7 research outputs found

    The Effect of Calcium Ions on Mechanosensation and Neuronal Activity in Proprioceptive Neurons

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    Proprioception of all animals is important in being able to have coordinated locomotion. Stretch activated ion channels (SACs) transduce the mechanical force into electrical signals in the proprioceptive sensory endings. The types of SACs vary among sensory neurons in animals as defined by pharmacological, physiological and molecular identification. The chordotonal organs within insects and crustaceans offer a unique ability to investigate proprioceptive function. The effects of the extracellular environment on neuronal activity, as well as the function of associated SACs are easily accessible and viable in minimal saline for ease in experimentation. The effect of extracellular [Ca2+] on membrane properties which affect voltage-sensitivity of ion channels, threshold of action potentials and SACs can be readily addressed in the chordotonal organ in crab limbs. It is of interest to understand how low extracellular [Ca2+] enhances neural activity considering the SACs in the sensory endings could possibly be Ca2+ channels and that all neural activity is blocked with Mn2+. It is suggested that axonal excitability might be affected independent from the SAC activity due to potential presence of calcium activated potassium channels (K(Ca)) and the ability of Ca2+ to block voltage gated Na+ channels in the axons. Separating the role of Ca2+ on the function of the SACs and the excitability of the axons in the nerves associated with chordotonal organs is addressed. These experiments may aid in understanding the mechanisms of neuronal hyperexcitability during hypocalcemia within mammals

    Bromide and Iodide Mapping of Sc Rivers Using Ion Chromatography: How Salty Is Your Water?

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    Bromide and iodide are naturally occurring trace elements most often found in the ocean and seawater. While disinfectants are vital to getting healthy, sustainable water, they also introduce harmful Distribution By- Products (DBPs). These disinfectants react with the Bromide and Iodide creating DBPs. These DBPs can be carcinogenic and cause some reproductive issues. Furthermore, the amount of harmful brominated and iodinated DBPs in the water correlates with the amount of Bromide and Iodide pre-existing in the water. In this research, Bromide and Iodide levels were measured in river water. We predict that the area below the fall line of South Carolina will have using an IC system. The IC system measures the concentrations of the anions by absorbing the ions. This method measures the concentrations of the anions by absorbing the ions, which allowed us to find the concentration of bromide and iodide in parts per billion (PPB). Overall, data suggests support for our hypothesis that the area below the fall line would have greater concentrations of Bromide than the area above the fall line. However, Iodide was not detected in large concentrations as Bromide was. We also noticed that the water samples that had rainfall had lower concentrations of Bromide than we expected. These results are important to the overall research because they show that below the fall line more DBPs exist. People who live below the fall line may have a higher chance of consuming disinfected drinking water containing DPBs

    The Effect of Calcium Ions on Mechanosensation and Neuronal Activity in Proprioceptive Neurons

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    Proprioception of all animals is important in being able to have coordinated locomotion. Stretch activated ion channels (SACs) transduce the mechanical force into electrical signals in the proprioceptive sensory endings. The types of SACs vary among sensory neurons in animals as defined by pharmacological, physiological and molecular identification. The chordotonal organs within insects and crustaceans offer a unique ability to investigate proprioceptive function. The effects of the extracellular environment on neuronal activity, as well as the function of associated SACs are easily accessible and viable in minimal saline for ease in experimentation. The effect of extracellular [Ca2+] on membrane properties which affect voltage-sensitivity of ion channels, threshold of action potentials and SACs can be readily addressed in the chordotonal organ in crab limbs. It is of interest to understand how low extracellular [Ca2+] enhances neural activity considering the SACs in the sensory endings could possibly be Ca2+ channels and that all neural activity is blocked with Mn2+. It is suggested that axonal excitability might be affected independent from the SAC activity due to potential presence of calcium activated potassium channels (K(Ca)) and the ability of Ca2+ to block voltage gated Na+ channels in the axons. Separating the role of Ca2+ on the function of the SACs and the excitability of the axons in the nerves associated with chordotonal organs is addressed. These experiments may aid in understanding the mechanisms of neuronal hyperexcitability during hypocalcemia within mammals

    Outcomes in CCG-2961, a Children's Oncology Group Phase 3 Trial for untreated pediatric acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Children's Oncology Group

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    CCG-2961 incorporated 3 new agents, idarubicin, fludarabine and interleukin-2, into a phase 3 AML trial using intensive-timing remission induction/consolidation and related donor marrow transplantation or high-dose cytarabine intensifi-cation. Among 901 patients under age 21 years, 5-year survival was 52%, and event-free survival was 42%. Survival improved from 44% between 1996 and 1998 to 58% between 2000 and 2002 (P = .005), and treatment-related mortality declined from 19% to 12% (P = .025). Partial replacement of daunomycin with idarubicin in the 5-drug induction combination achieved a remission rate of 88%, similar to historical controls. Postremission survival was 56% in patients randomized to either 5-drug reinduction or fludarabine/cytarabine/idarubicin. For patients with or without a related donor, respective 5-year disease-free survival was 61% and 50% (P = .021); respective survival was 68% and 62% (P = .425). Donor availability conferred no benefit on those with inv(16) or t(8;21) cytogenetics. After cytarabine intensification, patients randomized to interleukin-2 or none experienced similar outcomes. Factors predictive of inferior survival were age more than 16 years, non-white ethnicity, absence of related donor, obesity, white blood cell count more than 100 000 × 109/L, −7/7q−, −5/5q−, and/or complex karyotype. No new agent improved outcomes; experience may have contributed to better results time

    The genomic landscape of hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    The genetic basis of hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), a subtype of ALL characterized by aneuploidy and poor outcome, is unknown. Genomic profiling of 124 hypodiploid ALL cases, including whole-genome and exome sequencing of 40 cases, identified two subtypes that differ in the severity of aneuploidy, transcriptional profiles and submicroscopic genetic alterations. Near-haploid ALL with 24-31 chromosomes harbor alterations targeting receptor tyrosine kinase signaling and Ras signaling (71%) and the lymphoid transcription factor gene IKZF3 (encoding AIOLOS; 13%). In contrast, low-hypodiploid ALL with 32-39 chromosomes are characterized by alterations in TP53 (91.2%) that are commonly present in nontumor cells, IKZF2 (encoding HELIOS; 53%) and RB1 (41%). Both near-haploid and low-hypodiploid leukemic cells show activation of Ras-signaling and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-signaling pathways and are sensitive to PI3K inhibitors, indicating that these drugs should be explored as a new therapeutic strategy for this aggressive form of leukemia

    Subretinal Hyperreflective Material in the Comparison of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatments Trials

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