1,885 research outputs found

    Producción de hidrolizados proteicos con propiedades antihipertensivas mediante proteólisis y altas presiones hidrostáticas a partir de leguminosas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Agrícola. Fecha de lectura: 04-03-2016Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 04-09-2017El trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto de investigación AGL-2010- 16310 titulado “Procesos tecnológicos para la obtención de extractos funcionales de leguminosas con actividad antihipertensiva” financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2010-2014

    Herramienta de monitoreo y evaluación de desempeño en docentes de una institución superior en la ciudad de Guayaquil, 2023

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    La presente investigación se planteó como objetivo general, determinar la relación que existe entre la herramienta de monitoreo y evaluación con el desempeño de los docentes de una institución superior en la ciudad de Guayaquil. Se sustenta en la teoría de evaluación auténtica de Wiggins (1990) y en la teoría de la Autoeficacia de Bandura (1986). El tipo de investigación es básica, con enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental descriptivo correlacional. La muestra fueron 40 docentes, para la recolección de datos se aplicaron dos cuestionarios de 20 ítems cada uno. Fueron validados por expertos y se obtuvo 1 en V de Aiken. La confiabilidad del Alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,964 para el instrumento del desempeño docente y 0,962 para monitoreo y evaluación. Los resultados de la tabla 7 muestran un Rho de Spearman de 0,511 y significancia 0,000. En la tabla 2 el 47,5% de docentes perciben un nivel medio de herramienta de monitoreo y evaluación, al mismo tiempo que su desempeño docente se ubica también en el nivel medio. Se concluye que, Existe relación significativa entre la herramienta de monitoreo y evaluación con el desempeño de los docentes de una institución superior en la ciudad de Guayaquil

    Fortalecimiento de capacidades en la gestión del riesgo de desastre para los entes territoriales en el departamento del Vichada Colombia.

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    La unidad Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (UNGRD) es la entidad coordinadora del Sistema Nacional Para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (SNGRD) el cual debe velar que las entidades cumplan con lo propuesto en la ley 1523 del 2012, esta ley es la que rige todo lo que tiene ver de manera administrativa a gestión del riesgo en el territorio y sector nacional. Por tal motivo se desea crear un lineamiento para que cada uno haga su tarea, en la parte administrativa contemplada en dicha ley, el cual pueda ayudar a las coordinaciones de las oficinas territoriales en gestión del riesgo de desastre, con la mano del marco estratégico de la UNGRD y así hacer un seguimiento con indicadores el cual si cumplen con lo estipulado y medir con indicadores como se encuentra la gestión del riesgo de desastre. Se requiere diseñar un decálogo de capacidades mininas en la gestión del riesgo para así poder sistematizar el avance de la gestión del riesgo de desastre en regiones y/o país. Esto ayudaría a ver las debilidades y/o fortaleza de cada departamento y municipios, el cual se requiere el acompañamiento de los ministerios ya que la gestión del riesgo es transversal a todos los sectores.The National Disaster Risk Management Unit (UNGRD) is the coordinating entity of the National System For Disaster Risk Management (SNGRD) which must ensure that the entities comply with what is proposed in Law 1523 of 2012, this law is The one that governs everything that has to do administratively with risk management in the territory and national sector. For this reason, it is desired to create a guideline for each one to do his task, in the administrative part contemplated in said law, which can help the coordination of the territorial offices in disaster risk management, with the help of the strategic framework of the UNGRD and thus follow up with indicators which do comply with what is stipulated and measure with indicators such as disaster risk management. It is necessary to design a decalogue of mine capacities in risk management in order to systematize the progress of disaster risk management in regions and / or countries. This would help to see the weaknesses and / or strength of each department and municipalities, which requires the accompaniment of the ministries since risk management is transversal to all sectors

    Caracterización hidroquímica de cenotes del Estado de Yucatán, México

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    El acuífero del Estado de Yucatán constituye uno de los más vulnerables en el país, debido a diversos factores tanto antropogénicos como naturales que afectan su calidad. En el presente trabajo de investigación, se evaluó un grupo de cenotes del Estado de Yucatán, estableciendo sus características mediante una serie de análisis fisicoquímicos realizados a las muestras de agua y la integración de los datos obtenidos en diagramas hidroquímicos. La naturaleza de su composición química está relacionada a la interacción agua-roca con una facie dominante de Ca-Mg-HCO₃ como resultado de la disolución de minerales como calcita, aragonita y dolomita. De acuerdo a su calidad para propósitos de irrigación se consideró que es adecuada para emplearse en cultivos salino tolerantes. Desafortunadamente, su calidad como agua de consumo no es favorable, al presentar salinidad, sólidos totales disueltos, dureza, amonio y arsénico con valores superiores a las normas definidas para este uso.The aquifer of the State of Yucatan is one of the most vulnerable in the country, due to various anthropogenic and natural factors that affect its quality. In the present research work, a group of cenotes from the State of Yucatán was evaluated, establishing its characteristics through a series of physicochemical analyzes performed on water samples and the integration of data obtained in hydrochemical diagrams. The nature of its chemical composition is related to water-rock interaction with a dominant Ca-Mg-HCO₃ facie as a result of the dissolution of minerals such as calcite, aragonite and dolomite. According to its quality for irrigation purposes, it was considered suitable for use in saline tolerant crops. Unfortunately, its quality as drinking water is unsuitable, since it presents salinity, total dissolved solids, hardness, ammonium, and arsenic values higher than the standards defined for this use

    DNA hypomethylation affects cancer-related biological functions and genes relevant in neuroblastoma pathogenesis

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) pathogenesis has been reported to be closely associated with numerous genetic alterations. However, underlying DNA methylation patterns have not been extensively studied in this developmental malignancy. Here, we generated microarray-based DNA methylation profiles of primary neuroblastic tumors. Stringent supervised differential methylation analyses allowed us to identify epigenetic changes characteristic for NB tumors as well as for clinical and biological subtypes of NB. We observed that gene-specific loss of DNA methylation is more prevalent than promoter hypermethylation. Remarkably, such hypomethylation affected cancer-related biological functions and genes relevant to NB pathogenesis such as CCND1, SPRR3, BTC, EGF and FGF6. In particular, differential methylation in CCND1 affected mostly an evolutionary conserved functionally relevant 3′ untranslated region, suggesting that hypomethylation outside promoter regions may play a role in NB pathogenesis. Hypermethylation targeted genes involved in cell development and proliferation such as RASSF1A, POU2F2 or HOXD3, among others. The results derived from this study provide new candidate epigenetic biomarkers associated with NB as well as insights into the molecular pathogenesis of this tumor, which involves a marked gene-specific hypomethylation

    Expression of the neuron-specific protein CHD5 is an independent marker of outcome in neuroblastoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The chromodomain, helicase DNA-binding protein 5 (CHD5) is a potential tumor suppressor gene located on chromosome 1p36, a region recurrently deleted in high risk neuroblastoma (NB). Previous data have shown that <it>CHD5 </it>mRNA is present in normal neural tissues and in low risk NB, nevertheless, the distribution of CHD5 protein has not been explored. The aim of this study was to investigate CHD5 protein expression as an immunohistochemical marker of outcome in NB. With this purpose, CHD5 protein expression was analyzed in normal neural tissues and neuroblastic tumors (NTs). <it>CHD5 </it>gene and protein expression was reexamined after induction chemotherapy in a subset of high risk tumors to identify potential changes reflecting tumor response.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We provide evidence that CHD5 is a neuron-specific protein, absent in glial cells, with diverse expression amongst neuron types. Within NTs, CHD5 immunoreactivity was found restricted to differentiating neuroblasts and ganglion-like cells, and absent in undifferentiated neuroblasts and stromal Schwann cells. Correlation between protein and mRNA levels was found, suggesting transcriptional regulation of <it>CHD5</it>. An immunohistochemical analysis of 90 primary NTs highlighted a strong association of CHD5 expression with favorable prognostic variables (age at diagnosis <12 months, low clinical stage, and favorable histology; P < 0.001 for all), overall survival (OS) (P < 0.001) and event-free survival (EFS) (P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that CHD5 prognostic value is independent of other clinical and biologically relevant parameters, and could therefore represent a marker of outcome in NB that can be tested by conventional immunohistochemistry. The prognostic value of CHD5 was confirmed in an independent, blinded set of 32 NB tumors (P < 0.001).</p> <p>Reactivation of <it>CHD5 </it>expression after induction chemotherapy was observed mainly in those high risk tumors with induced tumor cell differentiation features. Remarkably, these NB tumors showed good clinical response and prolonged patient survival.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The neuron-specific protein CHD5 may represent a marker of outcome in NB that can be tested by conventional immunohistochemistry. Re-establishment of CHD5 expression induced by chemotherapy could be a surrogate marker of treatment response.</p

    Abatacept in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and interstitial lung disease: A national multicenter study of 63 patients

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    OBJECTIVE: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is one of the most serious complications of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the present study, we aimed to assess the efficacy of abatacept (ABA) in patients with ILD associated to RA. METHODS: National multicenter, non-controlled, open-label registry study of RA patients with ILD treated with ABA. RESULTS: 63 patients (36 women) with RA-associated ILD undergoing ABA therapy were studied. The mean ± standard deviation age at the time of the study was 63.2 ± 9.8 years. The median duration of RA and ILD from diagnosis were 6.8 and 1 year, respectively. RA was seropositive in 55 patients (87.3%). In 15 (23.8%) of 63 patients the development of ILD was closely related to the administration of synthetic or biologic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. After a follow-up of 9.4 ± 3.2 months, two-thirds of patients remained stable whereas one-quarter experienced improvement in the Modified Medical Research Council scale. At that time forced vital capacity remained stable in almost two-thirds of patents and improved in one out of five patients assessed. Also, diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide remained stable in almost two-thirds and showed improvement in a quarter of the patients assessed. At 12 months, 50% of the 22 patients in whom chest HRCT scan was performed due persistence of respiratory symptoms showed stabilization, 8 (36.4%) improvement and 3 worsening of the HRCT scan pattern. Eleven of 63 patients had to discontinue ABA, mainly due to adverse events. CONCLUSION: ABA appears to be an effective in RA-associated ILD.Funding: This work was partially supported by RETICS Programs, RD08/0075 (RIER) and RD12/0009/0013 from ‘‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’’ (ISCIII), Spain

    Energy Estimation of Cosmic Rays with the Engineering Radio Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) is part of the Pierre Auger Observatory and is used to detect the radio emission of cosmic-ray air showers. These observations are compared to the data of the surface detector stations of the Observatory, which provide well-calibrated information on the cosmic-ray energies and arrival directions. The response of the radio stations in the 30 to 80 MHz regime has been thoroughly calibrated to enable the reconstruction of the incoming electric field. For the latter, the energy deposit per area is determined from the radio pulses at each observer position and is interpolated using a two-dimensional function that takes into account signal asymmetries due to interference between the geomagnetic and charge-excess emission components. The spatial integral over the signal distribution gives a direct measurement of the energy transferred from the primary cosmic ray into radio emission in the AERA frequency range. We measure 15.8 MeV of radiation energy for a 1 EeV air shower arriving perpendicularly to the geomagnetic field. This radiation energy -- corrected for geometrical effects -- is used as a cosmic-ray energy estimator. Performing an absolute energy calibration against the surface-detector information, we observe that this radio-energy estimator scales quadratically with the cosmic-ray energy as expected for coherent emission. We find an energy resolution of the radio reconstruction of 22% for the data set and 17% for a high-quality subset containing only events with at least five radio stations with signal.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO