89 research outputs found

    Frühe Hilfen in Deutschland: Kann Evaluation zum Erfolg politischer Programme beitragen?

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    Parity Broken Chiral Spin Dynamics in Ba3_3NbFe3_3Si2_2O14_{14}

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    The spin wave excitations emerging from the chiral helically modulated 120∘^{\circ} magnetic order in a langasite Ba3_3NbFe3_3Si2_2O14_{14} enantiopure crystal were investigated by unpolarized and polarized inelastic neutron scattering. A dynamical fingerprint of the chiral ground state is obtained, singularized by (i) spectral weight asymmetries answerable to the structural chirality and (ii) a full chirality of the spin correlations observed over the whole energy spectrum. The intrinsic chiral nature of the spin waves elementary excitations is shown in absence of macroscopic time reversal symmetry breaking

    Frühe Hilfen für Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern - Forschungsergebnisse des Nationalen Zentrums Frühe Hilfen

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    Die Frühen Hilfen für Eltern mit Kindern von 0 bis 3 sind in Deutschland flächendeckend ausgebaut. Mit speziellen Angeboten für Eltern in Belastungslagen tragen sie dazu bei, Erziehungskompetenzen in Familien zu entwickeln und Kindern ein gesundes und geschütztes Aufwachsen zu ermöglichen. Ein großer Teil der Eltern, die in den Frühen Hilfen unterstützt werden, zeigt Anzeichen einer psychischen Erkrankung. Dies wird in der Praxis Früher Hilfen als besonders schwer zu bewältigende Herausforderung erlebt. Es gibt jedoch bislang nur wenig verlässliches Faktenwissen darüber, wie hoch der Anteil psychisch belasteter Familien in den Angeboten Früher Hilfen tatsächlich ist, welche Bedeutung eine psychische Erkrankung für die Versorgung der Familien hat und wie sich die Hilfesysteme - zum Wohle von Kindern und Eltern - weiter entwickeln müssen. Das Nationale Zentrum Frühe Hilfen (NZFH) hat den flächendeckenden Ausbau der Frühen Hilfen in Deutschland wissenschaftlich begleitet. In diesem Beitrag werden die Befunde zur Versorgung von Familien mit mindestens einem psychisch belasteten Elternteil aus mehreren Studien zusammengetragen, analysiert und diskutiert.In Germany, networks and measures of early childhood intervention (ECI) have been implemented nationwide. By specifically targeting families with multiple psychosocial challenges, ECI contributes to the enhancement of families’ parenting skills, in order to promote equal opportunities for all children to grow up healthy and safe. In many families supported by ECI measures at least one parent shows symptoms of a mental health disorder, which poses a major challenge to ECI practitioners. Nevertheless, there is a lack of valid scientific knowledge about the proportion of young families living with symptoms of mental disorders, the degree to which parents’ psychic burdens affect care in ECI measures and about the cooperation of different care providing systems. The National Center for Early Prevention (NCEP) monitors and evaluates the scaling up of ECI networks and measures in Germany. The present article compiles results of different NCEP studies focusing on parents with mental illness in Early Childhood Intervention. Results are discussed with regard to their relevance for further improving the care systems

    Die Frühen Hilfen aus Sicht der Pädiatrie - Erkenntnisse aus einer bundesweit repräsentativen Studie

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    Frühe Hilfen sind Angebote für werdende Eltern und Familien mit Kindern bis 3 Jahre - zur Unterstützung, Beratung und Begleitung. Wie stehen Kinderärzte zu diesen Angeboten? Erkenntnisse aus einer bundesweit repräsentativen Studi

    Action leveraging evidence to reduce perinatal mortality and morbidity (ALERT): study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial in Benin, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda

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    Background: Insufficient reductions in maternal and neonatal deaths and stillbirths in the past decade are a deterrence to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 3. The majority of deaths occur during the intrapartum and immediate postnatal period. Overcoming the knowledge-do-gap to ensure implementation of known evidence-based interventions during this period has the potential to avert at least 2.5 million deaths in mothers and their offspring annually. This paper describes a study protocol for implementing and evaluating a multi-faceted health care system intervention to strengthen the implementation of evidence-based interventions and responsive care during this crucial period. Methods: This is a cluster randomised stepped-wedge trial with a nested realist process evaluation across 16 hospitals in Benin, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. The ALERT intervention will include four main components: i) end-user participation through narratives of women, families and midwifery providers to ensure co-design of the intervention; ii) competency-based training; iii) quality improvement supported by data from a clinical perinatal e-registry and iv) empowerment and leadership mentoring of maternity unit leaders complemented by district based bi-annual coordination and accountability meetings. The trial\u27s primary outcome is in-facility perinatal (stillbirths and early neonatal) mortality, in which we expect a 25% reduction. A perinatal e-registry will be implemented to monitor the trial. Our nested realist process evaluation will help to understand what works, for whom, and under which conditions. We will apply a gender lens to explore constraints to the provision of evidence-based care by health workers providing maternity services. An economic evaluation will assess the scalability and cost-effectiveness of ALERT intervention. Discussion: There is evidence that each of the ALERT intervention components improves health providers\u27 practices and has modest to moderate effects. We aim to test if the innovative packaging, including addressing specific health systems constraints in these settings, will have a synergistic effect and produce more considerable perinatal mortality reductions

    Folliculin interacts with p0071 (plakophilin-4) and deficiency is associated with disordered rhoa signalling, epithelial polarization and cytokinesis

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    Inherited mutations in the folliculin (FLCN) gene cause the Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome of familial hair follicle tumours (fibrofolliculomas), lung cysts and kidney tumours. Though folliculin has features of a tumour suppressor, the precise function of the FLCN gene product is not well characterized. We identified plakophilin-4 (p0071) as a potential novel folliculin interacting protein by yeast two-hybrid analysis. We confirmed the interaction of folliculin with p0071 by co-immunoprecipitation studies and, in view of previous studies linking p0071 to the regulation of rho-signalling, cytokinesis and intercellular junction formation, we investigated the effect of cell folliculin status on p0071-related functions. Folliculin and p0071 partially co-localized at cell junctions and in mitotic cells, at the midbody during cytokinesis. Previously, p0071 has been reported to regulate RhoA signalling during cytokinesis and we found that folliculin deficiency was associated with increased expression and activity of RhoA and evidence of disordered cytokinesis. Treatment of folliculin-deficient cells with a downstream inhibitor of RhoA signalling (the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632) reversed the increased cell migration phenotype observed in folliculin-deficient cells. Deficiency of folliculin and of p0071 resulted in tight junction defects and mislocalization of E-cadherin in mouse inner medullary collecting duct-3 renal tubular cells. These findings suggest that aspects of folliculin tumour suppressor function are linked to interaction with p0071 and the regulation of RhoA signalling

    Stillbirths: recall to action in high-income countries.

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    Variation in stillbirth rates across high-income countries and large equity gaps within high-income countries persist. If all high-income countries achieved stillbirth rates equal to the best performing countries, 19,439 late gestation (28 weeks or more) stillbirths could have been avoided in 2015. The proportion of unexplained stillbirths is high and can be addressed through improvements in data collection, investigation, and classification, and with a better understanding of causal pathways. Substandard care contributes to 20-30% of all stillbirths and the contribution is even higher for late gestation intrapartum stillbirths. National perinatal mortality audit programmes need to be implemented in all high-income countries. The need to reduce stigma and fatalism related to stillbirth and to improve bereavement care are also clear, persisting priorities for action. In high-income countries, a woman living under adverse socioeconomic circumstances has twice the risk of having a stillborn child when compared to her more advantaged counterparts. Programmes at community and country level need to improve health in disadvantaged families to address these inequities.Mater Research Institute – The University of Queensland provided infrastructure and funding for the research team to enable this work to be undertaken. The Canadian Research Chair in Psychosocial Family Health provided funding for revision of the translation of the French web-based survey of care providers.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(15)01020-

    Care in subsequent pregnancies following stillbirth: An international survey of parents

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    Objective: To assess the frequency of additional care, and parents' perceptions of quality, respectful care in pregnancies subsequent to stillbirth. Design: Multi-language web-based survey. Setting: International. Population: 2,716 parents, from 40 high- and middle-income countries. Methods: Data were obtained from a broader survey of parentsâ experiences of stillbirth. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and stratified by geographical region. Subgroup analyses explored variation in additional care by gestational age at index stillbirth. Main outcome measures: Frequency of additional care, and perceptions of quality, respectful care. Results: The majority (66%) of parents conceived their subsequent pregnancy within one year of stillbirth. Additional antenatal care visits and ultrasound scans were provided for 67% and 70% of all parents, respectively, although there was wide variation across geographical regions. Care addressing psychosocial needs was less frequently provided, such as visits to a bereavement counsellor (10%) and access to named care provider's phone number (27%). Compared to parents whose stillbirth occurred at 29 weeks' gestation or less, parents whose stillbirth occurred at 30 weeksâ gestation or greater were more likely to receive various forms of additional care, particularly the option for early delivery after 37 weeks. Around half (47-63%) of all parents felt that elements of quality, respectful care were consistently applied, such as spending enough time with parents and involving parents in decision-making. Conclusions: Care in pregnancies subsequent to stillbirth appears inconsistent. Greater attention is required to providing thoughtful, empathic, and collaborative care in all pregnancies following stillbirth. Training for health professionals is needed
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