13 research outputs found

    Interactions between Pax6, Barhl2 and Shh in the early patterning of the mammalian diencephalon

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    Diencephalic development requires the transcription factors Pax6 and Barhl2 in order to proceed correctly. Both genes are necessary for the normal development of the organizer region known as the zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI). The ZLI goes on to pattern the diencephalon via its secretion of the morphogen Shh, which inhibits the expression of Pax6. These findings suggest that interactions between Pax6, Barhl2 and Shh may be involved in the control of diencephalic development. This project aims to characterise these interactions and investigate their roles. The expression domains of Pax6 and Barhl2 were mapped during the early development of the mouse diencephalon. Qualitative approaches were employed to confirm the high complementarity of their expression domains and obtain evidence of a mutually repressive relationship existing between the two genes. The findings from a quantitative analysis suggested that this inhibition is incomplete within the thalamus. Investigations using the Pax6-null mutant mouse confirmed that in the absence of Pax6 the thalamic Barhl2 expression domain expands beyond the ventricular zone, the site of thalamic neurogenesis. The influence of Shh signalling on the expression of Pax6 and Barhl2 was investigated via a gain-of-function approach utilising in utero electroporation to activate the Shh pathway. This led to a downregulation of both Pax6 and Barhl2 within the thalamus. In Shh loss-of-function experiments drug treatment with the Shh antagonist vismodegib led to an upregulation of Barhl2 and the loss of the GABAergic pTh-R in the Pax6-null mutant thalamus, but not in the wild type thalamus, suggesting that Pax6 and Shh may be required to inhibit Barhl2 in order for GABAergic neurogenesis to proceed. Barhl2 expression was detected in the Shh-null mutant mouse confirming that, in contrast with their homologues in Drosophila, Shh may be expressed downstream of Barhl2. Together these findings have been used to develop a novel model of thalamic development in which Barhl2 induces ZLI development, inhibition of Barhl2 by Pax6 restricts its expansion, and secretion of Shh by the ZLI then goes on to inhibit Pax6 and Barhl2 in the pTh-R while mutual repression between Pax6 and Barhl2 modulates neurogenesis in the more caudal regions of the thalamic neuroepithelium

    MicroRNA-148b Targets the TGF-β Pathway to Regulate Angiogenesis and Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition during Skin Wound Healing

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    Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) is crucial for regulation of the endothelial cell (EC) homeostasis. Perturbation of TGF-β signaling leads to pathological conditions in the vasculature, causing cardiovascular disease and fibrotic disorders. The TGF-β pathway is critical in endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT), but a gap remains in our understanding of the regulation of TGF-β and related signaling in the endothelium. This study applied a gain- and loss-of function approach and an in vivo model of skin wound healing to demonstrate that miR-148b regulates TGF-β signaling and has a key role in EndMT, targeting TGFB2 and SMAD2. Overexpression of miR-148b increased EC migration, proliferation, and angiogenesis, whereas its inhibition promoted EndMT. Cytokine challenge decreased miR-148b levels in ECs while promoting EndMT through the regulation of SMAD2. Finally, in a mouse model of skin wound healing, delivery of miR-148b mimics promoted wound vascularization and accelerated closure. In contrast, inhibition of miR-148b enhanced EndMT in wounds, resulting in impaired wound closure that was reversed by SMAD2 silencing. Together, these results demonstrate for the first time that miR-148b is a key factor controlling EndMT and vascularization. This opens new avenues for therapeutic application of miR-148b in vascular and tissue repair

    Trichoplein binds PCM1 and controls endothelial cell function by regulating autophagy

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    Autophagy is an essential cellular quality control process that has emerged as a critical one for vascular homeostasis. Here, we show that trichoplein (TCHP) links autophagy with endothelial cell (EC) function. TCHP localizes to centriolar satellites, where it binds and stabilizes PCM1. Loss of TCHP leads to delocalization and proteasome-dependent degradation of PCM1, further resulting in degradation of PCM1's binding partner GABARAP. Autophagic flux under basal conditions is impaired in THCP-depleted ECs, and SQSTM1/p62 (p62) accumulates. We further show that TCHP promotes autophagosome maturation and efficient clearance of p62 within lysosomes, without affecting their degradative capacity. Reduced TCHP and high p62 levels are detected in primary ECs from patients with coronary artery disease. This phenotype correlates with impaired EC function and can be ameliorated by NF-\u3baB inhibition. Moreover, Tchp knock-out mice accumulate of p62 in the heart and cardiac vessels correlating with reduced cardiac vascularization. Taken together, our data reveal that TCHP regulates endothelial cell function via an autophagy-mediated mechanism

    In Bonobos Yawn Contagion Is Higher among Kin and Friends

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    In humans, the distribution of yawn contagion is shaped by social closeness with strongly bonded pairs showing higher levels of contagion than weakly bonded pairs. This ethological finding led the authors to hypothesize that the phenomenon of yawn contagion may be the result of certain empathic abilities, although in their most basal form. Here, for the first time, we show the capacity of bonobos (Pan paniscus) to respond to yawns of conspecifics. Bonobos spontaneously yawned more frequently during resting/relaxing compared to social tension periods. The results show that yawn contagion was context independent suggesting that the probability of yawning after observing others\u27 yawns is not affected by the propensity to engage in spontaneous yawns. As it occurs in humans, in bonobos the yawing response mostly occurred within the first minute after the perception of the stimulus. Finally, via a Linear Mixed Model we tested the effect of different variables (e.g., sex, rank, relationship quality) on yawn contagion, which increased when subjects were strongly bonded and when the triggering subject was a female. The importance of social bonding in shaping yawn contagion in bonobos, as it occurs in humans, is consistent with the hypothesis that empathy may play a role in the modulation of this phenomenon in both species. The higher frequency of yawn contagion in presence of a female as a triggering subject supports the hypothesis that adult females not only represent the relational and decisional nucleus of the bonobo society, but also that they play a key role in affecting the emotional states of others

    Expression of Barhl2 and its relationship with Pax6 expression in the forebrain of the mouse embryo

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    BACKGROUND: The transcription factor Barhl2 is an antiproneural transcription factor with roles in neuronal differentiation. The functions of its homologue in Drosophila development are better understood than its functions in mammalian brain development. Existing evidence suggests that its expression in the embryonic forebrain of the mouse is regional and may complement that of another transcription factor that is important for forebrain development, Pax6. The aim of this study is to provide a more detailed description of the Barhl2 expression pattern in the embryonic forebrain than is currently available, to relate its expression domains to those of Pax6 and to examine the effects of Pax6 loss on Barhl2 expression. RESULTS: We found that Barhl2 is expressed in the developing diencephalon from the time of anterior neural tube closure. Its expression initially overlaps that of Pax6 in a central region of the alar diencephalon but over the following days their domains of expression become complementary in most forebrain regions. The exceptions are the thalamus and pretectum, where countergradients of Pax6 and Barhl2 expression are established by embryonic day 12.5, before overall Pax6 levels in these regions decline greatly while Barhl2 levels remain relatively high. We found that Barhl2 expression becomes upregulated in specifically the thalamus and pretectum in Pax6-null mice. CONCLUSIONS: The region-specific expression pattern of Barhl2 makes it likely to be an important player in the development of region-specific differences in embryonic mouse forebrain. Repression of its expression in the thalamus and pretectum by Pax6 may be crucial for allowing proneural factors to promote normal neuronal differentiation in this region

    Gender analysis of moxifloxacin clinical trials

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    Purpose: To determine the inclusion of women and the sex-stratification of results in moxifloxacin Clinical Trials (CTs), and to establish whether these CTs considered issues that specifically affect women, such as pregnancy and use of hormonal therapies. Previous publications about women’s inclusion in CTs have not specifically studied therapeutic drugs. Although this type of drug is taken by men and women at a similar rate, adverse effects occur more frequently in the latter. Methods: We reviewed 158 published moxifloxacin trials on humans, retrieved from MedLine and the Cochrane Library (1998–2010), to determine whether they complied with the gender recommendations published by U.S. Food and Drug Administration Guideline. Results: Of a total of 80,417 subjects included in the moxifloxacin CTs, only 33.7% were women in phase I, in contrast to phase II, where women accounted for 45%, phase III, where they represented 38.3% and phase IV, where 51.3% were women. About 40.9% (n = 52) of trials were stratified by sex and 15.3% (n = 13) and 9% (n = 7) provided data by sex on efficacy and adverse effects, respectively. We found little information about the influence of issues that specifically affect women. Only 3 of the 59 journals that published the moxifloxacin CTs stated that authors should stratify their results by sex. Conclusions: Women are under-represented in the published moxifloxacin trials, and this trend is more marked in phase I, as they comprise a higher proportion in the other phases. Data by sex on efficacy and adverse effects are scarce in moxifloxacin trials. These facts, together with the lack of data on women-specific issues, suggest that the therapeutic drug moxifloxacin is only a partially evidence-based medicine

    A downstream process allowing the efficient isolation of a recombinant amphiphilic protein from tobacco leaves

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    The 65-kDa isoform of human glutamic acid decarboxylase (hGAD65) is a major autoantigen in autoimmune diabetes. The heterologous production of hGAD65 for diagnostic and therapeutic applications is hampered by low upstream productivity and the absence of a robust and efficient downstream process for product isolation. A tobacco-based platform has been developed for the production of an enzymatically-inactive form of the protein (hGAD65mut), but standard downstream processing strategies for plant-derived recombinant proteins cannot be used in this case because the product is amphiphilic. We therefore evaluated different extraction buffers and an aqueous micellar two-phase system (AMTPS) to optimize the isolation and purification of hGAD65mut from plants. We identified the extraction conditions offering the greatest selectivity for hGAD65mut over native tobacco proteins using a complex experimental design approach. Under our optimized conditions, the most efficient initial extraction and partial purification strategy achieved an overall hGAD65mut yield of 92.5% with a purification factor of 12.3 and a concentration factor of 23.8. The process also removed a significant quantity of phenols, which are major contaminants present in tobacco tissue. This is the first report describing the use of AMTPS for the partial purification of an amphiphilic recombinant protein from plant tissues and our findings could also provide a working model for the initial recovery and partial purification of hydrophobic recombinant proteins from transgenic tobacco plants