11 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we find the conditions to characterize projective change between two  (A, B)-metrics, such as exponential (A, B)-metric,  and Randers metric L=A+B on a manifold with dim n > 2, where A and A are two Riemannian metrics, B and B are two non-zero 1-forms. Further, we discussed the special curvature properties of two classes of (A, B)-metrics.

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    Not AvailableThe Central Avian Research Institute, dedicated to bring a demand-driven and technology-led revolution in the poultry sector to meet the challenges of sustainable nutritional and income security of Indian farmers. Access to improved knowledge and technology may affect the poultry farming response among different stake holders. From last few decades, poultry farming is gradually becoming technology intensive venture that can be fruitful only by having strong working and interactive linkages among the stakeholders and end user of technology with appropriate institutional support. Apart from cutting edge research, concerted efforts would be made to transform the lab research to be more sensitive and effective according to the needs of the farming community. For this, we engage ourselves in popularizing poultry farming by offered extension services to farmers, development agents and industry persons with respect to theoretical and practical aspects of poultry production, management, health care, value-addition etc. Background information regarding various available technologies proposed for transfer in order to create a clear understanding of the pros and cons of these technologi esamong the poultry producers and to build their confidence and guide their choice to make the poultry farming a profitable enterprise.Not Availabl

    Embedding social accountability in the medical school and its curricula: Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Nepal

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    Introduction:  Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS) was established in 2008 with a social accountability mandate and the mission to produce competent and committed health professionals to serve the rural and underserved population. Enrolment of undergraduate medical students started from 2010.  This article describes the context and process for the establishment of the Academy, the approaches taken and some of the early outputs Method: The information was collected from the policy documents, PAHS website, meeting minutes/ discussions, feedbacks and medial school records. All the information were compiled and presented under different headings/subheadings in a phase wise manner. Result: PAHS has been actively engaged in a multitude of partnerships from local to global and has chosen the best and most applicable innovations from around the world. The integrated suite of innovations the Academy has developed includes its admission policy, teaching-learning methodologies, community-based learning, scholarship-schemes and service bonds. The PAHS School of Medicine has successfully enrolled undergraduate medical students from all over the country, representing ethnic diversity, remote/rural background, underprivileged communities and gender balance. More than 50% graduates from the first five-batches are successfully deployed into primary level peripheral health facilities of the government health system. Conclusion: The initial reports and observations confirm that the integrated measures taken by the Academy have been effective in enrolling the right students, educating them in an effective way and deploying them to address the country's need. A longer follow-up on rural retention and performance evaluation is needed to conclusively establish the outcome of the school

    Phosphate solubilizing ability of two Arctic Aspergillus niger strains

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    Many filamentous fungi were isolated from the soils of Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, and were screened in vitro for their phosphate solubilizing ability. Two strains of Aspergillus niger showed good tricalcium phosphate (TCP) solubilizing ability in Pikovskaya's medium. The TCP solubilization index was calculated at varying levels of pH and temperatures. The ability of Aspergillus niger strain-1 to solubilize and release inorganic-P was 285 µg ml–1, while Aspergillus niger strain-2 solubilized 262 µg ml–1 from 0.5% TCP after seven days. This is the first report of TCP solubilization by Arctic strains that may serve as very good phosphate solubilizers in the form of biofertilizer