9 research outputs found

    Indagini sulla scena del reato e diritto al difensore nelle esperienze inglese e statunitense

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    Esame della disciplina del diritto alla difesa legale nei sistemi di common law con particolare riguardo alle indagini sulla scena del crimin

    Que reste-t-il du mariage après le changement de sexe d’un conjoint ?

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    Les effets sur le mariage préexistant du changement de sexe à l’état civil d’un conjoint pose une question dans les ordres juridiques qui ne prévoient pas de reconnaissance des unions entre personnes de même sexe, car le mariage au départ hétérosexuel se transforme en mariage homosexuel. Dans certains Etats européens, le mariage est transformé en une autre forme d’union, solution récemment approuvée par le Cour de Strasbourg ; en Italie l’exclusivité du mariage hétérosexuel empêche de donner une véritable solution aux conjoints qui, souhaitant rester mariés après le changement de sexe de l’un d’eux, se voient imposer le divorce ex lege. La Cour constitutionnelle italienne a été appelée le 11 juin 2014 à juger de la constitutionnalité d’un tel divorce : elle a imposé au législateur d’intervenir pour réglementer l’absence de droit qui apparaîtrait à la suite de la dissolution des effets du mariage qui, devenu homosexuel, ne peut résister face au critère indépassable dans cet État de l’hétérosexualité des époux. Le législateur italien, désormais contraint d’agir, pourrait s’inspirer de la législation d’autres États européens, qui ont développé leurs propres solutions sur la question et dont on peut voir la réussite

    A review of exposure assessment methods for epidemiological studies of health effects related to industrially contaminated sites

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    BACKGROUND: this paper is based upon work from COST Action ICSHNet. Health risks related to living close to industrially contaminated sites (ICSs) are a public concern. Toxicology-based risk assessment of single contaminants is the main approach to assess health risks, but epidemiological studies which investigate the relationships between exposure and health directly in the affected population have contributed important evidence. Limitations in exposure assessment have substantially contributed to uncertainty about associations found in epidemiological studies. OBJECTIVES: to examine exposure assessment methods that have been used in epidemiological studies on ICSs and to provide recommendations for improved exposure assessment in epidemiological studies by comparing exposure assessment methods in epidemiological studies and risk assessments. METHODS: after defining the multi-media framework of exposure related to ICSs, we discussed selected multi-media models applied in Europe. We provided an overview of exposure assessment in 54 epidemiological studies from a systematic review of hazardous waste sites; a systematic review of 41 epidemiological studies on incinerators and 52 additional studies on ICSs and health identified for this review. RESULTS: we identified 10 multi-media models used in Europe primarily for risk assessment. Recent models incorporated estimation of internal biomarker levels. Predictions of the models differ particularly for the routes 'indoor air inhalation' and 'vegetable consumption'. Virtually all of the 54 hazardous waste studies used proximity indicators of exposure, based on municipality or zip code of residence (28 studies) or distance to a contaminated site (25 studies). One study used human biomonitoring. In virtually all epidemiological studies, actual land use was ignored. In the 52 additional studies on contaminated sites, proximity indicators were applied in 39 studies, air pollution dispersion modelling in 6 studies, and human biomonitoring in 9 studies. Exposure assessment in epidemiological studies on incinerators included indicators (presence of source in municipality and distance to the incinerator) and air dispersion modelling. Environmental multi-media modelling methods were not applied in any of the three groups of studies. CONCLUSIONS: recommendations for refined exposure assessment in epidemiological studies included the use of more sophisticated exposure metrics instead of simple proximity indicators where feasible, as distance from a source results in misclassification of exposure as it ignores key determinants of environmental fate and transport, source characteristics, land use, and human consumption behaviour. More validation studies using personal exposure or human biomonitoring are needed to assess misclassification of exposure. Exposure assessment should take more advantage of the detailed multi-media exposure assessment procedures developed for risk assessment. The use of indicators can be substantially improved by linking definition of zones of exposure to existing knowledge of extent of dispersion. Studies should incorporate more often land use and individual behaviour

    31st Annual Meeting and Associated Programs of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2016): part one

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