284 research outputs found

    Automated generation of computationally hard feature models using evolutionary algorithms

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Expert Systems with Applications. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2014 Elsevier B.V.A feature model is a compact representation of the products of a software product line. The automated extraction of information from feature models is a thriving topic involving numerous analysis operations, techniques and tools. Performance evaluations in this domain mainly rely on the use of random feature models. However, these only provide a rough idea of the behaviour of the tools with average problems and are not sufficient to reveal their real strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we propose to model the problem of finding computationally hard feature models as an optimization problem and we solve it using a novel evolutionary algorithm for optimized feature models (ETHOM). Given a tool and an analysis operation, ETHOM generates input models of a predefined size maximizing aspects such as the execution time or the memory consumption of the tool when performing the operation over the model. This allows users and developers to know the performance of tools in pessimistic cases providing a better idea of their real power and revealing performance bugs. Experiments using ETHOM on a number of analyses and tools have successfully identified models producing much longer executions times and higher memory consumption than those obtained with random models of identical or even larger size.European Commission (FEDER), the Spanish Government and the Andalusian Government

    AmelHap: Leveraging drone whole-genome sequence data to create a honey bee HapMap

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    Honey bee, Apis mellifera, drones are typically haploid, developing from an unfertilized egg, inheriting only their queen’s alleles and none from the many drones she mated with. Thus the ordered combination or ‘phase’ of alleles is known, making drones a valuable haplotype resource. We collated whole-genome sequence data for 1,407 drones, including 45 newly sequenced Scottish drones, collectively representing 19 countries, 8 subspecies and various hybrids. Following alignment to Amel_HAv3.1, variant calling and quality filtering, we retained 17.4 M high quality variants across 1,328 samples with a genotyping rate of 98.7%. We demonstrate the utility of this haplotype resource, AmelHap, for genotype imputation, returning >95% concordance when up to 61% of data is missing in haploids and up to 12% of data is missing in diploids. AmelHap will serve as a useful resource for the community for imputation from low-depth sequencing or SNP chip data, accurate phasing of diploids for association studies, and as a comprehensive reference panel for population genetic and evolutionary analyses.For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission. This work was supported by a grant from the CB Dennis British Beekeepers’ Research Trust awarded to MB and DW, and through strategic investment funding to the Roslin Institute from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBS/E/D/30002276). MP was supported by a Basque Government grant (IT1233-19)

    Musical revitalisation of the schoolyard: results of a service-learning project

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    This research presents and discusses the results of a Service-Learning project developed by student teachers of Primary Education at the University of Valladolid during the academic years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, and 2019/20. The project aimed to revitalize recess through musical activities for children aged 6 to 12 in seven schools in Segovia (Spain). The results of the qualitative analysis show that the project has promoted the musical development of the children through singing, the experience of rhythm, and expression through movement, using a selected repertoire of popular children folk songs. In the university students, it helped foster commitment to primary school students through the promotion of co-education and socio-cultural diversity—values which have fostered the development of social and civic competences. The student teachers also achieved professional growth by obtaining through this project skills typical of Music Education teachers

    Carbon nanotube film electrodes with acrylic additives: Blocking electrochemical charge transfer reactions

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) processed into conductive films by liquid phase deposition technologies reveal increasing interest as electrode components in electrochemical device platforms for sensing and energy storage applications. In this work we show that the addition of acrylic latex to water-based CNT inks not only favors the fabrication of stable and robust flexible electrodes on plastic substrates but, moreover, sensitively enables the control of their electrical and electrochemical transport properties. Importantly, within a given concentration range, the acrylic additive in the films, being used as working electrodes, effectively blocks undesired faradaic transfer reactions across the electrode–electrolyte interface while maintaining their capacitance response as probed in a three-electrode electrochemical device configuration. Our results suggest a valuable strategy to enhance the chemical stability of CNT film electrodes and to suppress non-specific parasitic electrochemical reactions of relevance to electroanalytical and energy storage applications

    Necrotizing Sarcoid Granulomatosis: A Disease Not to be Forgotten

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    Sarcoidosis is a systemic granulomatous disease of unknown aetiology characterised by the appearance of noncaseifying epithelioid granulomas in the affected organs, most commonly the lungs, skin, and eyes (Iannuzzi et al. 2007). Necrotizing Sarcoid Granulomatosis (NGS) is a rare and little-known form of disease, which also presents nodular lung lesions, and it shares pathologic and clinical findings with sarcoidosis, where the presence of necrosis may lead to misdiagnosis of tuberculosis (TB), leading to a consequent delay in treatment of the underlying entity (Chong et al. 2015). ,is is exactly what happened with the two cases that we present here

    Methodology for assessing the individual role of fish, oyster, phytoplankton and macroalgae in the ecology of integrated production in earthen ponds

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    Production costs in extensive and semi-intensive fish culture in earthen ponds are often too high to offer sustainable economic activity due to the low productivity of these systems. The right combination of commercial finfish species with inorganic (primary producers) and organic extractive (bivalves) species in Integrated MultiTrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) create a balanced system with higher profitability and risk reduction. To achieve this, it is crucial to understand the role of each functional groups within the system what we did by comparing three different IMTA production three different IMTA production treatments with distinct combinations of trophic levels: •fish, filter feeders, phytoplankton and macroalgae,•fish, filter feeders and phytoplankton•fish, phytoplankton and macroalgae Each treatment was carried out in two similar ponds under semi-intensive conditions and flow through system, in a total of 6 earthen ponds of 500 m2 surface and depth of 1.5 m. Results showed that the presence of oysters in the ponds enhanced water quality by decreasing turbidity and by controlling phytoplankton which led to regulation of dissolved oxygen levels. The enhanced water quality in these systems lead to improved fish performance and higher biomass production contributing to greater profitability. The combination of fish, oyster, phytoplankton and macroalgae was particularly good providing much more fish supply compared with the other two treatments. •Oysters enhanced water quality in the ponds by decreasing turbidity and controlling phytoplankton which regulated the dissolved oxygen levels.•The enhanced water quality in systems with oysters improve fish performance resulting in higher biomass production and greater profitability.•The combination of fish, oyster, phytoplankton and macroalgae was particularly good providing much more fish supply compared with the other two treatments.Funding Agency Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) COFASP/0003/2015 SFRH/BD/118601/2016 Project DIVERSIAQUA Mar2020 16-02-01-FMP-0066 project Algared+ Poctep 0055_ALGARED_PLUS_5_E UID/Multi/04326/2019info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A novel SNP-based tool for estimating C-lineage introgression in the dark honey bee (Apis mellifera mellifera)

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    The natural distribution ofthe honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) hás been changed by humans in recent decades to such an extent that the formerly widest-spread European subspecies, Apís mellifera mellifera, is threatened by extinction through introgression from highly divergent commercial strains in large tracts of its range. Conservation efforts for A. m. mellifera are underway in multiple European countries requiring reliable and cost-efficient molecular tools to identify purebred colonies. Here, we developed four ancestry-informative SNP assays for high sample throughput genotyping using the iPLEX Mass Array system. Our customized assays were tested on DNA from individual and pooled, haploid and diploid honeybee samples extracted from different tissues using a diverse range of protocols. The assays had a high genotyping success rate and yielded accurate genotypes. Performance assessed against whole-genome data showed that individual assays behaved well, although the most accurate introgression estimates were obtained forthe fourassays combined (117 SNPs). The best compromise between accuracy ana genotyping costs was achieved when combining two assays (62 SNPs). We provide a ready-to-use cost-effective tool for accurate molecular identification and estimation of introgression leveis to more effectively monitor and manage A. m. mellífera conservatories.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An experimental test of host’s life history traits modulation in response to cuckoo parasitism risk

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    Hosts can counteract parasites through defences based on resistance and/or tolerance. The mechanistic basis of tolerance, which involve defensive mechanisms minimizing parasite damage after a successful parasitic attack, remains poorly explored in the study of cuckoo-host interactions. Here, we experimentally explore the possibility that the risk of great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius parasitism may induce tolerance defences in magpie Pica pica hosts through plasticity in life-history traits. We predict that magpies exposed to auditory cues indicating high parasitism risk will more likely exhibit resistance and/or modify their life-history traits to minimize parasitism costs (i.e. tolerance) compared to magpies under low parasitism risk. We found that manipulating the perceived parasitism risk did not affect host resistance (i.e. rejection of parasitic eggs) nor host life-history traits. Unexpectedly, host's egg volume increased over the season in nests exposed to auditory cues of control non-harmful hoopoes Upupa epops. Our results do not provide support for inducible defences (either based on resistance or tolerance) in response to risk of parasitism in magpie hosts. Even so, we encourage studying plastic expression of breeding strategies in response to risk of cuckoo parasitism to achieve a better understanding of the mechanistic basis of tolerance defences.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science/FEDER (Projects CGL2011-27561/BOS and CGL2014-56769-P to D. P. and J.M.A.). D.P. was supported by the Government of Extremadura while writing (contract number TA13002). M.E.G. was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant number BES-2012-051898).

    Armed Rollers: Does Nestling’s Vomit Function as a Defence against Predators?

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    Chemical defences against predators are widespread in the animal kingdom although have been seldom reported in birds. Here, we investigate the possibility that the orange liquid that nestlings of an insectivorous bird, the Eurasian roller (Coracias garrulus), expel when scared at their nests acts as a chemical defence against predators. We studied the diet of nestling rollers and vomit origin, its chemical composition and deterrent effect on a mammal generalist predator. We also hypothesized that nestling rollers, as their main prey (i.e. grasshoppers) do from plants, could sequester chemicals from their prey for their use. Grasshoppers, that also regurgitate when facing to a threat, store the harmful substances used by plants to defend themselves against herbivores. We found that nestling rollers only vomit after being grasped and moved. The production of vomit depended on food consumption and the vomit contained two deterrent chemicals (hydroxycinnamic and hydroxybenzoic acids) stored by grasshoppers and used by plants to diminish herbivory, suggesting that they originate from the rollers’ prey. Finally, we showed for the first time that the oral secretion of a vertebrate had a deterrent effect on a model predator because vomit of nestling rollers made meat distasteful to dogs. These results support the idea that the vomit of nestling rollers is a chemical defence against predators.Financial support was provided by the Junta de Andalucía (project P06-RNM-02177) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education/FEDER (projects CGL2008-00718 and CGL2011-27561)

    VAV2 signaling promotes regenerative proliferation in both cutaneous and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

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    Regenerative proliferation capacity and poor differentiation are histological features usually linked to poor prognosis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (hnSCC). However, the pathways that regulate them remain ill-characterized. Here, we show that those traits can be triggered by the RHO GTPase activator VAV2 in keratinocytes present in the skin and oral mucosa. VAV2 is also required to maintain those traits in hnSCC patient-derived cells. This function, which is both catalysis- and RHO GTPase-dependent, is mediated by c-Myc- and YAP/TAZ-dependent transcriptomal programs associated with regenerative proliferation and cell undifferentiation, respectively. High levels of VAV2 transcripts and VAV2-regulated gene signatures are both associated with poor hnSCC patient prognosis. These results unveil a druggable pathway linked to the malignancy of specific SCC subtypes. The Rho signalling pathway is frequently activated in squamous carcinomas. Here, the authors find that the Rho GEF VAV2 is over expressed in both cutaneous and head and neck squamous cell carcinomas and that at the molecular level VAV2 promotes a pro-tumorigenic stem cell-like signalling programme