804 research outputs found

    Quem e quien : um estudo comparado dos pronomes relativos de duas línguas românicas

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Línguas Clássicas e Português, 2018.No presente trabalho, propõe-se realizar um estudo aprofundado acerca dos pronomes relativos quem e quien, utilizados para os processos de relativização da língua portuguesa e da língua espanhola, respectivamente. Tais relativos, via de regra, relacionam-se a sintagmas nominais antecedentes que apresentam um traço de humanidade marcante, sejam pessoas, sejam seres personificados. Para tanto, fez-se um estudo comparativo entre gramáticas do português e do espanhol para que se identificasse o que é alegado pelas literaturas a respeito dos contextos de uso dos relativos em análise. Julgou-se precípuo, também, mostrar as propriedades gerais dos pronomes relativos, indicando-os como pronomes de natureza substantiva, isto é, que assumem a capacidade de substituir sintagmas nominais; e como elemento de coesão entre uma oração principal e uma oração relativa, seja esta de natureza explicativa, seja esta de natureza restritiva. Ademais, de modo a entender a origem dos relativos aos quais se dá a ênfase da pesquisa, foi importante fazer uma viagem ao latim, com o intuito de compreender como os relativos se manifestavam na língua mãe das românicas modernas. Ao final, conclui-se que a visão das gramáticas acerca das possibilidades de uso dos pronomes quem e quien se diverge em alguns pontos, levando em conta que a língua espanhola permite flexão de número em seu relativo de traço humano, fator impossível em português, além de compreender construções diversas a partir do uso desse pronome, como as perífrases de relativo, tal qual se observa no português. As gramáticas do português, portanto, no que tange ao relativo quem, tratam restritamente as possibilidades de ocorrência do pronome em análise.The aim of this project is to study the relative pronouns “quem” and “quien”, which are used in the relativization processes in Portuguese and in Spanish, respectively. These relative pronouns, as a rule, are related to a previous nominal phrase which indicates a human being or a personified noun. For this purpose, a comparative research among Portuguese and Spanish grammar books was made, in order to identify the perspective which is shown over the contexts in which the analyzed relative pronouns appear in the grammar books. It was also considered crucial to show the general properties of the relative pronouns, for the purpose of indicating them as pronouns in the Romanesque languages, which means a speaker can replace a whole nominal phrase by using the relative pronouns. These pronouns establish cohesion between a main clause and a relative clause, which can be a defining clause or a non-defining one. Furthermore, in order to understand the origin of the pronoun to which the emphasis is given during the analysis, it was important to go back to Latin to comprehend how the relative pronouns were used in the language which is the mother of all modern Romanesque ones. In the end, it is concluded that the vision of the grammar books about the possibilities of using the relative pronouns “quem” and “quien” is different in some situations, considering that, in Spanish, the process of inflection can be observed in the usage of “quien”, a fact which is impossible in Portuguese. In Spanish, it is also seen that the analyzed relative pronoun allows the usage of complex structures, as the periphrasis of relative pronoun, which is also observed in Portuguese. Therefore, the Portuguese grammar books restrict the possibilities of usage of the relative pronoun “quem”

    estudo dos critérios de noticiabilidade da Ilustração Portuguesa (1917-1918)

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020 PTDC/COM-JOR/28144/2017O regime de Sidónio Pais promoveu uma encenação pública do poder centrada no chefe. Ao tempo, o fotojornalismo era já uma prática consolidada, ganhando expressão na Ilustração Portuguesa, única revista ilustrada de informação geral que circulava em Portugal. De que maneira o discurso fotográfico refletiu, cronologicamente, a marcha do tempo e a coreografia do poder orquestrada pelo Sidonismo e como é que isto se entrelaçou com, ou afetou, os princípios da noticiabilidade e os critérios de valor-notícia? Esta investigação procura responder à questão, recorrendo a uma análise do discurso qualitativa das manifestações fotográficas do Sidonismo na referida revista. Concluiu-se que o discurso fotográfico da Ilustração Portuguesa alimentou o mito de Sidónio Pais, afetando o imaginário e a memória histórica, e que os critérios de noticiabilidade foram influenciados de maneira a acomodar o discurso mediático à situação política. A notoriedade da personagem sobrepôs-se a outros valores-notícia. Sidónio Pais’ regime implemented a public performance of power centered on the chief. At the time, photojournalism was already a consolidated practice in Ilustração Portuguesa, the only illustrated magazine that then circulated in Portugal. How has the photographic discourse chronologically reflected the march of time and the choreography of power orchestrated by Sidonism, and how has this intertwined or affected the principles of newsworthiness and news values criteria? This research seeks to answer to the starting question, trough out a qualitative discourse analysis of photographic manifestations of Sidonism in that magazine. It was concluded that the photographic discourse of Ilustração Portuguesa fed the myth of Sidónio Pais, affecting the imaginary and historical memory, and that the criteria of newsworthiness were affected in order to accommodate news media discourse to the political situation. The notoriety of the character overlapped any other news values.publishersversionpublishe

    O fotojornalismo durante o Sidonismo: estudo dos critérios de noticiabilidade da Ilustração Portuguesa (1917-1918)

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    O regime de Sidónio Pais promoveu uma encenação pública do poder centrada no chefe. Ao tempo, o fotojornalismo era já uma prática consolidada, ganhando expressão na Ilustração Portuguesa, única revista ilustrada de informação geral que circulava em Portugal. De que maneira o discurso fotográfico refletiu, cronologicamente, a marcha do tempo e a coreografia do poder orquestrada pelo Sidonismo e como é que isto se entrelaçou com, ou afetou, os princípios da noticiabilidade e os critérios de valor-notícia? Esta investigação procura responder à questão, recorrendo a uma análise do discurso qualitativa das manifestações fotográficas do Sidonismo na referida revista. Concluiu-se que o discurso fotográfico da Ilustração Portuguesa alimentou o mito de Sidónio Pais, afetando o imaginário e a memória histórica, e que os critérios de noticiabilidade foram influenciados de maneira a acomodar o discurso mediático à situação política. A notoriedade da personagem sobrepôs-se a outros valores-notícia.Sidónio Pais' regime implemented a public performance of power centered on the chief. At the time, photojournalism was already a consolidated practice in Ilustração Portuguesa, the only illustrated magazine that then circulated in Portugal. How has the photographic discourse chronologically reflected the march of time and the choreography of power orchestrated by Sidonism, and how has this intertwined or affected the principles of newsworthiness and news values criteria? This research seeks to answer to the starting question, trough out a qualitative discourse analysis of photographic manifestations of Sidonism in that magazine. It was concluded that the photographic discourse of Ilustração Portuguesa fed the myth of Sidónio Pais, affecting the imaginary and historical memory, and that the criteria of newsworthiness were affected in order to accommodate news media discourse to the political situation. The notoriety of the character overlapped any other news values


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    Os utensílios culinários sempre estiveram em constante “evoluçãoâ€, buscando praticidade, e nunca importando com o nível de toxicologia. Objetivando-se avaliar a migração de alumínio durante o cozimento do arroz por titulação indireta e FAAS, com extrações em HCl 1,0 e 0,1 mol L-1, amostras de arroz foram cozidas em três diferentes utensílios culinários: panela/colher de alumínio, panela de alumínio/colher de polietileno e panela de vidro/colher de polietileno. Na titulação indireta, não foi detectada diferença estatística pelo uso das diferentes concentrações, embora ocorreu detecções na concentração 0,1 mol L-1, já pela técnica FAAS houve apenas detecção e diferença estatística para panela de alumínio/colher de alumínio

    Bird extinctions and introductions are causing taxonomic and functional homogenization in oceanic islands

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    Humans are quickly reshaping species assemblages through the loss and gain of species at multiple scales. Extinctions and introductions are non-random events known to be contributing to taxonomic homogenization. However, it is not yet clear if they also promote functional homogenization. Here, we assess whether extinctions and introductions are leading to taxonomic and functional homogenization of 64 oceanic island bird assemblages, belonging to 11 archipelagos. Based on island lists of extinct and extant, native and introduced species and on species traits, we use probabilistic hypervolumes in trait space to calculate functional beta-diversity before and after extinctions and introductions. Bird extinctions and introductions promoted taxonomic and functional homogenization on most oceanic islands. These results follow our expectations, considering previous studies on taxonomic homogenization, the predictable link between taxonomic and functional diversity, and the trait similarity of many introduced species, often adapted to anthropogenic habitats, linked to the non-randomness of bird introductions on islands. Taxonomic homogenization was more common across than within archipelagos, also corroborating previous studies describing stronger homogenization on islands that are further apart and thus had distinctive native assemblages. Surprisingly, the widespread loss of species with similar traits, namely large flightless birds, often led to functional differentiation across archipelagos. However, this differentiation effect tended to be offset by the homogenizing effect of introductions. Functional homogenization increases the vulnerability to global changes, by reducing the variability of responses to disturbance and thus the resilience of ecosystem services, posing a threat to human societies on islands. Our results highlight subtle variations in taxonomic and functional beta-diversity of bird assemblages in oceanic islands, providing important insights to allow a better assessment of how anthropogenic changes might alter ecosystem functioning, which is vital to develop effective long-term conservation strategies. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.Peer reviewe

    Towards a taxonomically unbiased European Union biodiversity strategy for 2030

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    Through the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the financial investments of the LIFE projects, Europe has become an experimental arena for biological conservation. With an estimated annual budget of euro20 billion, the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 has set an ambitious goal of classifying 30% of its land and sea territory as Protected Areas and ensuring no deterioration in conservation trends and the status of protected species. We analysed LIFE projects focused on animals from 1992 to 2018 and found that investment in vertebrates was six times higher than that for invertebrates (euro970 versus euro150 million), with birds and mammals alone accounting for 72% of species and 75% of the total budget. In relative terms, investment per species towards vertebrates has been 468 times higher than that for invertebrates. Using a trait-based approach, we show that conservation effort is primarily explained by species' popularity rather than extinction risk or body size. Therefore, we propose a roadmap to achieve unbiased conservation targets for 2030 and beyond.Peer reviewe


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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a evolução histórica da cooperação sino-paraense levando em conta variáveis como as mudanças recentes das diretrizes da Política Externa Brasileira e da economia internacional, para então, identificar os aspectos estratégicos dessa relação. Concluímos que a cooperação descentralizada sino-paraense está centralizada nas dimensões econômica e comercial, com possíveis avanços na dimensão sociocultural, o que demanda esforços, por parte da diplomacia federativa e da paradiplomacia executada pelo estado do Pará, para avançar em dimensões estratégicas como a tecnológica, informacional e ambiental, como meios de dirimir a dependência econômica do estado e melhor gerir os custos da interdependências, tais como a sensibilidade e a vulnerabilidade locais

    The present and future offshore wind resource in the Southwestern African region

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    In the last decades, offshore wind harvesting has increased enormously, and is seen as a renewable energy resource with great potential in many regions of the world. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how this resource will evolve in a warming climate. In the present study, offshore wind resource in the Southwestern African region is analysed for the present and future climates. A ROM (REMO-OASIS-MPIOM) climate simulation in uncoupled and coupled atmosphere–ocean mode, at 25 km horizontal resolution, and a multi-model ensemble built with a set of regional climate models from the CORDEX-Africa experiment at 0.44° resolution were used. The projected changes of the offshore wind energy density throughout the twenty-first century are examined following the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. Characterised by strong coastal-parallel winds, the Southwestern African offshore region shows high values of wind energy density at 100 m, up to 1500 Wm⁻² near the coast, particularly offshore Namibia and west South Africa. Conversely, along Angola’s coast the available offshore wind energy density is lower. Throughout the twenty-first century, for the weaker climate mitigation scenario (RCP8.5), an increase of the offshore wind resource is projected to occur along Namibia and South African western coasts, more pronounced at the end of the century (+ 24%), while a decrease is projected along Angola’s coasts, reaching a negative anomaly of about − 32%. Smaller changes but with the same pattern are projected for the stronger climate mitigation scenario (RCP4.5). The future deployment of offshore floating hub turbines placed at higher heights may allow higher production of energy in this region. Along offshore Namibia and west South Africa, the wind energy density at 250 m showed differences that range between 30 and 50% relative to wind energy density at 100 m