1,356 research outputs found

    Almas al viento los autores implícitos de Cloud Atlas, de David Mitchell

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    Este trabajo analiza la novela Cloud Atlas (2004), del escritor inglés David Mitchell, a partir del autor implícito . Este concepto, controversial dentro de la teoría literaria, puede ser útil para analizar las ideologías, los códigos estéticos y los distintos niveles de creación de significado de una obra literaria. Con esto en mente, se aborda el concepto dentro de una novela compuesta de seis narraciones que utilizan recursos estéticos distintos y reflejan distintas visiones de mundo, por lo cual el comportamiento del autor implícito es inusual. Se puede hablar de un autor implícito múltiple. Este trabajo muestra como un autor implícito de este tipo puede ser analizado a partir del concepto de Deleuze de devenir (1996). La primera sección introduce el proyecto, la hipótesis, las preguntas y los objetivos. En la segunda sección, se explica la metodología utilizada para elaborar el marco teórico, basada en las propuestas de Guillén (2005) para el estudio de literatura comparada. En la tercera, se realiza dicho marco teórico, partiendo de un estado del arte sobre el concepto de autor implícito para concluir con su conceptualización, donde se hacen aportes propios al concepto a partir de la teoría de devenir de Deleuze. En la cuarta, se describe la novela Cloud Atlas y se realiza un estado del arte sobre las interpretaciones que ha habido de la obra. En la quinta, se estudia los devenires del autor implícito en cada uno de los seis relatos que componen la novela, y también en la totalidad de la misma.This research project analyzes the novel Cloud Atlas, by English writer David Mitchell, from the point of view of the implicit author. This concept, controversial in literary theory, can be useful to analyze ideologies, aesthetic codes, and the different levels of creation of meaning within aliterary work. With this in mind, the concept is treated in relation to a novel composed of six narrations that use different aesthetic devices and that reflects different worldviews, thus making the behavior of the implicit author unusual. This project shows how an implicit author of this kind may be analyzed from the concept of becoming , proposed by Deleuze (1996). The first section introduces the project, the hypothesis, the research questions and the objectives. The second section explains the methodology, based on Guillen s proposal for the study of comparative literature (2005), used to create the theoretical framework. In the third section said theoretical framework is created, beginning with a state of the art about the concept of the implicit author and concluding with the conceptualization of the term, including original contributions based on Deleuze s theory of becoming. In the fourth section, Cloud Atlas is described, and a state of the art about it is made to show different interpretations that have been made about the novel. The fifth section is an analysis of each becoming of the implicitauthor in each of the six narrations that make up the novel, as well as in the novel as a whole.Profesional en Estudios LiterariosPregrad

    A Second Chance on Earth: Understanding the Selection Process of the Judges of the Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace

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    For over fifty years, Colombia has faced a bloody and cruel civil conflict. Some of the most conservative studies have estimated that the total death toll of the war may be 220,000. The weight of this number heavily lies on the civilian population. It is estimated that around 81% of those killed in the conflict are non-combatant civilians. This represents, according to the data collected by the government’s Center for National Memory, around 180,000 civilian victims. In other words, as a civilian, the probability of being a victim in the Colombian conflict was nine times higher than a military or a guerrilla member. To put this in context, according to the United Nations, the global annual murder rate for 2012, the year the peace negotiation between the government and the FARC started, was 6.2 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. For that same year, the average in Colombia was 31.3 murder per 100,000 inhabitants. After four years of negotiations, on August 24, 2016, the Colombian government signed a peace agreement with the guerrilla group FARC to end the fifty-year civil conflict. This ongoing accord has been the most successful peace attempt to date. Proof of this is that the agreement is currently being implemented by the parties, although not without some difficulties. A central part of the agreement conceived a System of Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Non-Repetition. Under this system, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (SJP) was established as the cornerstone of the transitional justice system. This Jurisdiction for Peace, based on the terms of the agreement, is conceived as the institution that will exercise judicial functions, fulfilling the duty of the Colombian state to investigate, prosecute, and punish crimes committed in the context of and due to the armed conflict, particularly the most serious and significant crimes. The SJP provides an opportunity to look into a revolutionary proposal to form Transitional Justice tribunals. As it will be explained in this Article, the peace agreement conceived a unique and untested way to appoint the judges of the SJP. Conventionally, the way of appointing judges for this type of institution has been a top-down approach. In the past, the selection of justices has been from the rank and file of victors in war (like in the case of the International Military Tribunals created in Nuremberg and Tokyo after World War II), through the United Nations Security Council (for the case of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda), or by International Bodies comprised only by states (like the case of the Assembly of State Parties of the Rome Statute regarding the International Criminal Court). In contrast, for the first time, the selection process of the judges of the SJP was conducted by an independent committee appointed by third parties designated by the Colombian government and the FARC. Also, unlike the vast majority of transitional justice institutions, only Colombian lawyers were appointed to the new Tribunal and the process of selection was run completely through an online platform that was open to public comments regarding the candidates’ qualifications and proficiency. Additionally, the peace agreement included clear formal criteria—related specially to affirmative actions in favor of minorities—that served as the guidelines for the selection process of the justices. Understanding the way those in charge of appointing the judges of the SJP translated this abstract formal criterion into reality not only allows us to grasp the impact of this new experiment on transitional justice but also helps to answer a broader question about judicial independence in transitional scenarios. Courts are institutions run by human beings, so they are subject to all kinds of subjective influences. Because of this, judicial independence is not directly observable. That is why empirical studies must rely on certain proxies to evaluate independence. One of the more common and reliable proxies is the appointment process, because in these scenarios the profile of a particular court is molded. The filters applied in this process are key elements for determining the kind of institution the Special Jurisdiction for Peace is destined to be. This Article traces the trials and tribulations surrounding the selection process for the SJP. In the heat of the current political debates around the implementation of the peace agreement, it is important to understand the origins of the institution that has the extraordinary challenge of closing, in a judicial sense at least, this chapter of violence in Colombia’s history

    Realidad educativa en los institutos superiores tecnológicos en turismo y su influencia en la actividad turística - Cusco

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorEvalúa la situación actual en que se encuentran los Institutos Superiores Tecnológicos en Turismo en la ciudad del Cusco, instituciones que en base a sus respectivas curriculas, ofrecen estudios de mando medio a todos aquellos estudiantes que en su mayor parte no logran ingresar a las universidades sean nacionales o particulares quienes al quedar postrados los obliga a tener que concurrir a estos centros de enseñanza para posibilitar una profesión de educación superior. Conforme a las investigaciones realizadas en los diferentes Institutos Superiores Tecnológicos en Turismo, se ha determinado que muchos de ellos no cumplen con lo ofrecido, que solo optan por los ingresos económicos, olvidándose de la parte académica, el cual constituye un engaño y farsa con los estudiantes que depositan su confianza. Con respecto a la presencia de los egresados en el mercado ocupacional del Cusco, de acuerdo al análisis que se tiene, se viene demostrando que no tienen mucha presencia o aceptación por parte de las entidades públicas y privadas del sector turismo y que muchos de ellos solo cumplen labores de manera eventual, mientras tanto las instituciones educativas de mando medio, solo importándoles sacar más egresados, sin medir las consecuencias y por tanto no interesándoles en los más mínimo el desarrollo de habilidades de sus profesionales egresados.Tesi

    Gas identification with tin oxide sensor array and self-organizing maps: adaptive correction of sensor drifts

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    Low-cost tin oxide gas sensors are inherently nonspecific. In addition, they have several undesirable characteristics such as slow response, nonlinearities, and long-term drifts. This paper shows that the combination of a gas-sensor array together with self-organizing maps (SOM's) permit success in gas classification problems. The system is able to determine the gas present in an atmosphere with error rates lower than 3%. Correction of the sensor's drift with an adaptive SOM has also been investigate

    Analysis of the role of Granzyme-A in the development of colorectal cancer stem cells

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    Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide with nearly 150.000 new cases diagnose annually. New therapies have been developed for the last years targeting different proliferation and survival signalling pathways but few advances have been done to avoid relapse in patients. Cancer stem cells are proposed as the main mechanism of resistance in current therapies. These cells have been described as a subset among all the tumour cell populations which have stemness properties such as self-renewal and differentiation capabilities. These features allow them to survive after antitumour treatments and regenerate the entire tumour mass. Also, cancer stem cells have been proposed as the responsible of metastasis. Inflammation in colorectal cancer is a sign of poor prognosis and it has been proposed as the main driver of the tumour progression. Its relation with cancer stem cells has not been clasified yet but pro-inflammatory molecules such as TNF-α or IL-1B are able to activate cancer stem cells-related signalling pathways such as Wnt or Notch pathways. Granzyme-A, a protease released by immune cells, is involved in implication during like bacterial sepsis or arthritis. Our preliminary data indicate it is involved in development of colorectal cancer. The current study analyse the implication of Granzyme-A in the activation of CSCs during inflammation-associated colorectal cancer in a mouse model

    Design and development of a 5-Channel Arduino-Based Data Acquisition System (ABDAS) for experimental aerodynamics research

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    In this work, a new and low-cost Arduino-Based Data Acquisition System (ABDAS) for use in an aerodynamics lab is developed. Its design is simple and reliable. The accuracy of the system has been checked by being directly compared with a commercial and high accuracy level hardware from National Instruments. Furthermore, ABDAS has been compared to the accredited calibration system in the IDR/UPM Institute, its measurements during this testing campaign being used to analyzed two different cup anemometer frequency determination procedures: counting pulses and the Fourier transform. The results indicate a more accurate transfer function of the cup anemometers when counting pulses procedure is used

    Rehabilitación del palacio de los Cruzat para Conservatorio Elemental de Música

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    Mouse model of colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CAC): Isolation and characterization of mucosal-associated lymphoid cells

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common malignancy worldwide presenting high mortality due to low treatment efficacy. Existing evidence indicates that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is associated with a higher risk of developing CRC. Many murine models of inflammation-related colon carcinogenesis (CAC) have been developed to study colon carcinogenesis and novel treatments. A commonly used model involves the combination of a single dose of azoxymethane (AOM), together with three cycles of the inflammatory agent dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) (5 days in drinking water followed by a two-week rest). Following this protocol, around 50% of the animals develop CRCs after 45 days and almost 100% of animals after 60 days. During CAC development, immune cells, cytokines, and other immune mediators are involved in both tumorigenesis and the elimination of cancer cells during immunotherapy. Thus, the study of mucosal immune responses (including lamina propria mononuclear cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes) is important to understand the role of the immune system during development and therapy in CRC. Single immune cell suspensions from lamina propria and epithelium can be purified combining selective tissue digestion and Percoll gradient centrifugation. Isolated cells can be characterized using flow cytometry by analyzing surface antigens or intracellular cytokines and cytotoxic mediators or employed for further investigations like comparative studies of mRNA expression, cell-proliferation assay, protein analysis, or even functional cytotoxicity assays. The CAC model is useful to study the involvement of immune cells not only during the carcinogenesis process but, in addition, during the treatment with novel immunotherapy protocols

    Soluciones en las que los motociclistas urbanos en Colombia mejoren su seguridad vial reduciendo los accidentes de tránsito

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    El siguiente documento propone un modelo de negocio que busca darle una solución a esta problemática por medio de la marca CraneCo, la cual plantea un vinilo autoadhesivo que contiene características nano hidrofóbicas que repelen el agua y otras substancias líquidas en el visor y, de esta manera, mejorar la visibilidad de los motociclistas los climas lluviosos, lo cual mejorará la seguridad vial tanto de los motociclistas y otros vehículos que transitan las vías como la de los peatones y transeúntes que circulas por la ciudad.Introducción. Resumen ejecutivo. Análisis del entorno y tendencias. Modelo de negocio: craneco. Plan de mercadeo. Plan de producción. Plan organizacional y jurídico. Plan financiero. Conclusiones y recomendaciones. Referencias. Índice de tablas.Administrador de EmpresasPregrad

    Fractura y mecanismos de deformación de un polipropileno reforzado con cenizas y modificado con un copolímero de bloque

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    [Resumo] Nesta memoria, preséntase os resultados do estudio da fractura e deformación de compostos de polipropileno (PP), un copolímero olefínico en bloque (OBC) e cinzas, procedentes da queima de biomasa forestal, modificadas cun axente de acoplamento silano e procesadas por técnicas de extrusión. Caracterizáronse as propiedades mecánicas dos novos materiais mediante a súa resistencia á tracción, ó impacto e a morfoloxía asociada obtida por microscopia electrónica de varrido (SEM). As propiedades térmicas dos novos materiais compostos e a matriz polimérica, foron estudados por calorímetría diferencial de varrido (DSC), análise termogravimétrico (TGA) e a súa temperatura de flexión baixo carga (HDT). Foron avaliados os parámetros de fractura en baixa e moderada velocidade. Determinaronse tamén os mecanismos de deformación implicados no proceso de fractura de cada formulación dos novos materiais compostos.[Resumen] En esta memoria se presenta los resultados del estudio de la fractura y los mecanismos de deformación de materiales compuestos basados en polipropileno (PP), un copolímero olefínico de bloque (OBC) y cenizas provenientes de la combustión de biomasa forestal modificadas con un agente de acoplamiento tipo silano y procesados mediante técnicas de extrusión. Se han caracterizado las propiedades mecánicas de los nuevos materiales estudiados mediante el análisis de su resistencia a tracción, impacto y dureza, relacionándolos con su morfología, observada por microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM). Las propiedades térmicas de los materiales compuestos y la matriz polimérica, han sido analizadas mediante análisis por calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC), análisis termogravimétrico (TGA) y la temperatura de flexión bajo carga (HDT). Se evaluaron los parámetros de fractura en condiciones de baja y moderada alta velocidad, así como, los mecanismos de deformación que intervienen durante el proceso de fractura para cada formulación de los nuevos materiales.[Abstract] In this work, the fracture and failure behaviour of environmentally friendly composites based on polypropylene (PP), an olefin block copolymer (OBC) and ash, from wood combustion, modified with a silane coupling agent were investigated. The mechanical properties of new composites have been characterized by analyzing their tensile properties, impact toughness and associated morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The thermal properties of the new materials and the polymer matrix were analized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and measuring their heat deflection temperature (HDT). The fracture parameters were determined at low and moderately high speed. The role of deformation mechanisms, involved during the process of fracture, was investigated by SEM and optical microscopy