535 research outputs found

    Environmental Law and Sustainable Tourism: critical analysis between environmental ethics and interests in relation to non-human animal life

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to investigate the exploitation of animal life in tourism observed in certain tourist destinations, such as Jenipabu/RN, which uses dromedaries from the Canary Islands in ethical mismatch. As observed hypotheses, tourism as an economic activity does not share the parameters associated with the preservation of life and sustainability and the use of animals in tourism comes to constitute the reproduction of cases related to the exploitation and violation of animal rights, non-human lives. It is analyzed the evaluation of tourism development of a destination that uses nonhuman life in this activity in certain regions of Brazil. Through exploratory research and qualitative method, it investigates the bibliography, original documentation and articles that address sustainability parameters in Brazilian Environmental Law and tourism, through which it was diagnosed a sustainable development mean for the sector, since this activity tends to reach a factor of preservation of the fauna by contributing to conservation funds. As preliminary conclusion, it is stated that tourism planning needs to share guidelines to ensure the maintenance of animal life for inspection by the responsible agencies, particularly in organizations that use animals in their routine activities, and to encourage the creation and participation of multiple actors in courses of environmental education by promoting parameters of awareness of the maintenance and conservation of non-human life.Keywords: environmental law; sustainable tourism; environmental ethics; sustainability; non-human

    Monitorização de SLA IP

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Telecomunicações). Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Bacillary Angiomatosis in a HIV-positive Patient with Poor Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Bacillary angiomatosis is a systemic disease caused by Bartonella (B.) henselae and B. quintana. Today it is a rare disease that occurs predominantly in patients with poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy or with late diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We report on the case of a 40-year-old Caucasian female with HIV-1 and hepatitis B virus (HBV) co-infection diagnosed 17 years ago. She presented to the emergency department with an erythematous, painless nodule located on the left naso-genian fold. In the next few weeks the disease disseminated to the oral and left tarsal mucosa and to the palm of the left hand. The histopathological findings were suggestive of bacillary angiomatosis which was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The patient was treated with clarithromycin 500 mg bid per os for 3 months, with complete remission of the mucocutaneous lesions. Bacillary angiomatosis is a potentially fatal disease. Early diagnosis and treatment are critical in reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with it.</p

    Aprendizado de máquina e análise de sentimentos para avaliar a evolução da pandemia de COVID-19 e os impactos no turismo

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    This article aims to analyze how the emotional, mental, and sentimental demands related with hospitality and hostility were developed during the pandemic of the COVID-19 in Brazil. As methological procedures was applied sequential mixed methods research. Firstly, about 1,000 pieces of news were collected from two Brazilian websites to be able to manually classify them in the feelings of hospitality and hostility. We use a machine learning supervisor analysis following a sentiment analysis technique. Secondly, the data were used for training in eight machine learning algorithms, through supervised analysis, being chosen the logistic regression for the data classification, because it fits better to the data, reaching 72% of accuracy. The data collected in two years of the pandemic, thus approximately 221,000 news were then classified using the chosen algorithm, which allowed the generation of graphics and analysis through inferential statistics, through the evolution of feelings of hospitality and hostility. The results indicate that in situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic, people tend to behave hostilely, which leads to a lack of hospitality. The implications of this study are related to the ability to materialize, through the concepts of hospitality and hostility, the perception of visitors, guests, among other people, involved in the tourism sector. Therefore, the sentiment analysis from social media and news affected the tourism and hospitality industry.Cet article vise à analyser comment les demandes émotionnelles, mentales et sentimentales liées à l'hospitalité et à l'hostilité se sont développées pendant la pandémie de la COVID-19 au Brésil. Des procédures méthodologiques ont été appliquées à travers une recherche séquentielle à méthodes mixtes. Tout d'abord, environ 1 000 articles ont été collectés sur deux sites web brésiliens pour être classifiés manuellement selon les sentiments d'hospitalité et d'hostilité. Nous avons utilisé une analyse de sentiment supervisée par apprentissage automatique. Ensuite, les données ont été utilisées pour entraîner huit algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique, à travers une analyse supervisée, la régression logistique ayant été choisie pour la classification des données, car elle correspond mieux aux données, atteignant 72% de précision. Les données collectées sur deux ans de pandémie, soit environ 221 000 articles, ont ensuite été classées en utilisant l'algorithme choisi, ce qui a permis de générer des graphiques et des analyses à l'aide de statistiques inférentielles, montrant l'évolution des sentiments d'hospitalité et d'hostilité. Les résultats indiquent que dans des situations telles que la pandémie de la COVID-19, les gens ont tendance à adopter un comportement hostile, ce qui conduit à un manque d'hospitalité. Les implications de cette étude sont liées à la capacité de matérialiser, à travers les concepts d'hospitalité et d'hostilité, la perception des visiteurs, des clients et d'autres personnes impliquées dans le secteur du tourisme. Ainsi, l'analyse de sentiments à partir des médias sociaux et des actualités a affecté l'industrie du tourisme et de l'hospitalité.Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar como as demandas emocionais, mentais e sentimentais relacionadas à hospitalidade e hostilidade se desenvolveram durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil. Procedimentos metodológicos foram aplicados por meio de pesquisa sequencial de métodos mistos. Primeiramente, cerca de 1.000 notícias foram coletadas em dois sites brasileiros para serem classificadas manualmente nos sentimentos de hospitalidade e hostilidade. Foi utilizada uma análise de sentimento supervisionada de aprendizado de máquina. Em segundo lugar, os dados foram usados para o treinamento em oito algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina, por meio de análise supervisionada, sendo escolhida a regressão logística para a classificação dos dados, por se adequar melhor aos dados, alcançando 72% de precisão. Os dados coletados ao longo de dois anos da pandemia, aproximadamente 221.000 notícias, foram então classificados usando o algoritmo escolhido, o que permitiu a geração de gráficos e análises por meio de estatísticas inferenciais, mostrando a evolução dos sentimentos de hospitalidade e hostilidade. Os resultados indicam que em situações como a pandemia de COVID-19, as pessoas tendem a se comportar de maneira hostil, o que leva à falta de hospitalidade. As implicações deste estudo estão relacionadas à capacidade de materializar, por meio dos conceitos de hospitalidade e hostilidade, a percepção de visitantes, hóspedes e outras pessoas envolvidas no setor de turismo. Portanto, a análise de sentimentos provenientes de mídias sociais e notícias afetou a indústria do turismo e da hospitalidade

    Genomic selection for boar taint compounds and carcass traits in a commercial pig population

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    AbstractThis study aimed to compare two different Genome-Wide Selection (GWS) methods (Ridge Regression BLUP − RR-BLUP and Bayesian LASSO − BL) to predict the genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) of four phenotypes, including two boar taint compounds, i.e., the concentrations of androstenone (andro) and skatole (ska), and two carcass traits, i.e., backfat thickness (fat) and loin depth (loin), which were measured in a commercial male pig line. Six hundred twenty-two boars were genotyped for 2,500 previously selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The accuracies of the GEBV using both methods were estimated based on Jack-knife cross-validation. The BL showed the best performance for the andro, ska and loin traits, which had accuracy values of 0.65, 0.58 and 0.33, respectively; for the fat trait, the RR-BLUP accuracy of 0.61 outperformed the BL accuracy of 0.56. Considering that BL was more accurate for the majority of the traits, this method is the most favoured for GWS under the conditions of this study. The most relevant SNPs for each trait were located in the chromosome regions that were previously indicated as QTL regions in other studies, i.e., SSC6 for andro and ska, SSC2 for fat, and SSC11, SSC15 and SSC17 for loin

    Formas de atuação do fisioterapeuta em primeiros socorros nas modalidades desportivas: uma revisão da literatura brasileira

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    First aid is the care provided to victims of any accident or sudden injury before the arrival of the doctor, ambulance or any qualified health professional. The objective of this study is to identify the physiotherapist's way of acting in first aid in sport. This is a bibliographic review, in which 2 books and 8 scientific articles obtained in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE and SciELO were used from January to March 2018. The results showed that the physiotherapist will act in the sports first aid by means of the PRICE method. However, it is necessary to carry out new studies that emphasize this topic, so that we can have a greater theoretical contribution. The majority of the analyzed studies reported the role of physiotherapy more oriented to preventive measures and rehabilitation.Los primeros auxilios son los cuidados proporcionados a las víctimas de cualquier accidente o lesión repentina antes de la llegada del médico, la ambulancia o cualquier profesional sanitario calificado. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar la forma de actuación del fisioterapeuta en primeros auxilios en el deporte. Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica, en la que se utilizaron 2 libros y 8 artículos científicos obtenidos en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE y SciELO, en el período comprendido entre de enero a marzo 2018. Los resultados demostraron que el fisioterapeuta actuará en los primeros auxilios deportivos por medio de la realización del método PRICE. Sin embargo, se hace necesario la realización de nuevos estudios que enfaticen ese tema, para que así podamos contar con mayor aporte teórico. La mayoría de los estudios analizados relató el papel de la fisioterapia más orientado hacia la realización de medidas preventivas y para la rehabilitación propiamente dicha.Os primeiros socorros são os atendimentos prestados às vítimas de qualquer acidente ou mal súbito antes da chegada do médico, da ambulância ou de qualquer profissional qualificado da área de saúde. O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar a forma de atuação do fisioterapeuta em primeiros socorros no esporte. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura, em que foram utilizados 2 livros e 8 artigos científicos obtidos nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE e SciELO, no período compreendido entre janeiro e março de 2018. Os resultados demonstraram que o fisioterapeuta atua nos primeiros socorros desportivos por meio da realização do método PRICE. Porém, torna-se necessário a realização de novos estudos que enfatizem esse tema, para que assim possamos contar com maior aporte teórico. A maioria dos estudos analisados relatou o papel da fisioterapia mais voltado para a realização de medidas preventivas e para a reabilitação propriamente dita

    Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo: Relato de Caso

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    Introdução: A cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo é uma doença cardiovascular com quadro clínico semelhante ao infarto agudo do miocárdio, porém com coronárias normais na cineangiocoronariografia.Caso Clínico: Mulher de 73 anos de idade, com manifestações clínicas de infarto agudo do miocárdio e alterações compatíveis com esta doença em exames complementares, porém sem obstrução na cineangiocoronariografia e com balonamento apical do ventrículo esquerdo na ventriculografia esquerda, corroborando com o diagnóstico de Cardiomiopatia de Takostubo. Neste caso, a paciente foi tratada com beta bloqueador, nitrato e antiagregante plaquetário. Sua evolução foi satisfatória, com o desaparecimento da dor torácica, sem sinais de insuficiência cardíaca e com restauração da função ventricular.Conclusão: O tratamento de suporte hemodinâmico instituído foi eficaz neste caso. Ressalta-se, com este trabalho e com a revisão de literatura, a importância desta doença, tanto no diagnóstico quanto no tratamento dessa enfermidade