573 research outputs found


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    Este artigo tem por objetivo evidenciar uma prática de formação continuada com aproximadamente 450 professores de 1º ao 5º ano, que trabalham em escolas de tempo integral, em uma rede particular de ensino, e que foi realizada em 2011 sob a temática dos Campos Conceituais, de Gerard Vergnaud. Para a realização dessa formação foram utilizadas ferramentas online, e o recorte temático utilizado foi o estudo das situações-problema do campo conceitual aditivo. Iniciamos o artigo com algumas evidências de necessidades formativas relativas a esse campo conceitual, retiradas de avaliações em larga escala. Num segundo momento, realizamos alguns estudos teóricos sobre o campo conceitual aditivo e sobre a educação online. Apresentamos a proposta formativa realizada com os professores da rede particular, destacando as atividades e os seus objetivos. Por fim, apresentamos algumas conclusões iniciais, a partir de excertos de diálogos com os professores evidenciados durante a realização das atividades

    Enrichment of mushrooms: an interesting strategy for the acquisition of lithium

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    The capability of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom to accumulate lithium (Li) and the accessibility of this Li compared with lithium carbonate (Li2CO3), often used as psychiatric medicine, were investigated. Mushrooms were produced on a substrate-based on coffee husk, with different added concentrations of lithium chloride (LiCl). Biological efficiency (BE), the crude protein content, the concentration of Li and other elements present in mushrooms were determined. The sequential extraction and in vitro test were used to verify the accessibility and the degree of solubility of this element. Li concentration in mushrooms was directly influenced by increasing LiCl concentration in the substrate (P < 0.05). The BE was not affected by different concentrations of LiCl. Li present in enriched mushrooms showed greater accessibility than in Li2CO3. Therefore, P. ostreatus mushrooms, enriched with lithium can be an alternative source of Li, as well as being a food with high nutritional value


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido em uma turma de 1º ano do 1º Ciclo no Centro Pedagógico da UFMG, em 2016, nas aulas de Iniciação à Pesquisa, disciplina que tem como proposta assegurar que as crianças pesquisem temas de interesse, por meio de grupos de estudo formados de acordo com os temas escolhidos. O foco é fazer com que os educandos vivenciem e aprendam várias etapas e habilidades relacionadas à pesquisa científica. A metodologia de trabalho utilizada foi o ensino investigativo, uma ferramenta didática organizada a partir dos seguintes elementos: pergunta, busca e interpretação de informações, escrita, socialização dos resultados (por meio das linguagens oral e escrita). Apoiamo-nos na concepção de ensino experimental e investigativo, buscando romper com um tipo de educação formal focada na repetição de informações. Visamos à familiarização do estudante com a pesquisa, orientando-o para a investigação de fenômenos e temas que evidenciam a utilidade do conhecimento científico para o bem-estar social e para a formação de cidadãos críticos. É possível afirmar que o trabalho de iniciação à pesquisa, desenvolvido com as crianças pequenas, possibilitou uma nova forma de organização dos tempos e espaços escolares, contribuindo para a ampliação do currículo

    Effects of Access to a Naturally Reinforcing Activity on the Acquisition of Repertoires in Autistic Learner

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    Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to Autism Spectrum Disorder is concerned in arranging reinforcing contingencies, which favor the learning of important repertoires. In the literature, the use of preferred arbitrary reinforcers is emphasized to shape and strengthen impaired targets. This may increase the likelihood that learners will cooperate with demands. Once a child is more exposed to learning contingencies, and becomes more fluent in certain repertoires, access to arbitrary reinforcers should be made more intermittently. It is possible, this way, that engaging in a given activity be now maintained by a natural or automatic reinforcing effect, depending solely on the learner. This research had the purpose of assessing if, by allowing access to a task, which previously became motivating for a child with ASD (pairing colored blocks), other non-verbal skills could be shaped (visually pairing similar pictures; motor imitation with toys; pairing pictures to their corresponding dictated names). The study was conducted in a laboratory from a private University in Brazil. A multiple probe design, across different target repertoires, was used to ensure experimental control by the task of pairing similar colored blocks. As a result, it was demonstrated that all target repertoires were learned, suggesting that access to the previously mastered task, possibly maintained by natural reinforcement, solely established three different repertoires. When the child's parents were interviewed to give their perception on the use of pairing blocks as reinforcer, they were more satisfied than in the case that other reinforcers, such as videos and edibles, are used. Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, arbitrary reinforce, natural reinforcer DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-22-06 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Enzyme Mechanism and Slow-Onset Inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum Enoyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Reductase by an Inorganic Complex

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    Malaria continues to be a major cause of children's morbidity and mortality worldwide, causing nearly one million deaths annually. The human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, synthesizes fatty acids employing the Type II fatty acid biosynthesis system (FAS II), unlike humans that rely on the Type I (FAS I) pathway. The FAS II system elongates acyl fatty acid precursors of the cell membrane in Plasmodium. Enoyl reductase (ENR) enzyme is a member of the FAS II system. Here we present steady-state kinetics, pre-steady-state kinetics, and equilibrium fluorescence spectroscopy data that allowed proposal of P. falciparum ENR (PfENR) enzyme mechanism. Moreover, building on previous results, the present study also evaluates the PfENR inhibition by the pentacyano(isoniazid)ferrateII compound. This inorganic complex represents a new class of lead compounds for the development of antimalarial agents focused on the inhibition of PfENR

    Clinical Approach to Pulp Canal Obliteration: A Case Series

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    This article describes four cases with safe and feasible clinical treatment strategies for anterior teeth with pulp canal obliteration (PCO) using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), digital radiography (DR), dental operating microscopy (DOM) and ultrasonic tips (US). Four anterior teeth with PCO were chosen. DR was taken with different angulations and analyzed with different filters. Subsequently, the access cavity was performed with the aid of DOM. If the canal was not identified, CBCT was requested. Sagittal and axial slices guided the direction of the ultrasonic tips. After identification of the canal, it was then negotiated and instrumented with the rotary instruments. All four canals were successfully identified, with no complications. In case 1, the canal was identified using DR, DOM and US tips. In cases 2, 3 and 4, the canals were identified with DR,DOM,UStips and CBCT. Complete root canal obliteration identified in radiography did not necessarily mean that pulp tissue was not visible clinically, either. The clinical evaluation of the access cavity with the aid of MO was crucial. If the canal was not identified, CBCT was mandatory in order to show more detailed view of the precise position of the canals, their directions, degrees of obstruction and dimensions. It served as a guide for the direction of the ultrasonic tips to keep them within the pulp chamber safely, with a low risk of iatrogenic injury.Keywords: Cone-beam Computed Tomography; Dental Operating Microscope; Digital Radiography; Guided Endodontics; Pulp Canal Obliteration; Ultrasoun

    Pleomorphic adenoma with extensive squamous metaplasia and keratin cyst formations in minor salivary gland: a case report

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    Pleomorphic adenoma (PA), the most common salivary gland tumor, accounts for 54 to 65% of all salivary gland neoplasias and 80% of the benign salivary gland tumors. It most frequently affects the parotid gland, followed by the submandibular and the minor salivary glands. Microscopically, mucous, sebaceous, oncocytic and squamous metaplasia, sometimes with the formation of keratin pearls, may be present, but the latter rarely results in the formation of extensive keratin-flled cysts lined by squamous epithelium. Extensive squamous metaplasia can be mistaken for malignancy, including mucoepidermoid carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Here, we present an unusual case of PA with extensive squamous metaplasia and keratin cyst formations in a minor salivary gland, and discuss its microscopic features, including the immunohistochemical characteristics, and differential diagnosis of this uncommon presentation

    Fetal brain fissures development a three-dimensional ultrasonography study

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    PURPOSE: to assess the distance of the fetal cerebral fissures from the inner edge of the skull by three-dimensional ultrasonography (3DUS). METHODS: this cross-sectional study included 80 women with normal pregnancies between 21st and 34th weeks. The distances between the Sylvian, parieto-occiptal, hippocampus and calcarine fissures and the internal surface of the fetal skull were measured. For the evaluation of the distance of the first three fissures, an axial three-dimensional scan was obtained (at the level of the lateral ventricles). To obtain the calcarine fissure measurement, a coronal scan was used (at the level of the occipital lobes). First degree regressions were performed to assess the correlation between fissure measurements and gestational age, using the determination coefficient (R²) for adjustment. The 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles were calculated for each fissure measurement. Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) was used to assess the correlation between fissure measurements and the biparietal diameter (BPD) and head circumference (HC). RESULTS: all fissure measurements were linearly correlated with gestational age (Sylvian: R²=0.5; parieto-occiptal: R²= 0.7; hippocampus: R²= 0.3 and calcarine: R²= 0.3). Mean fissure measurement ranged from 7.0 to 14.0 mm, 15.9 to 28.7 mm, 15.4 to 25.4 mm and 15.7 to 24.8 mm for the Sylvian, parieto-occiptal, hippocampus and calcarine fissures, respectively. The Sylvian and parieto-occiptal fissure measurements had the highest correlations with the BPD (r=0.8 and 0.7, respectively) and HC (r=0.7 and 0.8, respectively). CONCLUSION: the distance from the fetal cerebral fissures to the inner edge of the skull measured by 3DUS was positively correlated with gestational age.OBJETIVO: avaliar a distância das fissuras cerebrais fetais à borda interna da calota craniana por meio da ultrassonografia tridimensional (US3D). MÉTODOS: realizou-se um estudo de corte transversal em 80 gestantes normais entre a 21ª e 34ª semanas de gestação. Avaliou-se a distância entre a tábua óssea interna da calota craniana fetal e as fissuras de Sylvius, parieto-occipital, hipocampo e calcarina. Para a obtenção desta distância para as três primeiras fissuras, realizou-se uma varredura tridimensional através do plano axial (nível dos ventrículos laterais). Para a obtenção da distância da fissura calcarina utilizou-se uma varredura coronal (nível dos lobos occiptais). Para avaliar a correlação entre as fissuras e a idade gestacional foram realizadas regressões de primeiro grau, sendo os ajustes calculados pelo coeficiente de determinação (R²). Foram determinados percentis 5, 50 e 95 para cada fissura. Avaliou-se ainda a correlação entre a distância destas fissuras com os diâmetros biparietal (DBP) e circunferência craniana (CC) utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r). RESULTADOS: todas as medidas das fissuras apresentaram correlação linear com a idade gestacional (Sylvius: R²=0,5; parieto-occipital: R²=0,7; hipocampo: R²=0,3 e calcarina: R²=0,3). A média da distância das fissuras variou de 7,0 a 14,0 mm, 15,9 a 28,7 mm, 15,4 a 25,4 mm e 15,7 a 24,8 mm para as fissuras de Sylvius, parieto-occipital, hipocampo e calcarina, respectivamente. As fissuras de Sylvius e parieto-occipital apresentaram as maiores correlações com o DBP (r=0,8 e 0,7, respectivamente) e a CC (r=0,7 e 0,8, respectivamente). CONCLUSÕES: a distância das fissuras cerebrais fetais à borda interna da calota craniana por meio da US3D apresentou correlação positiva com a idade gestacional.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de ObstetríciaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Diagnóstico por Imagem Setor de Ressonância MagnéticaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Diagnóstico por ImagemUNIFESP, Depto. de ObstetríciaUNIFESP, Depto. de Diagnóstico por Imagem Setor de Ressonância MagnéticaUNIFESP, Depto. de Diagnóstico por ImagemSciEL

    Educação ambiental na prática pedagógica dos docentes do curso de Pedagogia

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    This work is the result of research at  Masters level which was developed with teachers from teaching at a public university that aims to investigate the contributions of the degree course in pedagogy for teacher education as environmental educator, based on the conceptions and practices of teachers in that  course. This  article is a  sample of  the  results presented  in  this  dissertation, which aims to investigate the contributions of the introduction of EE in practice teaching in the course of Pedagogy of  an IES forteacher  training as environmental educator . For this  research, the  methodological procedures were  adopted a qualitative approach, and to  analyze some of the theoretical and  methodological content analysis of Bardin (1977). The subjects of this study were the teachers of that course. The results found that teaching practices analyzed provide opportunities for critical reflection on social and environmental issues, contributing to the formation of a teacher with a more sensitive E.E.Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa em nível de mestrado que foi desenvolvida com docentes do curso de pedagogia de uma universidade pública que teve como objetivo investigar as contribuições do curso de licenciatura em Pedagogia para a formação do professor como educador socioambiental, tomando como base as concepções e práticas dos docentes do referido curso. Este artigo é parte dos resultados apresentados na dissertação, que tem por objetivo investigar as contribuições da inserção da EA na prática docente no curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia de uma IES para a formação do professor como educador socioambiental. Para a realização desta pesquisa, foram adotados os procedimentos metodológicos de uma abordagem qualitativa, e para a análise alguns dos pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da análise de conteúdo de Bardin (1977). Os sujeitos deste estudo foram os docentes do referido curso. Como resultados verificamos que as práticas pedagógicas analisadas possibilitam oportunidades de reflexão crítica sobre as questões socioambientais, contribuindo para a formação de um pedagogo com um olhar mais sensível à EA