321 research outputs found

    Social inequality and children's growth in Guatemala

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    This paper is an investigation of the effects of social inequality in Guatemala on children’s health and nutritional status as measured by attained height. Guatemala remains a highly stratified and poor society. We examine the association of land distribution, land tenure, occupation, and other aspects of family social and economic status with children’s height between the ages of three months and 36 months, using data from a cross-sectional survey. An important consequence of the poverty and poor living conditions of the majority of the Guatemalan population is substantial deficits in children’s growth. Our results suggest that children’s growth is affected by ethnicity, their father’s occupation, land distribution in the area where they live, and maternal education. Substantial growth deficits are observed among children living at altitudes above 1500 metres; we hypothesize that this is because, in Guatemala, higher altitude is associated with land scarcity, poorer agricultural conditions, and greater remoteness from transport networks and other public services

    The impact of a public-health intervention on sex differentials in childhood mortality in rural Punjab, India

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    This paper examines the effects of a public-health intervention program on sex differentials in health and mortality during childhood. Among the different health-service packages offered as part of the experimental design, those including nutritional services seem to have been more successful in reducing excess female mortality. The reason for this success appears to have been careful follow-up of undernourished children by project workers. The results also indicate that, consistent with earlier research, girls with surviving older sisters had higher mortality rates after their first month of life. Contrary to earlier research, however, boys with surviving older brothers also have higher mortality rates, at least between the ages of one and three years. We conclude that these effects for boys and girls cannot be attributed to problems associated with larger family size, since the number of older siblings of the opposite sex (regardless of survival status) does not generally appear to be related to children’s chances of survival

    Childhood immunization and pregnancy-related services in Guatemala

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    In this paper we examine the experience of one poor country, Guatemala, that provided childhood immunization partly through a major national campaign, and provided pregnancyrelated services through government health facilities, during the 1980s. Specifically, we compare the breadth of coverage of these two types of services using national sample survey data collected in 1987. We then draw upon results of previous qualitative studies to explore the social, cultural, and organizational factors that may account for differences between the use of immunization and the use of pregnancy-related health services

    Oral Communication: A Curriculum Proposal for a Theological Seminary

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    At the time of this writing the author is a lecturer in the Department of Speech, Television, Radio, and Drama at Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana. In this capacity it is my pleasure to work with Dr. Alfred R. Edyvean who is head of this department. The schedule of classes is in the process of being revised by the administration. At the present time a student may enroll and attend classes two or four days a week. The basic courses are set up so that they include two hours of class study per week. This means that a student could receive his B. D. degree by a schedule that would require him to be present in class only two days out of each week. It has been decided that a three day schedule would be more advisable. Therefore, each basic course would require a student to be in class three hours per week. Naturally the courses of study will have to be revised to meet this schedule. The basic course in the Speech, Television, Radio, and Drama Department is divided into two sections. The first semester is Oral Interpretation, and the second semester is Oral Communication. This means that each student must take four hours of class work to complete this basic course. However, in the new schedule the basic course will be required on the basis of three hours of class work for one semester. This means that the outline and content of the basic course must be revised to meet this schedule. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to provide a curriculum of study in oral communication for this new schedule. In order to discover the best curriculum to be proposed, a decision was made to make a survey of the present trends of oral communication on the seminary level. A letter of inquiry was sent to fourteen seminaries throughout the United states to discover their particular curriculum for the basic course in oral communication. The purpose of this was to can.- pare that offered by Christian Theological Seminary with the other seminaries to discover however could improve our curriculum. Eleven seminaries responded and their response is included in Chapter One. Chapter Two is devoted to an analysis of these responses. In order to analyze themes objectively as possible a study is included as to the nature of speech, or oral communication. Then, in Chapter Three a curriculum is proposed. My first acknowledgment must be given to Dr. Alfred R. Edyvean. His guidance for this work is deeply appreciated. Acknowledgment also must be given to the eleven seminaries which responded to the letter of inquiry which they received concerning this study

    De los Mayas a la planificación familiar: demografía del Istmo

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    El Istmo centroamericano es una de las regiones más heterogéneas del mundo y una región muy importante desde el punto de vista demográfico, social y ambiental. Históricamente, el Istmo fue habitado por una de las poblaciones precolombinas más grandes de América, la cual experimentó una disminución devastadora durante y después de la Conquista. Desde entonces, el Istmo ha recibido oleadas de inmigrantes de Europa y de otras regiones, además de una considerable migración interna. En años recientes, algunos países del Istmo han generado también importantes flujos de emigración, especialmente hacia los países de Norteamérica. Durante las últimas décadas, un país del Istmo, Costa Rica, tuvo una de las tasas más altas de crecimiento de población observada históricamente, seguido por una de las diminuciones más rápidas de fecundidad. Otros países de la región también han experimentado diminuciones considerables de fecundidad, aún cuando hay una variación grande en las tasas de fecundidad entre países de la región en los años noventa. Aunque la mayoría de los países del Istmo han experimentado diminuciones importantes en la mortalidad, persisten en algunos de ellos unas de las más altas tasas de mortalidad del continente. Varios países del Istmo también se enfrentan a problemas del medio ambiente, a consecuencia de la sobrexplotación de la tierra, la industrialización descontrolada y la tala de las selvas por compañías madereras y por hogares buscando leña. Los problemas sociales y ambientales en algunos países han empeorado por las crisis económicas y las guerras civiles. Sin embargo, el Istmo centroamericano es una región rica en recursos, incluyendo recursos humanos. La experiencia demográfica del Istmo provee lecciones importantes para otras regiones. Las investigaciones demográficas del Istmo centroamericano han cambiado dramáticamente durante los últimos 25 años, como lo demuestran los capítulos de este volumen. En parte ello se debe al aumento en la disponibilidad de datos. En 1970, los censos nacionales y los sistemas de registro civil eran las fuentes principales de datos demográficos, sociales y económicos. Aunque se realizaron muchos censos en períodos anteriores, los programas de censos generalmente comenzaron alrededor de 1960 con el apoyo técnico de las Naciones Unidas. La mayoría de los países también llevaron a cabo un censo en la década de los años setentas y en cada decenio desde entonces. Los censos han proporcionado información muy importante, aunque limitada, acerca del tamaño y estructura por edad, sexo y etnicidad de la población además de características del hogar, niveles de ingreso y educación. Un cambio importante comenzó en los años setenta, inicialmente con la Encuesta Mundial de Fecundidad y subsiguientemente con las Encuestas de Prevalencia Anticonceptiva y las Encuestas Demográficas y de Salud. Estas encuestas han hecho disponibles abundantes datos demográficos acerca de países del Istmo. Además, algunos países han desarrollado una capacidad importante en el diseño de encuestas y métodos de trabajo de campo y han empezado a realizar encuestas aparte de los programas internacionales. A consecuencia del gran número de encuestas de fecundidad llevadas a cabo durante los últimos 25 años en el Istmo, conocemos mucho mejor los patrones de fecundidad y uso de anticonceptivos. La mayoría de encuestas demográficas recientes también han proveído información importante de salud y mortalidad infantil. Sin embargo, las encuestas han contenido solo información muy limitada de la migración, una variable muy importante para el futuro. A pesar de la creciente disponibilidad de datos y de conocimiento acerca de la situación demográfica de la región, quedan todavía varios obstáculos importantes para la investigación demográfica en el Istmo centroamericano. El primero es que existen pocos centros para investigaciones demográficas en la región y la mayoría de los centros que existen no tienen fondos adecuados. Muchos participantes en el Seminario expresaron su frustración en relación con la dificultad de buscar empleo en el área de demografía y están preocupados por la posibilidad de una diminución en la disponibilidad de fondos para realizar investigaciones. Un segundo obstáculo ha sido la falta de acceso a los datos de las encuestas y de los censos de parte de investigadores. Los participantes mencionaron dos problemas principales:(1) la falta de una fuente central disponible para los datos de las encuestas y (2) algunos gobiernos están poco dispuestos a proveer acceso a los datos del censo a investigadores fuera del gobierno. Una parte de este problema será solucionado por el Archivo de Datos Centroamericanos organizado por el Programa Centroamericano de Población de la Universidad de Costa Rica. El archivo proporcionará acceso a la mayoría de las encuestas realizadas en el Istmo durante los últimos 20 años. Un tercer obstáculo mencionado por algunos participantes es la falta de comparabilidad completa entre las encuestas realizadas en la región. En algunos casos, la falta de comparabilidad ha hecho difícil el análisis comparativo entre países del Istmo. Otra limitación para la investigación demográfica en el Istmo es que la mayoría ha estado enfocada estrechamente al área de fecundidad y planificación familiar, aún cuando hay más investigaciones de salud infantil en años recientes. Como se muestra en los capítulos de este libro, las áreas en las cuales se realizan investigaciones demográficas se están extendiendo a nuevos territorios. Este cambio ocurre, cuando menos, de dos maneras. Primero, se extienden las investigaciones de fecundidad y planificación familiar de manera innovadora. Buenos ejemplos de esta tendencia son el capítulo por Arodys Robles de la relación entre el uso de anticonceptivos y conocimientos de salud, el capítulo por Hubacher et al. que investiga la importancia de anticonceptivos tradicionales en Honduras, y el capítulo por Luis Rosero Bixby que introduce el análisis espacial al estudio de la oferta de planificación familiar. Segundo, en términos substantivos los investigadores están incursionando en áreas nuevas. Ejemplos de ello son los capítulos por Hoover-Castañeda, Bilsborrow, Stupp y Patrinos. Se espera que los capítulos de este libro generarán ideas en otros investigadores con interés en el Istmo centroamericano y fomentarán la investigación en un rango amplio de temas demográficos y variables conexas.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro Centroamericano de Población (CCP

    An examination of health care utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic among women with early-stage hormone receptor-positive breast cancer

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    Background: Women undergoing treatment for breast cancer require frequent clinic visits for maintenance of therapy. With COVID-19 causing health care disruptions, it is important to learn about how this population’s access to health care has changed. This study compares self-reported health care utilization and changes in factors related to health care access among women treated at a cancer center in the mid-South US before and during the pandemic. Methods: Participants (N = 306) part of a longitudinal study to improve adjuvant endocrine therapy (AET) adherence completed pre-intervention baseline surveys about their health care utilization prior to AET initiation. Questions about the impact of COVID-19 were added after the pandemic started assessing financial loss and factors related to care. Participants were categorized into three time periods based on the survey completion date: (1) pre-COVID (December 2018 to March 2020), (2) early COVID (April 2020 – December 2020), and later COVID (January 2021 to June 2021). Negative binomial regression analyses used to compare health care utilization at different phases of the pandemic controlling for patient characteristics. Results: Adjusted analyses indicated office visits declined from pre-COVID, with an adjusted average of 17.7 visits, to 12.1 visits during the early COVID period (p = 0.01) and 9.9 visits during the later COVID period (p < 0.01). Hospitalizations declined from an adjusted average 0.45 admissions during early COVID to 0.21 during later COVID, after vaccines became available (p = 0.05). Among COVID period participants, the proportion reporting changes/gaps in health insurance coverage increased from 9.5% participants during early-COVID to 14.8% in the later-COVID period (p = 0.05). The proportion reporting financial loss due to the pandemic was similar during both COVID periods (34.3% early- and 37.7% later-COVID, p = 0.72). The proportion of participants reporting delaying care or refilling prescriptions decreased from 15.2% in early-COVID to 4.9% in the later-COVID period (p = 0.04). Conclusion: COVID-19 caused disruptions to routine health care for women with breast cancer. Patients reported having fewer office visits at the start of the pandemic that continued to decrease even after vaccines were available. Fewer patients reported delaying in-person care as the pandemic progressed.National Cancer Institute ; Division of Cancer Prevention, National Cancer Institute ; Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives, National Cancer Institute ; Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institut

    Maternal health care seeking by rural Tibetan women: characteristics of women delivering at a newly-constructed birth center in western China

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    Background: Increasing skilled birth attendance at delivery is key to reducing maternal mortality, particularly among marginalized populations. Despite China’s successful rollout of a national policy to promote facility deliveries, challenges remain among rural and ethnic minority populations. In response, a Tibetan Birth and Training Center (TBTC) was constructed in 2010 to provide high-quality obstetric care in a home-like environment to a predominantly Tibetan population in Tso-ngon (Qinghai) province in western China to improve maternal care in the region. This study examines if and how first users of the TBTC differ from women in the broader community, and how this information may inform subsequent maternal health care interventions in this area. Methods: Trained, Tibetan interviewers administered a face-to-face, quantitative questionnaire to two groups of married, Tibetan women: women who had delivered at the TBTC between June 2011-June 2012 (n = 114) and a non-equivalent comparison group of women from the same communities who had delivered in the last two years, but not at the TBTC (n = 108). Chi-squared and ANOVA tests were conducted to detect differences between the samples. Results: There were no significant differences between the samples in education or income; however, women from the TBTC sample were significantly younger (25.55 vs. 28.16 years; p < 0.001) and had fewer children (1.54 vs. 1.70; p = 0.05). Items measuring maternity health care-seeking and perceived importance of health facility amenities indicated minimal differences between the samples. However, as compared to the community sample, the TBTC sample had a greater proportion of women who reported having the final say regarding where to deliver (26 % vs. 14 %; p = 0.02) and having a friend or family member who delivered at home (50 % vs. 28 %; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Findings did not support the hypothesis that the TBTC attracts lower-income, less-educated women. Minimal differences in women's characteristics and perceptions regarding delivery care between the two samples suggest that the TBTC is serving a broad cross-section of women. Differences between the samples with respect to delivery care decision-making and desire for skilled birth care underscore areas that may be further explored and supported in subsequent efforts to promote facility delivery in this population, and similar populations, of women

    A Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of Short-Timescale Variability in NGC5548

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    Results of a ground-based optical monitoring campaign on NGC5548 in June 1998 are presented. The broad-band fluxes (U,B,V), and the spectrophotometric optical continuum flux F_lambda(5100 A) monotonically decreased in flux while the broad-band R and I fluxes and the integrated emission-line fluxes of Halpha and Hbeta remained constant to within 5%. On June 22, a short continuum flare was detected in the broad band fluxes. It had an amplitude of about ~18% and it lasted only ~90 min. The broad band fluxes and the optical continuum F_lambda(5100 A) appear to vary simultaneously with the EUV variations. No reliable delay was detected for the broad optical emission lines in response to the EUVE variations. Narrow Hbeta emission features predicted as a signature of an accretion disk were not detected during this campaign. However, there is marginal evidence for a faint feature at lambda = 4962 A with FWHM=~6 A redshifted by Delta v = 1100 km/s with respect to Hbeta_narrow.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publishing in A&

    An Energy-Saving Development Initiative Increases Birth Rate and Childhood Malnutrition in Rural Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Evolutionary life history theory predicts that, in the absence of contraception, any enhancement of maternal condition can increase human fertility. Energetic trade-offs are likely to be resolved in favour of maximizing reproductive success rather than health or longevity. Here we find support for the hypothesis that development initiatives designed to improve maternal and child welfare may also incur costs associated with increased family sizes if they do not include a family planning component. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Demographic and anthropometric data were collected in a rural Ethiopian community benefiting from a recent labour-saving development technology that reduces women's energetic expenditure ( n = 1,976 households). Using logistic hazards models and general linear modelling techniques, we found that whilst infant mortality has declined, the birth rate has increased, causing greater scarcity of resources within households. CONCLUSIONS: This study is, to our knowledge, the first to demonstrate a link between a technological development intervention and an increase in both birth rate and childhood malnutrition. Women's nutritional status was not improved by the energy-saving technology, because energy was diverted into higher birth rates. We argue that the contribution of biological processes to increased birth rates in areas of the developing world without access to modern contraception has been overlooked. This highlights the continued need for development programmes to be multisectoral, including access to and promotion of contraception

    Self-rated health among Mayan women participating in a randomised intervention trial reducing indoor air pollution in Guatemala

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Indoor air pollution (IAP) from solid fuels is a serious health problem in low-income countries that can be alleviated using improved stoves. Although women are the principal users, few studies have investigated the self-assessed impact of the stoves on their health and lives.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study was conducted in rural highland Guatemala, involving 89 intervention and 80 control Mayan Indian young women (mean 27.8 years, SD 7.2). Outcomes were assessed after approximately 18 months use of the new stove. Our objectives were to compare self-rated health and change in health among women participating in a randomised control trial comparing a chimney stove with an open fire, to describe impacts on women's daily lives and their perceptions of how reduced kitchen smoke affects their own and their children's health.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>On intention-to-treat analysis, 52.8% of intervention women reported improvement in health, compared to 23.8% of control women (p < 0.001). Among 84 intervention women who reported reduced kitchen smoke as an important change, 88% linked this to improvement in their own health, particularly for non-respiratory symptoms (for example eye discomfort, headache); 57% linked reduced smoke to improvement in their children's health, particularly sore eyes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Women's perception of their health was improved, but although smoke reduction was valued, this was linked mainly with alleviation of non-respiratory symptoms like eye discomfort and headache. More focus on such symptoms may help in promoting demand for improved stoves and cleaner fuels, but education about more severe consequences of IAP exposure is also required.</p