419 research outputs found

    The physics and ecology of mining carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by ecosystems

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    Reforesting and managing ecosystems have been proposed as ways to mitigate global warming and offset anthropogenic carbon emissions. The intent of our opinion piece is to provide a perspective on how well plants and ecosystems sequester carbon. The ability of individual plants and ecosystems to mine carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, as defined by rates and cumulative amounts, is limited by laws of physics and ecological principles. Consequently, the rates and amount of net carbon uptake are slow and low compared to the rates and amounts of carbon dioxide we release by fossil fuels combustion. Managing ecosystems to sequester carbon can also cause unintended consequences to arise. In this paper, we articulate a series of key take-home points. First, the potential amount of carbon an ecosystem can assimilate on an annual basis scales with absorbed sunlight, which varies with latitude, leaf area index and available water. Second, efforts to improve photosynthesis will come with the cost of more respiration. Third, the rates and amount of net carbon uptake are relatively slow and low, compared to the rates and amounts and rates of carbon dioxide we release by fossil fuels combustion. Fourth, huge amounts of land area for ecosystems will be needed to be an effective carbon sink to mitigate anthropogenic carbon emissions. Fifth, the effectiveness of using this land as a carbon sink will depend on its ability to remain as a permanent carbon sink. Sixth, converting land to forests or wetlands may have unintended costs that warm the local climate, such as changing albedo, increasing surface roughness or releasing other greenhouse gases. We based our analysis on 1,163 site-years of direct eddy covariance measurements of gross and net carbon fluxes from 155 sites across the globe

    Signatures of an eruptive phase before the explosion of the peculiar core-collapse SN 2013gc

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the peculiar core-collapse SN 2013gc, spanning seven years of observations. The light curve shows an early maximum followed by a fast decline and a phase of almost constant luminosity. At +200 days from maximum, a brightening of 1 mag is observed in all bands, followed by a steep linear luminosity decline after +300 d. In archival images taken between 1.5 and 2.5 years before the explosion, a weak source is visible at the supernova location, with mag≈\approx20. The early supernova spectra show Balmer lines, with a narrow (∼\sim560 km s−1^{-1}) P-Cygni absorption superimposed on a broad (∼\sim3400 km s−1^{-1}) component, typical of type IIn events. Through a comparison of colour curves, absolute light curves and spectra of SN 2013gc with a sample of supernovae IIn, we conclude that SN 2013gc is a member of the so-called type IId subgroup. The complex profile of the Hα\alpha line suggests a composite circumstellar medium geometry, with a combination of lower velocity, spherically symmetric gas and a more rapidly expanding bilobed feature. This circumstellar medium distribution has been likely formed through major mass-loss events, that we directly observed from 3 years before the explosion. The modest luminosity (MI∼−16.5M_I\sim-16.5 near maximum) of SN 2013gc at all phases, the very small amount of ejected 56^{56}Ni (of the order of 10−310^{-3} M⊙_\odot), the major pre-supernova stellar activity and the lack of prominent [O I] lines in late-time spectra support a fall-back core-collapse scenario for the massive progenitor of SN~2013gc.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 8 tables, accepted by MNRA

    SN 2013ab : A normal type IIP supernova in NGC 5669

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    We present densely-sampled ultraviolet/optical photometric and low-resolution optical spectroscopic observations of the type IIP supernova 2013ab in the nearby (∼\sim24 Mpc) galaxy NGC 5669, from 2 to 190d after explosion. Continuous photometric observations, with the cadence of typically a day to one week, were acquired with the 1-2m class telescopes in the LCOGT network, ARIES telescopes in India and various other telescopes around the globe. The light curve and spectra suggest that the SN is a normal type IIP event with a plateau duration of ∼80 \sim80 days with mid plateau absolute visual magnitude of -16.7, although with a steeper decline during the plateau (0.92 mag 100 d−1 ^{-1} in V V band) relative to other archetypal SNe of similar brightness. The velocity profile of SN 2013ab shows striking resemblance with those of SNe 1999em and 2012aw. Following the Rabinak & Waxman (2011) prescription, the initial temperature evolution of the SN emission allows us to estimate the progenitor radius to be ∼ \sim 800 R⊙_{\odot}, indicating that the SN originated from a red supergiant star. The distance to the SN host galaxy is estimated to be 24.3 Mpc from expanding photosphere method (EPM). From our observations, we estimate that 0.064 M⊙_{\odot} of 56^{56}Ni was synthesized in the explosion. General relativistic, radiation hydrodynamical modeling of the SN infers an explosion energy of 0.35×1051 0.35\times10^{51} erg, a progenitor mass (at the time of explosion) of ∼9 \sim9 M⊙_{\odot} and an initial radius of ∼600 \sim600 R⊙_{\odot}.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The highly luminous Type Ibn supernova ASASSN-14ms

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic follow-up observations of the highly luminous Type Ibn supernova ASASSN-14ms, which was discovered on UT 2014-12-26.61 at mV ∼ 16.5. With a peak absolute V-band magnitude brighter than −20.5, a peak bolometric luminosity of 1.7 × 1044 erg s−1, and a total radiated energy of 2.1 × 1050 erg, ASASSN-14ms is one of the most luminous Type Ibn supernovae yet discovered. In simple models, the most likely power source for this event is a combination of the radioactive decay of 56Ni and 56Co at late times and the interaction of supernova ejecta with the progenitor's circumstellar medium at early times, although we cannot rule out the possibility of a magnetar-powered light curve. The presence of a dense circumstellar medium is indicated by the intermediate-width He I features in the spectra. The faint (mg ∼ 21.6) host galaxy SDSS J130408.52+521846.4 has an oxygen abundance below 12 + log (O/H) ≲ 8.3, a stellar mass of M* ∼ 2.6 × 108 M⊙, and a star formation rate of SFR ∼ 0.02 M⊙ yr−1

    Sub-luminous type Ia supernovae from the mergers of equal-mass white dwarfs with M~0.9 M_sun

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    Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are thought to result from thermonuclear explosions of carbon-oxygen white dwarf stars. Existing models generally explain the observed properties, with the exception of the sub-luminous 1991-bg-like supernovae. It has long been suspected that the merger of two white dwarfs could give rise to a type Ia event, but hitherto simulations have failed to produce an explosion. Here we report a simulation of the merger of two equal-mass white dwarfs that leads to an underluminous explosion, though at the expense of requiring a single common-envelope phase, and component masses of ~0.9 M_sun. The light curve is too broad, but the synthesized spectra, red colour and low expansion velocities are all close to what is observed for sub-luminous 1991bg-like events. While mass ratios can be slightly less than one and still produce an underluminous event, the masses have to be in the range 0.83-0.9 M_sun.Comment: Accepted to Natur

    Abundance stratification in Type Ia Supernovae - II: The rapidly declining, spectroscopically normal SN 2004eo

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    The variation of properties of Type Ia supernovae, the thermonuclear explosions of Chandrasekhar-mass carbon-oxygen white dwarfs, is caused by different nucleosynthetic outcomes of these explosions, which can be traced from the distribution of abundances in the ejecta. The composition stratification of the spectroscopically normal but rapidly declining SN2004eo is studied performing spectrum synthesis of a time-series of spectra obtained before and after maximum, and of one nebular spectrum obtained about eight months later. Early-time spectra indicate that the outer ejecta are dominated by oxygen and silicon, and contain other intermediate-mass elements (IME), implying that the outer part of the star was subject only to partial burning. In the inner part, nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) material dominates, but the production of 56Ni was limited to ~0.43 \pm 0.05 Msun. An innermost zone containing ~0.25 Msun of stable Fe-group material is also present. The relatively small amount of NSE material synthesised by SN2004eo explains both the dimness and the rapidly evolving light curve of this SN.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The type IIb SN 2008ax: the nature of the progenitor

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    A source coincident with the position of the type IIb supernova (SN) 2008ax is identified in pre-explosion Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 observations in three optical filters. We identify and constrain two possible progenitor systems: (i) a single massive star that lost most of its hydrogen envelope through radiatively driven mass loss processes, prior to exploding as a helium-rich Wolf-Rayet star with a residual hydrogen envelope, and (ii) an interacting binary in a low mass cluster producing a stripped progenitor. Late time, high resolution observations along with detailed modelling of the SN will be required to reveal the true nature of this progenitor star.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, resolution of figure 1 reduced, figure 2 revised, some revision following referee's comments, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    SN 2006bp: Probing the Shock Breakout of a Type II-P Supernova

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    HET optical spectroscopy and unfiltered ROTSE-III photometry spanning the first 11 months since explosion of the Type II-P SN 2006bp are presented. Flux limits from the days before discovery combined with the initial rapid brightening suggest the supernova was first detected just hours after shock breakout. Optical spectra obtained about 2 days after breakout exhibit narrow emission lines corresponding to HeII 4200, HeII 4686, and CIV 5805 in the rest frame, and these features persist in a second observation obtained 5 hours later; however, these emission lines are not detected the following night nor in subsequent observations. We suggest that these lines emanate from material close to the explosion site, possibly in the outer layers of the progenitor that have been ionized by the high energy photons released at shock breakout. A P-Cygni profile is observed around 4450 A in the +2 and +3 day spectra. Previous studies have attributed this feature to high velocity H-beta, but we discuss the possibility that this profile is instead due to HeII 4687. Further HET observations (14 nights in total) covering the spectral evolution across the photometric plateau up to 73 days after breakout and during the nebular phase around day +340 are presented, and expansion velocities are derived for key features. The measured decay slope for the unfiltered light curve is 0.0073 +/- 0.0004 mag/day between days +121 and +335, which is significantly slower than the decay of rate 56Co. We combine our HET measurements with published X-ray, UV, and optical data to obtain a quasi-bolometric light curve through day +60. We see a slow cooling over the first 25 days, but no sign of an early sharp peak; any such feature from the shock breakout must have lasted less than ~1 day.[ABRIDGED]Comment: ApJ accepted, 43 page

    SN 2002cv: A Heavily Obscured Type Ia Supernova

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    We present VRIJHK photometry, and optical and near-infrared spectroscopy, of the heavily extinguished Type Ia supernova (SN) 2002cv, located in NGC 3190, which is also the parent galaxy of the Type Ia SN 2002bo. SN 2002cv, not visible in the blue, has a total visual extinction of 8.74 +- 0.21 mag. In spite of this we were able to obtain the light curves between -10 and +207 days from the maximum in the I band, and also to follow the spectral evolution, deriving its key parameters. We found the peak I-band brightness to be Imax = 16.57 +- 0.10 mag, the maximum absolute I magnitude to be MmaxI = -18.79 +- 0.20, and the parameter dm15(B) specifying the width of the B-band light curve to be 1.46 +- 0.17 mag. The latter was derived using the relations between this parameter and dm40(I) and the time interval dtmax(I) between the two maxima in the I-band light curve. As has been found for previously observed, highly extinguished SNe Ia, a small value of 1.59 +- 0.07 was obtained here for the ratio Rv of the total-to-selective extinction ratio for SN 2002cv, which implies a small mean size for the grains along the line of sight toward us. Since it was found for SN 2002bo a canonical value of 3.1, here we present a clear evidence of different dust properties inside NGC 3190.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Added co-author

    SN 2015ba: A type IIP supernova with a long plateau

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    We present optical photometry and spectroscopy from about a week after explosion to ∼\sim272 d of an atypical Type IIP supernova, SN 2015ba, which exploded in the edge-on galaxy IC 1029. SN 2015ba is a luminous event with an absolute V-band magnitude of -17.1±\pm0.2 mag at 50 d since explosion and has a long plateau lasting for ∼\sim123 d. The distance to the SN is estimated to be 34.8±\pm0.7 Mpc using the expanding photosphere and standard candle methods. High-velocity H-Balmer components constant with time are observed in the late-plateau phase spectra of SN 2015ba, which suggests a possible role of circumstellar interaction at these phases. Both hydrodynamical and analytical modelling suggest a massive progenitor of SN 2015ba with a pre-explosion mass of 24-26 M⊙_\odot. However, the nebular spectra of SN 2015ba exhibit insignificant levels of oxygen, which is otherwise expected from a massive progenitor. This might be suggestive of the non-monotonical link between O-core masses and the zero-age main-sequence mass of pre-supernova stars and/or uncertainties in the mixing scenario in the ejecta of supernovae.Comment: 42 pages, 7 pages Appendix, 20 figures, 10 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 14-June-201
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