35 research outputs found

    Not Only Bad Luck : Studies on Peer Victimization and Social Exclusion from a Multilevel Perspective

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    The purpose of this thesis was to examine the association between peer victimization and psychosocial adjustment at both individual and system levels. To this purpose, ethnographic reports from nomadic forager band societies around the world were reviewed (Study I), and regionally representative survey studies were conducted among adolescents in Ostrobothnia, Finland (Studies II–IV). The ethnographic reports suggested that ostracism and exclusion are cross-cultural phenomena that foster conformity, and, furthermore, that an ostracism-detection system would have been adaptive in the evolutionary past. The quantitative studies, which were analyzed by means of mediation analysis, multilevel modelling, and multinomial regression, found peer victimization to be associated with individual level maladjustment indices, such as depressive symptoms, aggressive behavior, and peer rejection. In particular, the notion of symptom-driven pathways as well as the influence of the family environment on peer relationships was explored in Study II, where physical punishment was identified as a precursor to depressive symptoms, aggressive behavior, and victimization by peers. The role of the family was also indicated by the association between family economy and victimization experiences in Study III. Furthermore, Study III found victimization prevalence to be associated with classroom norms and social structure, thus highlighting circumstances in which bystanders may be particularly wary of intervening against victimization for fear of becoming the target themselves. Finally, Study IV found that while relational dynamics beyond victimization frequency influence the severity of victimization experiences, frequent peer victimization was also uniquely connected to internalizing and externalizing behaviors. These empirical investigations are discussed in terms of the concept of peer victimization, the bi-directional relationships between victimization and maladjustment, and the influencing factors at multiple levels of the socio-ecological environment of the victim

    SjĂ€lvförtroende och musikaliskt lĂ€rande – en studie av hur normer och förvĂ€ntningar pĂ„verkar studenter i Ă€mnena gehör och notlĂ€sning

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    Syftet med denna undersökning Ă€r att bidra med kunskap kring lĂ€rande och hur det Ă€r kopplat till sjĂ€lvförtroende, sjĂ€lvuppfattning och normer i undervisningen. Jag har valt att intervjua studenter frĂ„n Musikhögskolan i Malmö, dĂ€r jag för nĂ€rvarande sjĂ€lv studerar till musiklĂ€rare. Studien utgĂ„r frĂ„n studenternas perspektiv och Ă€r avgrĂ€nsad till tvĂ„ huvudomrĂ„den, undervisning i gehör och notlĂ€sning. Resultaten Ă€r samlade kring tre centrala begrepp: sjĂ€lvuppfattning, sjĂ€lvförtroende samt normer och förvĂ€ntningar. Mina forskningsfrĂ„gor berör vilka faktorer som pĂ„verkar studenters sjĂ€lvbild och sjĂ€lvförtroende i undervisningen, hur och i vilken utstrĂ€ckning normer och förvĂ€ntningar pĂ„verkar samt huruvida studenters bakgrund och rollidentitet har en inverkan. Vald metod Ă€r kvalitativ halvstrukturerad intervju. Studien indikerar att studenterna har ett stort behov av att ha en lĂ€rmiljö dĂ€r det Ă€r tillĂ„tet att misslyckas, nĂ„got de inte alltid kĂ€nner. De Ă€r ocksĂ„ i behov av en undervisning som i större utstrĂ€ckning utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n individens behov. Studien visa Ă€ven pĂ„ att normer och förvĂ€ntningar frĂ„n lĂ€rare och medstudenter har en stor inverkan pĂ„ lĂ€randesituationen och pĂ„ deras sjĂ€lvförtroende. I studien Ă€r effekten av negativa normer och förvĂ€ntningar sĂ€rskilt tydlig.The aim with this study is to try to contribute to the common knowledge about how learning is connected to self-confidence, and how norms and expectations influence a learning environment. I have interviewed students from Malmö Academy of Music (Sweden), where I am currently finishing my studies in music teacher education. The study assumes a student’s point of view, and is framed a round two subjects, ear training and score reading, two very central areas in music education. The results are structured around three central areas: self-image, self-confidence, and norms and expectations. My research questions concern the factors that may influence a student’s self-image and self-confidence in music learning situations and how and to what extent the norms and expectations affect the student's identity. I have chosen semi-structured interview as a method. The study shows that the students have a great need of a learning environment that is open for trial and error, where it is allowed to fail and learn, something they do not always experience. They are also in need of teaching that better meets their individual needs. The study also shows that norms and expectations from teachers and fellow students have a big impact on the students’ self-confidence and on their learning environment. Especially visible in the study is the effect of the negative norms and expectations

    Rationale for a Swedish cohort consortium

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    We herein outline the rationale for a Swedish cohort consortium, aiming to facilitate greater use of Swedish cohorts for world-class research. Coordination of all Swedish prospective population-based cohorts in a common infrastructure would enable more precise research findings and facilitate research on rare exposures and outcomes, leading to better utilization of study participants' data, better return of funders' investments, and higher benefit to patients and populations. We motivate the proposed infrastructure partly by lessons learned from a pilot study encompassing data from 21 cohorts. We envisage a standing Swedish cohort consortium that would drive development of epidemiological research methods and strengthen the Swedish as well as international epidemiological competence, community, and competitiveness.Peer reviewe

    Ung i Österbotten 2016–2017 : studerandes flyttningsbenĂ€genhet och tankar om regionen = Nuoret Pohjanmaalla 2016–2017 : opiskelijoiden muuttohalukkuus ja ajatuksia alueesta

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    Den hĂ€r rapporten baseras pĂ„ enkĂ€tmaterial med österbottniska studerande pĂ„ högstadiet och andra stadiet, och enkĂ€t- och intervjumaterial med studerande pĂ„ tredje stadiet som Ă€r hemma frĂ„n och/eller studerar i Österbotten (nĂ€rmare bestĂ€mt landskapen Österbotten och Mellersta Österbotten). Datainsamlingen genomfördes mellan november 2016 och april 2017, och sammanlagt deltog 4 296 studerande i enkĂ€ter och 26 studerande i intervjuer.TĂ€mĂ€ raportti perustuu ylĂ€koulussa ja toisella asteella opiskeleville pohjalaisille tehtyyn kyselyyn sekĂ€ kyselyyn ja haastatteluun, joka on tehty kolmannen asteen opiskelijoille, jotka ovat joko kotoisin Pohjanmaalta tai opiskelevat Pohjanmaalla (tarkemmin sanottuna Pohjanmaan tai Keski-Pohjanmaan maakunnassa). Materiaali kerĂ€ttiin marraskuun 2016 ja huhtikuun 2017 vĂ€lisenĂ€ aikana, ja yhteensĂ€ 4 296 opiskelijaa vastasi kyselyyn ja 26 haastatteluun.Förord Sammanfattning 1. Inledning 1.1 Begreppsdefinitioner 1.2 Metod och material 2. Vem tĂ€nker flytta – och varför? 2.1 Österbottniska studerande i Österbotten 2.2 Österbottniska studerande utanför Österbotten 2.3 Studerande i Österbotten frĂ„n annan ort 3. Vad borde regionen satsa pĂ„? 4. Konklusion och kommentarer Referenser. Esipuhe Yhteenveto 1. Johdanto 1.1 KĂ€sitteiden mÀÀrittely 1.2 Metodi ja materiaali 2. Kuka aikoo muuttaa – ja miksi? 2.1 Pohjanmaalla opiskelevat pohjalaiset 2.2 Pohjalaiset opiskelijat muualla kuin Pohjanmaalla 2.3 Muualta tulleet Pohjanmaalla opiskelevat 3. Mihin alueen pitĂ€isi panostaa? 4. PÀÀtelmĂ€t ja kommentit Viitteet

    Value stream analysis at Saab Training Systems in Huskvarna

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    Saab Training Systems (STS) in Huskvarna is manufacturing material for educationalpurposes to armies worldwide. They are now implementing parts of the Lean productionconcept in their organisation.One part of the work with Lean production is to eliminate waste. To be able to identify waste,value stream mapping is a good tool and also what we used in our thesis. To gain a betterefficiency in the production of Personnel Detector Device (PDD) flow was one of our goals.The PDD is a harness used during battle training which registers if the user is being hit by itsenemy.Our work with the thesis started up with a short education in Lean production and in valuestream mapping (VSM). The work proceeded with a VSM of the production flow of the PDD,interviews were made and studies of literature were done to gain greater knowledge of thesubject and solve the task.The VSM resulted in five areas which were followed up out of those six we identified. Theareas were as followed: to examine why the reliability in a test chamber were down at 83percent, look over batch size and setup time, find out whether two workstations that wereusing the same equipment should be separated or not and also look through the existing layoutand create a new.The results from this were that what took down the reliability in the test chamber was isolatedto a few things which were followed through and visualized in a Pareto diagram.Big batch sizes as a result of few start ups of the order which now will be changed in to moredaily start ups with the actual demand in mind. The setup time is a big part of the change inbatch size. Valuable process time is lost as the operators have to collect material which isbeing needed for the assembling of the products. STS is now going to follow up the processand se how to make for changes.The two stations sharing the same equipment is a kind of a problem in the material flow asproducts some times get stacked up here. To solve this problem the only solution is toseparate them into two different work stations. This will affect the layout in the factory andtherefore a layout for the future was created from the results which are presented above andtheory of how to create a layout.Our work at STS resulted in that the areas mentioned above were followed up and is nowbeing implemented in various scale.Saab Training Systems (STS) i Huskvarna tillverkar utbildningsmaterial Ă„t all vĂ€rldensarmĂ©er. De hĂ„ller nu pĂ„ att implementera delar av Leankonceptet i sin verksamhet.En del i arbetet med Lean Ă€r att eliminera slöserier i produktionen. För att kunna identifieradessa slöserier Ă€r vĂ€rdeflödeskartlĂ€ggning ett bra verktyg och det Ă€r ocksĂ„ det verktyget vi haranvĂ€nt oss av under detta examensarbete. MĂ„let med arbetet var att finna sĂ€tt att effektiviseraproduktionsflödet pĂ„ avdelning dĂ€r produktionen av Personnel Detector Device (PDD) utförs.En PDD Ă€r en slags vĂ€st som anvĂ€nds vid militĂ€r utbildning som registrerar om anvĂ€ndarenhar blivit trĂ€ffad av fienden.Grunden till arbetet gjordes genom att författarna genomgick en utbildning i Lean productionsamt i vĂ€rdeflödeskartlĂ€ggning. Arbetet gick vidare genom att en kartlĂ€ggning gjordes avvĂ€rdeflödet pĂ„ avdelningen PDD, intervjuer gjordes med arbetande pĂ„ plats och studier avlitteratur för att pĂ„ ett bra sĂ€tt kunna lösa uppgiften.VĂ€rdeflödeskartlĂ€ggningen resulterade i att författarna gick vidare med fem Ă„tgĂ€rdspunkterutav de sex vi identifierade skulle vara bra att Ă„tgĂ€rda. ÅtgĂ€rdspunkterna var följande:undersöka varför tillförlitligheten i en testkammare inte var bĂ€ttre Ă€n 83 procent, se överbatchstorlek och stĂ€lltider, undersöka om tvĂ„ av stationerna ska separeras samt se överlayouten och utforma en ny.Vad som framkom i uppföljandet av Ă„tgĂ€rdspunkterna var att felkĂ€llorna i testkammaren varisolerad till nĂ„gra fĂ„ detaljer och genom ett paretodiagram av dessa kunde det bestĂ€mmasvilken felkĂ€lla som skulle angripas först.Batchstorleken Ă€r anpassad efter orderstorleken vilket resulterar i stora batchstorlekar,resultatet som framkom var att de skulle minskas och anpassas efter det dagliga behovet ochkapaciteten, i denna punkt var stĂ€lltiden en viktig parameter dĂ„ vĂ€rdefull monteringstid gicktill spillo genom att material skulle plockas fram för monteringen. Resultatet blev att STS skase över framplockningen av material till monteringen.De tvĂ„ stationerna som delar samma utrustning Ă€r lite ett problem i materialflödet och detkonstaterades att det för att lösa det skulle de tvĂ„ stationerna delas pĂ„ vilket inte Ă€r krĂ€ver merĂ€n en extra dator och arbetsbĂ€nk. Det pĂ„verkar ocksĂ„ hur layouten ser ut och dĂ€rför gjordesocksĂ„ en undersökning om hur en framtida layout skulle utformas. Parametrar som nĂ€mntstidigare vĂ€gdes in med teori om hur en layout ska utformas och ett förslag presenterades.Författarnas arbete resulterade i att de ovan nĂ€mnda Ă„tgĂ€rdspunkter bearbetas vidare pĂ„ STSför att införas helt eller delvis