174 research outputs found

    Revalidação do Holistic Comfort Questionnaire – Family para cuidadores de pessoas com doença crónica avançada

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    Background: Comfort is essential in nursing practice, so useful and valid assessment tools are required. Objectives: To analyze the psychometric properties of the Holistic Comfort Questionnaire – Family (HCQ-F) for the Portuguese population and assess the level of comfort among caregivers of people with advanced chronic disease. Methodology: A methodological study with a quantitative approach was conducted with 314 caregivers. The psychometric properties were analyzed using descriptive summary measures, item-total correlations, and Cronbach’s alpha. Factor analysis was performed using varimax orthogonal rotation and extraction factors with eigenvalues > 1. Results: The internal consistency and factor analysis of the HCQ-F items resulted in the Holistic Comfort Questionnaire – Caregivers – Portugal (HCQ-C-PT) with 18 items that were distributed by 3 factors: relief, ease, and transcendence (α=.795). Conclusion: Based on validity and reliability results, the HCQ--C-PT proved to be suitable for assessing comfort in caregivers of people with advanced chronic disease.Enquadramento: O conforto é fundamental na prática de enfermagem pelo que emerge a necessidade de instrumentos úteis e válidos para o avaliar. Objetivos: Determinar as características psicométricas do Holistic Comfort Questionnaire – Family (HCQ-F) para a população Portuguesa e, avaliar o nível de conforto dos cuidadores de pessoas com doença crónica e avançada. Metodologia: Estudo metodológico com uma análise do tipo quantitativo, realizado a 314 cuidadores. Para o estudo das propriedades psicométricas, calculámos medidas descritivas de resumo, correlações de cada item com o total e, o alfa de Cronbach. Para a análise fatorial, utilizámos a rotação ortogonal do tipo varimax e a extração de fatores com valores próprios > 1. Resultados: Da determinação da consistência interna e análise fatorial dos itens do HCQ-F resultou o Holistic Comfort Questionnaire – Cuidadores – Portugal (HCQ-C-PT) com 18 itens que se distribuíram por 3 fatores: alívio, tranquilidade e transcendência (α=0,795). Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que o HCQ-C-PT apresenta validade e consistência interna adequados para avaliar o conforto em cuidadores de pessoas com doença crónica avançada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A capoeiragem que é o conjunto das características da capoeira formado pela dança, música, cultura, história e a arte marcial em si, passou a ser marginalizada desde o seu nascimento no século XVI na época do Brasil colônia, dessa forma podemos ver nos dias atuais o reflexo dessa marginalização na sociedade e consequentemente na desvalorização desse Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade – tombada em 2008. Tendo em vista que isso também ocorre na sociedade Valenciana onde há preconceitos, má remuneração aos mestres, falta de espaços para o desenvolvimento dos aprendizes, intolerância religiosa e outros fatores que negativam essa expressão cultural brasileira, compreendemos que já é tempo de valorizar aqueles que lutam para manter viva a cultura e os saberes da capoeira. Esse projeto de pesquisa pretende identificar os mestres de capoeira na cidade de Valença-Ba e suas lutas em busca de reconhecimento e espaço cultural. Além disso, buscaremos identificar os preconceitos sofridos e reafirmar a resistência das mulheres que lutam para conseguir o seu espaço na capoeira, visto que na arte é predominante a presença masculina, e a imagem feminina é sempre vista como algo inusitado, diferente. Para realizar esses objetivos, alguns procedimentos metodológicos perpassam em estar presente nos encontros dos grupos, frequentando as rodas de capoeira na cidade acompanhando de perto a dificuldade para mantê-la. Na oportunidade, serão realizados diálogos e entrevistas com os mestres de capoeiras e alguns aprendizes, pois esses representam os agentes principais da investigativa. Também serão aplicados questionários e ocorrerão filmagens dos eventos, visando registrar as narrativas e momentos ímpares durante o trabalho. A partir da necessidade de uma forma de combate contra a repressão dos senhores de engenho que proibiam qualquer tipo de treinamento, surgiu a arte marcial disfarçada de dança, a capoeira. Desde então temos a capoeira como sinônimo de luta e resistência, bem como instrumento que evita a perda da identidade cultural em nosso país através das músicas que contam a história do seu surgimento até às revoltas em que ela fora utilizada, dos instrumentos tradicionais e dos movimentos corporais que remetem as origens dos escravizados. Por outro lado temos a capoeira como forma de instrumento social de inclusão, interação e empoderamento acolhendo aos jovens e ensinando como se portar diante da sociedade, pregando o respeito e aumentando a auto-estima dos mesmos, juntamente a temos como forma de atividade física, melhorando a saúde com a diminuição do estresse, da manutenção do corpo e da saúde mental. Entretanto, apesar dos diversos benefícios, percebe-se um quantitativo de pessoas que deixam a transparecer a falta de conhecimento da capoeira como forma de melhoria e desenvolvimento social, cultural, educacional e de saúde acentuando ainda mais os preconceitos em nosso país e desvalorizando uma arte que está presente em nossa sociedade desde cinco séculos atrás. São muitos os esforços e as dedicações dos mestres para erguer a capoeira na cidade de Valença-Ba tentando trazer a maior quantidade possível de jovens para participar do movimento e receber apoio da prefeitura municipal e das instituições de ensino, superando a exclusão da arte e persistindo ao longo dos anos

    Levantamentos geofísicos no setor português da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica: perspetiva global da sua importância em prospeção de sulfuretos maciços e interpretação geológica

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    ABSTRACT: The application of geophysical techniques to massive sulphide deposits exploration has proven to be a success in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) metallogenetic province, both in Portugal and in Spain. Several hidden deposits were discovered through the interpretation of geological models, supported by geophysical data collected in land and airborne surveys, as well as applied using down hole techniques in selected drill holes. This paper presents an overview of the methodologies applied in Portugal in the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ) geological domain, where the IPB is included, mostly by the LNEG and mining companies, with emphasis on the interpretation of the regional gravity, magnetometry and radiometry surveys, published in 1/400 000 scale by the EXPLORA/Alentejo2020 Project. In this regional mapping program, the large volume of data collected by LNEG and mining companies since the 1960’s was compiled and processed. The integrated interpretation and correlation between these methods will enable a better planning of new IPB exploration investments. IPB Volcano-Sedimentary Complex (VSC, Famennian to Late Visean age) lineaments are well defined in the gravity and magnetic fields along the IPB western region (e.g. Alcoutim/Neves Corvo/Montinho/Sesmarias/Lousal/Caveira). Aeromagnetic data also reflect deep and large anomalies related with the SPZ basement. A rock density database is presented and used to interpret the gravity data. Radiometric map (Natural Radioactivity), based mostly in airborne radiometric surveys, show contrasts between rocks in Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations and correlations with geological and hydrothermal mapping are highlighted. The use of geophysical techniques is particularly critical in areas where VSC is concealed by younger sediments (e.g. Baixo Alentejo Flysch Group and/or Cenozoic formations), allowing the selection of target areas. Case studies are discussed based on electromagnetic, seismic and magnetotelluric methods and on the high mineral potential of defined targets. Multilayered data correlation (geophysics including petrophysical data, geochemistry and stratigraphic high-resolution models) is a key prospecting methodology and is essential for the accurate modelling of ore horizons and geological structures. Considering the IPB potential for VMS deposits, including the possible discovery of new giant (> 200 Mt) deposits, an increase of investment in new geophysical methods can be predicted. LNEG development of R&D projects such as EXPLORA/Alentejo2020 and SmartExplorationTM/H2020 also contribute to a favourable setting in the province, both in near mining and green fields scenarios. Thus, new discoveries are expected, like others made in the recent times in the IPB Portuguese sector, such as Lagoa Salgada (SFM, 1992, SFM; Redcorp/EDM, 2011; Redcorp/Ascendant/EDM, 2017), Semblana (Somincor-AGC-Lundin Mining, 2010), Monte Branco (Somincor Lundin Mining, 2012) and Sesmarias (Maepa/Avrupa, 2014). The importance of these data goes beyond the mineral exploration purpose. Since some of them use rock and mineral physical properties that can be related with environmental contamination (e.g. radiometry and magnetics) they can also be used in geochemical background studies, acid mine drainage and metal dispersion. Therefore, they can also promote a deeper knowledge in other areas of research related with environment preservation.RESUMO: A aplicação de técnicas de prospeção geofísica na pesquisa de jazigos de sulfuretos maciços na Faixa Piritosa Ibérica (FPI) tem-se revelado um sucesso em Portugal e em Espanha. Vários jazigos ocultos foram descobertos a partir da interpretação de modelos geológicos, com o apoio de dados geofísicos recolhidos em levantamentos terrestres, aerotransportados ou em profundidade, em sondagens (diagrafias). Neste artigo, apresenta-se uma análise das metodologias aplicadas principalmente pelo LNEG e empresas mineiras em Portugal, na Zona Sul Portuguesa (ZSP), onde se insere a FPI. Destaca-se a interpretação dos levantamentos regionais, esc. 1/400 000, de gravimetria, magnetometria e radiometria (EXPLORA/Alentejo2020). Nestes programas, foi feito o processamento de um volume de informação significativo, a partir de dados obtidos desde a década de 1960. Neste contexto indicam-se diversos alinhamentos de gravimetria e de aeromagnetometria relativos a unidades geológicas com elevado potencial mineiro, como o Complexo Vulcano-Sedimentar (CVS, idade Famenniano a Viseano sup.), sobressaindo o eixo Alcoutim/Neves Corvo/Montinho/Sesmarias/Lousal/Caveira. Os dados de aeromagnetismo refletem também anomalias com origens mais profundas e relacionadas com a estrutura basal da ZSP. A base de dados de densidades de rocha é utilizada na interpretação gravimétrica da FPI. O mapa radiométrico (Radioatividade Natural), baseado fundamentalmente em radiometria aeroportada (contagens totais) mostra o contraste à superfície de litologias das formações paleozoicas, mesozoicas e cenozoicas, sendo salientado, no primeiro caso, a sua correlação com a cartografia de alterações hidrotermais. Em áreas onde o CVS se encontra subjacente sob sedimentos mais recentes (ex. Grupo Flysch Baixo Alentejo e formações cenozoicas), o uso de técnicas geofísicas é fundamental para a seleção de alvos. São também descritos exemplos sobre a aplicação de métodos eletromagnéticos, sísmicos e magnetotelúricos na identificação e caracterização de estruturas geológicas. A análise integrada de diferentes métodos geofísicos, complementados com informação geológica e geoquímica, constitui a melhor metodologia de prospeção, sendo essencial para a pesquisa de horizontes de mineralização. Considerando a FPI como uma das principais províncias metalogenéticas do mundo, é expectável que venham a ocorrer mais investimentos e assim serem identificados novos jazigos, inclusive com dimensão superior a 200 Mt. Através de projetos ID como o EXPLORA/Alentejo2020 e SmartExplorationTM/H2020 o LNEG contribui para um melhor conhecimento na FPI em cenários de prospeção near mining e green fields. Nesta perspetiva, são esperadas novas descobertas de jazigos à semelhança do que tem acontecido em Portugal, como por exemplo Lagoa Salgada (SFM-1992, Redcorp/EDM 2011, Redcorp/Ascendant/EDM-2017), Semblana (Somincor-AGC Lundin Mining, 2010), Monte Branco (Somincor-Lundin Mining, 2012) e Sesmarias (Maepa/Avrupa, 2014). A importância destes dados vai muito para além da prospeção mineira. Uma vez que alguns métodos utilizam propriedades físicas que podem ser relacionadas com contaminações ambientais. Certos métodos geofísicos como radiometria e magnetometria, resistividade e métodos elétricos em geral, podem ser utilizados também em trabalhos de investigação sobre background geoquímico, drenagem ácida de mina e dispersão de metais. Desta forma, a aplicação destes métodos promove também um conhecimento mais aprofundado noutras áreas de investigação relacionadas com a preservação do ambiente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of drying process on marupá wood color

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    This research was developed after consultations with tropical timber exporters, who were facing problems with the colors of the species under study. This work aimed at characterizing Simarouba amara tropical wood color and verifying possible differences between the colorimetric parameters determined for the tangential and the radial directions of the wood, kiln-dried and air-dried. S. amara wood presents a grayish-white color. This color is mainly characterized by the b* coordinate (yellow pigment). Depending on the drying method used, the wood may present different colors for both tangential and radial directions. In both drying methods conducted, the wood presented lighter color in the tangential direction. Kiln-drying appeared to reduce S. amara wood lightness

    3D Constrained Gravity Inversion and TEM, Seismic Reflection and Drill-Hole Analysis for New Target Generation in the Neves-Corvo VMS Mine Region, Iberian Pyrite Belt

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    ABSTRACT: Located in the Iberian pyrite belt, the Neves-Corvo mine is a world-class massive sulfide deposit and the largest operating mine in Portugal with underground mining down to 1000 m depth focused on massive and stockwork Cu, Zn, Pb rich ores. Gravimetric data have had a leading role in the discovery of the seven known deposits, together with time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) ground data. In this work, we present the results of a 3D constrained gravity inversion carried out with legacy ground gravity data. The 3D gravity inversions were carried out using an updated density database containing approximately 142,000 measurements. A recently constructed 3D geological model based on reprocessed 2D seismic reflection, 3D seismic, TEM and updated geology from detailed surface mapping and drill-hole data, was used to constrain the inversions. The results show multiple high-density anomalies that may indicate the presence of mineralization at depth. These anomalies were therefore cross-checked with holes previously drilled. Approximately 97% of more than 1000 available surface drill-holes located on or at a distance of less than 200 m from the high-density anomalies intersected mineralization. However, gravity anomalies have been drilled in the past and particularly dense black shales or rhyolitic/gabbroic rocks have been intersected. To increase the success of future drilling, gravimetric anomalies have been correlated spatially with high-conductivity TEM zones and strong-amplitude seismic reflections, because igneous rocks usually present weak-to-moderate conductivity and a massive column of black shales presents a seismic signature quite different from that of mineralization. We concluded that some of these locations represent high-quality targets to consider following up with drilling and further exploration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New insights on the ultramafic intrusions surrounding the Kunene Anorthosite Complex (SW Angola) from gravity, magnetic and radiometric data [Abstract]

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    ABSTRACT: The Kunene Anorthosite Complex (KAC), located in SW Angola, is one of the largest anorthosite structures in the world. Dating from the Mesoproterozoic, its installation process is still not clear. Several mafic and ultramafic outcrops can be found surrounding the KAC. Once considered related with its emplacement, the study of these bodies may help us understand the history of this unique geological feature. While geochronological data show that they are synchronous, or possibly a bit younger, than the embedding granites and migmatites of Paleoproterozoic age, the question arises of whether they are intrusions installed in the host rock or if they are instead recycled remains of older Arch crust. The development of these outcrops in depth provides relevant clues regarding the origin of these bodies and their relationship with the Eburnean (~1.93-2.04 Ga) and Epupa-Namibe (~1.83-1.74 Ga) events. One of these mafic outcrops, designated the Hamutenha outcrop (Huíla Province) exhibits an elongated shape and a NW-SE orientation and is characterized by an internal zonation. Generally, the innermost part is composed of ultramafic rocks of (mostly harzburgites and dunites), with diorites outcropping in its NW and SE borders. The Hamutenha outcrop was previously identified for potentially bearing Cr, Ni and PGE mineralization.N/

    Bacterially assembled biopolyester nanobeads for removing cadmium from water

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    Cadmium (Cd)-contaminated waterbodies are a worldwide concern for the environment, impacting human health. To address the need for efficient, sustainable and cost-effective remediation measures, we developed innovative Cd bioremediation agents by engineering Escherichia coli to assemble poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) (PHB) beads densely coated with Cd-binding peptides. This was accomplished by translational fusion of Cd-binding peptides to the N- or C-terminus of a PHB synthase that catalyzes PHB synthesis and mediates assembly of Cd2 or Cd1 coated PHB beads, respectively. Cd1 beads showed greater Cd adsorption with 441 nmol Cd mg-1 bead mass when compared to Cd2 beads (334 nmol Cd mg-1 bead-mass) and plain beads (238 nmol Cd mg-1 bead-mass). The Cd beads were not ecotoxic and did attenuate Cd-spiked solutions toxicity. Overall, the bioengineered beads provide a means to remediate Cd-contaminated sites, can be cost-effectively produced at large scale, and offer a biodegradable and safe alternative to synthetic ecotoxic treatments.publishe

    Assessing autophagy in archived tissue or how to capture autophagic flux from a tissue snapshot

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    Autophagy is a highly conserved degradation mechanism that is essential for maintaining cellular homeostasis. In human disease, autophagy pathways are frequently deregulated and there is immense interest in targeting autophagy for therapeutic approaches. Accordingly, there is a need to determine autophagic activity in human tissues, an endeavor that is hampered by the fact that autophagy is characterized by the flux of substrates whereas histology informs only about amounts and localization of substrates and regulators at a single timepoint. Despite this challenging task, considerable progress in establishing markers of autophagy has been made in recent years. The importance of establishing clear-cut autophagy markers that can be used for tissue analysis cannot be underestimated. In this review, we attempt to summarize known techniques to quantify autophagy in human tissue and their drawbacks. Furthermore, we provide some recommendations that should be taken into consideration to improve the reliability and the interpretation of autophagy biomarkers in human tissue samples.This work was supported by grants from the Bernese Cancer League, “Stiftung für klinisch-experimentelle Tumorforschung”, and the Werner and Hedy Berger-Janser Foundation for Cancer Research (to M.H.); by Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) and FEDER funds from the EU (PI14/01085 and PI17/00093) and supported by Miguel Servet contract by ISCIII and FSE funds (CPII16/00023) (to M.M.); from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-096748-B-100 to N.A.); from the University Professor Training Fellowship, Ministry of Science, Innovation and University, Government of Spain (FPU17/00026) (to P.C.O); from the ISCIII (PI16/00090 and PI19/01266) and the Andalusian Government (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales, PI-0198-2016) for their financial support, and from the Biomedical Research Network Center for Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd) founded by the ISCIII and co-financed by European Development Regional Fund (EDRF) “A way to achieve Europe” for their financial support (to J.M.), from Breakthrough Cancer Research, Ireland funding (to S.L.M); from the PI18/00442 grant integrated into the State Plan for R & D + I2013-2016 and funded by the ISCIII and the ERDF, a way to make Europe (to G.V.); from the Luxembourg National Research Fund (C18/BM/12670304/COMBATIC to B.J.); from the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE) (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013) and from the projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028159 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030782 by FEDER, through the COMPETE (to P.L.); from National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (to P.L.); from ARRS—the Slovenian research agency, programme P1-0140: Proteolysis and its regulation (led by B. Turk) (to E.Ž.); from the Swiss Cancer Research (KFS-3360-02-2014) (to A.P, and M.P.T.) (KFS-3409-02-2014), and the Swiss National Science Foundation (31003A_173219) (to M.P.T.)

    Predicting participation of people with impaired vision in epidemiological studies

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    The characteristics of the target group and the design of an epidemiologic study, in particular the recruiting methods, can influence participation. People with vision impairment have unique characteristics because those invited are often elderly and totally or partially dependent on help to complete daily activities such as travelling to study sites. Therefore, participation of people with impaired vision in studies is less predictable than predicting participation for the general population.This study was supported by FCT (COMPETE/QREN) grant reference PTDC/DPT-EPI/0412/2012 in the context of the Prevalence and Costs of Visual Impairment in Portugal: a hospital based study (PCVIP-study). PLR is funded by FCT (COMPETE/QREN) grant reference SFRH/BD/119420/2016

    Fistula Recurrence: A Clinical Reality after Successful Endoscopic Closure of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Fistulas

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    Background and Aims: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG)-related fistulas are important and potentially fatal complications. We aimed at determining the incidence, predictive factors, and management of recurrence of post-LSG fistulas. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of 12 consecutive patients with LSG fistulas managed endoscopically between 2008 and 2013. We analyzed factors associated with recurrence of post-LSG fistulas and the efficacy of a primarily endoscopic approach to manage fistula recurrence. Results: The average age at fistula detection after LSG was 43.3 ± 10.9 years, and 10 (83%) patients were female. The median interval between surgery and initial fistula detection was 14 (4–145) days. Fistulas were located at the gastric cardia in 9/12 patients. A median of 4 (1–10) endoscopies were performed per patient until all fistulas were successfully closed. The median follow-up was 30.5 (15–72) months. Fistula recurrence was detected in 3 (25%) female patients with an average age of 31.7 ± 7.9 years after a median of 119 (50–205) days of the initial fistula closure. Fistulas in all 3 patients recurred at the gastric cardia and were successfully managed endoscopically. There was a second recurrence in 1 patient after 6 months, and she was re-operated with anastomosis of a jejunal loop at the site of the fistula orifice at the gastric cardia. We did not find any factors at initial fistula detection that were significantly associated with fistula recurrence. There were no deaths related to initial fistula after LSG and fistula recurrence. Conclusions: A primarily endoscopic approach is an effective and safe method for the management of fistulas after LSG. Fistula recurrence occurred in 25% of patients and was managed endoscopically. Key Messages: Although we could not define predictive factors of post-LSG fistula recurrence, it is a clinical reality and can be managed endoscopically