57 research outputs found

    When the worst-case execution time estimation gains from the application semantics

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    International audienceCritical embedded systems are generally composed of repetitive tasks that must meet drastic timing constraints, such as termination deadlines. Providing an upper bound of the worst-case execution time (WCET) of such tasks at design time is thus necessary to prove the correctness of the system. Static timing analysis methods compute safe WCET upper bounds, but at the cost of a potentially large over-approximation. Over-approximation may come from the fact that WCET analysis may consider as potential worst-cases some executions that are actually infeasible, because of the semantics of the program and/or because they correspond to unrealistic inputs. In this paper, we introduce a complete semantic-aware WCET estimation workflow. We introduce some program analysis to find infeasible paths: they can be performed at design, C or binary level, and may take into account information provided by the user. We design an annotation-aware compilation process that enables to trace the infeasible path properties through the program transformations performed by the compilers. Finally, we adapt the WCET estimation tool to take into account the kind of annotations produced by the workflow

    Spatial variations in ambient ultrafine particle concentrations and the risk of incident prostate cancer: A case-control study

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    Background Diesel exhaust contains large numbers of ultrafine particles (UFPs, <0.1 µm) and is a recognized human carcinogen. However, epidemiological studies have yet to evaluate the relationship between UFPs and cancer incidence. Methods We conducted a case-control study of UFPs and incident prostate cancer in Montreal, Canada. Cases were identified from all main Francophone hospitals in the Montreal area between 2005 and 2009. Population controls were identified from provincial electoral lists of French Montreal residents and frequency-matched to cases using 5-year age gr

    A population of gamma-ray emitting globular clusters seen with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

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    Globular clusters with their large populations of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are believed to be potential emitters of high-energy gamma-ray emission. Our goal is to constrain the millisecond pulsar populations in globular clusters from analysis of gamma-ray observations. We use 546 days of continuous sky-survey observations obtained with the Large Area Telescope aboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope to study the gamma-ray emission towards 13 globular clusters. Steady point-like high-energy gamma-ray emission has been significantly detected towards 8 globular clusters. Five of them (47 Tucanae, Omega Cen, NGC 6388, Terzan 5, and M 28) show hard spectral power indices (0.7<Γ<1.4)(0.7 < \Gamma <1.4) and clear evidence for an exponential cut-off in the range 1.0-2.6 GeV, which is the characteristic signature of magnetospheric emission from MSPs. Three of them (M 62, NGC 6440 and NGC 6652) also show hard spectral indices (1.0<Γ<1.7)(1.0 < \Gamma < 1.7), however the presence of an exponential cut-off can not be unambiguously established. Three of them (Omega Cen, NGC 6388, NGC 6652) have no known radio or X-ray MSPs yet still exhibit MSP spectral properties. From the observed gamma-ray luminosities, we estimate the total number of MSPs that is expected to be present in these globular clusters. We show that our estimates of the MSP population correlate with the stellar encounter rate and we estimate 2600-4700 MSPs in Galactic globular clusters, commensurate with previous estimates. The observation of high-energy gamma-ray emission from a globular cluster thus provides a reliable independent method to assess their millisecond pulsar populations that can be used to make constraints on the original neutron star X-ray binary population, essential for understanding the importance of binary systems in slowing the inevitable core collapse of globular clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Corresponding authors: J. Kn\"odlseder, N. Webb, B. Pancraz

    Growth response of syndromic versus non-syndromic children born small for gestational age (SGA) to growth hormone therapy: a Belgian study

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    IntroductionA substantial proportion of SGA patients present with a syndrome underlying their growth restriction. Most SGA cohorts comprise both syndromic and non-syndromic patients impeding delineation of the recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) response. We present a detailed characterization of a SGA cohort and analyze rhGH response based on adult height (AH).MethodsClinical and auxological data of SGA patients treated with rhGH, who had reached AH, were retrieved from BELGROW, a national database of all rhGH treated patients held by BESPEED (BElgian Society for PEdiatric Endocrinology and Diabetology). SGA patients were categorized in syndromic or non-syndromic patients.Results272 patients were included, 42 classified as syndromic (most frequent diagnosis (n=6): fetal alcohol syndrome and Silver-Russell syndrome). Compared with non-syndromic patients, syndromic were younger [years (median (P10/P90)] 7.43 (4.3/12.37) vs 10.21 (5.43/14.03), p=0.0005), shorter (height SDS -3.39 (-5.6/-2.62) vs -3.07 (-3.74/-2.62), p=0.0253) and thinner (BMI -1.70 (-3.67/0.04) vs -1.14 (-2.47/0.27) SDS, p=0.0054) at start of rhGH treatment. First year rhGH response was comparable (delta height SDS +0.54 (0.24/0.94) vs +0.56 (0.26/0.92), p=0.94). Growth pattern differed with syndromic patients having a higher prepubertal (SDS +1.26 vs +0.83, p=0.0048), but a lower pubertal height gain compared to the non-syndromic group (SDS -0.28 vs 0.44, p=0.0001). Mean rhGH dose was higher in syndromic SGA patients (mg/kg body weight/day 0.047 (0.039/0.064) vs 0.043 (0.035/0.056), p=0.0042). AH SDS was lower in syndromic SGA patients (-2.59 (-4.99/-1.57) vs -2.32 (-3.3/-1.2), p=0.0107). The majority in both groups remained short (&lt;-2 SDS: syndromic 71%, non-syndromic 63%). Total height gain was comparable in both groups (delta height SDS +0.76 (-0.70/1.48) vs +0.86 (-0.12/1.86), p=0.41).ConclusionsCompared to non-syndromic SGA patients, syndromic SGA patients were shorter when starting rhGH therapy, started rhGH therapy earlier, and received a higher dose of rhGH. At AH, syndromic SGA patients were shorter than non-syndromic ones, but their height gain under rhGH therapy was comparable

    Gamma-ray and radio properties of six pulsars detected by the fermi large area telescope

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    We report the detection of pulsed Îł-rays for PSRs J0631+1036, J0659+1414, J0742-2822, J1420-6048, J1509-5850, and J1718-3825 using the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (formerly known as GLAST). Although these six pulsars are diverse in terms of their spin parameters, they share an important feature: their Îł-ray light curves are (at least given the current count statistics) single peaked. For two pulsars, there are hints for a double-peaked structure in the light curves. The shapes of the observed light curves of this group of pulsars are discussed in the light of models for which the emission originates from high up in the magnetosphere. The observed phases of the Îł-ray light curves are, in general, consistent with those predicted by high-altitude models, although we speculate that the Îł-ray emission of PSR J0659+1414, possibly featuring the softest spectrum of all Fermi pulsars coupled with a very low efficiency, arises from relatively low down in the magnetosphere. High-quality radio polarization data are available showing that all but one have a high degree of linear polarization. This allows us to place some constraints on the viewing geometry and aids the comparison of the Îł-ray light curves with high-energy beam models

    Formulations in situ de donneurs de monoxyde d'azote

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    In situ forming injectable systems are liquids based of a polymer and a pharmaceutically acceptable organic solvent, to which drug is added. After subcutaneous injection, contact with aqueous body fluids triggers polymer precipitation as implant (ISI) or microparticles (ISM). This matrix degrades then slowly while releasing the drug. In this work, ISI and ISM made of a copolymer of lactic and glycolic acid were developed for sustained release of S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), prodrugs of nitric oxide. Influence of formulation type, solvent, drug hydrophobicity and environment (in vitro vs in vivo) on polymeric matrix solidification, degradation and on RSNO release was studied. In vivo experiments proved that formulation extend (until 42 h) RSNO effect on arterial pressure of rats. However, matrix life-span is higher than 1 month, thus need optimization in view of an application requiring a long lasting release. Evaluation of these formulations has begun in a model of cardiac infarction. First, the feasibility of a direct injection into the infarct area has been established. Second, first results seem to indicate that these implants loaded with RSNO could enhance heart perfusion. Finally, porosity of these systems increases during their degradation, allowing cell recruitment and colonization of resulting matrix. An in vitro study conducted on implants with porosity artificially increased showed adhesion and proliferation of muscular cells seeded onto the systems. As a result, in situ formulations are suitable drug delivery systems for S-nitrosothiols, and represent a potential therapeutic tool, in particular in the field of ischemic diseasesLes systèmes in situ sont des liquides à base de polymère et de solvant organique pharmaceutiquement acceptable, contenant le principe actif. Après injection sous-cutanée, lors du contact avec les fluides corporels, le polymère précipite sous forme d'implant (ISI) ou de microparticules (ISM) qui se dégradent progressivement en libérant le principe actif. Dans ce travail, des ISI et des ISM réalisés à partir d'un copolymère d'acide lactique et glycolique ont été développés pour la libération prolongée de S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), des donneurs de monoxyde d'azote. L'influence du type de formulation, du solvant, de l'hydrophobie du principe actif et de l'environnement (in vitro ou in vivo) sur la solidification, la dégradation de la matrice polymérique et sur la libération du RSNO ont été étudiés. Les expériences in vivo ont prouvé la prolongation par la formulation de l'effet des RSNO sur la pression artérielle chez le rat (jusque 42 h). Néanmoins, le temps de dégradation des formulations est supérieur à 1 mois et doit donc être optimisé pour une application de longue durée. Le potentiel de ces formulations dans un modèle d'infarctus a été évalué. La faisabilité d'une injection directe dans le myocarde infarci a été démontrée. D'après les premiers résultats, ces implants chargés en RSNO permettraient d'améliorer la perfusion du coeur. Enfin, la porosité de ces systèmes augmente durant leur dégradation, ce qui rend la matrice susceptible de recruter et d'héberger des cellules. In vitro, des ISI ont permis l'adhésion et la prolifération de cellules musculaires. Ces formulations adaptées aux RSNO pourraient constituer un outil thérapeutique dans le cadre des maladies ischémique

    In situ formulations of nitric oxide donors

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    Les systèmes in situ sont des liquides à base de polymère et de solvant organique pharmaceutiquement acceptable, contenant le principe actif. Après injection sous-cutanée, lors du contact avec les fluides corporels, le polymère précipite sous forme d'implant (ISI) ou de microparticules (ISM) qui se dégradent progressivement en libérant le principe actif. Dans ce travail, des ISI et des ISM réalisés à partir d'un copolymère d'acide lactique et glycolique ont été développés pour la libération prolongée de S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), des donneurs de monoxyde d'azote. L'influence du type de formulation, du solvant, de l'hydrophobie du principe actif et de l'environnement (in vitro ou in vivo) sur la solidification, la dégradation de la matrice polymérique et sur la libération du RSNO ont été étudiés. Les expériences in vivo ont prouvé la prolongation par la formulation de l'effet des RSNO sur la pression artérielle chez le rat (jusque 42 h). Néanmoins, le temps de dégradation des formulations est supérieur à 1 mois et doit donc être optimisé pour une application de longue durée. Le potentiel de ces formulations dans un modèle d'infarctus a été évalué. La faisabilité d'une injection directe dans le myocarde infarci a été démontrée. D'après les premiers résultats, ces implants chargés en RSNO permettraient d'améliorer la perfusion du coeur. Enfin, la porosité de ces systèmes augmente durant leur dégradation, ce qui rend la matrice susceptible de recruter et d'héberger des cellules. In vitro, des ISI ont permis l'adhésion et la prolifération de cellules musculaires. Ces formulations adaptées aux RSNO pourraient constituer un outil thérapeutique dans le cadre des maladies ischémiquesIn situ forming injectable systems are liquids based of a polymer and a pharmaceutically acceptable organic solvent, to which drug is added. After subcutaneous injection, contact with aqueous body fluids triggers polymer precipitation as implant (ISI) or microparticles (ISM). This matrix degrades then slowly while releasing the drug. In this work, ISI and ISM made of a copolymer of lactic and glycolic acid were developed for sustained release of S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), prodrugs of nitric oxide. Influence of formulation type, solvent, drug hydrophobicity and environment (in vitro vs in vivo) on polymeric matrix solidification, degradation and on RSNO release was studied. In vivo experiments proved that formulation extend (until 42 h) RSNO effect on arterial pressure of rats. However, matrix life-span is higher than 1 month, thus need optimization in view of an application requiring a long lasting release. Evaluation of these formulations has begun in a model of cardiac infarction. First, the feasibility of a direct injection into the infarct area has been established. Second, first results seem to indicate that these implants loaded with RSNO could enhance heart perfusion. Finally, porosity of these systems increases during their degradation, allowing cell recruitment and colonization of resulting matrix. An in vitro study conducted on implants with porosity artificially increased showed adhesion and proliferation of muscular cells seeded onto the systems. As a result, in situ formulations are suitable drug delivery systems for S-nitrosothiols, and represent a potential therapeutic tool, in particular in the field of ischemic disease

    Formulations in situ de donneurs de monoxyde d'azote

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    Les systèmes in situ sont des liquides à base de polymère et de solvant organique pharmaceutiquement acceptable, contenant le principe actif. Après injection sous-cutanée, lors du contact avec les fluides corporels, le polymère précipite sous forme d'implant (ISI) ou de microparticules (ISM) qui se dégradent progressivement en libérant le principe actif. Dans ce travail, des ISI et des ISM réalisés à partir d'un copolymère d'acide lactique et glycolique ont été développés pour la libération prolongée de S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), des donneurs de monoxyde d'azote. L'influence du type de formulation, du solvant, de l'hydrophobie du principe actif et de l'environnement (in vitro ou in vivo) sur la solidification, la dégradation de la matrice polymérique et sur la libération du RSNO ont été étudiés. Les expériences in vivo ont prouvé la prolongation par la formulation de l'effet des RSNO sur la pression artérielle chez le rat (jusque 42 h). Néanmoins, le temps de dégradation des formulations est supérieur à 1 mois et doit donc être optimisé pour une application de longue durée. Le potentiel de ces formulations dans un modèle d'infarctus a été évalué. La faisabilité d'une injection directe dans le myocarde infarci a été démontrée. D'après les premiers résultats, ces implants chargés en RSNO permettraient d'améliorer la perfusion du coeur. Enfin, la porosité de ces systèmes augmente durant leur dégradation, ce qui rend la matrice susceptible de recruter et d'héberger des cellules. In vitro, des ISI ont permis l'adhésion et la prolifération de cellules musculaires. Ces formulations adaptées aux RSNO pourraient constituer un outil thérapeutique dans le cadre des maladies ischémiquesIn situ forming injectable systems are liquids based of a polymer and a pharmaceutically acceptable organic solvent, to which drug is added. After subcutaneous injection, contact with aqueous body fluids triggers polymer precipitation as implant (ISI) or microparticles (ISM). This matrix degrades then slowly while releasing the drug. In this work, ISI and ISM made of a copolymer of lactic and glycolic acid were developed for sustained release of S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), prodrugs of nitric oxide. Influence of formulation type, solvent, drug hydrophobicity and environment (in vitro vs in vivo) on polymeric matrix solidification, degradation and on RSNO release was studied. In vivo experiments proved that formulation extend (until 42 h) RSNO effect on arterial pressure of rats. However, matrix life-span is higher than 1 month, thus need optimization in view of an application requiring a long lasting release. Evaluation of these formulations has begun in a model of cardiac infarction. First, the feasibility of a direct injection into the infarct area has been established. Second, first results seem to indicate that these implants loaded with RSNO could enhance heart perfusion. Finally, porosity of these systems increases during their degradation, allowing cell recruitment and colonization of resulting matrix. An in vitro study conducted on implants with porosity artificially increased showed adhesion and proliferation of muscular cells seeded onto the systems. As a result, in situ formulations are suitable drug delivery systems for S-nitrosothiols, and represent a potential therapeutic tool, in particular in the field of ischemic diseasesMETZ-SCD (574632105) / SudocNANCY1-Bib. numérique (543959902) / SudocNANCY2-Bibliotheque electronique (543959901) / SudocNANCY-INPL-Bib. électronique (545479901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le poil et l'ongle

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    Nano or Micro: 3 Different Particles to Deliver and Protect S-Nitrosoglutathione for Oral Route Administration

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    As a physiological nitric oxide donor, S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) is a promising candidate for several diseases (e.g., stroke and atherosclerosis). However, its clinical application has been limited by its low stability. In order to protect GSNO suitable for oral route administration and to achieve sustained release, 3 different particles from nano-size to micro-size were obtained by a water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) or solid-in-oil-in-water (S/O/W) double emulsion/solvent evaporation method. The 3 different particles tuned out to have similar encapsulation efficiency while the microparticles showed longer release time. Finally, the 3 formulations have been successfully lyophilized for long term stability
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