110 research outputs found

    Redueixen l'atac de bacteris a les larves de peixos

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    L'alimentació de les larves de peixos en aqüicultura requereix l'ús de preses vives fins que es poden alimentar amb pinso. Això implica la presència d'una elevada quantitat de bacteris que els provoquen malalties i afecten la seva supervivència. Investigadors de l'IRTA i de la UAB han aconseguit reduir la càrrega bacteriana sense afectar les larves ni al seu desenvolupament.La alimentación de las larvas de peces en acuicultura requiere el uso depresas vivas hasta que pueden ser alimentadas con pienso. Esto implicala presencia de una elevada cantidad de bacterias que les provocanenfermedades y afectan a su supervivencia. Investigadores del IRTA yde la UAB han conseguido reducir la carga bacteriana sin afectar alas larvas ni a su desarrollo

    Bienestar en peces : un enfoque global necesario

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    Introducción a la Jornada sobre Bienestar en Peces - Barcelona, 26 junio 2019Introduction to the Conference on Fish Welfare - Barcelona, 26 June 201

    Pinyó reversible

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    Aquest projecte final de carrera té com a finalitat estudiar la viabilitat de la creació, partint des de zero, d’un sistema que permeti combinar els avantatges i desavantatges del actuals sistemes d’engranatges de pinyó fixe i pinyó lliure, per tal de suplir necessitats energètiques i/o pràctiques. S’estudiarà la situació i el funcionament de diferents màquines i mecanismes en l’actualitat. Es projectaran diferents propostes, una de les quals serà desenvolupada. Un cop desenvolupada la proposta, s’explicarà el funcionament del conjunt i s’explicaran cadascuna de les peces individualment. Es farà un modelat en tres dimensions i un estudi de resistències de la proposta definitiva, el disseny de forma assistida per software informàtic CATIA V5 i el seu consegüent plotejat de plànols. Posteriorment es realitzarà un prototipat. El projecte s’encararà en el camp de l’esport, i més concretament el del ciclisme, tant l’utilitari com el d’alta competició. Paraule

    Multimorbidity as specific disease combinations, an important predictor factor for mortality in octogenarians: the Octabaix study

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    BACKGROUND: The population is aging and multimorbidity is becoming a common problem in the elderly. OBJECTIVE: To explore the effect of multimorbidity patterns on mortality for all causes at 3- and 5-year follow-up periods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective community-based cohort (2009-2014) embedded within a randomized clinical trial was conducted in seven primary health care centers, including 328 subjects aged 85 years at baseline. Sociodemographic variables, sensory status, cardiovascular risk factors, comorbidity, and geriatric tests were analyzed. Multimorbidity patterns were defined as combinations of two or three of 16 specific chronic conditions in the same individual. RESULTS: Of the total sample, the median and interquartile range value of conditions was 4 (3-5). The individual morbidities significantly associated with death were chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; hazard ratio [HR]: 2.47; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.3; 4.7), atrial fibrillation (AF; HR: 2.41; 95% CI: 1.3; 4.3), and malignancy (HR: 1.9; 95% CI: 1.0; 3.6) at 3-year follow-up; whereas dementia (HR: 2.04; 95% CI: 1.3; 3.2), malignancy (HR: 1.84; 95% CI: 1.2; 2.8), and COPD (HR: 1.77; 95% CI: 1.1; 2.8) were the most associated with mortality at 5-year follow-up, after adjusting using Barthel functional index (BI). The two multimorbidity patterns most associated with death were AF, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and visual impairment (HR: 4.19; 95% CI: 2.2; 8.2) at 3-year follow-up as well as hypertension, CKD, and malignancy (HR: 3.24; 95% CI: 1.8; 5.8) at 5 years, after adjusting using BI. CONCLUSION: Multimorbidity as specific combinations of chronic conditions showed an effect on mortality, which would be higher than the risk attributable to individual morbidities. The most important predicting pattern for mortality was the combination of AF, CKD, and visual impairment after 3 years. These findings suggest that a new approach is required to target multimorbidity in octogenarians

    Integrated Management Strategies for Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) Disease Control in Marine Fish Farming in the Mediterranean

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    Viral nervous necrosis (VNN) is the most important viral disease affecting farmed fish in the Mediterranean. VNN can affect multiple fish species in all production phases (broodstock, hatchery, nursery and ongrowing) and sizes, but it is especially severe in larvae and juvenile stages, where can it cause up to 100% mortalities. European sea bass has been and is still the most affected species, and VNN in gilthead sea bream has become an emerging problem in recent years affecting larvae and juveniles and associated to the presence of new nervous necrosis virus (NNV) reassortants. The relevance of this disease as one of the main biological hazards for Mediterranean finfish farming has been particularly addressed in two recent H2020 projects: PerformFISH and MedAID. The presence of the virus in the environment and in the farming systems poses a serious menace for the development of the Mediterranean finfish aquaculture. Several risks associated to the VNN development in farms have been identified in the different phases of the farming system. The main risks concerning VNN affecting gilthead seabream and European seabass have been identified as restocking from wild fish in broodstock facilities, the origin of eggs and juveniles, quality water supply and live food in hatcheries and nurseries, and infected juveniles and location of farms in endemic areas for on-growing sites. Due to the potential severe impact, a holistic integrated management approach is the best strategy to control VNN in marine fish farms. This approach should include continuous surveillance and early and accurate diagnosis, essential for an early intervention when an outbreak occurs, the implementation of biosecurity and disinfection procedures in the production sites and systematic vaccination with effective vaccines. Outbreak management practices, clinical aspects, diagnostic techniques, and disinfections methods are reviewed in detail in this paper. Additionally, new strategies are becoming more relevant, such as the use of genetic resistant lines and boosting the fish immune system though nutrition

    Parásitos e histopatología de Mullus barbatus y Citharus linguatula de dos zonas sometidas a diferente grado de contaminación del Mediterráneo noroccidental

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    The usefulness of fish parasite communities as bioindicators of environmental stress was tested on two benthic fish species, the red mullet (Mullus barbatus) and the spotted flounder (Citharus linguatula), during the spring of 2006 at two sites of the Catalan coast (northwestern Mediterranean): an anthropogenic-impacted area located close to the city of Barcelona, and a less polluted area close to Blanes (Girona). Gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices and condition factor were determined for the fishes caught. Prevalence, mean intensity, mean abundance and species richness of the parasites found in the survey were calculated for both species and locations, and the main histological alterations were recorded. Cysts of unknown aetiology and intestinal coccidians were reported only in red mullets from the area close to Barcelona, which were highly parasitized by the digenean Opecoeloides furcatus and the nematode Capillaria sp. However, a higher prevalence of Ichthyophonus sp. was reported in the spotted flounder from Blanes. Cysts of unknown aetiology, some nematodes and Ichthyophonus sp. may be associated with pollution.Se ha comparado la utilidad de las comunidades parasíticas de peces como bioindicadores de estrés ambiental en dos especies bentónicas de peces , el salmonete de fango Mullus barbatus y la solleta Citharus linguatula, durante la primavera de 2006 en dos lugares de la costa catalana (Mediterráneo NO): un área fuertemente impactada cerca de la ciudad de Barcelona, y una menos contaminada cerca de Blanes (Girona). Se determinó el índice gonadosomático, el índice hepatosomático y el factor de condición de los peces capturados. Se calculó la prevalencia, intensidad media, abundancia media y riqueza específica de los diferentes parásitos encontrados por especie y localidad, y se analizaron las principales alteraciones histológicas. Se han encontrado quistes de etiología desconocida y coccidios intestinales tan sólo en los ejemplares de M. barbatus de Barcelona, los cuales también estaban altamente parasitados por el digeneo Opecoeloides furcatus y el nematodo Capillaria sp. Se ha detectado Ichthyophonus sp. tan sólo en los ejemplares de C. linguatula, presentando una mayor prevalencia en los ejemplares de Blanes. Los quistes de etiología desconocida, algunos nematodos e Ichthyophonus sp. podrían estar relacionados con la contaminació

    Ecologically relevant biomarkers reveal that chronic effects of nitrate depend on sex and life stage in the invasive fish Gambusia holbrooki

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    Agricultural intensification and shifts in precipitation regimes due to global climate change are expected to increase nutrient concentrations in aquatic ecosystems. However, the direct effects of nutrients widely present in wastewaters, such as nitrate, are poorly studied. Here, we use multiple indicators of fish health to experimentally test the effects of three ecologically relevant nitrate concentrations (<10, 50 and 250 mg NO /l) on wild-collected mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki), a species widely introduced for mosquito biocontrol in often eutrophic waters. Overall, biomarkers (histopathology, feeding assays, growth and caloric content and stable isotopes as indicators of energy content) did not detect overt signs of serious disease in juveniles, males or females of mosquitofish. However, males reduced food intake at the highest nitrate concentration compared to the controls and females. Similarly, juveniles reduced energy reserves without significant changes in growth or food intake. Calorimetry was positively associated with the number of perivisceral fat cells in juveniles, and the growth rate of females was negatively associated with δ N signature in muscle. This study shows that females are more tolerant to nitrate than males and juveniles and illustrates the advantages of combing short- and long-term biomarkers in environmental risk assessment, including when testing for the adequacy of legal thresholds for pollutants

    Best therapeutic practices for the use of antibacterial agents in finfish aquaculture: a particular view on European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) in Mediterranean aquaculture

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    open7siAntibacterial therapy is still in many cases the only way to control bacterial disease outbreaks, with relevant economic issues. Nevertheless, this necessity should also be well balanced with other relevant aspects such as suitability, efficacy and refinement of the treatments but also with consumer and environmental welfare. With this aim, the literature pertaining to the use of antibacterials (i.e. oxytetracycline, oxolinic acid, flumequine and potentiated sulphonamides) in Mediterranean farmed European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) was reviewed and addressed. Knowledge of drug pharmacokinetics along with the related legislation is also presented. The main criteria, technical aspects and constraints affecting the design of an appropriate antibacterial therapy are also discussed. An evaluation of available bibliography revealed the existence of considerable information on several registered antibacterials, while it is limited for others. Typically, minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) have been used as a reference for antibacterial selection. However, the methodologies used for MIC assessment require refinement and more sophisticated data such as epidemiological cut-off breakpoint values. Due to the characteristics of farming systems, antibacterials are mostly delivered through medicated feeds. The large number of production units and number of fish per unit, together with a limited timeframe margin for efficient therapy, makes Mediterranean gilthead seabream and European seabass, one of the best examples where the metaphylactic concept has to be considered in aquatic medicine. The information presented in this review should guide future action taken to fulfil research gaps and promote effective and prudent antibacterial practices.openRigos G.; Kogiannou D.; Padros F.; Cristofol C.; Florio D.; Fioravanti M.; Zarza C.Rigos G.; Kogiannou D.; Padros F.; Cristofol C.; Florio D.; Fioravanti M.; Zarza C

    Accacoelium contortum (Trematoda : Accacoeliidae) a trematode living as a monogenean: morphological and pathological implications

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    Accacoelium contortum (Rudolphi, 1819) Monticelli, 1893 is a frequent but poorly known trematode found on gills, pharynx and digestive tract of the ocean sunfish Mola mola (L.). Although the morphology of A. contortum agrees with that of a typical endoparasitic trematode, with two relatively small suckers and no large holdfasts, this parasite is normally ectoparasitic. The main objective of this paper is to explore this peculiar host-parasite relationship. A total of 106 ocean sunfish were examined for the presence of A. contortum. The oropharyngeal chamber (gills and pharynx) and the digestive tract were analysed. As the previous descriptions of this species seem to be based on contracted specimens, for the morphological study the parasites were killed using two methods: with hot 70 % ethanol (with relaxed bodies) and with 70 % ethanol at room temperature (with contracted bodies). For histological studies, samples from fresh fish with parasitised left gills, pharynx and digestive tract were fixed in buffered 10 % formalin. For molecular studies the 18S, 28S and ITS-2 sequences were provided and compared with the available data in GenBank®. New information on the morphology of A. contortum and on the parasite-related response and pathological alterations in the host are given. New diagnostic traits for some structures are provided: e.g. tegumental papillae of the forebody with apical digitiform swellings and mouth surrounded by a circum-oral crown of simple papillae. The length of the ventral sucker peduncle and the position of the vitellarium were found to be associated with the contraction degree of the specimen. Immature individuals of this species are described for the first time. An intense proliferative inflammatory response of host gill and pharynx epithelium at the host-parasite interface was detected and parasites became partially covered by overgrowths of host tissues. The induction of prominent histological alterations associated with A. contortum seems to be an adaptation to the external environment, an unusual location for trematodes