54 research outputs found

    Cost evaluation of migration of the rural population of the Carpathians in the context of problematic migration areas management

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na obszarze gmin górskich Karpat Polski i Ukrainy z udziałem przedstawicieli organów samorządów. Analiza dotyczyła następstw procesów migracji ludności w odniesieniu do czynników generujących koszty dla społeczności lokalnej. Wskazano na istotność poszczególnych determinantów z wykorzystaniem wielokryterialnej metody AHP w ramach zbudowanego na jej podstawie modelu odnoszącego się do trzech kryteriów głównych – ekonomicznego, rolno-środowiskowego oraz społecznego. W artykule podkreślono konieczność podjęcia działań systemowych w zakresie zarządzania obszarami migracyjnymi ze strony władz lokalnych i centralnych, wskazując na ryzyko nasilenia procesów depopulacyjnych i degradacji ekonomiczno-społecznej terenów górskich.The article presents the results of research carried out among the communities of Polish Carpathian mountains and Ukraine with the participation of representatives of local governments. The analysis includes the consequences of migration processes of the population with relation to the cost drivers for the local community. The significance of the individual determinants using a multi-criteria method (AHP) was indicated. The AHP model included three main criteria - economic, agro-environmental and social. The article emphasizes the need for systematic action from local and central authorities in migration management. The risk of depopulation escalation processes as well as socio-economic degradation of the mountains have been especially emphasized


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            The paper discusses an important, from the perspective of the development of peripheral areas, problem of migration among youth. The weakness of the potential of disadvantaged areas contributes to the strengthening of disadvantageous demographic, economic or cultural trends which, as a consequence, makes submontane areas of the Małopolska or Podkarpacie regions distant from large urban centers, being doomed to stagnation and becomes a push factor for next generations of their inhabitants. The phenomenon very frequently affects graduates and young people who, in the beginning of their professional careers, encounter considerable barriers on the Polish labor market. The paper analyses a potential scale of internal and external migrations, assesses the importance of factors determining the selection of migration destination and the importance of elements affecting the nature of jobs undertaken, taking into account payroll expectations of potential migrants. Its key element was also a balance of potential benefits and losses resulting from mass labor migration from two perspectives: of migrants and their families, and of consequences of decisions to migrate affecting local communities

    Wielojęzyczność w dialogach filmowych

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    The article analyses translation of films including dialogues in various languages. It also presents possibilities and limitations resulting from using specific techniques of audiovisual translation which play a significant role in conveying this characteristics of reply lines used by film characters. Film dialogue is not solely limited to an exchange of information between interlocutors. It is also used to provide a viewer with information on character’s background, education, membership in a particular social group and relationships between film characters. One of the techniques used by film authors is using linguistic realism

    Film classics versus translation – pros and cons

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    This article is devoted to the translation of the film Sara done using the voice-over technique and subtitles. The analysed film is one of the Polish classic film productions of the ‘90s. The peculiar character of film dialogues requires that the translator adopts translation techniques which do not conform with technical requirements for selected techniques that are applied in audio-visual translation. The viewer needs to have additional competences including the knowledge of linguistic norms, cinematographic traditions, customs, etc., in order to get a proper understanding of a specific scene

    Słownictwo religijne w dialogu filmowym na materiale rosyjskiego przekładu serii "Dekalog"

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    W artykule omówiono problemy przekładu słownictwa religijnego w dialogach filmowych. W charakterze materiału egzemplifikacyjnego wykorzystano rosyjską wersję językową filmów wchodzących w skład serii Dekalog w reżyserii Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego, opracowaną techniką napisów. Do analizowanego wydania została dołączona broszura z omówieniem tła kulturowego oraz komentarzem do wybranych replik z filmów. Zawartość tej broszury oraz wybrane fragmenty dialogów zostały opisane pod kątem wpływu na możliwości interpretacji poszczególnych scen

    Konferencja naukowa Przestrzenie przekładu w Sosnowcu

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    W dniach 15–16 października 2015 roku na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu Śląskiego odbyła się konferencja naukowa Przestrzenie przekładu zorganizowana przez Instytut Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. W skład komitetu naukowego weszły dr hab. Jolanta Lubocha- Kruglik oraz dr hab. Oksana Małysa, w skład komitetu organizacyjnego — dr G abriela Wilk, mgr Anna Paszkowska-Wilk, mgr Anna Podstawska oraz mgr Sławomir Smugowski[...

    "Kierunek - wschód! Tam musi być jakaś cywilizacja!" : czyli o przekładzie filmu "Seksmisja" na język rosyjski

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    The article analyzes a fragment of a voice-over translation into Russian of a Polish cult movie Sexmission by Jan Machulski. The voice-over technique enables the viewer to simultaneously listen to the translated text read by a pair of readers and to the original lines spoken by the actors themselves. Sexmission is a comedy in which the linguistic qualities such as the individual speaking style of particular protagonists are of great importance. Accordingly, one of the crucial tasks in the translation process is to convey the linguistic humor. The choices made by the translator in terms of linguistic equivalents influence the reception and assesment of the film by the Russian-speaking audience. The article analyzes a choice of replicas illustrating the technique applied by the translator

    The analysis of air pollution based on laser beam photo

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    The article presents a comparison of original methods of air quality measurement with a professional device Air Smart-box v. 1.2. The methodology consisted of laser beam analysis from the device. To enable detailed photo analysis for the research, an Android mobile application was developed. The OpenCV library was used to process the images. In the article, the hypothesis was put forward that the method using a binary threshold with a threshold value of 50 allows to obtain results closest to those of the station. This hypothesis was confirmed by the results of the experiments

    Polskie formy adresatywne w rosyjskich przekładach filmowych

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    The article discusses the difficulties in translating Polish forms of address in film dialogues based on the Russian translation of the series Tajemnica twierdzy szyfrów (The Secret of Code Fortress) (2007). Forms of address perform a significant role in linguistic communication. In film dialogues, they additionally carry information about relations between the characters, their position, and rank. In the process of film translation, forms of address are frequently omitted to shorten the translation due to technical requirements of captions or a voice-over. The analysis of the material shows that as a result of such processes, the recipient of transla-tion is deprived of information which is indispensable for the true interpretation of the film

    Cenzura a przekład

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    The article is devoted to the phenomenon of political censorship in the Polish cinematography from the perspective of a film translator. The conclusions presented in the article have been drawn on the basis of an analysis of translations of Polish films into Russian done by means of subtitles, dubbing and the voice over technique. In order to evade limitations imposed by the ruling political party translators used various techniques which significantly influenced a final version of the translator’s work (i.e. film). Understanding implicitly presented threads of the plot allows for correct interpretation of the work in which a part of the meaning is hidden or indirectly presented through e.g. metaphors, symbols or music. The author also emphasises that the film is an art form in which information included in its each layer plays an important role in understanding meaning of the whole work