70 research outputs found

    Strangulated or incarcerated spontaneous lumbar hernia as exceptional cause of intestinal obstruction: case report and review of the literature

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    Lumbar hernias are rare conditions and about 300 cases have been reported since the first description by Barbette in 1672. Therefore strangulation or incarceration are also exceptionally encountered. We present a 62 -year-old-man who had strangulated left lumbar hernia and consequent mechanical small-bowel obstruction, alongside with a non strangulated right lumbar hernia. Through a median laparotomy, an intestinal necrosis was found. A bowel resection with end to end anastomosis was performed and the lumbar hernias were repaired on both sides. The recovery was uneventfull. To the best of our knowlwdge thanks to the litterature review presented here, this is the 19th case of incarcerated or strangulated spontaneous lumbar hernia described in the surgical litterature since 1889

    In vitro antimycobacterial activity of six Cameroonian medicinal plants using microplate alamarBlue assay

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    AbstractObjective/backgroundThe latest incidence of tuberculosis (TB) (per 100,000 people) in Cameroon was 243.00 as of 2011. Over the past 21years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between 112.00 in 1990 and 320.00 in 2003. Worldwide, this incidence has also increased, bringing back TB as a reemerging disease. On the same note, resistance to anti-TB drugs has increased, urging the search for new molecules.MethodsThis study was carried out to evaluate the antimycobacterial activity of six medicinal plants on the virulent strain, H37Rv, using the microplate alamarBlue assay. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv strain) was incubated with decreased concentrations of six plant extracts, ranging from 250μg/mL to 31.25μg/mL. After 7days of incubation at 37°C, the effects of these plant extracts on the viability of the mycobacteria were evaluated. For each plant extract, the minimal inhibitory concentration was determined.ResultsThe results showed that the compounds MBC1, MBC24, MBC68, MBC81, MBC117, and MBC118 were the best candidates with minimal inhibitory concentrations of 31.25, 62.5, 125, 62.5, and 125μg/mL, respectively.ConclusionThese results confirm and validate the traditional use of these plants to treat respiratory diseases, which could be good sources and alternatives of plant metabolites for anti-TB-drug development

    Phytochemical analysis and antifungal property of Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. (Euphorbiaceae)

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    The emergence of resistant fungi to available drugs highlights the need for new antifungal drugs. The present study aimed to evaluate the antifungal activity of the isolated compounds, fractions and crude extract from the leaf of Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll. Arg. Three pure compounds labelled 1-3 were isolated from the methylene chloride / methanol (1/1) extract of the leaf of this plant using chromatography techniques. These compounds were identified using analytical spectroscopic methods as betulinic acid (1), quercetine (2) and quercitin (3). The crude extract, fractions and compounds were tested against pathogenic yeasts (Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei) and dermatophytes (Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton soudanense, Microsporum audouinii, Microsporum langeronii) using agar well diffusion and dilution methods. The safety of the crude extract was studied on Wistar rats according to the WHO guidelines. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ranged from 48 to 781 μg/ml against yeasts for crude extract and fractions, and 1.86 to 25000 μg/ml against dermatophytes for pure compounds, fractions and crude extract. The antifungal activity of pure compounds was not determined against yeasts. The crude extract of leaf was found to be safe in rat at up to 12 g/kg. The results achieved supported the traditional use of Mallotus oppositifolius leaf for the treatment of fungal infections.Keywords: Mallotus oppositifolius, antifungal activity, safety, phytochemical screening

    Anti-yeast activity of extracts and fractions from Uvariodendron calophyllum (Annonaceae)

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    The resistance to available antifungals highlights the urgent need for innovative drugs to treat yeasts infections. This study aimed at evaluating the activity of extracts and fractions from Uvariodendron calophyllum against pathogenic yeasts. The ethanolic and aqueous extracts obtained by maceration were liquidliquid- partitioned using organic solvents and screened against isolates of Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida albicans reference strains NR-29445, NR-29444, NR-29451, and NR-29450 from BEI Resources using the broth micro-dilution method. Time kill kinetic, inhibition of germ-tube, filamentation and chlamydosporulation, and biofilm formation were assessed using the best sub-fraction. Overall, the most interesting sub-fraction (FS: 237–253) showed an MIC value of 0.0625 mg/mL with cidal effect against C. albicans NR-29450 and NR-29445 at 0.25 mg/mL after 12-16 hours and 24 hours respectively. Moderate inhibitory effects were observed at 0.25 mg/mL against germ-tube formation, filamentation and chlamydosporulation of all C. albicans strains. Also, very moderate inhibition of biofilm formation by C. albicans NR-29450 at 0.25 mg/mL was obtained. The results obtained support U. calophyllum as a potential source of compounds with anti-yeast activity. Further studies will confirm its potential as source of anti-yeast drugs.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Uvariodendron calophyllum, anti-yeasts activity, time kill kinetics, biofil

    Antimycobacterial activity of selected medicinal plants extracts from Cameroon

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    New drugs are highly needed to control mycobacterial infections. This study aimed at screening ethnobotanically selected plants extracted using organic solvents for their antimycobacterial activity. In vitro assays were performed on Mycobacterium smegmatis, Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG), Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium ulcerans using the Resazurin Microtiter Assay. Cytotoxicity was assessed on Human lung fibroblast cells (MRC5) and bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) using the MTS tetrazolium assay. The most promising extract from Annickia chlorantha stem bark (ACsbI) was tested for intracellular antimycobacterial activity against M. smegmatis using infected BMDM. Sixty crude extracts, 19 fractions, and 2 purified compounds were obtained from 19 Cameroonian medicinal plants. Results showed that crude extracts mainly inhibited BCG, while interface fractions from A. chlorantha stem bark (ACsbI) and stem (ACstI) displayed the strongest activity against M. ulcerans, with Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) of 1.95 and 7.81 µg/ml respectively. Two compounds purified from Sorindeia juglandifolia fruits (SJfr 3.6 and SJfr 4.5) showed activity against BCG and M. ulcerans at 3.9 µg/ml and 62.5 µg/ml respectively. Finally, ACsbI showed no toxicity against MRC5 cells and BMDM and inhibited the growth of intracellular M. smegmatis. The results achieved in this investigation support the traditional to use of these plants and the need to investigate them in deeper details to be able to find alternatives for the existing antimycobacterial drugs

    Kaempferol: a key emphasis to its anticancer potential

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    A marked decrease in human cancers, including breast cancer, bone cancer, and cervical cancer, has been linked to the consumption of vegetable and fruit, and the corresponding chemoprotective e ect has been associated with the presence of several active molecules, such as kaempferol. Kaempferol is a major flavonoid aglycone found in many natural products, such as beans, bee pollen, broccoli, cabbage, capers, cauliflower, chia seeds, chives, cumin, moringa leaves, endive, fennel, and garlic. Kaempferol displays several pharmacological properties, among them antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, and antidiabetic activities, and is being applied in cancer chemotherapy. Specifically, kaempferol-rich food has been linked to a decrease in the risk of developing some types of cancers, including skin, liver, and colon. The mechanisms of action include apoptosis, cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase, downregulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related markers, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B signaling pathways. In this sense, this article reviews data from experimental studies that investigated the links between kaempferol and kaempferol-rich food intake and cancer prevention. Even though growing evidence supports the use of kaempferol for cancer prevention, further preclinical and clinical investigations using kaempferol or kaempferol-rich foods are of pivotal importance before any public health recommendation or formulation using kaempferol.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anticancer properties of bromelain: State-of-the-art and recent trends

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    Bromelain is a key enzyme found in pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.); a proteolytic substance with multiple beneficial effects for human health such as anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant and anticarcinogenic, traditionally used in many countries for its potential therapeutic value. The aim of this updated and comprehensive review focuses on the potential anticancer benefits of bromelain, analyzing the cytotoxic, apoptotic, necrotic, autophagic, immunomodulating, and anti-inflammatory effects in cancer cells and animal models. Detailed information about Bromelain and its anticancer effects at the cellular, molecular and signaling levels were collected from online databases such as PubMed/MedLine, TRIP database, GeenMedical, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. The results of the analyzed studies showed that Bromelain possesses corroborated pharmacological activities, such as anticancer, anti-edema, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anticoagulant, anti-osteoarthritis, anti-trauma pain, anti-diarrhea, wound repair. Nonetheless, bromelain clinical studies are scarce and still more research is needed to validate the scientific value of this enzyme in human cancer diseases

    In vitro antiplasmodial activity-directed investigation and UPLC–MS fingerprint of promising extracts and fractions from Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev. and Terminalia brownii Fresen.

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    Please read abstract in the article.The Grand Challenges Africa programme is supported by the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), and Drug Discovery and Development Centre of University of Cape Town (H3D).https://www.elsevier.com/locate/jethpharm2023-07-09hj2023Chemistr

    Hippocampal Automatic Recognition and 3D Segmentation Based on Active Appearance Model in Brain MR Images for Early Diagnosis ofAlzheimer's Disease

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    目的:研究磁共振(MAgnETIC rESOnAnCE,Mr)脑图像中海马的自动分割方法及海马的形态学分析方法,为阿尔茨海默病(AlzHEIMEr'S dISEASE,Ad)的早期诊断提供依据。方法:对20例Ad患者和60名正常对照者行MrI T1 WI 3d容积扫描,建立海马的三维主动表观模型,并以此模型对每个个体脑部磁共振图像上的海马进行自动识别和三维分割,分别建立正常对照组和Ad组的海马统计形状模型,比较Ad组与正常对照组间海马形状的差异性。结果:海马三维分割方法与手动分割方法在海马体积测量上无统计学差别(P>0.05);Ad患者海马头部发生萎缩(P0.05).Hippocampal head atrophy was found in AD patients(P<0.05).Conclusions: Hippocampal three-dimensional segmentation and automatic identification method based on active appearance model in brain MR image is accurate and reliable;the feature of hippocampal head atrophy can be used as a basis for diagnosis of AD.哈尔滨医科大学研究生创新基金(HCXB2010019);国家自然科学基金(81071219