43 research outputs found

    Cold stress effects on organelle ultrastructure in polar Caryophyllaceae species

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    Abstract: This study investigated leaf mesophyll cells of Caryophyllaceae plants growing in polar regions – Cerastium alpinum and Silene involucrata from the Hornsund region of Spitsbergen island (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic), and Colobanthus quitensis from the Ad− miralty Bay region on King George Island (South Shetland Islands, West Antarctic). Ultra− structural changes were analyzed in mesophyll protoplasts of plants growing in natural Arctic and Antarctic habitats and plants grown in a greenhouse, including plants exposed to short−term cold stress under semi−controlled conditions. Cell organelles of plants growing in natural polar habitats and greenhouse−grown plants were characterized by significant mor− phological plasticity.Chloroplasts of plants studied in this work formed variously shaped pro− trusions and invaginations that visibly increased the contact area between adjacent cell com− partments and reduced the distance between organelles. S. involucrata plants grown under greenhouse conditions, tested by us in this work, were characterized by highly dynamic cell nuclei with single or multiple invaginations of the nuclear membrane and the presence of channels and cisternae filled with cytoplasm and organelles. Crystalline inclusion proteins were observed in the cell nuclei of C. quitensis between nuclear membranes and in the direct proximity of heterochromatin. Our study revealed significant conformational dynamics of organelles, manifested by variations in the optical density of matrices, membranes and envelopes, in particular in C. quitensis, which could suggest that the analyzed Caryophyllaceae taxa are well adapted to severe climate and changing conditions in polar regions

    The role of CYP71A12 monooxygenase in pathogen-triggered tryptophan metabolism and Arabidopsis immunity

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    13 Pág.Effective defense of Arabidopsis against filamentous pathogens requires two mechanisms, both of which involve biosynthesis of tryptophan (Trp)-derived metabolites. Extracellular resistance involves products of PEN2-dependent metabolism of indole glucosinolates (IGs). Restriction of further fungal growth requires PAD3-dependent camalexin and other, as yet uncharacterized, indolics. This study focuses on the function of CYP71A12 monooxygenase in pathogen-triggered Trp metabolism, including the biosynthesis of indole-3-carboxylic acid (ICA). Moreover, to investigate the contribution of CYP71A12 and its products to Arabidopsis immunity, we analyzed infection phenotypes of multiple mutant lines combining pen2 with pad3, cyp71A12, cyp71A13 or cyp82C2. Metabolite profiling of cyp71A12 lines revealed a reduction in ICA accumulation. Additionally, analysis of mutant plants showed that low amounts of ICA can form during an immune response by CYP71B6/AAO1-dependent metabolism of indole acetonitrile, but not via IG hydrolysis. Infection assays with Plectosphaerella cucumerina and Colletotrichum tropicale, two pathogens with different lifestyles, revealed cyp71A12-, cyp71A13- and cyp82C2-associated defects associated with Arabidopsis immunity. Our results indicate that CYP71A12, but not CYP71A13, is the major enzyme responsible for the accumulation of ICA in Arabidopsis in response to pathogen ingression. We also show that both enzymes are key players in the resistance of Arabidopsis against selected filamentous pathogens after they invade.This work was supported by the National Science Centre SONATA BIS grant (UMO-2012/07/E/NZ2/04098) to PB and PRELUDIUM grant (UMO-2013/09/N/NZ2/02080) to KK, and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) grant BIO2015-64077-R to AM, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (18H04780, 18K19212) (KAKENHI) and the Asahi Glass Foundation to YT. EG has been supported by a Heisenberg Fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (GL346/5) and the TUM Junior Fellow Fund.Peer reviewe

    Cold stress effects on organelle ultrastructure in polar Caryophyllaceae species

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    Abstract: This study investigated leaf mesophyll cells of Caryophyllaceae plants growing in polar regions -Cerastium alpinum and Silene involucrata from the Hornsund region of Spitsbergen island (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic), and Colobanthus quitensis from the Ad− miralty Bay region on King George Island (South Shetland Islands, West Antarctic). Ultra− structural changes were analyzed in mesophyll protoplasts of plants growing in natural Arctic and Antarctic habitats and plants grown in a greenhouse, including plants exposed to short−term cold stress under semi−controlled conditions. Cell organelles of plants growing in natural polar habitats and greenhouse−grown plants were characterized by significant mor− phological plasticity. Chloroplasts of plants studied in this work formed variously shaped pro− trusions and invaginations that visibly increased the contact area between adjacent cell com− partments and reduced the distance between organelles. S. involucrata plants grown under greenhouse conditions, tested by us in this work, were characterized by highly dynamic cell nuclei with single or multiple invaginations of the nuclear membrane and the presence of channels and cisternae filled with cytoplasm and organelles. Crystalline inclusion proteins were observed in the cell nuclei of C. quitensis between nuclear membranes and in the direct proximity of heterochromatin. Our study revealed significant conformational dynamics of organelles, manifested by variations in the optical density of matrices, membranes and enve− lopes, in particular in C. quitensis, which could suggest that the analyzed Caryophyllaceae taxa are well adapted to severe climate and changing conditions in polar regions

    Plant-arthropod interactions: who is the winner?

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    Herbivorous arthropods have interacted with plants for millions of years. During feeding they release chemical cues that allow plants to detect the attack and mount an efficient defense response. A signaling cascade triggers the expression of hundreds of genes, which encode defensive proteins and enzymes for synthesis of toxic metabolites. This direct defense is often complemented by emission of volatiles that attract beneficial parasitoids. In return, arthropods have evolved strategies to interfere with plant defenses, either by producing effectors to inhibit detection and downstream signaling steps, or by adapting to their detrimental effect. In this review, we address the current knowledge on the molecular and chemical dialog between plants and herbivores, with an emphasis on co-evolutionary aspects

    Computer-aided fleet management in a heterogeneous environment

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    Niniejsza praca miała na celu analizę wpływu środowiska heterogenicznego na proces budowy aplikacji na przykładzie komputerowego systemu zarządzania flotą samochodową. W tym celu, w ramach pracy stworzono kompletny system obsługi floty samochodów zastępczych i osadzono go w chmurze obliczeniowej.This thesis was intended to analyze the influence of use of heterogeneous environment on the application creation process using an example of car fleet management computer system. For this purpose, a complete management application was created as a part of the thesis and was located in a cloud computing service

    „Człowiek między Bogiem a światem” – teologia sekularyzacji i świata według Friedricha Gogartena

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie teologii sekularyzacji i świata w ujęciu Friedricha Gogartena. Niezbędną pomoc w prezentacji myśli tegoż autora stanowi sentencja: „Człowiek między Bogiem a światem”, będąca jednocześnie tytułem jednego z jego najważniejszych dzieł. Zgodnie z myślą Gogartena, w życie człowieka wpisane jest ciągłe napięcie pomiędzy bezpośrednią i dynamiczną relacją z Bogiem a wynikającą z niej etyczną odpowiedzialnością za świat, w którym żyje. Z jednej strony spotkanie z Bogiem inspiruje człowieka do pozytywnej odpowiedzi na problematyczne pytania świata, jednakże z drugiej – przypomina mu o wynikającej z synostwa Bożego jego wolności od świata. W związku z tym, jedynym kluczem hermeneutycznym do zrozumienia życia między Bogiem a światem jest Jezus Chrystus.The purpose of this article is to present theology of secularization and the world in the view of Friedrich Gogarten. An indispensable help in presenting our author’s thoughts is the sentence: „Man between God and the world”, which is also the title of one of his most important works. According to Gogarten’s thought, a constant tension between direct and dynamic relationship with God and the resulting ethical responsibility for the world in which he lives is inscribed in human life. On the one hand, the meeting with God inspires man to a positive response to the world’s problematic questions, but on the other hand, it reminds him of his freedom from the world resulting from God’s sonship. In this regard, Jesus Christ is the only hermeneutical key to understanding life between God and the world

    The characteristics of the paternity of St. Paul the Apostle in the First Letter to the Corinthians

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    Dla wielu wspólnot chrześcijańskich św. Paweł Apostoł był nie tylko założycielem i nauczycielem, lecz przede wszystkim ojcem. Głoszona w mocy Ducha Świętego Ewangelia sprawiła, że między nim a młodymi lokalnymi Kościołami zawiązała się prawdziwie ojcowsko-synowska relacja. Jej intensywność i charakter można zauważyć przede wszystkim w listach kierowanych przez Apostoła do wspólnoty w Koryncie, szczególnie wtedy, gdy Koryntianie oddalali się od prawdziwej wiary.For many Christian communities, St. Paul the Apostle was not only the founder and teacher but above all a father. The Gospel proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit, created a truly father-son relationship between him and the young local Churches. Its intensity and character can be particularly seen in the letters sent by the Apostle to the community in Corinth, especially when the Corinthians were moving away from true faith

    Changes in soluble carbohydrates in polar Caryophyllaceae and Poaceae plants in response to chilling

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    Abstract Four species of flowering plants comprising Arctic populations of Cerastium alpinum and Poa arctica var. vivipara and indigenous Antarctic species Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica were investigated. Plants derived from natural origins were grown in an experimental greenhouse in Poland (53�470N and 20�300E latitude). Plants for experiment were collected during spring of 2010. Soluble carbohydrates in the intact shoots of C. alpinum and C. quitensis, polar plants of the family Caryophyllaceae, and D. antarctica and P. arctica var. vivipara, representatives of the family Poaceae, were analyzed by gas chromatography, and their involvement in the plants’ response to chilling stress was examined. Plant tissues of the examined families growing in a greenhouse conditions (18–20 �C, short day 10/14 h light/darkness) differed in the content and composition of soluble carbohydrates. In addition to common monosaccharides, myo-inositol and sucrose, Caryophyllaceae plants contained raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs), D-pinitol and mono-galactosyl pinitols. RFOs and D-pinitol were not detected in plants of the family Poaceae which contain 1-kestose, a specific tri-saccharide. The accumulation of significant quantities of sucrose in all investigated plants, RFOs in Caryophyllaceae plants and 1-kestose in Poaceae plants in response to chilling stress(4 �C for 48 h with a long day photoperiod, 20/4 h) indicates that those compounds participate in the stress response. The common sugar accumulating in cold stress response and probably most important for chilling tolerance of four investigated plants species seems to be sucrose. On the other hand, the accumulation of above-mentioned carbohydrates during chilling stress can be a return to sugars metabolism, occurring in natural environmental conditions. No changes in D-pinitol concentrations were observed in the tissues of C. alpinum and C. quitensis plants subjected to both low and elevated temperatures, which probably rules out the protective effects of D-pinitol in response to cold stress

    Iconicity of the Church in the Eucharist according to Ioannis Zizioulas

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    Naszą pracę poświęcamy pogłębieniu ikonicznego wymiaru Kościoła w Eucharystii, który jeszcze dzisiaj pozostaje zapomniany, a w konsekwencji – utracony. Z powodu kontrowersji ikonoklastycznej ojcowie zgromadzeni na II Soborze w Nicei (787) skoncentrowali swoją uwagę na koncepcji ikony, świętego obrazu i uznali jego doktrynalną zgodność. Dla nas właśnie takie rozwiązanie powyższej kwestii stanie się punktem wyjścia dla prezentacji Ioannisa Zizioulasa. Nasz teolog, biorąc pod uwagę argumentację soborową, przedstawi rozumienie idei ikony w kluczu eucharystycznym. W konsekwencji wraz z nim będziemy mówić o liturgicznej manifestacji prawdy (eschaton). Żyć ikonicznie podczas Eucharystii oznacza żyć symbolicznie oraz ukazywać w ten sposób żywą obecność osoby, która jest prawdziwa i ontologiczna. Zizioulas życzy nam, byśmy rozpoznali wymiar pneumatologiczny i eschatologiczny Kościoła, skarb, który jeszcze dla wielu pozostaje utracony, jednakże jest podstawowym elementem ku temu, aby na nowo, jak wskazuje teologia prawosławna, „znaleźć się na złotym placu Jeruzalem niebieskiego, ubranym w złote światło”.We dedicate our work to deepen the Iconic aspect of the Church in the Eucharist which even today is forgotten and for this, always missing. Because of the Iconoclastic controversy, the fathers of the Nicene Council II (787) have put in relief the concept of the Icon as sacred image and have recognized its doctrinal legitimacy. For us, such resolution of problem will become the starting point for the presentation of the Ioannis Zizioulas. Our theologian, keeping in mind the conciliar argumentations, will present the concept of the Icon through the Eucharistic. As a consequence, we, together with him, will speak of the liturgical manifestation of the Truth (eschaton). To live iconomically during the Eucharist means to live symbolically and to present in such a way the live presence of the person who is true and ontological. Zizioulas wishes that we recognize the pneumetological and eschatological dimensions of the Church, the treasure, still missing for many and, all the way, the fundamental element that can, as the orthodox theology indicates us, again, „to find oneself in the square of the heavenly Jerusalem, dressed in golden light”