualitzant per a poder-los utilitzar en el marc de la wiki que hem preparat, Passeig per les xarxes de comunicació des de... (https://wikis.uab.cat/passeigperlesxarxes). Aquest treball s'està concretat en dues guies didàctiques, per a la utilització de la publicitat i els programes de televisió de ficció com a fonts documentals i materials didàctics, que permeten identificar i valorar, des de diferents disciplines, les dades que proporcionen els mitjans de comunicació per conèixer els canvis socials i també les relacions entre història col·lectiva i històries personals, i entre memòria col·lectiva i memòria personal. Estem així, experimentant amb les possibilitats de la Web 2.0 per a produir materials que contribueixin a la formació dels professionals dels mitjans de comunicació, fent-los competents en la elaboració de continguts de forma cooperativa i interactiva, en el marc de l'EEES. Aquest treball els ha de facilitar desenvolupar habilitats d'identificació i de resolució de problemes, capacitat de pensament crític i sentit de responsabilitat social, professional i ètica. Els estudiants faran servir les ITC per l'aprenentatge semipresencial. D'aquesta manera, fomentarem la seva autonomia en la investigació, planificació i desenvolupament de continguts per als mitjans de comunicació. També volem posar aquests materials a disposició de tothom interessat en un diàleg interdisciplinar, imprescindible per a orientar els nous plans d'estudi cap al nou paradigma de producció i gestió del coneixement.The new possibilities of organize and produce all types of documents in digital format, to distribute them by network and their interactive possibilities provoke a radical change in the paradigm that have oriented the content production: from vertical and unidirectional to horizontal, plural, cooperative and interactive. The formation of mass media professionals should explain how to produce this news items. This project summarizes the didactics materials that have been developed by the professors who are teaching History of Communication in order to edit news materials in the framework of the Wiki Passeig per les xarxes de comunicació des de… (https://wikis.uab.cat/passeigperlesxarxes). We present two Didactics Guides in this new Wiki framework that allow us to identify and value mass edia as a documental source for understand social changes and the relations between collective history, personal history and collective and personal memory