205 research outputs found

    Physical and financial evaluation of a group of high producing dairy farms in New Zealand : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science (MApplSc) in Pastoral Science, Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Traditionally, New Zealand dairy production has been based on high pasture utilisation at high stocking rates, which resulted in low animal performance. Recently, a group of farmers (AGMARDT - Dairy Farm Monitoring Programme) gradually changed their production policy to a high production per hectare system achieved through high animal performance. The system is based on pre and post grazing herbage mass targets, strategic use of supplements to overcome pasture deficit and moderate stocking rates (2.7 cows/ha). This project evaluated the physical and financial characteristics of nine case study farms in the Southern North Island of New Zealand, involved in these changes. A one-year system study was conducted (2000/2001) in which physical and financial data were obtained to identify factors affecting farm production, efficiency and profitability. The results showed that the systems were effective and profitable, under the conditions in the 2000/2001 year. Average annual milksolids production per cow (411 kg MS/cow/year) and per hectare (1,100 kg MS/ha/year) for the case study farms were 33% higher than the national average. Average annual total intake for all farms was 5,257 kg DM/cow, 14,035 kg DM/ha, 59,656 MJ ME/cow and 159,232 MJ ME/ha. Mean economic farm surplus per ha for all case study farms (NZ3,077/ha)washigherthanregionalaverages(by622=0.71)andperhectare(R2=0.74)werecloselycorrelatedwithpastureintake.Supplements(24 3,077/ha) was higher than regional averages (by 62% to 84%) and comparable to the industry's top 10% farms. Milksolids production per cow (R 2 = 0.71) and per hectare (R 2 = 0.74) were closely correlated with pasture intake. Supplements (24% of total annual ME intake) were used to overcome pasture deficits, so their effects were related to long term influences on maintaining both pasture and animal potentials. Differences between pasture intakes from farmer's visual assessment and plate meter readings (adjusted data) in summer, suggested that farmers were underestimating intake and/or the adjusted data, relying on standardised national equations, were overestimated. The measured ME intakes were higher than the theoretical requirements for all farms, suggesting measured intake overestimation and/or feed waste. Feed conversion efficiencies (6.0 to 7.4 g MS/MJ ME intake) increased with decreases in intakes, not with increases in milk yields. On-farm techniques used to measure feed intake, particularly from pasture, should be improved; and farmers' skill in increasing feed efficiency should be optimised, mainly in the systems achieving higher animal performance. Since the milk payment of NZ5.00/kg MS will probably not remain in the future, control of production costs should receive more emphasis, particularly supplement costs. Keywords: dairy system, pasture management, feed quality, pasture intake, supplement intake, animal performance, stocking rate, feed conversion efficiency, cost of milksolids production, profitability

    Validación del material informativo a los pacientes en tratamiento de quimioterapia y a sus familiares

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi a validação do conteúdo e a compreensibilidade do Material informativo a pacientes em tratamento quimioterápico e aos seus familiares. Para avaliar se as informações do material informativo sobre câncer, quimioterapia, cuidados com paciente, alimentação e medicação eram suficientemente esclarecedoras e claras, foram contatados 23 cuidadores principais de crianças com câncer. Os entrevistados responderam a um questionário contendo nove questões fechadas e uma aberta. A avaliação foi positiva e as informações foram consideradas esclarecedoras pela maioria dos participantes, dos quais alguns contribuíram com sugestões, que foram acrescentadas ao material. Após completa finalização, o material servirá como apoio aos pacientes com câncer e aos familiares. O intuito do material é melhorar a qualidade de assistência de enfermagem, pois acredita-se que, quando os responsáveis estão orientados sobre a maneira mais adequada de cuidar, a adesão do paciente ao tratamento aumenta, a informação os torna mais seguros, e colabora-se para o sucesso do tratamento.Refiérase a la validación del contenido y a la comprensibilidad del material informativo a los pacientes en tratamiento de quimioterapia y a sus familiares. Fueron contactados 23 cuidadores que responderán a un instrumento con nueve cuestiones cerradas y una abierta para evaluar si las informaciones del material informativo sobre cáncer, quimioterapia, cuidados con el paciente, alimentación y medicación fueron esclarecedoras, suficientes y claras. La evaluación fue positiva y las informaciones fueron consideradas satisfactorias y esclarecedoras para la mayoría de las personas. Algunas hicieron sugerencias que fueron incluidas en el material. El material informativo pretende ser implantada con el objetivo de mejorar la cualidad de la asistencia de enfermería, pues se cre que cuando los responsables estan orientados sobre la manera más adecuada de cuidar, mejora la adesión al tratamiento, la información los deja más seguros y colabora para el suceso del tratamiento.The objective of this study was to validate the content and comprehensibility of the informative material for patients and their families undergoing chemotherapy, while describing its utility as a written tool of communication between healthcare provider and healthcare consumers. The informative material draws on information derived from twenty-three interviews of caretakers. The data were collected via surveys involving nine closed questions plus one open-ended question to analyze if the material's content was self-explanatory, sufficient and clear. The analyses of the informative material was positive and the information within was considered satisfactory and explanatory to the majority of the interviewees. Some of the people interviewed contributed with suggestions, which were added to the material. The informative material will be introduced, aimed at improving the quality of nursing assistance provided to cancer patients, as it is believed that when health professionals are well oriented regarding the most adequate way to care, patients adhere to their treatment more seriously; in other words, the information makes them feel more secure and fosters collaboration, leading to successful treatment


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    O texto a seguir tem o propósito de contextualizar a relevância das atividades realizadas pela Coordenadoria de Cultura, reafirmando o princípio de indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão tão presente na trajetória da Universidade Federal do Paraná, que em 2012, completou seu primeiro centenário. De uma forma bem sucinta e descritiva, o texto possibilita ainda, um maior entendimento sobre quais são os objetivos e as ações desenvolvidas por esta coordenadoria

    Comunicação e responsabilidade social : um estudo sobre o Festival de Inverno da Universidade Federal do Paraná

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    Orientadora: Profª Celsi Brönstrup SilvestrinAnexo Cd-romDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação. Defesa: Curitiba, 26/02/2014Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração : Comunicação e sociedadeResumo: O tema central deste trabalho situa-se no contexto da comunicação e da responsabilidade social, analisadas na perspectiva das dimensões de avaliação do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação do Ensino Superior (SINAES). Com esta finalidade foi feito um estudo sobre o Festival de Inverno da Universidade Federal do Paraná, evento artístico-cultural realizado anualmente na cidade de Antonina, PR, tendo como objetivo principal analisar se o evento pode ser entendido como uma ação de comunicação pautada na agenda de responsabilidade social da Universidade, que contribui com a prática democrática e estimula a cidadania. Para tanto, propõe-se: conhecer quais são as diretrizes legais impostas às universidades no que se refere à responsabilidade social; identificar como a comunidade de Antonina percebe o Festival de Inverno da UFPR; e refletir sobre a importância da comunicação entre a Universidade Federal do Paraná e a comunidade de Antonina, por meio da realização do Festival de Inverno. O referencial teórico está fundamentado nos conceitos de comunicação e sociedade e suas interações baseadas nas premissas do interacionismo simbólico e das formas simbólicas de Thompson (1995). Também são apresentados os conceitos de universidade, cidadania, responsabilidade social e accountability, considerados relevantes para a fundamentação teórica da pesquisa. A opção metodológica é o estudo de caso, fazendo uso das seguintes técnicas para o levantamento de dados: pesquisa bibliográfica, questionário semiestruturado e grupo focal. O referencial metodológico deste estudo fundamenta-se na Hermenêutica de Profundidade sustentada por Thompson (1995). O resultado das análises realizadas aponta para uma reinterpretação possível do evento como uma ação de comunicação no exercício de responsabilidade social.Abstract: The central subject of this work is related to communication and social responsibility, analyzed in the context of the various dimensions of the evaluation carried out by the Brazilian National Evaluation Systems of Universities (Sistema Nacional de Avaliação do Ensino Superior – SINAES). To this end a study was made about of the Winter Festival of the Federal University of Paraná, an artistic and cultural event held annually in the town of Antonina, PR, having as main objective to analyze if this event may be understood as an communication action according to the university social responsibility agenda, which contributes to a democratic practice and to stimulates the sense of citizenship. For such, it is proposed in the present work: to know legal requirements for the universities in relation to social responsibility; to indentify how the community of Antonina perceives the Winter Festival of the Federal University of Paraná and to reflect about the importance of the communication between the Federal University of Paraná and the community of Antonina through the realization of the Winter Festival. The theoretical framework has its foundations in the concepts of communication and society and their interactions based on the symbolic forms and interactions according with Thompson (1995). It is also presented the concepts of university, citizenship, social responsibility and accountability, considered relevant for the theoretical foundation of this research. The case study method was used, with the following techniques to gather information: bibliographic survey, a semi-structured questionnaire and focal group. The methodological framework of the study has its foundations in Thompson's depth hermeneutics (1995). The results of analyses carried out point to a possible reinterpretation of the event as a communication action in the exercise of social responsibility

    Effects of thyroxine replacement on endothelial function and carotid artery intima-media thickness in female patients with mild subclinical hypothyroidism

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have suggested an association between subclinical hypothyroidism and coronary artery disease that could be related to changes in serum lipids or endothelial dysfunction. METHODS: Thirty-two female subclinical hypothyroidism patients were randomly assigned to 12 months of L-thyroxine replacement or no treatment. Endothelial function was measured by the flow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery, as well as mean carotid artery intima-media thickness, and lipid profiles were studied at baseline and after 12 months of follow-up. RESULTS: The mean ( ± SD) serum thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in the L-thyroxine replacement and control groups were 6.09±1.32 and 6.27 ± 1.39 μUI/ml, respectively. No relationship between carotid artery intima-media thickness or brachial flow-mediated vasodilatation and free T4 and serum thyroid-stimulating hormone was found. The median L-T4 dose was 44.23 ± 18.13 μg/day. After 12 months, there was a significant decrease in the flow-mediated vasodilatation in the subclinical hypothyroidism control group (before: 17.33 ± 7.88 to after: 13.1 ±4.75%, p =0.03), but there were no significant differences in flow-mediated vasodilatation in the L-thyroxine treated group (before: 16.81 ± 7.0 to after: 18.52 ± 7.44%, p = 0.39). We did not find any significant change in mean carotid intimamedia thickness after 12 months of L-thyroxine treatment. CONCLUSION: Replacement therapy prevents a decline in flow-mediated vasodilatation with continuation of the subclinical hypothyroidism state. Large prospective multicenter placebo-controlled trials are necessaryto investigate endothelial physiology further in subclinical hypothyroidism patients and to define the role of L-thyroxine therapy in improving endothelial function in these patients

    Development of microsatellite markers from an enriched genomic library for genetic analysis of melon (Cucumis melo L.)

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the great advances in genomic technology observed in several crop species, the availability of molecular tools such as microsatellite markers has been limited in melon (Cucumis melo L.) and cucurbit species. The development of microsatellite markers will have a major impact on genetic analysis and breeding of melon, especially on the generation of marker saturated genetic maps and implementation of marker assisted breeding programs. Genomic microsatellite enriched libraries can be an efficient alternative for marker development in such species. RESULTS: Seven hundred clones containing microsatellite sequences from a Tsp-AG/TC microsatellite enriched library were identified and one-hundred and forty-four primer pairs designed and synthesized. When 67 microsatellite markers were tested on a panel of melon and other cucurbit accessions, 65 revealed DNA polymorphisms among the melon accessions. For some cucurbit species, such as Cucumis sativus, up to 50% of the melon microsatellite markers could be readily used for DNA polymophism assessment, representing a significant reduction of marker development costs. A random sample of 25 microsatellite markers was extracted from the new microsatellite marker set and characterized on 40 accessions of melon, generating an allelic frequency database for the species. The average expected heterozygosity was 0.52, varying from 0.45 to 0.70, indicating that a small set of selected markers should be sufficient to solve questions regarding genotype identity and variety protection. Genetic distances based on microsatellite polymorphism were congruent with data obtained from RAPD marker analysis. Mapping analysis was initiated with 55 newly developed markers and most primers showed segregation according to Mendelian expectations. Linkage analysis detected linkage between 56% of the markers, distributed in nine linkage groups. CONCLUSIONS: Genomic library microsatellite enrichment is an efficient procedure for marker development in melon. One-hundred and forty-four new markers were developed from Tsp-AG/TC genomic library. This is the first reported attempt of successfully using enriched library for microsatellite marker development in the species. A sample of the microsatellite markers tested proved efficient for genetic analysis of melon, including genetic distance estimates and identity tests. Linkage analysis indicated that the markers developed are dispersed throughout the genome and should be very useful for genetic analysis of melon

    Managerial franchise: a study of the characteristics in the relationship between franchisor and franchisee in Brazil

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    Atualmente, no Brasil, é bastante freqüente a opção pela franquia empresarial no mercado de consumo de bens e serviços e, para a continuidade de uma relação entre duas empresas no longo prazo, o controle do franqueador sobre as potenciais fontes de conflito parece ser fator relevante. Neste trabalho, têm-se como objetivos identificar as características da franquia empresarial no Brasil e analisar os aspectos relevantes do relacionamento estabelecido entre franqueadores e franqueados, determinando os pontos críticos da gestão do sistema de franquia e a relação do nível de satisfação do franqueado com o tempo de operação e o segmento de atuação. A pesquisa foi executada em duas etapas. Inicialmente, foram selecionadas e entrevistadas as empresas franqueadoras e, em seguida, as unidades fraqueadas, que foram convidadas a preencher um questionário de forma virtual. A amostra foi composta por 41 empresas franqueadoras em seis segmentos distintos e 270 unidades franqueadas. A partir da análise de dados, foram identificadas características do relacionamento das partes, especialmente aquelas associadas ao valor da marca, à gestão de marketing, à comunicação intra-rede e à satisfação com o investimento na franquia empresarial. Por fim, por meio da técnica multivariada de análise de correspondência, percebeu-se relativa associação entre o segmento de atuação do franqueado e o respectivo nível de satisfação, porém inexistência de associação entre esse e o tempo de operação do negócio.Actualmente, en Brasil, es bastante frecuente optar por la franquicia empresarial en el mercado de consumo de bienes y servicios y, para lograr la continuidad de una relación entre dos empresas en el largo plazo, el control del franquiciante sobre las potenciales fuentes de conflicto parece ser un factor relevante. En este trabajo se tienen como objetivos identificar las características de la franquicia empresarial en Brasil y analizar los aspectos relevantes de la relación establecida entre franquiciantes y franquiciados, y así determinar los puntos críticos en la gestión del sistema de franquicia y la relación del nivel de satisfacción del franquiciado con el tiempo de operación y el segmento de actuación. La investigación se llevó a cabo en dos etapas. En un primer momento, se seleccionaron las empresas franquiciantes, que fueron entrevistadas; posteriormente, se eligieron las unidades franquiciadas, a las cuales se dirigió un cuestionario online. La muestra se compuso de 41 empresas franquiciantes y de 270 unidades franquiciadas, en seis segmentos distintos. A partir del análisis de los datos, se identificaron características de la relación establecida entre las partes, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con el valor de la marca, la gestión de marketing, la comunicación intra-red y la satisfacción con la inversión en la franquicia empresarial. Finalmente, por medio de la técnica multivariada de análisis de correspondencia, se observó una relativa asociación entre el segmento de actuación del franquiciado y el correspondiente nivel de satisfacción, sin embargo no existe asociación entre el mismo y el tiempo de operación del negocio.Nowadays, in Brazil, franchising is an option frequently taken in the goods and services consumption market. A complex relationship is established between two different companies. The franchisor control over the potential sources of conflict within the franchise relationship seems to be a relevant factor for its continuity in the long term. Therefore, the objectives of the study are to identify characteristics of franchising in Brazil and to analyze relevant aspects of the franchisor-franchisee relationship, identifying critical factors in the management of the franchise system and the relationship among the level of satisfaction, the duration of operation and the industry. This research was divided in two parts. At first, the franchisors were selected and interviewed and, after that, the franchisees were chosen and asked to answer to an online questionnaire. In total, the sample included 41 franchisors and 270 franchisees of six different business segments. The data analyses revealed characteristics of the franchisor-franchisee relationship, especially those related to brand value, marketing management, communication inside the franchise system and satisfaction with franchising. After all, by the use of the multivariate technique of correspondence analysis, it was possible to verify the relative association between the kind of industry and the level of satisfaction of the franchisee, but the inexistence of any relation between this and the duration of the business operation

    The Genus Caesalpinia L. (Caesalpiniaceae): Phytochemical and Pharmacological Characteristics

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    The genus Caesalpinia (Caesalpiniaceae) has more than 500 species, many of which have not yet been investigated for potential pharmacological activity. Several classes of chemical compounds, such as flavonoids, diterpenes, and steroids, have been isolated from various species of the genus Caesalpinia. It has been reported in the literature that these species exhibit a wide range of pharmacological properties, including antiulcer, anticancer, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antirheumatic activities that have proven to be efficacious in ethnomedicinal practices. in this review we present chemical and pharmacological data from recent phytochemical studies on various plants of the genus Caesalpinia.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Univ Fed Alfenas, Inst Chem, BR-37130000 Alfenas, MG, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, BR-09972 Diadema, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, BR-09972 Diadema, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Were policies in Brazil effective to reducing trans fat from industrial origin in foods?

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the trans fatty acids content of processed foods frequently consumed by adults living in a Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, after the enactment of a mandatory trans fatty acids labelling policy. METHODS: Between February 2014 and January 2015, a specifically dietary questionnaire was completed by 107 adults to assess the frequency of processed foods consumption. The most commonly consumed products from the survey, including vegetable oils, margarine, biscuits, snacks, cheese bread (pão de queijo), french fries, cheeseburger and ice cream, were then analyzed for their trans fatty acids content using gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector. RESULTS: Differences in the levels of trans fatty acids were observed among 22 products analyzed, considering that trans fatty acids content ranged between 0.0 g/100 g in samples of cream cracker biscuit 1 and olive oil to 0.83 g/100 g in samples of cheeseburger ( fast food), 0.51 g/100 g in samples of frozen pão de queijo and 12.92 g/100 g in samples of chocolate sandwich cookies with cream filling 2. The overall trans fatty acids content of the different samples of margarine brands was 0.20 g/100 g for brand 1 and 0.0 g/100 g for brand 2. These data are significantly lower than those observed in a survey conducted in 2003, when the regulation had been enacted. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that Brazilian regulation is very likely implicated in the observed drop in trans fatty acids of the most processed foods but has yet to eliminate them, which reinforces the urgent need to revise the legislation, since a minimum amount of trans fat does not mean that the food product does not contain this type of fat

    A highly conductive nanostructured PEDOT polymer confined into the mesoporous MIL-100(Fe)

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    [EN] Despite the higher efficiency, larger color range and faster stimulus response of polymeric electrochromic materials, their poor cyclability strongly hampers their application in optoelectronics. As an original strategy to stabilize and further nanostructure these polymers, herein an efficient encapsulation and in situ polymerization inside highly porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is reported. In particular, the successful accommodation of poly(3,4-ethylendioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and its partially oxidized polarons inside the mesopores of the nontoxic iron trimesate MIL-100(Fe) is convincingly proved by a large panel of experimental techniques. Remarkably, the polymer-MOF interaction occurring for entrapped PEDOT within the pores (deeply assessed by experimental and simulation methods) might be responsible for the enhanced electrical conductivity of the resulting PEDOT@MIL-100(Fe) composite when compared to the insulating MIL-100(Fe) and the conductive free PEDOT. Furthermore, it was possible to observe the electrochromic properties of the PEDOT@MIL-100(Fe) composite, achieving an improved stability and good cyclability as a consequence of the effective protection by the MOF matrix.This work was supported by a 2017 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation (IN[17]_CBB_QUI_0197). The work was also partially supported by IMDEA Energy and Raphuel project (ENE2016-79608-C2-1-R, MINECOAEI/FEDER, UE). PH acknowledges the Spanish Ramon y Cajal Programme (grant agreement no. 2014-16823). S. N. thanks the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte for Jose Castillejo mobility programme (CAS14/00067) and financial support by Fundacion Ramon Areces (XVIII Concurso Nacional para la Adjudicacion de Ayudas a la Investigacion en Ciencias de la Vida y de la Materia, 2016). 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