34 research outputs found

    Welding process monitoring applications and industry 4.0

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    With the fourth industrial revolution in progress, traditional manufacturing processes are being transformed. Fusion welding is no exception from this transformation. The centuries-old manual craft is being reshaped by cyber-physical systems, turning into a digitized process governed by industrial informatics. By implementing process monitoring in welding applications invaluable data are collected that can be utilized in the new, futuristic smart factories of Industry 4.0. In this article two purposes are being served. The first is to present the status quo alongside the future trends of welding process monitoring on industrial implementation. The second is to present the results of an ongoing investigation of robotic Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) monitoring for defect detection and characterization. Deviations from the optimal values in three welding conditions (surface integrity, shielding gas flow rate and surface contamination) were introduced during stainless steel 316L beads-on-plates welding. Acquired data during the welding process were used to extract features in order to identify correlations between the disturbances and the monitored signals


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    M. Sahdi Patran Nst, 1405106010078.Modifikasi Mesin Kepras Tunggul Tebu Pada Traktor Roda Dua dengan Piringan Berputar Vertikal. Di bawah bimbingan Syafriandi, S.TP, M.Sisebagai pembimbing utama bersama Mustaqimah, S.TP.,M.Scsebagai pembimbing anggota.RINGKASANPada proses budidaya tanaman tebu di perkebunan terdapat beberapa kegiatan budidaya yang salah satunyaadalah proses penanaman. Ada dua cara dalam budidaya tanaman tebu yaitu dengan tanaman pertama atau PC ( Plant Cane) maupun dengan cara kepras (ratoon). Dalam proses pengeprasan kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa pemangkasan tebu hingga rata dengan permukaan tanah sehingga diharapkan agar tunas yang terbentuk akan tumbuh dengan baik. Meningkatkan efisiensi pengeprasan diperlukan suatu mesin kepras tebu yang dapat memberikan kemudahan pemakaian dilapang serta kemudahan dalam perawatan dan perbaikannya. Menurut penelitian (Mingga, 2015) mesin kepras tunggul tebu dengan sumber tenaga traktor roda dua tipe rotari slasher atau berputar mendatar memiliki hasil pengujian kedalaman kepras rata-rata 6,33 cm dan lebar keprasan rata-rata 63,33 cm serta persentase kepras pecah 34,12% - 40,15%.. latar belakang tersebut yang mendasari perancangan alat kepras tebu piringan berputar vertikal dengan harapan produktivitas tebu keprasan meningkat dan persentase kepras pecah lebih sedikit.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Mei sampai dengan bulan Juni 2018, dilakukan di laboratorium Perbengkelan Pertanian Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh.Bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kontruksi prototipe mesin kepras tebu adalah besi UNP , besi plat tebal 8 mm, besi as, mur baut, flens bearing dan plat baja. Instrumen dan peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur parameter adalah: tachometer digital, kamera digital, alat ukur panjang/meteran, relief meter, stop watch, dan lain-lainnya. Pengujian alat dilakukan pada tiga alur guludan dengan satu kali perlakuan. Setiap guludan memiliki 20 rumpun, satu rumpun tebu terdiri dari 3 batang tebu. Parameter pengujian ialah pengamatan profil guludan setelah dan sebelum pengeprasan yang meliputi tinggi dan lebar keprasan. Perhitungan kualitas keprasan dan pertumbuhan tunas serta tinggi dan diameter tunas tebu yang dihitung selama 4 minggu setelah pengeprasan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modifikasi mesin kepras tunggul tebu pada traktor roda dua dengan tipe mata pisau berputar vertikal didesain dengan menggunakan aplikasi SolidWork. Panjang pisau dari penahan pisau sampai ujung pisau10 cm, lebar pisau 5cm dan rasio yang digunakan pada gearbox sebesar 11 : 16. Daya pemotongan yang digunakan pada saat pengeprasan sebesar 1661,7 watt atau 2,2 hp. Rata-rata kedalaman keprasan mata pisau berputar vertikal sebesar 9,06 cm dan lebar rata-rata keprasan sebesar 31,66 cm. Hasil kualitas keprasan dari ketiga parameter menunjukkan bahwa kepras utuh memiliki persentase terbanyak dengan nilai 62,77%. Pertumbuhan tunas guludan 3 merupakan yang tertinggi dibandingkan pertumbuhan tinggi tunas guludan 1 dan 2 pada minggu ke-4 (28 HSK), dengan nilai 86,67%


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    El presente proyecto trata de una solución de movilidad vial en la intersección semaforizada de la Autopista sur con carrera 63 en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia; mediante la propuesta de un diseño geométrico vial. En esta intersección se identifica que el desplazamiento vehicular es lento debido a la cantidad de semáforos, ya que gran cantidad de automotores ingresan y cruzan desde la Autopista Sur generando cua-tro cruces diferentes hasta la carrera 63 ingreso al barrio Villa del rio. Por lo anterior es nece-sario realizar un nuevo diseño geométrico vial que incluya pasos a desnivel en esta zona, para permitir el desplazamiento continuo de vehícu-los conforme con las necesidades viales conce-bidas para la capital. La metodología fue desa-rrollada con base en recopilación de informa-ción topográfica, estudios de intersecciones a nivel mundial de carreteras de primer orden, donde se han realizado pasos a desniveles, y la propuesta de diseño. Se toma como guía las normas de diseño que señala el INVIAS dando como resultado la localización detallada de in-formación topográfica. Se realizan los diseños en planta, perfil y secciones transversales. Una vez terminado el análisis de resultados se cons-truye el modelo Animado en el software In-fraworks para evidenciar el diseño final

    A finite element analysis of tidal deformation of the entire earth with a discontinuous outer layer

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    Tidal deformation of the Earth is normally calculated using the analytical solution with some simplified assumptions, such as the Earth is a perfect sphere of continuous media. This paper proposes an alternative way, in which the Earth crust is discontinuous along its boundaries, to calculate the tidal deformation using a finite element method. An in-house finite element code is firstly introduced in brief and then extended here to calculate the tidal deformation. The tidal deformation of the Earth due to the Moon was calculated for an geophysical earth model with the discontinuous outer layer and compared with the continuous case. The preliminary results indicate that the discontinuity could have different effects on the tidal deformation in the local zone around the fault, but almost no effects on both the locations far from the fault and the global deformation amplitude of the Earth. The localized deformation amplitude seems to depend much on the relative orientation between the fault strike direction and the loading direction (i.e. the location of the Moon) and the physical property of the fault

    An epi-fluorescent spinning-disk confocal microscope

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    Factors promoting the Mental well-being of Children in Refugee Camps in Low and Middle-income countries. - A Systematic Review

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    Background: refugee children are children who have lost their homes, families, neighborhoods, and lifestyle routines and have moved to another country. They are at risk of mental health problems due to the traumatic experiences and stressors. 9 in 10 refugee children live in refugee camps in low and middle-income countries which have limited access to resources, services, and better living conditions. Four themes were identified as factors promoting children’s mental health in refugee camps. Positive relationships, education, access to health care services, and community support Methods: 274 articles were identified for this studying using the same search strings on all 5 selected databases (PsyINFO, Psychology database, Scopus, Pubmed, Sociological Abstract) 108 duplicates were removed, and the abstract and title screen was done for 166 articles. only 25 articles went through the full-text screening using specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. 7 articles were finally included in this study. Results: Results indicated that children feel happy, safe, and secure, and expressed positive behaviors when they are surrounded by quality family and peer relationships when they can have access to educational opportunities, and when they have a supportive and engaging community that provide them resources and recreational activities

    Factors promoting the Mental well-being of Children in Refugee Camps in Low and Middle-income countries. - A Systematic Review

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    Background: refugee children are children who have lost their homes, families, neighborhoods, and lifestyle routines and have moved to another country. They are at risk of mental health problems due to the traumatic experiences and stressors. 9 in 10 refugee children live in refugee camps in low and middle-income countries which have limited access to resources, services, and better living conditions. Four themes were identified as factors promoting children’s mental health in refugee camps. Positive relationships, education, access to health care services, and community support Methods: 274 articles were identified for this studying using the same search strings on all 5 selected databases (PsyINFO, Psychology database, Scopus, Pubmed, Sociological Abstract) 108 duplicates were removed, and the abstract and title screen was done for 166 articles. only 25 articles went through the full-text screening using specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. 7 articles were finally included in this study. Results: Results indicated that children feel happy, safe, and secure, and expressed positive behaviors when they are surrounded by quality family and peer relationships when they can have access to educational opportunities, and when they have a supportive and engaging community that provide them resources and recreational activities

    Current mode effects on weld bead geometry and heat affected zone in pulsed wire arc additive manufacturing of Ti-6-4 and Inconel 718

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    For the last decade, additive manufacturing (AM) has been revolutionising the aerospace industry, building and repairing various components for aircrafts and outer space vehicles. Despite the fact that AM is gaining rapid adoption by the industry, it is still considered a developing technology, with ongoing research in a variety of fields. Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM), a welding-based AM technology, is an active field of research as well, because it enables economical production of large-scale metal components with relatively high deposition rates. In this article, the effects on the weld-bead geometry and heat affected zone from high and low frequency pulsed current are explored on Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW). The materials used in this investigation were selected to be Ti-6-4 and Inconel 718, both highly used in the aerospace industry for their high strength-to-weight ratio and strength at elevated temperatures respectively. The design of the experiments followed a Taguchi-inspired orthogonal array, altering, apart from the current modes and values, the torch travel speed driven by an industrial robotic arm as well as the wire-feeding rate. The results demonstrate the ability to control both the weld-bead dimensions and penetration depth, as well as the heat affected regions, by utilizing the dual pulsing combination of both high and low frequency pulsing. Alterations from wide beads with deep penetration to narrower beads with greater height-to-width ratios are demonstrated in a single manufacturing setup, enabling further development of the WAAM process