281 research outputs found

    Sour rot : effects of fruit fly life stages, chemical management, and winemaking

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    Sour rot is a disease of grape clusters near harvest involving Drosophila fruit flies, in which berries discolor, pulp liquifies, and acetic acid accumulates. The specific role of fruit flies in progressing sour rot has yet to be determined, outside of their critical role in the development and spread of sour rot within the vineyard. Once sour rot symptoms develop, chemical management is a challenge as the disease progresses in the final weeks leading to harvest. This increasing disease pressure negatively impacts the quality of fruit that is used in winemaking. To investigate the role of various fruit fly life stages on symptom development, undamaged ripe berries of Vitis interspecific hybrid cv. Chambourcin were surface-sterilized, wounded, and co-inoculated with causal organisms Metschnikowia pulcherrima and Gluconobacter cerinus, then exposed to either axenic D. melanogaster eggs, 24hr-old larvae, or adult life stages. Symptoms were rated daily based on severity scale of 0-4. After recording disease progression over nine days, all life stages eventually scored the highest rating level (4) with all control treatments rated a 2, implicating prepupal fruit flies as a critical component in the development of sour rot. ... In summary, the larval stage of fruit flies is important for the development of sour rot symptoms and should be considered a necessary component in disease progression. Management strategies that incorporate insecticide and antimicrobial sprays have little effect on sour rot incidence and severity when initiated after the development of disease symptoms. Spraying weekly after 15 Brix should not be considered an adequate management practice, as more frequent sprays do not significantly impact disease ratings at harvest. Moreover, adding a relatively low percentage of sour rot-affected grapes in the winemaking process increases acetic acid close to the legal threshold of allowance. Once this acetic acid accumulates due to sour rot progression, post-harvest interventions do not reduce levels after fermentation.Includes bibliographical references (pages 81-91

    Women senators lead to higher levels of political engagementby women constituentsfurther

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    In less than thirty years, women’s representation in the Senate has gone from two to twenty. In new research, Kim L. Fridkin and Patrick J. Kenney look at how this shift has influenced people’s understanding of, and engagement in, politics. Using election survey data, they find that women constituents tend to know more about their senators than males and that they are also more likely to be politically active if their senator is a woma

    Design strategies and functionality of the Visual Interface for Virtual Interaction Development (VIVID) tool

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    Development of interactive virtual environments (VE) has typically consisted of three primary activities: model (object) development, model relationship tree development, and environment behavior definition and coding. The model and relationship tree development activities are accomplished with a variety of well-established graphic library (GL) based programs - most utilizing graphical user interfaces (GUI) with point-and-click interactions. Because of this GUI format, little programming expertise on the part of the developer is necessary to create the 3D graphical models or to establish interrelationships between the models. However, the third VE development activity, environment behavior definition and coding, has generally required the greatest amount of time and programmer expertise. Behaviors, characteristics, and interactions between objects and the user within a VE must be defined via command line C coding prior to rendering the environment scenes. In an effort to simplify this environment behavior definition phase for non-programmers, and to provide easy access to model and tree tools, a graphical interface and development tool has been created. The principal thrust of this research is to effect rapid development and prototyping of virtual environments. This presentation will discuss the 'Visual Interface for Virtual Interaction Development' (VIVID) tool; an X-Windows based system employing drop-down menus for user selection of program access, models, and trees, behavior editing, and code generation. Examples of these selection will be highlighted in this presentation, as will the currently available program interfaces. The functionality of this tool allows non-programming users access to all facets of VE development while providing experienced programmers with a collection of pre-coded behaviors. In conjunction with its existing, interfaces and predefined suite of behaviors, future development plans for VIVID will be described. These include incorporation of dual user virtual environment enhancements, tool expansion, and additional behaviors

    A Generic Multibody Parachute Simulation Model

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    Flight simulation of dynamic atmospheric vehicles with parachute systems is a complex task that is not easily modeled in many simulation frameworks. In the past, the performance of vehicles with parachutes was analyzed by simulations dedicated to parachute operations and were generally not used for any other portion of the vehicle flight trajectory. This approach required multiple simulation resources to completely analyze the performance of the vehicle. Recently, improved software engineering practices and increased computational power have allowed a single simulation to model the entire flight profile of a vehicle employing a parachute

    Generic Spacecraft Model for Real-Time Simulation

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    Generic Spacecraft is the name of an evolving library of software that provides for simulation of a generic spacecraft that can orbit the Earth and land on the Moon (and, eventually, on Mars). This library is incorporated into the Langley Standard Realtime Simulation in C++ (LaSRS++) software framework. The generic-spacecraft simulation serves as a test bed for modeling spacecraft dynamics, propulsion, control systems, guidance, and displays. The Generic Spacecraft library supplements the LaSRS++ framework with an interface that facilitates the connection of new models into the LaSRS++ simulation by eliminating what would otherwise be the necessity of writing additional C++ classes to record data from the models and code to display values on graphical user interfaces (GUIs): The library includes routines for integrating new models into the LaSRS++ framework, identifying model inputs and outputs with full descriptions and units identified, recording data, and automatically generating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). The library is designed to be used in a manner similar to that of LaSRS++ software components for simulating vehicles other than the generic spacecraft. The user specifies (1) a spacecraft and individual models to be constructed and (2) connections between individual model inputs and outputs

    User's Guide for Flight Simulation Data Visualization Workstation

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    Today's modern flight simulation research produces vast amounts of time sensitive data. The meaning of this data can be difficult to assess while in its raw format. Therefore, a method of breaking the data down and presenting it to the user in a graphical format is necessary. Simulation Graphics (SimGraph) is intended as a data visualization software package that will incorporate simulation data into a variety of animated graphical displays for easy interpretation by the simulation researcher. This document is intended as an end user's guide

    Techno-economic analysis of decentralized biomass processing depots

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    AbstractDecentralized biomass processing facilities, known as biomass depots, may be necessary to achieve feedstock cost, quantity, and quality required to grow the future U.S. bioeconomy. In this paper, we assess three distinct depot configurations for technical difference and economic performance. The depot designs were chosen to compare and contrast a suite of capabilities that a depot could perform ranging from conventional pelleting to sophisticated pretreatment technologies. Our economic analyses indicate that depot processing costs are likely to range from ∼US30toUS30 to US63 per dry metric tonne (Mg), depending upon the specific technology implemented and the energy consumption for processing equipment such as grinders and dryers. We conclude that the benefits of integrating depots into the overall biomass feedstock supply chain will outweigh depot processing costs and that incorporation of this technology should be aggressively pursued

    Jet-Powered Molecular Hydrogen Emission from Radio Galaxies

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    H2 pure-rotational emission lines are detected from warm (100-1500 K) molecular gas in 17/55 (31% of) radio galaxies at redshift z<0.22 observed with the Spitzer IR Spectrograph. The summed H2 0-0 S(0)-S(3) line luminosities are L(H2)=7E38-2E42 erg/s, yielding warm H2 masses up to 2E10 Msun. These radio galaxies, of both FR radio morphological types, help to firmly establish the new class of radio-selected molecular hydrogen emission galaxies (radio MOHEGs). MOHEGs have extremely large H2 to 7.7 micron PAH emission ratios: L(H2)/L(PAH7.7) = 0.04-4, up to a factor 300 greater than the median value for normal star-forming galaxies. In spite of large H2 masses, MOHEGs appear to be inefficient at forming stars, perhaps because the molecular gas is kinematically unsettled and turbulent. Low-luminosity mid-IR continuum emission together with low-ionization emission line spectra indicate low-luminosity AGNs in all but 3 radio MOHEGs. The AGN X-ray emission measured with Chandra is not luminous enough to power the H2 emission from MOHEGs. Nearly all radio MOHEGs belong to clusters or close pairs, including 4 cool core clusters (Perseus, Hydra, A 2052, and A 2199). We suggest that the H2 in radio MOHEGs is delivered in galaxy collisions or cooling flows, then heated by radio jet feedback in the form of kinetic energy dissipation by shocks or cosmic rays.Comment: ApJ in press, 40 pages, 18 figures, 14 table

    Genetics of myocardial interstitial fibrosis in the human heart and association with disease

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    Myocardial interstitial fibrosis is associated with cardiovascular disease and adverse prognosis. Here, to investigate the biological pathways that underlie fibrosis in the human heart, we developed a machine learning model to measure native myocardial T1 time, a marker of myocardial fibrosis, in 41,505 UK Biobank participants who underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Greater T1 time was associated with diabetes mellitus, renal disease, aortic stenosis, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, conduction disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Genome-wide association analysis identified 11 independent loci associated with T1 time. The identified loci implicated genes involved in glucose transport (SLC2A12), iron homeostasis (HFE, TMPRSS6), tissue repair (ADAMTSL1, VEGFC), oxidative stress (SOD2), cardiac hypertrophy (MYH7B) and calcium signaling (CAMK2D). Using a transforming growth factor β1-mediated cardiac fibroblast activation assay, we found that 9 of the 11 loci consisted of genes that exhibited temporal changes in expression or open chromatin conformation supporting their biological relevance to myofibroblast cell state acquisition. By harnessing machine learning to perform large-scale quantification of myocardial interstitial fibrosis using cardiac imaging, we validate associations between cardiac fibrosis and disease, and identify new biologically relevant pathways underlying fibrosis.</p
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