45 research outputs found

    The Genome Sequence of the Grape Phylloxera Provides Insights into the Evolution, Adaptation, and Invasion Routes of an Iconic Pest

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    Background: Although native to North America, the invasion of the aphid-like grape phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae across the globe altered the course of grape cultivation. For the past 150 years, viticulture relied on grafting-resistant North American Vitis species as rootstocks, thereby limiting genetic stocks tolerant to other stressors such as pathogens and climate change. Limited understanding of the insect genetics resulted in successive outbreaks across the globe when rootstocks failed. Here we report the 294-Mb genome of D. vitifoliae as a basic tool to understand host plant manipulation, nutritional endosymbiosis, and enhance global viticulture. Results: Using a combination of genome, RNA, and population resequencing, we found grape phylloxera showed high duplication rates since its common ancestor with aphids, but similarity in most metabolic genes, despite lacking obligate nutritional symbioses and feeding from parenchyma. Similarly, no enrichment occurred in development genes in relation to viviparity. However, phylloxera evolved > 2700 unique genes that resemble putative effectors and are active during feeding. Population sequencing revealed the global invasion began from the upper Mississippi River in North America, spread to Europe and from there to the rest of the world. Conclusions: The grape phylloxera genome reveals genetic architecture relative to the evolution of nutritional endosymbiosis, viviparity, and herbivory. The extraordinary expansion in effector genes also suggests novel adaptations to plant feeding and how insects induce complex plant phenotypes, for instance galls. Finally, our understanding of the origin of this invasive species and its genome provide genetics resources to alleviate rootstock bottlenecks restricting the advancement of viticulture

    Le pin (Pinus sylvestris) : prĂ©fĂ©rence d'un taxon ou contrainte de l'environnement ? Étude des charbons de bois de la grotte Chauvet

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    The many samples of charcoal taken during the various study campaigns have allowed the identification of Pinus sp sylvestris/nigra (scotch pine or black pine). Whatever the context (fuel in hearths, torch-wipes, paints), all the charcoal used comes from the same variety. Our knowledge of the contemporary vegetation attests to the presence of other ligneous taxa; the exclusive presence of pine must thus be considered as resulting from the preferential use of this species, the motives for which are discussed.Les nombreux Ă©chantillons de charbons de bois prĂ©levĂ©s au cours des diffĂ©rentes campagnes d'Ă©tude ont permis V identification de Pinus sp sylves- tris/nigra, le pin sylvestre ou le pin noir. Quel que soit le contexte (combustibles de foyer, mouchages de torche, peintures), les charbons de bois utilisĂ©s proviennent tous de la mĂȘme essence. Nos connaissances sur les vĂ©gĂ©tations contemporaines attestent la prĂ©sence d'autres taxons ligneux, la prĂ©sence exclusive du pin serait la consĂ©quence d'une utilisation prĂ©fĂ©rentielle de cette espĂšce dont les motivations sont discutĂ©es.ThĂ©ry-Parisot Isabelle, ThiĂ©bault StĂ©phanie. Le pin (Pinus sylvestris) : prĂ©fĂ©rence d'un taxon ou contrainte de l'environnement ? Étude des charbons de bois de la grotte Chauvet. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© prĂ©historique française, tome 102, n°1, 2005. La grotte Chauvet Ă  Vallon-Pont-d'Arc : un bilan des recherches pluridisciplinaires Actes de la sĂ©ance de la SociĂ©tĂ© prĂ©historique française, 11 et 12 octobre 2003, Lyon. pp. 69-75

    Le pin (Pinus sylvestris) : prĂ©fĂ©rence d'un taxon ou contrainte de l'environnement ? Étude des charbons de bois de la grotte Chauvet

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    International audienceLes nombreux Ă©chantillons de charbons de bois prĂ©levĂ©s au cours des dif-fĂ©rentes campagnes d'Ă©tude ont permis l'identification de Pinus sp sylves-tris/nigra, le pin sylvestre ou le pin noir. Quel que soit le contexte (combus-tibles de foyer, mouchages de torche, peintures), les charbons de bois utilisĂ©s proviennent tous de la mĂȘme essence. Nos connaissances sur les vĂ©gĂ©tations contemporaines attestent la prĂ©sence d'autres taxons ligneux, la prĂ©sence exclusive du pin serait la consĂ©quence d'une utilisation prĂ©fĂ©-rentielle de cette espĂšce dont les motivations sont discutĂ©es. Abstract The many samples of charcoal taken during the various study campaigns have allowed the identification of Pinus sp sylvestris/nigra (scotch pine or black pine). Whatever the context (fuel in hearths, torch-wipes, paints), all the charcoal used comes from the same variety. Our knowledge of the contemporary vegetation attests to the presence of other ligneous taxa; the exclusive presence of pine must thus be considered as resulting from the preferential use of this species, the motives for which are discussed. Depuis la dĂ©couverte de la grotte de nombreux char-bons de bois ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s pour identification. Les contextes de prĂ©lĂšvement sont nombreux et fort divers. Pourtant, une seule espĂšce a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e, le pin sylvestre. S'agit-il d'un choix dĂ©libĂ©rĂ© de la part des populations dans le ramassage de ce taxon liĂ© Ă  la nature du bois ou Ă  une fonction dĂ©terminĂ©e ? Ou bien cette rĂ©colte rĂ©pond-elle Ă  une contrainte de l'environ-nement ? Le but de cet article est de prĂ©senter les rĂ©sultats obtenus et de rĂ©pondre aux questions qu'ils posent

    Le pin (Pinus sylvestris) : prĂ©fĂ©rence d'un taxon ou contrainte de l'environnement ? Étude des charbons de bois de la grotte Chauvet

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    International audienceLes nombreux Ă©chantillons de charbons de bois prĂ©levĂ©s au cours des dif-fĂ©rentes campagnes d'Ă©tude ont permis l'identification de Pinus sp sylves-tris/nigra, le pin sylvestre ou le pin noir. Quel que soit le contexte (combus-tibles de foyer, mouchages de torche, peintures), les charbons de bois utilisĂ©s proviennent tous de la mĂȘme essence. Nos connaissances sur les vĂ©gĂ©tations contemporaines attestent la prĂ©sence d'autres taxons ligneux, la prĂ©sence exclusive du pin serait la consĂ©quence d'une utilisation prĂ©fĂ©-rentielle de cette espĂšce dont les motivations sont discutĂ©es. Abstract The many samples of charcoal taken during the various study campaigns have allowed the identification of Pinus sp sylvestris/nigra (scotch pine or black pine). Whatever the context (fuel in hearths, torch-wipes, paints), all the charcoal used comes from the same variety. Our knowledge of the contemporary vegetation attests to the presence of other ligneous taxa; the exclusive presence of pine must thus be considered as resulting from the preferential use of this species, the motives for which are discussed. Depuis la dĂ©couverte de la grotte de nombreux char-bons de bois ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s pour identification. Les contextes de prĂ©lĂšvement sont nombreux et fort divers. Pourtant, une seule espĂšce a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e, le pin sylvestre. S'agit-il d'un choix dĂ©libĂ©rĂ© de la part des populations dans le ramassage de ce taxon liĂ© Ă  la nature du bois ou Ă  une fonction dĂ©terminĂ©e ? Ou bien cette rĂ©colte rĂ©pond-elle Ă  une contrainte de l'environ-nement ? Le but de cet article est de prĂ©senter les rĂ©sultats obtenus et de rĂ©pondre aux questions qu'ils posent

    (Sous la direction de ) : – Des hommes et des plantes, exploitation du milieu et des ressources vĂ©gĂ©tales de la PrĂ©histoire Ă  nos jours

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    Depuis la PrĂ©histoire, toutes les sociĂ©tĂ©s humaines ont puisĂ© une part considĂ©rable de leurs ressources dans le milieu vĂ©gĂ©tal. Qu'elles soient cueillies ou cultivĂ©es, les plantes sont sources d'alimentation, de combustible, de matĂ©riaux de construction et d'objets manufacturĂ©s, de mĂ©dicaments, de matiĂšres premiĂšres pour la fabrication de textiles ou de teintures... La vĂ©gĂ©tation est aussi un habitat, que l'on façonne et que l'on modifie, intentionnellement ou non, et oĂč cohabitent les espĂšces indigĂšnes, les espĂšces importĂ©es et les espĂšces invasives. Elle est Ă©galement un objet culturel et cultuel, miroir des croyances et des traditions, domestiquĂ©e, sacralisĂ©e, diabolisĂ©e... Les XXXe Rencontres d'Antibes ont permis d'examiner sur la longue durĂ©e (de la PrĂ©histoire Ă  nos jours) la relation particuliĂšre que les sociĂ©tĂ©s ont tissĂ©e au fil du temps avec leur environnement vĂ©gĂ©tal. Cet ouvrage rassemble les contributions traitant de la gestion de la forĂȘt, des chasseurs cueilleurs aux sociĂ©tĂ©s industrielles, de l'impact de l'Homme sur les dynamiques biogĂ©ographiques et de domestication des plantes et d'alimentation

    Illuminating the cave, drawing in black: wood charcoal analysis at Chauvet-Pont d\u27Arc

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    The Grotte Chauvet is world renowned for the quality and diversity of its Palaeolithic art. Fire was particularly important to the occupants, providing light and producing charcoal for use in motifs. Charcoal samples were taken systematically from features associated with the two main occupation phases (Aurignacian and Gravettian). Analysis showed it to be composed almost entirely of pine (Pinus sp.), indicating the harsh climatic conditions at this period. No distinction in wood species was found between either the two occupation episodes or the various depositional contexts. The results throw new light on the cultural and palaeoenvironmental factors that influenced choices underlying the collection of wood for charcoal production

    L’abri Pendimoun (Castellar, Alpes-maritimes) : nouvelles donnĂ©es sur l’évolution du couvert forestier et l’exploitation du milieu au nĂ©olithique (5 800-2 000 ans cal. BCE)

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    L’important corpus de charbons de bois issus de la fouille des niveaux nĂ©olithiques de l’abri Pendimoun, datĂ©s de 5 800 Ă  2 000 ans cal. BCE (Before the Common Era), permet une Ă©tude fine de la dynamique du paysage vĂ©gĂ©tal, en lien avec l’exploitation agro-sylvo-pastorale du milieu et les variations du climat. Le spectre anthracologique reflĂšte trĂšs tĂŽt une vĂ©gĂ©tation en mosaĂŻque, oĂč se cĂŽtoient une chĂȘnaie caducifoliĂ©e, des formations de lisiĂšres et des milieux ouverts. Ce paysage vĂ©gĂ©tal contrastĂ© renvoie originellement Ă  des conditions topographiques et Ă©daphiques variĂ©es, avant d’ĂȘtre favorisĂ© par les activitĂ©s humaines. La chĂȘnaie caducifoliĂ©e domine le spectre jusqu’au ChassĂ©en, mais nous Ă©mettons l’hypothĂšse qu’elle a pu connaitre, au cours de cette pĂ©riode, un changement de physionomie, liĂ© Ă  son exploitation anthropique. Au ChassĂ©en, le chĂȘne sempervirent, plus compĂ©titif en contexte perturbĂ©, connaĂźt une forte augmentation. Celle-ci coĂŻncide avec l’intensification de l’exploitation pastorale de la montagne et avec la montĂ©e en puissance de l’utilisation des cavitĂ©s, dont Pendimoun, comme bergeries. Ces Ă©volutions se produisent au cours d’une pĂ©riode oĂč les sociĂ©tĂ©s agro-sylvo-pastorales pourraient avoir dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©ment choisi de remĂ©dier Ă  une moindre disponibilitĂ© des basses terres pour les activitĂ©s pastorales par l’exploitation Ă©tagĂ©e de la vĂ©gĂ©tation.The broad charcoal analysis of the Neolithic (5,800-2,000 years cal. BCE; Before the Common Era) levels from Pendimoun rock shelter documents the vegetation dynamic, related to the agro-sylvo-pastoral exploitation of the environment and the climate variations. The charcoal spectrum reflects the early settlement of a mosaic landscape composed of deciduous oak forest, fringe-vegetation and shrubland. This mosaic landscape is originally linked to the contrasting topographic and edaphic conditions, before it had been favoured by the human activities. The deciduous oak forest is dominant until the Chassey period, but we assume it could have experienced a physiognomic change related to the anthropic exploitation during this period; actually the evergreen oak which is more competitive in disturbed conditions, then increases. This coincided with the intensification of mountain exploitation by shepherds, and the increase of the targeted use of caves (including Pendimoun) as sheepfold. The agro-sylvo-pastoral societies may have resolved the problem of a reduced availability of low-lands for pastoral purposes by a staged exploitation of the landscape

    L’abri de Pendimoun (Castellar, Alpes-Maritimes) : nouvelles donnĂ©es sur l'Ă©volution du couvert forestier et l'exploitation du milieu au NĂ©olithique (5800 Ă  2000 ans cal. BCE)

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    International audienceL’abri Pendimoun (Castellar, Alpes-Maritimes) : nouvelles donnĂ©es sur l'Ă©volution du couvert forestier et l'exploitation du milieu au NĂ©olithique (5800-2000 ans cal. BCE

    Air Drep—A Retrospective Study Evaluating the Influence of Weather Conditions and Viral Epidemics on Vaso-Occlusive Crises in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease Living in French Guiana

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    (1) Objectives: French Guiana is the French territory most affected by sickle cell disease (SCD). This study investigates the associations between different environmental factors relative to climate, infectious outbreaks, and emergency visits or weekly hospital admissions for vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC). The identification of risk factors would lead to better patient care and patient management, and more targeted prevention and therapeutic education for patients with SCD in French Guiana. (2) Methods: This study was performed using data collected from the medicalized information system and emergency medical records of Cayenne General Hospital, between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2016. ARIMA models were used to investigate the potential impact of weather conditions and flu epidemics on VOC occurrence. (3) Results: During the study period, 1739 emergency visits were recorded among 384 patients, of which 856 (49.2%) resulted in hospitalization, 811 (46.6%) resulted in hospital discharge, and 72 (4.2%) in another orientation. Decreased temperature and decreased humidity were both independent factors associated with an increase of VOC cases (p = 0.0128 and p = 0.0004, respectively). When studying severe VOC (leading to hospitalization, with or without prior emergency visit), 2104 hospital admissions were recorded for 326 patients. The only factor associated with severe VOC, in the multivariate analysis, was flu epidemics (p = 0.0148). (4) Conclusions: This study shows a link between climate, flu epidemics, and VOC in French Guiana. Patient’s awareness of risks related to climate and flu epidemics should be encouraged, as home prevention measures can help avoid painful crises. Moreover, physicians should encourage patients to get immunized for influenza every year