17 research outputs found

    Plasma?-III tubulin, neurofilament light chain and glial fibrillary acidic protein are associated with neurodegeneration and progression in schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is a progressive disorder characterized by multiple psychotic relapses. After every relapse, patients may not fully recover, and this may lead to a progressive loss of functionality. Pharmacological treatment represents a key factor to minimize the biological, psychological and psychosocial impact of the disorder. The number of relapses and the duration of psychotic episodes induce a potential neuronal damage and subsequently, neurodegenerative processes. Thus, a comparative study was performed, including forty healthy controls and forty-two SZ patients divided into first-episode psychosis (FEP) and chronic SZ (CSZ) subgroups, where the CSZ sub group was subdivided by antipsychotic treatment. In order to measure the potential neuronal damage, plasma levels of beta-III tubulin, neurofilament light chain (Nf-L), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were performed. The results revealed that the levels of these proteins were increased in the SZ group compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Moreover, multiple comparison analysis showed highly significant levels of beta-III tubulin (P = 0.0002), Nf-L (P = 0.0403) and GFAP (P < 0.015) in the subgroup of CSZ clozapine-treated. In conclusion, beta-III tubulin, Nf-L and GFAP proteins may be potential biomarkers of neurodegeneration and progression in SZ

    Trace metal distribution in the bed, bank and suspended sediment of the Ravensbourne River and its implication for sediment monitoring in an urban river

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    Purpose This study aims to identify a suitable sediment compartment for sediment quality monitoring by: (a) studying the concentration of trace metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the bed, bank and suspended sediment compartments of the Ravensbourne River to establish any differences in trace metal concentrations with compartment; (b) determining the influence of sediment particle size fractions ( 0.05) in the concentrations of metals between the suspended sediment and the < 63 μm bed sediment fraction, but there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the suspended sediment and the < 63 μm bank sediment fraction. There were also significant differences between the concentrations of metals in the < 63 μm and the 63 μm–2 mm fractions. Generally, the Ravensbourne River did not comply with the draft UK sediment quality guidelines for the metals analysed. Conclusions This study shows the importance of identifying a suitable sediment compartment to sample for compliance with sediment quality standards. The bed and suspended sediments are the most widely used sediment compartments for sediment monitoring, but collecting sufficient mass of the < 63 μm sediment fraction for monitoring presents a challenge for urban gravel bed rivers like the Ravensbourne River. It seems appropriate to establish individual monitoring regimes for different rivers

    Efecto de la escorrentía sobre la carga de sedimentos en sus­pensión y fósforo en un arroyo de cabecera de una cuenca ru­ral (NO España) Effect of runoff on suspended sediment and phosphorus loading in a headwater stream of a rural catchment (NW Spain)

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    Se determinó la carga de sedimentos en suspensión (SS) y fósforo (P) durante even­tos de lluvia-escorrentía en un arroyo de ca­becera, que drena una cuenca rural ubicada en Galicia (NO España). Asimismo, se trató de conocer las principales fuentes de SS y P exportados. Se observaron acusadas dife­rencias en la carga de SS y P entre eventos, lo cual se asocia con el volumen de esco­rrentía, así como con el desarrollo de surcos y cárcavas efímeras en parcelas de cultivo bien conectadas con la red de drenaje. La carga de SS osciló entre 0,8 y 21,0 t mientras que la de P varió entre 2,5 y 20,0 kg. El fósforo parti­culado (PP) mostró relaciones significativas con los SS, lo que indica el origen erosivo de una parte importante de P, especialmente considerando que el PP supone más de un 80% del P exportado en cada evento.<br>This work examines the suspended sedi­ment (SS) and phosphorus (P) load during rainfall-runoff events in a headwater stream which drains a rural catchment located in Galicia (NW Spain). Another objective is to know the major sources of SS and P ex­ported. Important differences in the SS and P load between events were found, which is associated with the runoff volume, as well as to develop of rills and ephemeral gullies in cultivated fields well connected to the drainage network. The SS load ranged be­tween 0.8 and 21.0 t, while the P load varied between 2.5 and 20.0 kg. The particulate phosphorus (PP) showed significant rela­tionship with SS, which indicates the ero­sive origin of P, especially considering that PP means more 80% of P exported each event

    Improvement of the mechanical properties in hybrid structures by polyurethane rigid foams reinforcement in aluminium profiles

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    One of the biggest challenges in transport industry is weight reduction. The objective is both economic and environmental: cost reduction together with a reduction in the use of fuel and CO2 emissions. Multi-material design, with rigid foams as local reinforcements, suppose a great opportunity to success this challenges, being a versatile solution for cost and weight saving. Among them, polyurethane rigid foams (PUR) not only present structural and energy absorption advantages, but also improveme other properties, as corrosion resistance and vibration and noise reduction. In the present work, extruded profiles (series 6xxx-T6) were reinforced with PUR foams manufactured by CETEC. The influence of the next factors on the structural strength has been evaluated: profiles wall thickness (from 1.6 to 4 mm), filling method (manual or injection), PUR density (from 100 to 300 kg/m3), amount of material inside the profiles (from 70 to 90%) and influence of the temperature in the PUR foaming. Improvement in the structural strength (maximum load and energy absorption) was characterised by 3-point bending test. In conclusion, it has been observed an improvement in the load and energy absorption with the inclusion of PUR, with a dependence on the wall tickness and foam density. Furthermore, injected profiles presented improved structural results due to the better control over the manufacturing process

    613 cases of splenic rupture without risk factors or previously diagnosed disease: a systematic review

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    Background Rupture of the spleen in the absence of trauma or previously diagnosed disease is largely ignored in the emergency literature and is often not documented as such in journals from other fields. We have conducted a systematic review of the literature to highlight the surprisingly frequent occurrence of this phenomenon and to document the diversity of diseases that can present in this fashion. Methods Systematic review of English and French language publications catalogued in Pubmed, Embase and CINAHL between 1950 and 2011. Results We found 613 cases of splenic rupture meeting the criteria above, 327 of which occurred as the presenting complaint of an underlying disease and 112 of which occurred following a medical procedure. Rupture appeared to occur spontaneously in histologically normal (but not necessarily normal size) spleens in 35 cases and after minor trauma in 23 cases. Medications were implicated in 47 cases, a splenic or adjacent anatomical abnormality in 31 cases and pregnancy or its complications in 38 cases. The most common associated diseases were infectious (n = 143), haematologic (n = 84) and non-haematologic neoplasms (n = 48). Amyloidosis (n = 24), internal trauma such as cough or vomiting (n = 17) and rheumatologic diseases (n = 10) are less frequently reported. Colonoscopy (n = 87) was the procedure reported most frequently as a cause of rupture. The anatomic abnormalities associated with rupture include splenic cysts (n = 6), infarction (n = 6) and hamartomata (n = 5). Medications associated with rupture include anticoagulants (n = 21), thrombolytics (n = 13) and recombinant G-CSF (n = 10). Other causes or associations reported very infrequently include other endoscopy, pulmonary, cardiac or abdominal surgery, hysterectomy, peliosis, empyema, remote pancreato-renal transplant, thrombosed splenic vein, hemangiomata, pancreatic pseudocysts, splenic artery aneurysm, cholesterol embolism, splenic granuloma, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, rib exostosis, pancreatitis, Gaucher's disease, Wilson's disease, pheochromocytoma, afibrinogenemia and ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Conclusions Emergency physicians should be attuned to the fact that rupture of the spleen can occur in the absence of major trauma or previously diagnosed splenic disease. The occurrence of such a rupture is likely to be the manifesting complaint of an underlying disease. Furthermore, colonoscopy should be more widely documented as a cause of splenic rupture

    Ischemia and apoptosis in an animal model of permanent infarct-related artery occlusion.

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    Apoptosis is a pathologic feature of cardiomyocytes in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and heart failure. The temporal course of apoptosis in the peri-infarct area in the weeks following an AMI is still uncompletely defined. In order to study the time course of apoptosis after AMI, 16 rabbits underwent left coronary artery ligation and were sacrificed at 16, 26, 35, and 56 days after surgery. Increased apoptotic rate (AR) was observed at in the peri-infarct region than in remote myocardium (5.4% [2.5-9.6] vs 0.4% [0.1-0.9], respectively, P < 0.001) and than in sham-operated cases (0.01% [0-0.02], P < 0.001). A gradual decrease of AR in the peri-infarct region was observed over time with a 90% reduction at 8 weeks after coronary ligation. © 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Data Paper. Data Paper

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    <h2>File List</h2><div> <p><a href="dissections 54_09.txt">dissections 54_09.txt</a> (MD5: 909e1aad967c361ac3d0d21814a13653) </p> </div><h2>Description</h2><div> <p>Total body size, mass or linear measurements, and gonad mass or volumes have been recorded for the North American Pacific coast sea urchins <i>Strongylocentrotus purpuratus,</i> <i>Mesocentrotus (Strongylocentrotus)</i> <i>franciscanus, </i>and <i>Lytechinus pictus</i> by various workers at diverse sites and for varying lengths of time from 1954 to 2009. Some dissections included other body components such as the gut, body wall, and Aristotle's lantern, and some dissections included both wet and dry mass. There are numerous peer-reviewed publications that have used some of these data, but some data have appeared only in graduate theses or in the gray literature. There also are data that have never appeared outside the original data sheets. Historically, data were used to describe reproductive cycles and then to compare responses to stressors such as food limitation or pollution. Differences in temperature among sites also have been explored. More recently, dissection data have linked gonad development to ocean conditions, so called bottom-up forcing. The data set presented here is a historical record of gonad development for a common group of marine invertebrates in intertidal and nearshore environments, which can be used to test hypotheses concerning future changes associated with climate change and ocean acidification along the Pacific Coast of North America.</p> <p> <i>Key words</i>: <i>allometry; gonad index; historical data; intertidal; </i>Lytechinus; Mesocentrotus;<i> North America; Pacific coast; reproduction; sea urchins; </i>Strongylocentrotus;<i> subtidal. </i> </p> </div