124 research outputs found

    Low Vitamin D Levels and Frailty Status in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Serum vitamin D deficiency is widespread among older adults and is a potential modifiable risk factor for frailty. Moreover, frailty has been suggested as an intermediate step in the association between low levels of vitamin D and mortality. Hence, we conducted a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis to test the possible association of low concentrations of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), a marker of vitamin D status, with frailty in later life. We reviewed cross-sectional or longitudinal studies evaluating populations of older adults and identifying frailty by a currently validated scale. Meta-analyses were restricted to cross-sectional data from studies using Fried’s phenotype to identify frailty. Twenty-six studies were considered in the qualitative synthesis, and thirteen studies were included in the meta-analyses. Quantitative analyses showed significant differences in the comparisons of frail (standardized mean difference (SMD)—1.31, 95% confidence interval (CI) (−2.47, −0.15), p = 0.0271) and pre-frail (SMD—0.79, 95% CI (−1.58, −0.003), p = 0.0491) subjects vs. non-frail subjects. Sensitivity analyses reduced heterogeneity, resulting in a smaller but still highly significant between-groups difference. Results obtained indicate that lower 25(OH)D levels are significantly associated with increasing frailty severity. Future challenges include interventional studies testing the possible benefits of vitamin D supplementation in older adults to prevent/palliate frailty and its associated outcomes.This research was funded by Xunta de Galicia [ED431B 2019/02]; Ministerio de EducaciĂłn, Cultura y Deporte [BEAGAL18/00142 to V.V, PRX19/00353 to B.L.]; and DeputaciĂłn Provincial de A Coruña [to D.M.-P. and M.S.-F.]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O presente trabalho trata da implantaÁ„o de uma metodologia analÌtica para o monitoramento da toxicidade provocada pelos metais c·dmio e zinco na baÌa de Sepetiba mediante utilizaÁ„o ostras Cassostrea rhizophorae como bioindicadores. O processo de preparo das ostras utilizado nesta metodologia consiste em duas etapas: liofilizaÁ„o e digest„o dos moluscos. Com a necessidade de se garantir a confiabilidade metrolÛgica dos resultados, realizou-se a validaÁ„o de acordo pelo documento orientativo DOC-CGCRE-08 revis„o 04 do INMETRO. Foi realizado tambÈm o c·lculo de estimativa de incerteza da mediÁ„o, procedimento que visa agregar, juntamente ‡ validaÁ„o, maior qualidade aos procedimentos de quantificaÁ„o dos metais. A comprovaÁ„o de que a metodologia desenvolvida alcanÁou o objetivo proposto, foi o reconhecimento junto ao Inmetro atravÈs da sua acreditaÁ„o em 2014

    Chronic respiratory diseases and quality of life in elderly nursing home residents

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    Funding The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was supported by Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia–GERIA Project PTDC/SAU-SAP/ 116563/2010.Few studies have assessed the quality of life (QOL) related to chronic respiratory diseases in the elderly. In the framework of the geriatric study on the health effects of air quality in elderly care centers (GERIA) study, a questionnaire was completed by elderly subjects from 53 selected nursing homes. It included various sections in order to assess respiratory complaints, QOL (World Health Organization QOL (WHOQOL)-BREF), and the cognitive and depression status. The outcome variables were the presence of a score lower than 50 (publishersversionpublishe

    School environment associates with lung function and autonomic nervous system activity in children : a cross-sectional study

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    Children are in contact with local environments, which may affect respiratory symptoms and allergic sensitization. We aimed to assess the effect of the environment and the walkability surrounding schools on lung function, airway inflammation and autonomic nervous system activity. Data on 701 children from 20 primary schools were analysed. Lung function, airway inflammation and pH from exhaled breath condensate were measured. Pupillometry was performed to evaluate autonomic activity. Land use composition and walkability index were quantified within a 500 m buffer zone around schools. The proportion of effects explained by the school environment was measured by mixed-effect models. We found that green school areas tended to be associated with higher lung volumes (FVC, FEV1 and FEF25-75%) compared with built areas. FVC was significantly lower in-built than in green areas. After adjustment, the school environment explained 23%, 34% and 99.9% of the school effect on FVC, FEV1, and FEF25-75%, respectively. The walkability of school neighbourhoods was negatively associated with both pupil constriction amplitude and redilatation time, explaining -16% to 18% of parasympathetic and 8% to 29% of sympathetic activity. Our findings suggest that the environment surrounding schools has an effect on the lung function of its students. This effect may be partially mediated by the autonomic nervous system.Peer reviewe

    Effects of Hot Nights on Mortality in Southern Europe.

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    BACKGROUND: There is strong evidence concerning the impact of heat stress on mortality, particularly from high temperatures. However, few studies to our knowledge emphasize the importance of hot nights, which may prevent necessary nocturnal rest. OBJECTIVES: In this study, we use hot-night duration and excess to predict daily cause-specific mortality in summer, using multiple cities across Southern Europe. METHODS: We fitted time series regression models to summer cause-specific mortality, including natural, respiratory, and cardiovascular causes, in 11 cities across four countries. We included a distributed lag nonlinear model with lags up to 7 days for hot night duration and excess adjusted by daily mean temperature. We summarized city-specific associations as overall-cumulative exposure-response curves at the country level using meta-analysis. RESULTS: We found positive but generally nonlinear associations between relative risk (RR) of cause-specific mortality and duration and excess of hot nights. RR of duration associated with nonaccidental mortality in Portugal was 1.29 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.07, 1.54); other associations were imprecise, but we also found positive city-specific estimates for Rome and Madrid. Risk of hot-night excess ranged from 1.12 (95% CI = 1.05, 1.20) for France to 1.37 (95% CI = 1.26, 1.48) for Portugal. Risk estimates for excess were consistently higher than for duration. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new evidence that, over a wider range of locations, hot night indices are strongly associated with cause-specific deaths. Modeling the impact of thermal characteristics during summer nights on mortality could improve decisionmaking for preventive public health strategies

    Evoluçao de crianças com idade inferior a 2 anos submetidas a implante de marcapasso cardíaco permanente

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    A estimulaçao epicĂĄrdica predomina no implante de marcapasso em crianças pequenas. OBJETIVO: revisar a evoluçao de pacientes menores de dois anos submetidos a estimulaçao epimiocĂĄrdica apĂłs a alta hospitalar e atĂ© uma dĂ©cada. MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte histĂłrica entre 1997 e 2010 que incluiu 34 pacientes, 22 (64,7%) do sexo feminino e 12 (35,3%) do masculino, com idades variando de 1 dia a 22 meses, submetidos a implante de marcapasso utilizando cabo-eletrodo epimiocĂĄrdico sem sutura e gerador unicameral (VVI). A arritmia predominante foi o bloqueio atrioventricular (n=30; 88,2%); 29 (85,3%) tinham cardiopatia estrutural e 22 (67,4%) haviam sido previamente submetidos a cirurgia cardĂ­aca. Acompanhados durante um tempo mĂ©dio de 60,5 meses, tiveram registrados os eventos adversos e calculada a probabilidade de sobrevida conforme Kaplan-Meyer. RESULTADOS: Ocorreram trĂȘs Ăłbitos (8,8%) por infecçao, cirurgia cardĂ­aca ou mal sĂșbito. A mortalidade foi superior naqueles sem cirurgia cardĂ­aca prĂ©via (16,7% versus 4,5%). Ao longo do acompanhamento, cinco pacientes (14,7%) necessitaram de nova intervençao, dois por infecçao e trĂȘs para reimplante de cabo-eletrodo. Um dos pacientes submetidos a nova intervençao por infecçao evoluiu para Ăłbito. A probabilidade de sobrevida foi de 93,8% no primeiro ano e 90,3% atĂ© 10Âș ano. A sobrevida livre de eventos adversos foi de 90,8% no primeiro ano, 79,8% do 5Âș ao 9Âș e 66,5% no 10Âș ano. CONCLUSAO: Os resultados evidenciam sobrevida satisfatĂłria das crianças apĂłs o implante epicĂĄrdico, especialmente aquelas com cirurgia cardĂ­aca prĂ©via. O implante de cabo-eletrodo epimiocĂĄrdico merece cuidados adicionais em pacientes com estatura reduzida, malformaçoes cardĂ­acas especĂ­ficas, acesso dificultado Ă  veia cava superior ou com procedimento cirĂșrgico associado

    Evoluçao de crianças com idade inferior a 2 anos submetidas a implante de marcapasso cardíaco permanente

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    A estimulaçao epicĂĄrdica predomina no implante de marcapasso em crianças pequenas. OBJETIVO: revisar a evoluçao de pacientes menores de dois anos submetidos a estimulaçao epimiocĂĄrdica apĂłs a alta hospitalar e atĂ© uma dĂ©cada. MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte histĂłrica entre 1997 e 2010 que incluiu 34 pacientes, 22 (64,7%) do sexo feminino e 12 (35,3%) do masculino, com idades variando de 1 dia a 22 meses, submetidos a implante de marcapasso utilizando cabo-eletrodo epimiocĂĄrdico sem sutura e gerador unicameral (VVI). A arritmia predominante foi o bloqueio atrioventricular (n=30; 88,2%); 29 (85,3%) tinham cardiopatia estrutural e 22 (67,4%) haviam sido previamente submetidos a cirurgia cardĂ­aca. Acompanhados durante um tempo mĂ©dio de 60,5 meses, tiveram registrados os eventos adversos e calculada a probabilidade de sobrevida conforme Kaplan-Meyer. RESULTADOS: Ocorreram trĂȘs Ăłbitos (8,8%) por infecçao, cirurgia cardĂ­aca ou mal sĂșbito. A mortalidade foi superior naqueles sem cirurgia cardĂ­aca prĂ©via (16,7% versus 4,5%). Ao longo do acompanhamento, cinco pacientes (14,7%) necessitaram de nova intervençao, dois por infecçao e trĂȘs para reimplante de cabo-eletrodo. Um dos pacientes submetidos a nova intervençao por infecçao evoluiu para Ăłbito. A probabilidade de sobrevida foi de 93,8% no primeiro ano e 90,3% atĂ© 10Âș ano. A sobrevida livre de eventos adversos foi de 90,8% no primeiro ano, 79,8% do 5Âș ao 9Âș e 66,5% no 10Âș ano. CONCLUSAO: Os resultados evidenciam sobrevida satisfatĂłria das crianças apĂłs o implante epicĂĄrdico, especialmente aquelas com cirurgia cardĂ­aca prĂ©via. O implante de cabo-eletrodo epimiocĂĄrdico merece cuidados adicionais em pacientes com estatura reduzida, malformaçoes cardĂ­acas especĂ­ficas, acesso dificultado Ă  veia cava superior ou com procedimento cirĂșrgico associado
