40 research outputs found

    A contemporaneidade das concepções freirianas sobre democracia para a escola pública brasileira

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     O presente artigo objetiva retomar as concepções freirianas de democracia nas obras Sobre Educação: Diálogos (1984); Pedagogia: diálogo e conflito (1995); A Educação na Cidade (2006) e Política e Educação (2015), a fim de destacar sua atualidade e de discutir a necessidade dessas concepções no estabelecimento dos princípios democráticos no interior da escola pública e na sociedade brasileira. Para levarmos a cabo este estudo, revisitamos a biografia e a bibliografia de Paulo Freire para selecionarmos as obras a serem estudadas e sistematizadas. Partimos, então, para a identificação das concepções sobre democracia, contidas nas obras, por meio de um estudo teórico. Esclarecemos, ainda, que este texto não apresenta uma fórmula de como agir e, tampouco, possui a pretensão de conceber a gestão democrática e humanitária, sozinha, como resposta de todos os problemas enfrentados pela escola pública hodierna. Assim, este trabalho é uma alternativa, baseada nas concepções freirianas, as quais universalizam e sociabilizam o saber sistematizado, essencial para o exercício da democracia consciente, crítica, progressista e humanitária.Palavras-chave: Democracia. Democratização. Escola Pública. Paulo Freire.The contemporaneity of freirean conceptions about democracy for the administration of the brazilian public schoolABSTRACT This article aims to retake Freire’s conceptions of democracy in works such as Sobre Educação: Diálogos (1984); Pedagogia: diálogo e conflito (1995); A Educação na Cidade (2006) and Política e Educação (2015), in order to highlight his relevance and to discuss these conceptions in the establishment of democratic principles within the public school and the Brazilian society. So that this study can be carried out, we revisit Paulo Freire’s biography and bibliography to select the works to be studied and systematized. Then, we proceed to an identification of the conceptions about democracy, contained in his works, through a theoretical study. We further clarify that this text does not present a form of action and does not intend to devise a democratic and humanitarian strategy as a response to all the problems that apply to today’s public school. Thus, this work is an alternative, based on the Freirean conceptions, which universalize and socialize the systematized, essential knowledge for the exercise of the conscious, critical, progressive and humanitarian democracy.Keywords: Democracy. Democratization. Public School. Paulo Freire.La contemporaneidad de las concepciones freirianas sobre la democracia para la escuela pública brasileñaRESUMENEste artículo tiene como objetivo traer a la discusión las concepciones freirianas de democracia en las obras Sobre Educação: Diálogos (1984); Pedagogia: diálogo e conflito (1995); A Educação na Cidade (2006) y Política e Educação (2015), para destacar su actualidad y discutir la necesidad de esas concepciones en el establecimiento de los principios democráticos en el interior de la escuela pública y en la sociedad brasileña. Para llevar a cabo este estudio, revisamos la biografía y la bibliografía de Paulo Freire para seleccionar las obras a ser estudiadas y sistematizadas. Partimos, entonces, para la identificación de las concepciones sobre democracia, contenidas en las obras, a través de un estudio teórico. Aclaramos todavía que este texto no presenta una fórmula de cómo actuar y, tampoco, tiene la pretensión de conocer la gestión democrática y humanitaria, como única respuesta de todos los problemas enfrentados por la escuela pública actual. Así, este trabajo es una alternativa, basada en las concepciones freirianas, las cuales universalizan y sociabilizan el saber sistematizado, esencial, para el ejercicio de la democracia consciente, crítica, progresista y humanitaria.Palabras clave: Democracia. Democratización. Escuela Pública. Paulo Freire

    Triatomines: Trypanosomatids, Bacteria, and Viruses Potential Vectors? [Review]

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    Triatominae bugs are the vectors of Chagas disease, a major concern to public health especially in Latin America, where vector-borne Chagas disease has undergone resurgence due mainly to diminished triatomine control in many endemic municipalities. Although the majority of Triatominae species occurs in the Americas, species belonging to the genus Linshcosteus occur in India, and species belonging to the Triatoma rubrofasciata complex have been also identified in Africa, the Middle East, South-East Asia, and in the Western Pacific. Not all of Triatominae species have been found to be infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, but the possibility of establishing vector transmission to areas where Chagas disease was previously non-endemic has increased with global population mobility. Additionally, the worldwide distribution of triatomines is concerning, as they are able to enter in contact and harbor other pathogens, leading us to wonder if they would have competence and capacity to transmit them to humans during the bite or after successful blood feeding, spreading other infectious diseases. In this review, we searched the literature for infectious agents transmitted to humans by Triatominae. There are reports suggesting that triatomines may be competent vectors for pathogens such as Serratia marcescens, Bartonella, and Mycobacterium leprae, and that triatomine infection with other microrganisms may interfere with triatomine-T. cruzi interactions, altering their competence and possibly their capacity to transmit Chagas disease

    Relevamiento de las principales fuentes de desperdicio en las unidades de atención de un hospital universitario

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    Este estudo teve como principais objetivos levantar os diferentes tipos de desperdício, suas causas e sugestões para eliminá-los, segundo a opinião de profissionais de enfermagem e médicos atuantes em unidades de Clínica Médica, Clínica Cirúrgica, Pediatria, Alojamento Conjunto e Berçário; e estimar o custo da principal fonte de desperdício nessas unidades. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório, com abordagem quantitativa realizado no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída por 189 profissionais de enfermagem e médicos. O desperdício relacionado aos materiais (36%) foi o mais apontado por todas as categorias profissionais seguido pelo desperdício de estrutura física (27%). Os materiais desperdiçados mais citados foram os medicamentos, pacotes de curativo, papel sulfite e dispositivos de infusão. O custo do desperdício anual com materiais nas unidades estudadas pode girar em torno de R479.262,86.Esteestudiotuvocomoobjetivosrelevarlosdiferentestiposdedesperdicios,suscausasylassugerenciasparaeliminarlos,seguˊnopinioˊndeprofesionalesdeenfermerıˊaymeˊdicosactuantesenunidadesdeClıˊnicaMeˊdica,ClıˊnicaQuiruˊrgica,Pediatrıˊa,InternacioˊnConjuntayNeonatologıˊa;yestimarelcostodelaprincipalfuentededesperdiciosentalesunidades.Setratadeunestudiodescriptivo,exploratorio,conabordajecuantitativo,realizadoenelHospitalUniversitariodelaUniversidaddeSa~oPaulo.Lamuestraseconstituyoˊcon189profesionalesdeenfermerıˊaymeˊdicos.Eldesperdiciorelacionadoalosmateriales(36 479.262,86.Este estudio tuvo como objetivos relevar los diferentes tipos de desperdicios, sus causas y las sugerencias para eliminarlos, según opinión de profesionales de enfermería y médicos actuantes en unidades de Clínica Médica, Clínica Quirúrgica, Pediatría, Internación Conjunta y Neonatología; y estimar el costo de la principal fuente de desperdicios en tales unidades. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, con abordaje cuantitativo, realizado en el Hospital Universitario de la Universidad de São Paulo. La muestra se constituyó con 189 profesionales de enfermería y médicos. El desperdicio relacionado a los materiales (36%) fue el mayormente referenciado por todas las categorías de profesionales, seguido por el desperdicio de estructura física (27%). Los materiales desperdiciados más citados fueron los medicamentos, paquetes de vendajes, papel de impresora y dispositivos de infusión. El costo de desperdicios anuales con materiales en las unidades estudiadas giraría en torno a los R 479.262,86.The objectives of this study were to survey the different types of waste, their causes and suggestions to eliminate them according to the opinion of the nursing and medical staff from the Clinical Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Rooming-In, and Nursery Units; and estimate the cost of the major source of waste found in the referred units. This descriptive, explorative study was performed at the University of São Paulo Teaching Hospital using a quantitative approach. The study sample consisted of 189 medical and nursing professionals. Material waste (36%) was the most often reported by all professional categories, followed by physical structure waste (27%). The most reported wasted materials were medicines, dressing packs, stationary paper, and infusion devices The estimated annual cost of material waste in the studied units is about R$ 479.262,86

    Principais complicações clínicas em pacientes submetidos à abdominoplastia pós-bariátrica / Main clinical complications in patients undergoing post-bariatric abdominoplasty

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    Este estudo, a partir de uma revisão narrativa de literatura, objetivou analisar as  principais complicações e suas prevalências nas cirurgias de abdominoplastia em  pacientes submetidos à intervenção bariátrica. Segundo a Sociedade Brasileira de  Cirurgia Bariátrica e Metabólica, a cirurgia bariátrica é o tratamento mais eficaz para  obesidade moderada à grave. Contudo, apesar dos inúmeros benefícios, este tipo de  procedimento tem como consequência flacidez com excesso de pele e de tecido  subcutâneo, principalmente no abdômen. Isso afeta a qualidade de vida dos pacientes que  são submetidos a essa cirurgia. Portanto, para remodelar o contorno do corpo e diminuir  o excesso de pele, preconiza-se a realização da abdominoplastia. Devido aos diferentes  biotipos, comorbidades e deficiências nutricionais dos pacientes, ao tipo de intervenção  cirúrgica e à complexidade do procedimento, há risco aumentado de complicações em  pacientes pós-bariátricos, com alta taxa de prevalência. Dentre os principais problemas  estão: seroma, infecção, deiscência, atelectasia, porém, ainda, é necessária uma  investigação sobre cada modo cirúrgico e as principais complicações relacionadas a ele,  além de um trabalho multiprofissional para determinar a melhor técnica para cada  paciente, a fim de reduzir os riscos de complicações

    Fulfillment of the Brazilian Agenda of Priorities in Health Research

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    This commentary describes how the Brazilian Ministry of Health's (MoH) research support policy fulfilled the National Agenda of Priorities in Health Research (NAPHR). In 2003, the MoH started a democratic process in order to establish a priority agenda in health research involving investigators, health managers and community leaders. The Agenda was launched in 2004 and is guiding budget allocations in an attempt to reduce the gap between scientific knowledge and health practice and activities, aiming to contribute to improving Brazilian quality of life. Many strategies were developed, for instance: Cooperation Agreements between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science and Technology; the decentralization of research support at state levels with the participation of local Health Secretariats and Science and Technology Institutions; Health Technology Assessment; innovation in neglected diseases; research networks and multicenter studies in adult, women's and children's health; cardiovascular risk in adolescents; clinical research and stem cell therapy. The budget allocated by the Ministry of Health and partners was expressive: US$419 million to support almost 3,600 projects. The three sub-agenda with the higher proportion of resources were "industrial health complex", "clinical research" and "communicable diseases", which are considered strategic for innovation and national development. The Southeast region conducted 40.5% of all projects and detained 59.7% of the resources, attributable to the concentration of the most traditional health research institutes and universities in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The second most granted region was the Northeast, which reflects the result of a governmental policy to integrate and modernize this densely populated area and the poorest region in the country. Although Brazil began the design and implementation of the NAPHR in 2003, it has done so in accordance with the 'good practice principles' recently published: inclusive process, information gathering, careful planning and funding policy, transparency and internal evaluation (an external independent evaluation is underway). The effort in guiding the health research policy has achieved and legitimated an unprecedented developmental spurt to support strategic health research. We believe this experience is valuable and applicable to other countries, but different settings and local political circumstances will determine the best course of action to follow

    Association of Malaria Infection During Pregnancy With Head Circumference of Newborns in the Brazilian Amazon.

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    Importance: Malaria during pregnancy is associated with adverse events for the fetus and newborn, but the association of malaria during pregnancy with the head circumference of the newborn is unclear. Objective: To investigate the association of malaria during pregnancy with fetal head growth. Design, Setting, and Participants: Two cohort studies were conducted at the general maternity hospital of Cruzeiro do Sul (Acre, Brazil) in the Amazonian region. One cohort study prospectively enrolled noninfected and malaria-infected pregnant women who were followed up until delivery, between January 2013 and April 2015. The other cohort study was assembled retrospectively using clinical and malaria data from all deliveries that occurred between January 2012 and December 2013. Data analyses were conducted from January to August 2017 and revised in November 2018. Clinical data from pregnant women and anthropometric measures of their newborns were evaluated. A total of 600 pregnant women were enrolled through volunteer sampling (prospective cohort study), and 4697 pregnant women were selected by population-based sampling (retrospective cohort study). After application of exclusion criteria, data from 251 (prospective cohort study) and 232 (retrospective cohort study) malaria-infected and 158 (prospective cohort study) and 3650 (retrospective cohort study) noninfected women were evaluated. Exposure: Malaria during pregnancy. Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary end point was the incidence of altered head circumference in newborns delivered from malaria-infected mothers compared with that from noninfected mothers. Secondary end points included measures of placental pathology relative to newborn head circumference. Results: In total, 4291 maternal-child pairs were analyzed. Among 409 newborns in the prospective cohort study, the mothers of 251 newborns had malaria during pregnancy, infected with Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, or both. Among 3882 newborns in the retrospective cohort study, 232 were born from mothers that had malaria during pregnancy. The prevalence of newborns with a small head (19 [30.7%] in the prospective cohort study and 30 [36.6%] in the retrospective cohort study) and the prevalence of microcephaly among newborns (5 [8.1%] in the prospective cohort study and 6 [7.3%] in the retrospective cohort study) were higher among newborns from women infected with P falciparum during pregnancy. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that P falciparum infection during pregnancy represented a significant risk factor for the occurrence of small head circumference in newborns (prospective cohort study: odds ratio, 3.15; 95% CI, 1.52-6.53; P = .002; retrospective cohort study: odds ratio, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.21-3.04; P = .006). Placental pathologic findings corroborated this association, with more syncytial nuclear aggregates and inflammatory infiltrates occurring in placentas of newborns born with decreased head circumference. Conclusions and Relevance: This study indicates that falciparum malaria during pregnancy is associated with decreased head circumference in newborns, which is in turn associated with evidence of placental malaria

    Health-related quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the different geographical regions of Brazil : data from the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group

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    Background: In type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) management, enhancing health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is as important as good metabolic control and prevention of secondary complications. This study aims to evaluate possible regional differences in HRQoL, demographic features and clinical characteristics of patients with T1DM in Brazil, a country of continental proportions, as well as investigate which variables could influence the HRQoL of these individuals and contribute to these regional disparities. Methods: This was a retrospective, cross-sectional, multicenter study performed by the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group (BrazDiab1SG), by analyzing EuroQol scores from 3005 participants with T1DM, in 28 public clinics, among all geographical regions of Brazil. Data on demography, economic status, chronic complications, glycemic control and lipid profile were also collected. Results: We have found that the North-Northeast region presents a higher index in the assessment of the overall health status (EQ-VAS) compared to the Southeast (74.6 ± 30 and 70.4 ± 19, respectively; p < 0.05). In addition, North- Northeast presented a lower frequency of self-reported anxiety-depression compared to all regions of the country (North-Northeast: 1.53 ± 0.6; Southeast: 1.65 ± 0.7; South: 1.72 ± 0.7; Midwest: 1.67 ± 0.7; p < 0.05). These findings could not be entirely explained by the HbA1c levels or the other variables examined. Conclusions: Our study points to the existence of additional factors not yet evaluated that could be determinant in the HRQoL of people with T1DM and contribute to these regional disparities

    O idoso em longas-metragens de animação: representações e efeitos de sentido

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    Based on the theoretical framework of the French Discourse Analysis, more specifically, the studies of Michel Pêcheux (1969; 1975; 1983), we critically analyze and problematize the possibilities of representations of the elderly in two feature films, namely: The Triplets of Belleville (2002) and Up (2008). Discourse Analysis, as a theoretical and methodological field, allows the researcher to build an articulated view of the investigated object and its relationship with socio-cultural, political and economic aspects. In this research, we propose to conduct a discursive analysis enabling to understand and explain the predominant sense relations in the constitution of the representations of elderly in the feature films, which determined, for our work, the production of an analysis about a specific social issue grounded in the study of language. Faced with the ideological, economic, and cultural aspects that are interlaced with the issue of the movies, our goal was to analyze the possible representations of the elderly in both feature films, trying to understand how the representation of elderly is configured in the two movies. In this respect, we seek to analyze how old age is signified in the films and the effects of sense that can circulate socially from it, in the production of reader-effects. Furthermore, during the development of our research, we worked with film analysis, symbolic object that signifies culturally. By working with a foundation of symbolic nature not necessarily verbal, we refer to a significant base, whose component belongs to a certain symbolic system (verbal or nonverbal), which makes sense when it enrolls in the order of history, therefore, a component whose sense cannot be determined a priori. Thus, a particular fact or event can be discursivized in different ways and by different forms of language. In both films, it seems that old age is signified in order to produce a certain movement in representations of elderly, elevating it to the unusual, the comic. This is the aspect that allows the elderly to take the place of main character and hero. This lifting to the comic works because it underlies a stereotype of elderly whose striking aspect is the fragility and weakness of his/her physical capability, which can promote laughter. The elderly is also, in a sense, the index of a critic directed to the value that, apparently, Americans have of old age.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorMestre em Estudos LinguísticosA partir do quadro teórico da Análise de Discurso Francesa, mais especificamente, dos estudos de Michel Pêcheux (1969; 1975; 1983), analisamos e problematizamos as possibilidades de representações de idoso em dois longas-metragens, a saber: As Bicicletas de Belleville (2002) e Up Altas Aventuras (2008). A Análise de Discurso, como campo teórico e metodológico, possibilita ao pesquisador construir uma visão articulada do objeto investigado em relação com os aspectos socioculturais, políticos e econômicos. Nessa pesquisa, propomo-nos a realizar uma análise discursiva que permitisse compreender e explicitar as relações de sentidos predominantes na constituição das representações de idoso nos longas-metragens, o que configurou, para nosso trabalho, a produção de uma análise sobre uma questão social específica calcada no estudo da linguagem. Frente aos aspectos ideológicos, econômicos e culturais que estão entrelaçados à questão dos filmes, nosso objetivo foi analisar as possíveis representações de idoso nos dois longas, buscando compreender como a representação de idoso se configura nos dois filmes. Nesse sentido, buscamos analisar de que modo a velhice é significada no filme e os efeitos de sentido que dela podem circular socialmente, na produção de efeitos-leitores. Além disso, durante o desenvolvimento de nossa pesquisa, trabalhamos com a análise de filme, objeto simbólico que significa culturamente. Ao trabalharmos com uma base de natureza simbólica não necessariamente verbal, referimo-nos a uma base significante, cujo componente pertence a um determinado sistema simbólico (verbal ou não-verbal), o qual faz sentido ao se inscrever na ordem da história, portanto, um componente cujo sentido não pode ser determinado a priori. Dessa forma, um determinado fato ou evento pode ser discursivizado de diferentes maneiras e por distintas formas de linguagem. Em ambos filmes, parece-nos que a velhice é significada de modo a produzir certo movimento nas representações de idoso, alçando-a ao inusitado, ao cômico. Esse é o aspecto que permite ao idoso ocupar o lugar de personagem protagonista e herói. O alçamento ao cômico funciona porque subjaz a ele um estereótipo de idoso cujo aspecto marcante é a fragilidade e a debilidade de sua potencialidade física, o que pode promover o riso