77 research outputs found

    Amyotrophie spinale proximale de type Ia (caractérisation du phénotype pré- et postnatal à partir de 12 patients porteurs d un génotype 0SMN1/1SMN2)

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    L'amyotrophie spinale proximale (SMA) rĂ©sulte de l'inactivation homozygote du gĂšne SMN1. La sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de la maladie est inversement corrĂ©lĂ©e au nombre de copies du principal gĂšne modificateur, le gĂšne SMN2. Le gĂ©notype 0SMN1I1SMN2, trĂšs rare, est Ă©troitement corrĂ©lĂ© aux formes les plus sĂ©vĂšres de SMA, appelĂ©es type Ia. L'objectif de ce travail est de dĂ©crire prĂ©cisĂ©ment le phĂ©notype prĂ©- et postnatal de la SMA de type la Ă  partir des donnĂ©es recueillies pour 12 patients porteurs d'un gĂ©notype 0SMN1/1SMN2 rĂ©pertoriĂ©s grĂące Ă  la banque de donnĂ©es nationale UMD-SMN1 et de 33 patients atteints de SMA de type Ta issus de la littĂ©rature. La SMA de type Ia se manifeste dĂšs la naissance par une atteinte neurologique extrĂȘmement sĂ©vĂšre comportant atteinte respiratoire nĂ©cessitant une assistance ventilatoire immĂ©diate, une hypotonie et un dĂ©ficit musculaire global. Une atteinte du tronc cĂ©rĂ©bral (troubles de la succion/dĂ©glutition, atteinte faciale) et des signes d'immobilisme foetal (rĂ©tractions articulaires, micrognathisme, palais ogival) sont observĂ©s. L'Ă©veil est le plus souvent conservĂ©. Des malformations cardiaques sont frĂ©quemment associĂ©es. La survie excĂšde rarement un mois. Les signes en pĂ©riode antĂ©natale sont quant Ă  eux discrets et peu spĂ©cifiques. Une diminution des mouvements actifs foetaux au troisiĂšme trimestre de grossesse est frĂ©quemment rapportĂ©e. Une hyperclartĂ© nucale ou un hydramnios sont rapportĂ©s de maniĂšre inconstante. La SMA de type Ia se rĂ©vĂšle extrĂȘmement difficile Ă  dĂ©tecter en pĂ©riode antĂ©natale. Compte-tenu de ces observations, des indications pour le diagnostic molĂ©culaire de SMA en pĂ©riode antĂ©natale peuvent toutefois ĂȘtre proposĂ©es.ROUEN-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (765402102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Presence of autism, hyperserotonemia, and severe expressive language impairment in Williams-Beuren syndrome.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Deletion of the Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) critical region (WBSCR), at 7q11.23, causes a developmental disorder commonly characterized by hypersociability and excessive talkativeness and often considered the opposite behavioral phenotype to autism. Duplication of the WBSCR leads to severe delay in expressive language. Gene-dosage effects on language development at 7q11.23 have been hypothesized. METHODS: Molecular characterization of the WBSCR was performed by fluorescence in situ hybridization and high-resolution single-nucleotide polymorphism array in two individuals with severe autism enrolled in a genetic study of autism who showed typical WBS facial dysmorphism on systematic clinical genetic examination. The serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR, locus SLC6A4) was genotyped. Platelet serotonin levels and urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion were measured. Behavioral and cognitive phenotypes were examined. RESULTS: The two patients had common WBSCR deletions between proximal and medial low copy repeat clusters, met diagnostic criteria for autism and displayed severe impairment in communication, including a total absence of expressive speech. Both patients carried the 5-HTTLPR ss genotype and exhibited platelet hyperserotonemia and low melatonin production. CONCLUSIONS: Our observations indicate that behaviors and neurochemical phenotypes typically associated with autism can occur in patients with common WBSCR deletions. The results raise intriguing questions about phenotypic heterogeneity in WBS and regarding genetic and/or environmental factors interacting with specific genes at 7q11.23 sensitive to dosage alterations that can influence the development of social communication skills. Thus, the influence of WBSCR genes on social communication expression might be dramatically modified by other genes, such as 5-HTTLPR, known to influence the severity of social communication impairments in autism, or by environmental factors, such as hyperserotonemia, given that hyperserotonemia is found in WBS associated with autism but not in WBS without autism. In this regard, WBS provides a potentially fruitful model with which to develop integrated genetic, cognitive, behavioral and neurochemical approaches to study genotype-phenotype correlations, possible gene-environment interactions and genetic background effects. The results underscore the importance of considering careful clinical and molecular genetic examination of individuals diagnosed with autism

    Murine MPDZ-linked hydrocephalus is caused by hyperpermeability of the choroid plexus.

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    Though congenital hydrocephalus is heritable, it has been linked only to eight genes, one of which is MPDZ Humans and mice that carry a truncated version of MPDZ incur severe hydrocephalus resulting in acute morbidity and lethality. We show by magnetic resonance imaging that contrast medium penetrates into the brain ventricles of mice carrying a Mpdz loss-of-function mutation, whereas none is detected in the ventricles of normal mice, implying that the permeability of the choroid plexus epithelial cell monolayer is abnormally high. Comparative proteomic analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid of normal and hydrocephalic mice revealed up to a 53-fold increase in protein concentration, suggesting that transcytosis through the choroid plexus epithelial cells of Mpdz KO mice is substantially higher than in normal mice. These conclusions are supported by ultrastructural evidence, and by immunohistochemistry and cytology data. Our results provide a straightforward and concise explanation for the pathophysiology of Mpdz-linked hydrocephalus

    Autistic Disorder in Patients with Williams-Beuren Syndrome: A Reconsideration of the Williams-Beuren Syndrome Phenotype

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    Abstract Background: Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS), a rare developmental disorder caused by deletion of contiguous genes at 7q11.23, has been characterized by strengths in socialization (overfriendliness) and communication (excessive talkativeness). WBS has been often considered as the polar opposite behavioral phenotype to autism. Our objective was to better understand the range of phenotypic expression in WBS and the relationship between WBS and autistic disorder

    Autistic Disorder in Patients with Williams-Beuren Syndrome: A Reconsideration of the Williams-Beuren Syndrome Phenotype

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    International audienceBackground: Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS), a rare developmental disorder caused by deletion of contiguous genes at 7q11.23, has been characterized by strengths in socialization (overfriendliness) and communication (excessive talkativeness). WBS has been often considered as the polar opposite behavioral phenotype to autism. Our objective was to better understand the range of phenotypic expression in WBS and the relationship between WBS and autistic disorder. Methodology: The study was conducted on 9 French individuals aged from 4 to 37 years old with autistic disorder associated with WBS. Behavioral assessments were performed using Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) scales. Molecular characterization of the WBS critical region was performed by FISH. Findings: FISH analysis indicated that all 9 patients displayed the common WBS deletion. All 9 patients met ADI-R and ADOS diagnostic criteria for autism, displaying stereotypies and severe impairments in social interaction and communication (including the absence of expressive language). Additionally, patients showed improvement in social communication over time. Conclusions: The results indicate that comorbid autism and WBS is more frequent than expected and suggest that the common WBS deletion can result in a continuum of social communication impairment, ranging from excessive talkativeness and overfriendliness to absence of verbal language and poor social relationships. Appreciation of the possible co-occurrence of WBS and autism challenges the common view that WBS represents the opposite behavioral phenotype of autism, and might lead to improved recognition of WBS in individuals diagnosed with autism

    Evaluation of DNA Methylation Episignatures for Diagnosis and Phenotype Correlations in 42 Mendelian Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

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    Genetic syndromes frequently present with overlapping clinical features and inconclusive or ambiguous genetic findings which can confound accurate diagnosis and clinical management. An expanding number of genetic syndromes have been shown to have unique genomic DNA methylation patterns (called episignatures ). Peripheral blood episignatures can be used for diagnostic testing as well as for the interpretation of ambiguous genetic test results. We present here an approach to episignature mapping in 42 genetic syndromes, which has allowed the identification of 34 robust disease-specific episignatures. We examine emerging patterns of overlap, as well as similarities and hierarchical relationships across these episignatures, to highlight their key features as they are related to genetic heterogeneity, dosage effect, unaffected carrier status, and incomplete penetrance. We demonstrate the necessity of multiclass modeling for accurate genetic variant classification and show how disease classification using a single episignature at a time can sometimes lead to classification errors in closely related episignatures. We demonstrate the utility of this tool in resolving ambiguous clinical cases and identification of previously undiagnosed cases through mass screening of a large cohort of subjects with developmental delays and congenital anomalies. This study more than doubles the number of published syndromes with DNA methylation episignatures and, most significantly, opens new avenues for accurate diagnosis and clinical assessment in individuals affected by these disorders

    Role of cytoskeletal abnormalities in the neuropathology and pathophysiology of type I lissencephaly

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    Type I lissencephaly or agyria-pachygyria is a rare developmental disorder which results from a defect of neuronal migration. It is characterized by the absence of gyri and a thickening of the cerebral cortex and can be associated with other brain and visceral anomalies. Since the discovery of the first genetic cause (deletion of chromosome 17p13.3), six additional genes have been found to be responsible for agyria–pachygyria. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge concerning these genetic disorders including clinical, neuropathological and molecular results. Genetic alterations of LIS1, DCX, ARX, TUBA1A, VLDLR, RELN and more recently WDR62 genes cause migrational abnormalities along with more complex and subtle anomalies affecting cell proliferation and differentiation, i.e., neurite outgrowth, axonal pathfinding, axonal transport, connectivity and even myelination. The number and heterogeneity of clinical, neuropathological and radiological defects suggest that type I lissencephaly now includes several forms of cerebral malformations. In vitro experiments and mutant animal studies, along with neuropathological abnormalities in humans are of invaluable interest for the understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms, highlighting the central role of cytoskeletal dynamics required for a proper achievement of cell proliferation, neuronal migration and differentiation
