1,566 research outputs found

    Evaluación Bidimensional y Tridimensional de la Vía Aérea Superior

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.The aim of this study was to validate and correlate the two-dimensional (2D) with the three-dimensional (3D) measures of the upper airway assessment. Lateral cephalograms and cone beam CT of 100 adult subjects were used to perform a 2D and 3D assessment of the upper airway. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to determine whether there was correlation between variables. Additionally, specificity, sensitivity, negative predictive value and positive predictive value was calculated for the 2D assessment of the upper airway. Correlation between all two and three dimensional variables was found. In the nasopharynx and oropharynx, a weak correlation (r <0.51) was found; in the oropharynx a moderate one (0.50 <r <0.76). The validity tests of the 2D assessment resulted in a 73% sensitivity, 45% specificity, 93% negative predictive value and 14% positive predictive value for the nasopharynx; 100% sensitivity, 51% specificity, 100% negative predictive value and 6% positive predictive value in the oropharynx and 100% sensitivity, 71% specificity, 100% negative predictive value and 13% positive predictive value in the hypopharynx. There is a weak correlation between the 2D and 3D assessment of the upper airway. However, the lateral cephalogram has a high sensitivity and high negative predictive value, therefore, an additional complementary examination would not be necessary if the 2D assessment of the upper airway throws a normal result.http://ref.scielo.org/mpkrn

    Influence of a Streptomyces lividans SecG functional analogue on protein secretion

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    The membrane protein complex translocase mediates the translocation of bacterial proteins. In this complex, the SecY, SecE, and SecG proteins constitute an integral membrane domain. Sequence comparison revealed a potential secGlike gene in the gram-positive soil bacterium Streptomyces lividans. Chromosomal deletion of this gene resulted in a sporulation defect and an overall deficiency in secretion. The SecG-depleted strain was able to overproduce and secrete α-amylase, but the appearance of the oversynthesized protein outside the cell was delayed compared to the protein produced by the wildtype strain. SecG deficiency was found to result in more pronounced effects in S. lividans than in Bacillus subtilis or Escherichia coli. [Int Microbiol 2008; 11(1):25-31

    Tpk3 and Snf1 protein kinases regulate Rgt1 association with Saccharomyces cerevisiae HXK2 promoter

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    Hexokinase 2 is an essential factor for signalling repression through the Saccharomyces cerevisiae high-glucose sensing pathway. The main regulatory mechanism that controls the HXK2 gene expression in yeast is mediated by the Rgt1 and Med8 transcription factors, which repress HXK2 expression in low-glucose containing media. In this study, we show that the repression activity of Rgt1 is regulated by Snf1 and Tpk3 protein kinases. Binding of Rgt1 to the HXK2 promoter requires Rgt1 phosphorylation by Snf1 or by an Snf1-dependent protein kinase. Conversely, Rgt1 hyperphosphorylation by the Tpk3 or by a Tpk3-dependent protein kinase dissociates Rgt1 from the repressor complex. Two-hybrid and chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments indicate that an Snf1-dependent interaction between Rgt1 and Med8 in the repressor complex is also essential for Rgt1 repression. The repression of HXK2 transcription by Rgt1 likely occurs through the formation of a DNA loop in the HXK2 locus, spanning the promoter and coding regions. These results suggest that a novel silent-chromatin loop is responsible for Rgt1-dependent transcriptional regulation of the HXK2 gene

    High-Q Gold and Silicon Nitride Bilayer Nanostrings

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    Low-mass, high-Q, silicon nitride nanostrings are at the cutting edge of nanomechanical devices for sensing applications. Here we show that the addition of a chemically functionalizable gold overlayer does not adversely affect the Q of the fundamental out-of-plane mode. Instead the device retains its mechanical responsiveness while gaining sensitivity to molecular bonding. Furthermore, differences in thermal expansion within the bilayer give rise to internal stresses that can be electrically controlled. In particular, an alternating current excites resonant motion of the nanostring. This AC thermoelastic actuation is simple, robust, and provides an integrated approach to sensor actuation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures + supplementary materia

    Thin-layer agar for detection of resistance to rifampicin, ofloxacin and kanamycin in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates

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    BACKGROUND: In low-income countries there is a great need for economical methods for testing the susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antibiotics. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the thin-layer agar (TLA) for rapid detection of resistance to rifampicin (RMP), ofloxacin (OFX) and kanamycin (KM) in M. tuberculosis clinical isolates and to determine the sensitivity, specificity and time to positivity compared to the gold standard method. METHODS: One hundred and forty-seven clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis were studied. For the TLA method, a quadrant Petri plate containing 7H11 agar with RMP, OFX and KM was used. Results were compared to the Bactec MGIT960 for RMP and the proportion method for OFX and KM. RESULTS: The sensitivity and specificity for RMP and OFX were 100% and for KM they were 100% and 98.7%, respectively. The use of a TLA quadrant plate enables the rapid detection of resistance to the three anti-tuberculosis drugs RMP, OFX and KM in a median of 10 days. CONCLUSION: TLA was an accurate method for the detection of resistance in the three drugs studied. This faster method is simple to perform, providing an alternative method when more sophisticated techniques are not available in low-resource settings

    Tratamiento de la demodicosis canina generalizada con dosis reducidas de ivermectina oral

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    La administración diaria de ivermectina a dosis altas (0,6 mg/kg) es la mejor alternativa disponible para tratar aquellos casos de sarna demodécica resistente al almiraz

    Reclamaciones de pacientes en el servicio de emergencia adultos de un hospital de tercer nivel de atención: Patient complaints in the adult emergency department of a tertiary referral hospital

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    Introduction: The critical condition of the patient who presents to an emergency department creates a need to provide timely, safe and warm care. Failing to meet these expectations causes patient dissatisfaction, reflected by complaints, which are mostly justified and lead to opportunities for improvement and corrective measures. Objective: To analyze complaints presented by patients and their relatives at the Adult Emergency Department of the Edgardo Rebagliati Martins National Hospital. Methods: Nonexperimental, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Our sample was comprised of 109 complaints between May and November 2019. We used a data collection sheet based on the information in the complaints book for health care services. Results: We identified 187 reasons for complaints. Our results show that direct relatives filed 47.7%; 43% involved Internal Medicine consultations. In the dimension “inadequate treatment by healthcare workers,” 13.9% of patients complained about impolite and rude treatment. In the dimension “delay in care”, 12.8% were discontent due to the lack of timely care. In the dimension “user disagreement with care or treatment received,” 10.2% were dissatisfied with the care they were provided. 60.6% of complaints were satisfactorily resolved within the period specified by current regulations. Conclusion: Most complaints were related to the direct care of the patient.Introducción: La condición crítica del paciente que acude a emergencia genera la necesidad de otorgar una atención oportuna, segura y cálida. No cubrir estas expectativas desencadena en la insatisfacción del paciente, reflejada mediante reclamaciones, las cuales en su mayoría resultan justificadas, generando oportunidades de mejora y medidas correctivas. Objetivo: Analizar las reclamaciones presentadas por el paciente y sus familiares en el servicio de emergencia adultos del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins. Métodos: Diseño no experimental, descriptivo, de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 109 reclamaciones durante el periodo comprendido de mayo a noviembre 2019. Se utilizó una ficha de recolección de datos con la información del Libro de Reclamaciones en Salud. Resultados: Se identificaron 187 motivos de reclamaciones. Los resultados mostraron que 47,7% fueron presentadas por familiares directos y que 43% correspondieron al área de medicina interna. En la dimensión inadecuado trato por parte del personal asistencial, 13,9% de pacientes mostraron disconformidad frente al trato descortés y grosero; en la dimensión demora en la atención, 12,8% manifestaron encontrarse descontentos por la falta de atención oportuna y, en la dimensión desacuerdo del usuario con la atención o tratamiento recibido, 10,2% quedaron insatisfechos con la atención recibida. 60,6% de reclamaciones se resolvieron satisfactoriamente dentro del plazo exigido en la norma. Conclusión: La mayor cantidad de reclamaciones correspondieron al tipo prestacional, asociadas a la atención directa del paciente


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    Evaluation of two toothbrushes prescriptions on the removal of plaque in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloLa aparatología empleada en los tratamientos de ortodoncia, favorece la retención de placa bacteriana y dificulta su eliminación por parte del paciente, aumentando el riesgo de desarrollar caries, manchas blancas y enfermedad periodontal. Diferentes cepillos dentales se han desarrollado para facilitar la mantención de una adecuada higiene oral en estos pacientes, sin embargo, se ha observado que los cepillos comunmente indicados (cepillo ortodóncico mas cepillo unipenacho), no siempre son bien manejados y difícilmente se usan ambos. El cepillo Cross Action Pro-Salud®, se ha presentado como una alternativa simple de usar y de transportar, por ser un único cepillo que combina las caracteristicas de los dos cepillos comunmente recomendados. Para evaluar la efectividad de este cepillo, en comparación con la prescripción convencional, se evaluaron 2 grupos, de 23 pacientes cada uno, portadores de aparatología fija. Un grupo utilizó la prescripción habitual y un segundo grupo utilizó cepillo Cross Action Pro-Salud®, por un período de 45 días. Los indices de higiene de O`leary, de placa en brackets y gingival modificado fueron registrados al inicio y 45 días después del uso diario de los cepillos antes mencionados. Se utilizó test-t para comparar los resultados obtenidos y se determinó que se produjo una disminución significativa en los tres indices de higiene, no existiendo diferencias en los resultados obtenidos entre ambas prescripciones. El cepillo Oral-B Cross-Action Pro-Salud® es una alternativa recomendable, ya que permite eliminar efectivamente la placa bacteriana en pacientes ortodónticos, y al ser un único cepillo, facilita y acorta el tiempo de cepillado.Orthodontic fixed appliances include elements that allow the accumulation of bacterial plaque, making tooth brushing more difficult and increasing the risk of developing caries, white spot lesions, and periodontal disease. Several toothbrushes designs have been developed to facilitate oral hygiene in orthodontic patients; however, it has been observed that most patients do not take enough time to brush using adequately both commonly prescribed toothbrushes (Oral-B End-Tufted® and Oral-B Orthodontic® brushes). Oral B Cross Action Pro-Health® has been presented as an alternative, easier to use and to transport. To assess the effectiveness of Cross Action Pro-Health® versus commonly prescribed toothbrushes, two randomly assigned groups of 23 orthodontic patients each, were evaluated. One group of patients used commonly prescribed toothbrushes and the second group used Cross Action Pro-Health®. O`Leary, modified gingival and Bracket plaque index were measured before and 45 days after the daily use of the two mentioned toothbrushes prescriptions. T-test was used to detect statistically significant differences among the brushes for each index. The results demonstrated a significant reduction of the three indexes with the daily use of Cross Action Pro-Health® and no differences were found versus commonly used prescription. Orthodontic patients may benefit from the use of a single brush prescription (Cross Action Pro-Health®), because effective plaque removal can be achieved easier and faster.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0719-01072012000300002&nrm=is

    TPM Maintenance Management Model Focused on Reliability that Enables the Increase of the Availability of Heavy Equipment in the Construction Sector

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a maintenance study focused on total productive maintenance (TPM) and reliability-centered maintenance (RCM). Its approach is based on the first pillars of TPM, preventive and autonomous maintenance, as well as the FMEA analysis of RCM for maintenance analysis, which was conducted in this study. The implementation of TPM was successful in that various preventive maintenance (PM) policies assigned to the assets were implemented and it was demonstrated that TPM application in the construction industry could reduce the excessive accumulation of maintenance with the same effective optimization, and with support from RCM analysis and its heavy equipment systems analysis. Excessive corrective maintenance accounts for high investment and delay rates in work times of the assigned project. Traditional methods of availability guarantee, such as reactive or routine maintenance, are insufficient to satisfy a heavy equipment maintenance plan; therefore, what is called for is the systematic application of RCM and TMP because they allow the selection and application of effective PM tasks. An approach that develops and thoroughly analyzes the strategies of continuous corrective and PM is used with an atmosphere of uncertainty and with operational data limited by criticism. Results show a 90% improvement in availability.Revisión por pare