2,362 research outputs found

    Nutritional status of children assisted in public health care settings of the city of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the nutritional status of children with 6 to 24 months of age assisted by the public health service in the city of Santos, Brazil, and its relation with socioeconomic status, health and nutritional conditions. METHODS: This cross-sectional study enrolled 95 children who attended regular pediatric visits in 5 units of public primary health centers. Weight and height were measured and parents were requested to answer a questionnaire with health, nutrition and socioeconomic information of their children. Nutritional status was assessed by the NCHS (1977), CDC (2000) and WHO (2006) child growth standard curves. Weight for age, height for age and weight for height Z scores were calculated. Values of the these indices below -2.0 Z score defined malnutrition and values of weight for height above +2.0 Z score defined overweight. RESULTS: The frequency of malnutrition according to the different indices were: weight for age 4.2%, 9.5% and 3.2%; height for age 2.1%, 2.1% and 4.2%, and weight for age 2.1%, 4.2% and 1.0%, respectively, according to the NCHS (1977), CDC (2000) and WHO (2006) reference curves. Overweight was found in 4.2%, 3.2% and 5.3% by the NCHS (1977), CDC (2000) and WHO (2006) reference curves, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: There was a low frequency of malnutrition. The WHO curve detected less patients with nutritional deficits than the other NCHS (1977) and CDC (2000) curves.OBJETIVO:Caracterizar o perfil nutricional de crianças de 6 a 24 meses de idade frequentadoras de Unidades Básicas de Saúde do município de Santos e sua relação com condições socioeconômicas, de saúde, nutrição e alimentação. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 95 crianças em cinco Unidades Básicas de Saúde de diferentes regiões do município de Santos, em rotina normal de atendimento em Pediatria. Foram feitas medidas de peso e comprimento e aplicou-se um questionário às mães/responsáveis com perguntas sobre identificação, alimentação e nutrição, saúde e situação socioeconômica da criança. O estado nutricional foi avaliado pelas seguintes curvas de referência: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS, 1977), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2000) e o padrão de crescimento da Organização Mundial da Saúde do ano 2006 (OMS, 2006). Analisaram-se os índices: peso para idade (P/I), estatura para idade (E/I) e peso para estatura (P/E), medidos em escores Z. Consideraram-se como desnutrição os valores P/I, E/I e P/E menores que -2 escores Z e sobrepeso, valores de P/E maiores que +2 escores Z. RESULTADOS: Entre as crianças estudadas, foram observadas frequências de desnutrição para P/I em 4,2%, 9,5% e 3,2%, para E/I em 2,1%, 2,1% e 4,2% e para P/E, em 2,1%, 4,2% e 1,0% das crianças, respectivamente para as curvas NCHS (1977), CDC (2000) e OMS (2006). Com relação ao sobrepeso, as frequências foram 4,2%, 3,2% e 5,3%, respectivamente para as curvas NCHS (1977), CDC (2000) e OMS (2006). CONCLUSÕES: Notou-se baixa frequência de desnutrição. A curva da OMS identificou menor proporção de déficits nutricionais.UNIFESPUNIFESP Departamento de Ciências da SaúdeUNIFESP, Depto. de Ciências da SaúdeSciEL

    Breastfeeding dynamics among families on social vulnerability: findings of active search system

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    OBJECTIVE: This study describes the breastfeeding practices of vulnerable groups living in an area covered by the Northwest Health District of Campinas (SP), Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was done by visiting all families in the studied area and performing a census-like survey called active search. An exploratory study was done of the breastfeeding practices of a socially vulnerable population living in the outskirts of Campinas. This area has approximately 165,000 inhabitants and three primary healthcare facilities. RESULTS: The survey found 1,139 children under six years of age and 72.6% of the families were below the poverty line; 93.3% of the children were breastfeed for a median of 8 months (CI 95% 7.0 - 8.9 months); exclusive breastfeeding lasts a median of 4 months (CI 95% 3.9 - 4.1 months), and more than 20% of the children were given other foods during their first month of life. Most of the families reported that the primary healthcare facilities gave them no information on breastfeeding. CONCLUSION: Breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding in the studied area found by active search lasted longer than the national average and longer than those of families with similar socioeconomic characteristics. This reinforces the importance of primary healthcare incorporating this strategy in actions that promote breastfeeding.OBJETIVO: Descrever as práticas de amamentação em grupos vulneráveis residentes na área de cobertura do Distrito Noroeste de Campinas. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, utilizando levantamento de caráter censitário, denominado busca ativa, em visitas a todos os domicílios da área estudada. Foi feito um estudo exploratório das práticas de aleitamento materno em população moradora de região urbana periférica em vulnerabilidade social, com aproximadamente 165 mil habitantes, atendidos por três unidades básicas de saúde. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas 1.139 crianças com até seis anos de idade, com 72,6% das famílias abaixo da linha de pobreza. A amamentação ocorreu em 93,3% dos casos, com mediana de aleitamento materno de 8 meses (IC 95% 7,0 - 8,9 meses), tempo de aleitamento materno exclusivo com mediana de 4 meses (IC 95% 3,9 - 4,1 meses), sendo que mais de 20% das crianças recebiam outros alimentos já no primeiro mês. Grande parte das famílias referiu não ter recebido orientação sobre o aleitamento materno nas unidades básicas de saúde. CONCLUSÃO: O tempo de aleitamento materno e de aleitamento materno exclusivo na área do estudo, encontrado por busca ativa, foi superior à média nacional e também ao observado em populações com características socioeconômicas semelhantes, o que reforça a importância da incorporação dessa estratégia pela Atenção Básica, nas ações de promoção do aleitamento materno.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Instituto de Saúde e SociedadeUNIFESP, Instituto de Saúde e SociedadeSciEL

    Prática Docente, Experiência Formadora, Ensino Remoto em Tempos de Covid-19

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    What are the challenges faced in the current educational context? How have teachers overcome? The aim of this article is to understand the impact of the pandemic on the school backgroung and the resignification of teachers in remote education, as well as relate to the challenges of pedagogical coordination in mediating for a transformative teaching experience. As a methodological contribution, we resorted to the (self) biographical research, carried out with a group of 06 teachers, in a private school institution in the city of Sobral - Ce, where I work as a pedagogical coordinator. The main authors that guide the reflections are: Freire (1996); Nóvoa (2020), Gatti (2020), Josso (2004,2016), among others. We consider that the collective mediation that involved the actions of the pedagogical coordination with the group of teachers supported the process of adaptation to new digital technologies in the school environment at the time of the pandemic of the new coronavirus. Thus, we had a (trans)formator formation experience that involved the collective of professional teachingO artigo tem como objetivo compreender o impacto da pandemia no cenário escolar e as ressignificações docentes no ensino remoto, assim como relacionar com os desafios da coordenação pedagógica na mediação para uma experiência docente transformadora. Como aporte metodológico, recorremos à pesquisa (auto)biográfica, realizada com um grupo de 06 professores/as, em uma instituição escolar particular no município de Sobral – Ce, onde atuo como coordenadora pedagógica. Os principais autores que orientam as reflexões são: Freire (1996); Nóvoa (2020), Gatti (2020), Josso (2004,2016), entre outros. Consideramos que a mediação coletiva que envolveu as ações da coordenação pedagógica junto ao grupo de professores/as apoiou o processo de adaptação às novas tecnologias digitais, no espaço escolar em tempo de pandemia do novo coronavírus. Assim, tivemos uma experiência de formação (trans)formadora que envolveu o coletivo profissional docente

    Comparação do efeito de diferentes protocolos de polimento na rugosidade superficial de restaurações de resina composta

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    Objetivo: o objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a influência de diferentes protocolos de polimento sobre a rugosidade superficial de uma resina composta nanoparticulada. Metodologia: foram confeccionados 30 corpos de prova (1,5 mm espessura e 6 mm diâmetro), divididos em 3 grupos (n=10), de acordo com o tipo de polimento realizado: 1. Grupo controle; 2. Borrachas abrasivas em 3 granulações (grossa, média, fina); 3 Borracha abrasiva de granulação única. Todos os grupos receberam acabamento com lixa d’água, simulando uma ponta diamantada fina, sendo que o grupo controle não recebeu o polimento com borracha, após esse acabamento. Após o polimento dos grupos 2 e 3, a rugosidade superficial de cada corpo de prova, dos três grupos, foi avaliada em 3 medidas, através de rugosímetro, sendo calculada a média aritmética dos 3 valores picos e vales. A análise estatística inferencial foi feita por meio da ANOVA a 1-critério e teste de Tukey, para comparações múltiplas, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: observaram-se maiores valores de rugosidade no grupo controle (3,31µm), seguido do polimento de 1 passo (1,53µm) e 3 passos (0,48µm). Conclusão: diante disso, observa-se alta rugosidade superficial no acabamento com pontas diamantadas, simulado pelo grupo controle, e sua redução após o polimento. Entretanto, apenas o sistema de 3 passos foi capaz de produzir uma lisura superficial clinicamente aceitável.

    Different infective forms trigger distinct immune response in experimental Chagas disease.

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    Although metacyclic and blood trypomastigotes are completely functional in relation to parasite-host interaction and/or target cell invasion, they differ in the molecules present on the surface. Thus, aspects related to the variability that the forms of T. cruzi interacts with host cells may lead to fundamental implications on the immune response against this parasite and, consequently, the clinical evolution of Chagas disease. We have shown that BT infected mice presented higher levels of parasitemia during all the acute phase of infection. Moreover, the infection with either MT or BT forms resulted in increased levels of total leukocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes, specifically later for MT and earlier for BT. The infection with BT forms presented earlier production of proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α and later of IFN-γ by both T cells subpopulations. This event was accompanied by an early cardiac inflammation with an exacerbation of this process at the end of the acute phase. On the other hand, infection with MT forms result in an early production of IFN-γ, with subsequent control in the production of this cytokine by IL-10, which provided to these animals an immunomodulatory profile in the end of the acute phase. These results are in agreement with what was found for cardiac inflammation where animals infected with MT forms showed intense cardiac inflammation later at infection, with a decrease in the same at the end of this phase. In summary, our findings emphasize the importance of taking into account the inoculums source of T. cruzi, since vectorial or transfusional routes of T. cruzi infection may trigger distinct parasite-host interactions during the acute phase that may influence relevant biological aspects of chronic Chagas disease

    Intestinal Ostomy Complications and Care

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    The management of patients submitted to intestinal stomas (ileostomy or colostomy) and description of the routine care and main complications are the scope of the chapter. The impact of the stoma on patients’ daily life with a functional list of capabilities they can exert with security and illustrations of the commonest drawbacks are also discussed. A series of pictures showing the most commonly occurring complications depicted in the section Problems and complications help to a better understanding of the author’s intended message. Finally in the “References” topic, it was tried to cite society-based guidelines and review papers concerning ostomy care and complications

    A importância do tratamento em hospital-dia para a criança com subnutrição primária

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    Avaliou-se o impacto de fatores socioeconômicos, maternos, frequência ao tratamento e frequência de infecções, parasitoses e anemia no incremento de estatura para idade (E/I) em crianças (< 5 anos) submetidas a tratamento em hospital-dia no Centro de Recuperação e Educação Nutricional (n = 57). Doenças respiratórias superiores foram as mais frequentes com associação positiva com a gravidade da subnutrição (p = 0,035) e a idade na admissão (p = 0,001). Em análise de regressão múltipla a gravidade da subnutrição, o baixo nível de hemoglobina, menor renda familiar e frequência no serviço foram fatores preditivos (p < 0,05) para maior incremento de E/I. Os achados mostram a importância do tratamento em hospital-dia para o tratamento de crianças subnutridas.We evaluated the impact of socioeconomic and maternal conditions, treatment frequency and frequency of infections, parasites and anemia in the increment of height for age (H/A) in children (< 5 years) undergoing treatment at day-hospital at a Center for Recovery and Nutritional Education (n = 57). Upper respiratory infections were the most frequent disease with positive association with the severity of undernutrition (p = 0.035) and age at admission (p = 0.001). In multiple regression analysis, the severity of undernutrition, low hemoglobin level, family income and the low frequency at the service were predictors of increment in stature (p < 0.05). The findings show the importance of treatment in day hospitals for undernourished children

    Recent advances in β-galactosidase and fructosyltransferase immobilization technology

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    The highly demanding conditions of industrial processes may lower the stability and affect the activity of enzymes used as biocatalysts. Enzyme immobilization emerged as an approach to promote stabilization and easy removal of enzymes for their reusability. The aim of this review is to go through the principal immobilization strategies addressed to achieve optimal industrial processes with special care on those reported for two types of enzymes: β-galactosidases and fructosyltransferases. The main methods used to immobilize these two enzymes are adsorption, entrapment, covalent coupling and cross-linking or aggregation (no support is used), all of them having pros and cons. Regarding the support, it should be cost-effective, assure the reusability and an easy recovery of the enzyme, increasing its stability and durability. The discussion provided showed that the type of enzyme, its origin, its purity, together with the type of immobilization method and the support will affect the performance during the enzymatic synthesis. Enzymes’ immobilization involves interdisciplinary knowledge including enzymology, nanotechnology, molecular dynamics, cellular physiology and process design. The increasing availability of facilities has opened a variety of possibilities to define strategies to optimize the activity and re-usability of β-galactosidases and fructosyltransferases, but there is still great place for innovative developments.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Antioxidant potential and modulatory effects of restructured lipids from the amazonian palms on liver cells

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    Enzymatic interesterification is used to manipulate oil and fat in order to obtain improved restructured lipids with desired technological properties. However, with raw materials containing significant amounts of bioactive compounds, the influence of this enzymatic process on the bioactivity of the final product is still not clear. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate the antioxidant potential and modulatory effects of two raw materials from the Amazonian area, buriti oil and murumuru fat, before and after lipase interesterification, on human hepatoma cells (HepG2). The results indicate that minor bioactive compounds naturally found in the raw materials and their antioxidant capacity are preserved after enzymatic interesterification, and that the restructured lipids modulate HepG2 endogenous antioxidant enzyme554553561CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2012- -22774-5; 2012-22829-4Sem informaçãoSem informaçã