483 research outputs found

    Quality analysis of village fund management on the success of development program in Letneo Village, Insana Barat District, Timor Tengah Utara Regency

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    Letneo Village is one of the villages located in Insana Barat District, North Central Timor Regency which is geographically directly adjacent to the Democratic State of Timor Leste. As a village that has just been divided in the last 5 years, it has also received a large and varied amount of village funds from the central government. Village governments often encounter difficulties in managing village funds due to the lack of quality human resources. Recognizing this, the aim of this research is to determine the effect, either partially or simultaneously, between the variables of planning, implementation and monitoring of village funds on the success of Letneo village development. The analytical tool used is by using multiple linear regression analysis by taking samples from the entire village apparatus of Letneo, totaling 35 people. The results showed that either partially or simultaneously the variables of planning, implementation and supervision had a real and significant influence on the success of the development of Letneo Village, Insana Barat District, North Central Timor Regency

    Komunikasi Kelompok dan Keselamatan Kerja (Studi Kasus tentang Komunikasi Kelompok dalam Meningkatkan Keselamatan Kerja bagi Penambang Pasir di Kabupaten Banyumas)

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    River Sand miners are one of informal occupations which are still for from both concern anddevelopment particularly in terms of its health as well as health safety. This high – risk job to boththemselves and environment is always conducted through teamwork.A primary as well as secondary small group is a mean of people to manifest their hope andshare of information in most aspects of life. Taking is respondents in Sidabowa, Patikraja,Banyumas Regency as the sample, the researcher observed how the role of Group CommunicationPlays among the sand river miners toward their health safety.Through an analytical descriptive approach, it is obtained that Group Communication Playsa significant role in improving cooperation among members. By Group Communication, a widerange of information is gained as an effort to achieve the health safety


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    The growth of technology makes producer compete creating sophisticated, modern, and practical tools. One of them is competing creating notebook. Some brands that more develop than other brands in the market are Toshiba, Acer, Asus, HP and Dell. This research studies about positioning one brand against other brands in the market and proximity between all brands that affected by some factors. There are, processors, designation notebook for consumer, features, endorsement and guarantee, endurance notebook against damage, and the distant age of notebook consumption when it has damage in hardware for the first time. Because there are so many factors that affecting perceptual mapping and positioning notebook at the market, hence it need to be analyzed using multiple correspondence analysis. Multiple correspondence analysis is an expansion technique from simple correspondence analysis which is a multivariate technique graphically used for exploration data from a multi-way contingency table. The result of this research makes conclusion that there is a similarity between Acer and HP notebook. This statement be marked with proximity of point Acer and HP. It can be seen from the incision magnitude between both of that brands. There are both of them be used for graphic and designing, have the same complete features and for time of damage for the first time that both of that brands experienced are at age > 3 years. Keywords: Multiple Correspondence Analysis, Marketing, Perceptual Mapping, Positioning, Notebook Brand


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    This research aimed to analyze the fee, revenue, and profit of manufacturing instant star fruit exertion in CV. Tirta Indah Sentosa, identify the internal and external environment condition those are strength, weakness, chance and threat, also to know the alternative of development strategy that can be used in manufacturing instant star fruit in CV. Tirta Indah Sentosa. Basic method used in research was descriptive method and conducted with case study technique. Location determining method was purposively, that was CV. Tirta Indah Sentosa in Depok City. Kind of data used in this research were prime data and second data. Data analyze method used were (1) exertion analyze, (2) SWOT analyze, (3) IE matrix, and (4) SWOT matrix analyze. Research result shows that: total fee on July 2009 in the amount of Rp. 15,102,496, revenue in the amount of Rp. 21,600,000, and profit in the amount of Rp. 6,497,504. Main internal strengths owned by CV. Tirta Indah Sentosa are: a). relatively achieved sale and b). Motivate from the leader; main internal weaknesses are; a). simple monetary accounting system, and b). no promotion yet; main chances are: a). technology development, and b). open market; main threats of CV. Tirta Indah Sentosa are: wider distribution net of competitor. Alternative strategy that can be used in manufacturing instant star fruit in CV. Tirta Indah Sentosa is increasing the use of technology to obtain high production capacity in order to fulfill market demand, maintain and construct a good relationship with official employee, constructed women farmer group and supplier to guarantee the better quality of instant star fruit product, exploit the construction and training from the government to improve the taste and packing of instant star fruit, increase the capability of manufacture in fruit beverage industry with training to fulfill the high customer demand; exploit the given training by government to improve the packing of instant star fruit product also add exertion capital, improve monetary accounting system through training given by government; maintain the achievable product sale for all customer to winning the competition of producers, determine the entrepreneur mindset so the product quality become the main stuff in production, expand the distribution net of instant star fruit marketing; promote more effectively, to expand the distribution net, increase the capability of manufacture management to improve the competition power, increase the capital to overcome the price fluctuation problem that causing fluctuation product qualit

    Kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman hewn Makrobentos pada berbagai tipe Substrat perairan Pantai di Pulau Karimunjawa

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    RAHAYU PANGASTUTI. J 201941084. The Abundance and Diversity of Mala-obenthos in Different Substrates in Kariinunjawa Island (Dibawah bimbingan BENDA.RK0 SUGONDO dan JAFRON WASIQ H]DAYAT) Monitoring of biota including makrobenthos is needed in Karirnunjawa archipelago as National Park Ocean. Makrobentos live on the waterbody,s floor as the second or the third consumers. The composition of waterbody,s floor has influence to the makrobenthos. This research has aims to know the abundance and diversity of makrobenthos in sandy beach, rocky beach, estuarin and muddy beach and to know the dominant specieses in each beaches. The other aim is to know the releationship between the organic matter in water, and the percentage of grain sand to the sum of species suspension feeder's makrobentos. This research was done in Karimunjawa Island on November's 1998. The methode of this research is systematic random transact. Analysis for all data use the diversity indeks of Shannon, equitability indeks, and reg-ession of corelation. The result of this ressearch shows that there are 44 specieses of makrobentos including the Class of Gastrophod, Bivalve, Asteroidea, Polychaeta and Crustacean. The higher density of makrobenthos found in rocky beach with 86 specieseslm2. The value of diversity indeks are 1,667 to 2,643 and the value of equitabylity indeks are 0,832 to 0,910. The dominant specieses in sandy beach are the Gastrophod of Littorina undulata, Clypeornonis batilarlaeformis and Engina zonalis. Rocky beach is dominated by L. undulata, Siphonaria sirius and Patella s.p. The bivalve of Donax sp, Nereis diversicolor's worms and Capitella sp are dominant in estuarin. Muddy beach is dominated by Cdpiteikes worms, the Gastrophod of Vexillum subdivisun2 and L. scabra . There is a releationship between percentage of grain sand and the sum of species suspension feeder's makrobenthos.Engina zonalis Pantai berbatu didominasi oleh Gastropoda: L. undulata, Siphonaria dan Patella sp Bivalvia Donax sp, Polychaeta Nereis diversicolor dan Capitella sp mendominasi estuaria sungai Legon Lele, dan pada pantai berlumpur, organisme yang mendorninasi adalah Polychaeta Capitella sp, Gastropoda Vexillun2 svbdivisum dan L. scabra Terdapat korelasi yang kuat antara persentase pasir terbadap juts lah jenis makrobentos pemakan suspensi dengan nilai r = 0,9466. RAHAYU PANGASTUTI J 201 94 1084. Kelimpahan dan Keanekaragaman Hewan Makrobentos pada Berbagai Tipe Substrat Perairan Pantai di Pulau Karimunjawa_ (Dibawah bimbingan HENDARKO SUGONDO dan JAFRON WASIQ H1DAYAT). Status kepulauan Karimunjawa sebagai Taman Nasional Laut memerlukan pemantauan keanekaragaman biota termasuk di dalamnya adalah hewan makrobentos. Hewan makrobentos hidup pada substrat dasar- suatu perairan dan di claim ekosistem memegang peranan yang penting sebagai konsumen kedua dan ketiga Komposisi substrat dasar suatu perairan dapat rnempenganilii keanekaragaman hewan makrobentos yang hidup di dalamnya_ Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman hewan makrobentos di pantai berpasir, pantai berbatu, estuaria dan pantai berlumpur dan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis yang dominan pada musing-rasing pantai tersebut, sera untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persen substrat pasir dengan jumlah jenis bentos pemakan suspensi. Penelitian dilakukan di perairan pantai Pulau Karirnunjawa pada bul an November 1998. Metode sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini tnerupakan metode sisternatik random sampling dengan menggunakan transek. Hewan makrobentos yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman jenis Shannon¬Wiene• :, indeks pemerataan dan indeks kelimpahan relatif, dan hubungan antara persen substrat pasir dengan jumlah jenis bentos pemakan suspensi dihitung dengan rumus regresi Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah 44 jenis hewan makrobentos yang termasuk di datum kelps Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Asteroidea, Polychaeta. dan Cnistacea_ Kepadatan hewan mala-obentos yang tertinggi terdapat di pantai berbatu dengan jumlah individu 86/m2. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa nilai indeks keanekaragaman hewan makrobentos berkisar antara 1,667-2,643 dan nilai indeks pemerataan jenisnya. berkisar antara 0,832-0,910. Jenis-jenis makrobentos yang dominan pada pantai berpasir adalah Gastropoda: Littorina undulata, Clypeoniorus batilariaefonnis da

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Berpikir Positif Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan Menghadapi Ujian Nasional Pada Siswa Dan Siswi Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan berpikir positif untuk menurunkan kecemasan menghadapi Ujian Nasional pada siswa SMA. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah pelatihan berpikir positif efektif untuk menurunkan kecemasan menghadapi Ujian Nasional pada siswa SMU di Ponorogo. Subjek penelitian adalah 41 siswa siswi SMA di Ponorogo kelas XII. Desain penelitian adalah Pretest-Post Test Desain. Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan one way anova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor kecemasan menghadapi UN mengalami Perubahan antara sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan. Hasil anova menunjukkan nilai mean skor pretest 148,38 dan nilai mean post test 91,33 dengan F 231,451 dan p 0,000 (


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    This research aimed to describe suitability between learning objective and authentic assessment that made by certified biology teacher in Sidoarjo. This research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. Sample of this research is 27 certified biology teacher of 46 total population certified biology teacher in Sidoarjo. Techniques of collecting data done by documentation and gave self-assessment questionnaires teacher. Authentic assessment profile analysis result are known for 98,02% of teachers using authentic assessment. 98,02% of teacher who used authentic assessment, at 63,82% of teacher prepared learning objectives appropriate to the task and rubric. Keywords: learning objective, authentic assessment, Biology’s teache


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keterampilan mengelola kelas terhadap rasa ingin tahu siswa kelas III SD se-gugus IV kecamatan Godean kabupaten Sleman tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode ex-postfacto. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas III SD se-gugus IV kecamatan Godean yang berjumlah 123 dengan sampel berjumlah 94 siswa yang diambil secara acak dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan skala psikologis. Validitas instrumen menggunakan validitas isi. Reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach. Uji prasyarat analisis yang dilakukan adalah uji normalitas dan linieritas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: keterampilan mengelola kelas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap rasa ingin tahu siswa, ditunjukkan dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000 kurang dari 0,05 dengan sumbangan pengaruh sebesar 0,170.Hasil koefisien regresi bernilai positif yang menyatakan bahwa semakin tinggi nilai keterampilan mengelola kelas maka semakin tinggi pula nilai rasa ingin tahu siswa. Kata kunci: keterampilan mengelola kelas, rasa ingin tahu sisw
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