278 research outputs found

    Використання вимог сучасної стандартизації на харчових підприємствах

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    The paper investigates the implementation of the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) in the restaurant business. Restaurant facilities produce not only culinary products, but also a variety of bakery, flour confectionery and confectionery products, which leads to an increase in the used raw materials and, accordingly, an increase in a variety of technological processes for processing these raw materials. Restaurant business establishments include restaurants, pastry shops, cafes, bars, snack bars, canteens, buffets, kiosks and other fast food and drink establishments. Until September 20, 2019, all Ukrainian food industry enterprises providing food services, as well as food suppliers and carriers, were required to implement the HACCP food safety management system. The implementation of the HACCP system in restaurant business establishments is a difficult process that concerns all services and all personnel, because it is necessary not only to create an appropriate service, develop documentation and an algorithm for performing all procedures, review technological processes, equipment, raw material suppliers, but also train personnel comply with the new operating rules. The paper analyzes the factors of potential pollution: physical, chemical and biological and their influence on the quality of the final product. Each of these three factors are monitored at all stages of production, that is, manufacturers comply with fundamentally new rules in food production. For each stage, its own critical control point is defined and recommended, at which the products are tested to ensure product quality. The paper presents a list of basic and operational documentation of the HACCP system, which must be used in restaurants. All enterprises whose activities are related to food products are trying to implement the HACCP system, not only because it will allow domestic producers to comply with the requirements of domestic legislation, but also because it will give consumers confidence that the products they real high qualityand absolutely safe for health.У роботі досліджується впровадження системи НАССР (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) у закладах ресторанного бізнесу. В закладах ресторанного господарства виробляють не тільки кулінарну продукцію, а й різноманітні хлібобулочні, борошняні кондитерські та кондитерські вироби, що веде до збільшення сировини, яка використовується та відповідно до збільшення різноманітних технологічних процесів з переробки цієї сировини. До закладів ресторанного бізнесу можна зарахувати ресторани, кондитерські, кафе, бари, закусочні, їдальні, буфети, кіоски та інші заклади швидкого приготування їжі та напоїв. До 20 вересня 2019 року всі українські підприємства харчової галузі, які надають послуги з харчування, а також постачальники та перевізники харчових продуктів мали впровадити систему управління безпечністю харчування НАССР. Впровадження системи НАССР у закладах ресторанного бізнесу – важкий процес, який стосується всіх служб і всього персоналу, тому що необхідно не тільки створити відповідну службу, розробити документацію та алгоритм виконання всіх процедур, провести перегляд технологічних процесів, устаткування, постачальників сировини, а й навчити персонал дотримуватися нових правил роботи. проведено аналіз факторів потенційного забруднення: фізичного, хімічного і біологічного та їхнього впливу на якість кінцевого продукту харчування. Кожен з цих трьох факторів відстежується на всіх етапах виробництва, тобто виробники дотримуються принципово нових правил у виробництві продуктів харчування. Для кожного етапу визначена та рекомендована своя критична точка контролю, на якій продукція проходить контроль для забезпечення відповідної якості продукції. В роботі представлений перелік базової та оперативної документації системи НАССР, яку потрібно використовувати у закладах ресторанного господарства. Всі підприємства, діяльність яких пов’язана із продуктами харчування, намагаються впровадити систему HACCP не тільки тому, що це дозволить вітчизняним виробникам виконати вимоги вітчизняного законодавства а й тому, що це додасть впевненості споживачам, що продукція, яку вони купують, дійсно високої якості і абсолютно безпечна для здоров’я

    Existence and large time behavior for generalized Kelvin-Voigt equations governing nonhomogeneous and incompressible fluids

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    Generalized Kelvin-Voigt equations governing nonhomogeneous and incompressible fluids are considered in this work. We assume that, in the momentum equation, the diffusion and relaxation terms are described by two distinct power-laws. Moreover, we assume that the momentum equation is perturbed by an extra term, which, depending on whether its signal is positive or negative, may account for the presence of a source or a sink within the system. For the associated initial-boundary value problem, we study the existence of weak solutions as well as the large time behavior of the solutions.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology: UID/MAT/04561/2019info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards a resource-based habitat approach for spatial modelling of vector-borne disease risks

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    Given the veterinary and public health impact of vector-borne diseases, there is a clear need to assess the suitability of landscapes for the emergence and spread of these diseases. Current approaches for predicting disease risks neglect key features of the landscape as components of the functional habitat of vectors or hosts, and hence of the pathogen. Empirical–statistical methods do not explicitly incorporate biological mechanisms, whereas current mechanistic models are rarely spatially explicit; both methods ignore the way animals use the landscape (i.e. movement ecology). We argue that applying a functional concept for habitat, i.e. the resource-based habitat concept (RBHC), can solve these issues. The RBHC offers a framework to identify systematically the different ecological resources that are necessary for the completion of the transmission cycle and to relate these resources to (combinations of) landscape features and other environmental factors. The potential of the RBHC as a framework for identifying suitable habitats for vector-borne pathogens is explored and illustrated with the case of bluetongue virus, a midge-transmitted virus affecting ruminants. The concept facilitates the study of functional habitats of the interacting species (vectors as well as hosts) and provides new insight into spatial and temporal variation in transmission opportunities and exposure that ultimately determine disease risks. It may help to identify knowledge gaps and control options arising from changes in the spatial configuration of key resources across the landscape. The RBHC framework may act as a bridge between existing mechanistic and statistical modelling approaches

    Personalised therapy in follicular lymphoma - is the dial turning?

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    Follicular lymphoma is the most common indolent lymphoma accounting for approximately 20%–25% of all new non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnoses in western countries. Whilst outcomes are mostly favorable, the spectrum of clinical phenotypes includes high-risk groups with significantly inferior outcomes. This review discusses recent updates in risk stratification and treatment approaches from upfront treatment for limited and advanced stage follicular lymphoma to the growing options for relapsed, refractory disease with perspectives on how to approach this from a personalized lens. Notable gaps remain on how one can precisely and prospectively select optimal treatment for patients based on varying risks, with an anticipation that an increased understanding of the biology of these different phenotypes and increasing refinement of imaging- and biomarker-based tools will, in time, allow these gaps to be closed

    The magnetic field and geometry of the oblique shock in the jet of 3C 346

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    We investigate the brightest regions of the kpc-scale jet in the powerful radio galaxy 3C 346, using new optical HST ACS/F606W polarimetry together with Chandra X-ray data and 14.9 GHz and 22.5 GHz VLA radio polarimetry. The jet shows a close correspondence in optical and radio morphology, while the X-ray emission shows an 0.80 +/- 0.17 kpc offset from the optical and radio peak positions. Optical and radio polarimetry show the same apparent magnetic field position angle and fractional polarization at the brightest knot, where the jet undergoes a large kink of almost 70 degrees in the optical and radio images. The apparent field direction here is well-aligned with the new jet direction, as predicted by earlier work that suggested the kink was the result of an oblique shock. We have explored models of the polarization from oblique shocks to understand the geometry of the 3C 346 jet, and find that the upstream flow is likely to be highly relativistic (0.91 +0.05 / -0.07 c), where the plane of the shock front is inclined at an angle of 51 (+/- 11) degrees to the upstream flow which is at an angle 14 (+8 / -7) degrees to our line of sight. The actual deflection angle of the jet in this case is only 22 degrees.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Morphological Composition of z~0.4 groups: The site of S0 formation

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    The low redshift Universe (z<~0.5) is not a dull place. Processes leading to the suppression of star formation and morphological transformation are prevalent: this is particularly evident in the dramatic upturn in the fraction of S0-type galaxies in clusters. However, until now, the process and environment of formation has remained unidentified. We present a HST-based morphological analysis of galaxies in the redshift-space selected group and field environments at z~0.4. Groups contain a much higher fraction of S0s at fixed luminosity than the lower density field, with >99.999% confidence. Indeed the S0 fraction in groups is at least as high as in z~0.4 clusters and X-ray selected groups, which have more luminous Intra Group Medium (IGM). An 97% confident excess of S0s at >=0.3Mpc from the group centre at fixed luminosity, tells us that formation is not restricted to, and possibly even avoids, the group cores. Interactions with a bright X-ray emitting IGM cannot be important for the formation of the majority of S0s in the Universe. In contrast to S0s, the fraction of elliptical galaxies in groups at fixed luminosity is similar to the field, whilst the brightest ellipticals are strongly enhanced towards the group centres (>99.999% confidence within 0.3Mpc). We conclude that the group and sub-group environments must be dominant for the formation of S0 galaxies, and that minor mergers, galaxy harassment and tidal interactions are the most likely responsible mechanisms. This has implications not only for the inferred pre-processing of cluster galaxies, but also for the global morphological and star formation budget of galaxies: as hierarchical clustering progresses, more galaxies will be subject to these transformations as they enter the group environment.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Massive Star Content of NGC 3603

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    We investigate the massive star content of NGC 3603, the closest known giant H II region. We have obtained spectra of 26 stars in the central cluster using the Baade 6.5-m telescope (Magellan I). Of these 26 stars, 16 had no previous spectroscopy. We also obtained photometry of all of the stars with previous or new spectroscopy, primarily using archival HST ACS/HRC images. We use these data to derive an improved distance to the cluster, and to construct an H-R diagram for discussing the masses and ages of the massive star content of this cluster.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal. This revision updates the coordinates in Table 1 by (-0.18sec, +0.2") to place them on the UCAC2 syste

    T-cell lymphoma in South America and Europe.

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    Peripheral T-cell lymphomas are a group of rare neoplasms originating from clonal proliferation of mature post-thymic lymphocytes with different entities having specific biological characteristics and clinical features. As natural killer cells are closely related to T-cell, natural killer-cell lymphomas are also part of the group. The current World Health Organization classification recognizes four categories of T/natural killer-cell lymphomas with respect to their presentation: disseminated (leukemic), nodal, extranodal and cutaneos. Geographic variations in the distribution of these diseases are well documented: nodal subtypes are more frequent in Europe and North America, while extranodal forms, including natural killer-cell lymphomas, occur almost exclusively in Asia and South America. On the whole, T-cell lymphomas are more common in asia than in western countries, usually affect adults, with a higher tendency in men, and, excluding a few subtypes, usually have an aggressive course and poor prognosis. Apart from anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma, that have a good outcome, other nodal and extranodal forms have a 5-year oversall survival of about 30%. According to the principal prognostic indexes, the majority of patients are allocated to the unfavorable subset. In the past, the rarity of these diseases prevented progress in the understanding of their biology and improvements in the efficaciousness of therapy. Recently, international projects devoted to these diseases created networks promting investigations on T-cell lymphomas. These projects are the basis of forthcoming cooperative, large scale trials to detail biologic characteristics of each sub-entity and to possibly individuate targets for new therapies