1,059 research outputs found

    D.3.1 – Privacy Breach Scenarios in SocioPlug

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    GDD_HCERES2020In SocioPlug, we have particular concerns about data protection. Services proposed by SocioPlug will conform to European regulations, during personal data collection and data access. In particular the right to oblivion, collection and access purposes should be explicitly determined by data owners. SocioPlug’s architecture is fully distributed and has no centralized server, thereafter, there is no centralized control about data and applications of users. The goal is to avoid the existence of a “big brother” vigilating every person of the social cloud. Nevertheless, collaboration implies accessing personal data of other users. As services and data will be distributed in a social cloud, participants must be responsible of their data but also of other’s data they collect and use. Thus, they must define usage policies for each shared data and people that collects and uses other’s data must preserve stated policies.From application scenarios described in deliverable D.4.1, in this report, we identify some important privacy breach scenarios that may appear in SocioPlug

    Tracking Federated Queries in the Linked Data

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    Federated query engines allow data consumers to execute queries over the federation of Linked Data (LD). However, as federated queries are decomposed into potentially thousands of subqueries distributed among SPARQL endpoints, data providers do not know federated queries, they only know subqueries they process. Consequently, unlike warehousing approaches, LD data providers have no access to secondary data. In this paper, we propose FETA (FEderated query TrAcking), a query tracking algorithm that infers Basic Graph Patterns (BGPs) processed by a federation from a shared log maintained by data providers. Concurrent execution of thousand subqueries generated by multiple federated query engines makes the query tracking process challenging and uncertain. Experiments with Anapsid show that FETA is able to extract BGPs which, even in a worst case scenario, contain BGPs of original queries


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    Soil organic matter (SOM) is a dynamic soil property, sensitive and responsive to many factors. The possibility of increasing soil carbon (C) sequestration by changing land use and management practices has been of great interest recently due to concerns with global changes in the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) balance. Nonetheless, as a result of the complex dynamics of SOM, there is still the need for SOM characterization procedures capable of monitoring SOM stabilization, taking into account all the factors involved. This study characterized SOM stabilization as affected by management practices in three long-term field experiments, considering physical, chemical and biological components. The field experiments are located near Lexington, Kentucky, on a Maury silt loam (fine, mixed, mesic Typic Paleudalfs). The first experiment evaluates tillage and nitrogen (N) rate effects. The second experiment studies manure and N rate effects. The third experiment evaluates the five corn components of three crop rotations [continuous (monoculture) corn, corn-wheat/double crop soybean, and hay-hay-corn-corn-corn]. Soil organic matter content, stability, and composition, for physically separated fractions, were assessed using δ13C natural abundance and diffuse reflectance Fourier transformed infrared (DRIFT) spectroscopy. In addition, management effects on microbial biomass and microbial function as indicated by phenol oxidase enzyme activity were evaluated. The results indicate that management practices affect SOM content, stability, and composition, and these effects differ by the soil aggregate fraction. No-tillage (NT), N fertilization, manure application and increased corn in crop rotations enhanced SOM levels. However, the effect of NT was observed mainly at the soil surface. Soil organic matter storage was determined by the aggregate size distribution. The proportion of recently deposited C was generally positively related to aggregate size, especially for the first and third experiments. Most of the recently deposited C was stabilized in microaggregates within macroaggregates, across the management treatments and field experiments. In addition, this fraction consistently exhibited low to medium SOM reactivity. These results suggest that SOM stabilization, as influenced by management practices, required achieving a specific composition and location within the soil matrix. This implies that soil C forms and aggregate size and stability are closely interrelated

    Personal Linked Data: A Solution to Manage User's Privacy on the Web

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    National audienceWhile using modern applications, personal digital data is spread over hundreds of servers all around the world and users have very poor control over these data. To tackle this issue, based on the semantic Web, we are developing a framework, named Privacy-Lookout, to allow people to be on the lookout for transgressions of their personal data privacy. Concretely, we propose to construct a personal linked data view of individuals to organize and semantically enrich the meta information of their personal data existing in the Web. The mean idea is to allow users to know if the information the Web posses about them respects their privacy principles. This paper introduces the first ideas of such approach

    Regional polyphase deformation of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina Andean foreland): strengths and weaknesses of paleostress inversion

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    The Eastern Sierras Pampeanas of central Argentina are composed of a series of basement-cored ranges, located in the Andean foreland c. 600 km east of the Andean Cordillera. Although uplift of the ranges is partly attributed to the regional Neogene evolution (Ramos et al. 2002), many questions remain as to the timing and style of deformation. In fact, the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas show compelling evidence of a long lasting brittle history (spanning the Early Carboniferous to Present time), characterised by several deformation events reflecting different tectonic regimes. Each deformation phase resulted in further strain increments accommodated by reactivation of inherited structures and rheological anisotropies (Martino 2003). In the framework of such a polyphase brittle tectonic evolution affecting highly anisotropic basement rocks, the application of paleostress inversion methods, though powerful, suffers from some shortcomings, such as the likely heterogeneous character of fault slip datasets and the possible reactivation of even highly misoriented structures, and thus requires careful analysis. The challenge is to gather sufficient fault-slip data, to develop a proper understanding of the regional evolution. This is done by the identification of internally consistent fault and fracture subsets (associated to distinct stress states on the basis of their geometric and kinematic compatibility) in order to generate a chronologically-constrained evolutionary conceptual model. Based on large fault-slip datasets collected in the Sierras de Cordoba (Eastern Sierras Pampeanas), reduced stress tensors have been generated and interpreted as part of an evolutionary model by considering the obtained results against: (i) existing K\u2013Ar illite ages of fault gouges in the study area (Bense et al. 2013), (ii) the nature and orientation of pre-existing anisotropies and (iii) the present-day stress field due to the convergence of the Nazca and South America plates (main shortening oriented WSW-ENE). Although remarkable differences in reactivation mechanisms have been observed for the various studied lithological domains (schist, gneiss and granitic rocks), the brittle regional polyphase deformation of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas appears to be dominated by two extensional episodes (sigma3 oriented NE/ENE and WNW, respectively), which can be associated with Middle-Late Permian to Early Cretaceous tectonism, followed by a compressional paleostress (sigma1 oriented ENE), which is compatible with the present day Andean convergence. Paleostress inversion techniques, despite all uncertainties involved, represent a robust approach to disentangle complex polyphase deformation histories both in term of reactivation mechanisms and strain partitioning

    Propiedades de resistencia a la corrosión de aceros aleados al Si embebidos en mortero

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    Se presentan los resultados obtenidos al realizar evaluaciones de carácter metalúrgico y electroquímico a una serie de aceros aleados al silicio. Se realizaron distintos tratamientos térmicos a estos aceros para generar una microestructura, compuesta de una matriz de ferrita y una segunda fase de martensita, cuya fracción volumétrica fuera equivalente a un 20% del total de la microestructura. Los aceros sujetos a tratamiento térmico fueron embebidos en mortero con el objetivo de construir probetas, que pudieran ser utilizadas para realizar mediciones electroquímicas de potencial de corrosión. Se efectuaron pruebas de corrosión acelerada, a fin de complementar la información obtenida mediante las pruebas electroquímicas

    Evaluating WUW, a service to enhance users' satisfaction in Content-Based Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    International audienceNowadays, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) architectures are becoming more popular in content delivery applications thanks to their valuable characteristics as scalability, performance and low maintenance costs. In those systems, peers share their resources automatically (bandwidth, storage, etc.) and not only download content but also upload content to other peers organized in a neighbourhood. Each peer' neighbourhood is based basically on QoS-related parameters (available bandwidth, number of connections, etc.) and the amount of exchanged content. We consider that peers are under control of users that are autonomous and free persons having rights, preferences and interests. As users' resources are the richness of P2P systems, we think it is important to satisfy their preferences beyond the QoS. In this paper we present first experimental results of WUW (What Users Want), a service located on top of a P2P layer and proposed to satisfy users' preferences during content exchange. In the current implementation we use the BitTorrent protocol for measuring to which extent users' preferences influence the P2P behaviour when WUW is used. We describe how the experimental scenarios are built using the resources provided by Grid'5000. Our preliminary results are encouraging because they show a low overhead of WUW on the global content sharing performance

    Propuesta de alfabetización digital para mejorar las estrategias de enseñanza de los docentes de una institución educativa Ecuador, 2022

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    La investigación denominada “Propuesta de alfabetización digital para mejorar las estrategias de enseñanza de los docentes de una institución educativa Ecuador, 2022, tuvo como objetivo diseñar una propuesta de alfabetización digital para mejorar las estrategias de enseñanza de los docentes de una institución educativa Ecuador, 2022. La investigación planteó la hipótesis, donde se estableció, la elaboración de una propuesta de alfabetización digital permitirá mejorar las estrategias de enseñanza de los docentes de una institución educativa Ecuador, 2022. La población de estudio fue de 26 docentes de una institución educativa. El diseño de investigación fue de tipo no experimental, descriptivo y propositivo, se utilizó la técnica de encuesta con respuestas de escala ordinal para medir tanto la variable independiente y la variable dependiente, los datos que se recogieron en la investigación fueron analizados a través del software SPSS. El resultado de la tabla 2, la variable alfabetización digital se ubica en los niveles medio 3,8% y alto 96,2%, en la tabla 5, la variable estrategia de enseñanza se ubica en el nivel alto 100%. El estudio concluye que la propuesta de alfabetización digital se relaciona significativamente con la estrategia de enseñanza de los docentes de una institución educativa Ecuador, 2022

    Duplicated membrane estrogen receptors in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): Phylogeny, expression and regulation throughout the reproductive cycle

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    The numerous estrogen functions reported across vertebrates have been classically explained by their binding to specific transcription factors, the nuclear estrogen receptors (ERs). Rapid non-genomic estrogenic responses have also been recently identified in vertebrates including fish, which can be mediated by membrane receptors such as the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (Gper). In this study, two genes for Gper, namely gpera and gperb, were identified in the genome of a teleost fish, the European sea bass. Phylogenetic analysis indicated they were most likely retained after the 3R teleost-specific whole genome duplication and raises questions about their function in male and female sea bass. Gpera expression was mainly restricted to brain and pituitary in both sexes while gperb had a widespread tissue distribution with higher expression levels in gill filaments, kidney and head kidney. Both receptors were detected in the hypothalamus and pituitary of both sexes and significant changes in gpers expression were observed throughout the annual reproductive season. In female pituitaries, gpera showed an overall increase in expression throughout the reproductive season while gperb levels remained constant. In the hypothalamus, gpera had a higher expression during vitellogenesis and decreased in fish entering the ovary maturation and ovulation stage, while gperb expression increased at the final atresia stage. In males, gpers expression was constant in the hypothalamus and pituitary throughout the reproductive cycle apart from the mid- to late testicular development stage transition when a significant up-regulation of gpera occurred in the pituitary. The differential sex, seasonal and subtype-specific expression patterns detected for the two novel gper genes in sea bass suggests they may have acquired different and/or complementary roles in mediating estrogens actions in fish, namely on the neuroendocrine control of reproduction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio